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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 163 KB, 375x500, Bleido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8923382 No.8923382 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8923391

moe moe kyun nigga

>> No.8923416

I'd hit it. She is very fucking cute.

>> No.8923419

pretty cute.

>> No.8923424

well the meidos in the hood are all messed up

>> No.8923437

Anon, you'd hit anything as long as it was breathing.

>> No.8923440

I'd marry her and I'm white

>> No.8923459
File: 173 KB, 378x500, _m_rkafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923471


>> No.8923489

I'd marry her and I'm black.

>> No.8923494

Forgot mah song.

>> No.8923493


>> No.8923499

Took years of interracial engineering to finally produce a moe black girl.

>> No.8923502

Now we just need to hear her voice. If she sounds like a ghetto slut I'm out.

>> No.8923504

Maid outfits works like magic, shes looks worst than a 2D but better that the regular black 3D women.

>> No.8923509
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>> No.8923508

What's with niggers having a lighter skin tone on their palms? Shit's nasty.

>> No.8923530


I'm not a nigger though.
White either.

>> No.8923576
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 1334479570533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8923582

>you will never have a black slave maid like your forefathers

>> No.8923579

They were on all fours when the gods sprayed shit on them.

>> No.8923587


because the cover up of Leprosy

>> No.8923594
File: 91 KB, 301x267, 1274194297877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923592

Why would you put a filthy chimp into an elegant meido outfit?

>> No.8923601

suggesting my ancestors were pussies who used slaves

>> No.8923603
File: 9 KB, 212x238, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all do, just its more easy to nice on black people.
Same like the color of teeth on black people seem to be more white but its just because of the bigger contrast.

also the girl looks cute and I am not even that big a fan of black girls.

>> No.8923613

I think my white family came to the US after slavery was abolished here, but my black family (from Mississippi) were probably slaves.

>> No.8923609

Wonder what sorts of diseases she's been cultivating down there.

>> No.8923615

On her feet?

>> No.8923622

I find it funny how all of our shitposters are /pol/ users.

>> No.8923629
File: 76 KB, 827x692, Boggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny how /jp/ users claim to hate 3D, then lust over a fucking nigger in a meido costume of all things.

>> No.8923633

Anally pained stormfag detected.

>> No.8923638

What can I do, her face looks kind of cute.
She's probably as bitches&whores as anyone else though.

>> No.8923642

I bet she's a sweetheart who cooks you breakfast~

>> No.8923641
File: 50 KB, 176x144, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the trolls claim the hate 3D.
the 2D guys just don't care about 3D , nothing more.
also I don't understand why she would be a nigger, she seems quite cute and normal girl.If you would post me a photo of a ghetto black girl than its different story's this are niggers.

>> No.8923652

a nice breakfast of AIDS and gonorrhea~

>> No.8923658

NO! Waffles with maple syrup! (That she put some of her vaginal secretion in)

>> No.8923665


>you will never have a black maid cooking your breakfast

Thank you America!
