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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 700x629, 1319232807292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8886661 No.8886661 [Reply] [Original]

How is your Fridey doing thus far /jp/?

Play any fun games? Watch any good anime? Make any good shitposts? Are you drunk?

>> No.8886680

>Play any fun games?
fucking blizzard

>> No.8886682

watching the /vg/ D3 thread. It's fucking fascinating, go see it yourself.

>> No.8886684
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Nope, but I'm programming and talking to my friends on /jp/.

>> No.8886686

I'm playing Nehrim.
I gotta say It's pretty good.

>> No.8886694

/jp/'s coming up on a get so I'm trying to think of something else to do when it gets invaded by retards

>> No.8886696

im drunk

>> No.8886699
File: 1.03 MB, 1644x1564, 1333136676310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This macro is better

I played Touhou
I watched the new episode of Sankarea
I posted in the 2hu gangsta thread
I am not drunk but I am eating wings and I'm sick and smoked a lot today so I feel bad

>> No.8886702

>Are you drunk?
Not yet

>> No.8886707


That's far too busy. It's just a random bunch of photos and half baked memes no one even uses much. You can barely see it's about Fridey.

>> No.8886713

>But milady is supposed to be a flat-chested loli...!

What's the source on this one?

>> No.8886718

I'm moderately high, but I'm all out after the last half gram I have. No money for liquor either.

Shitty Friday and 4/20.

>> No.8886727
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i must study

but i will waste my weekend playing games and watching anime instead

>> No.8886738
File: 601 KB, 1024x1024, whatafuckman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This macro is better
No it isn't, Njittie.

Sometimes being autismal as hell and filling an image with bullshite works well and makes it amusing, pic related.
Other times it just looks like you're trying too hard and it ruins the original charm, your pic related.

>> No.8886744 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 437x383, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be better
but its ok

>> No.8886753


Now that's a cool image. It needs some hidden things in it, though. Would remind me of those "I Spy" books from the 1990s where they'd set up a scene of stuff, and hide objects in the picture and you had to find them.


>> No.8886774


Yeah, I guess I do like that one better

>> No.8886775
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>> No.8886783


You're not invited to this party then, get out!

>> No.8886782
File: 178 KB, 800x707, 30f3df1527fbb5c8202537e33721461e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slitting my wrist and collecting pictures of my waifu.

>> No.8886788

It can't be better if Archduke added more than half of those pictures himself

>> No.8886792

best thread of the week is here!
i just woke up and will be playing a game of vic 2 as either Persia, Egypt or Denmark!

Fascism this time around!!

so excite!!

>> No.8886838

Another day spent playing Wipeout Pure, and God Hand.

>> No.8886849

I had to leave my house to go to college to take my only class for the day: chemistry lab class. From 6 'till 8pm. It takes me half an hour to leave the comfort of my house and get to the lab. Once I got there, one of the assistants told me there wasn't going to be a class. I left home for nothing. I did get a bag of chips along the way so it wasn't a complete loss.

>> No.8886896
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My day was alright. I spent a few hours on PSO2, enjoyed the hell out of that Sniper Elite V2 PC demo, and now I'm gonna wind down a long day (got up at 4am) with a ballgame then right to sleep... still trying to get the hang of this going to sleep at night and getting up in the morning nonsense before I start working.

>> No.8886903

I didn't know we had any IRIX users on /jp/.

>> No.8886935
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I'm drunk and listening to Chopin.

>> No.8886940
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d*amn rika u got good taste

>> No.8886948

I watched Sankarea and then that made me want to fap to some zombies, so I did. Now I'll either play Dark Souls, watch videos on niconico, or take a nap. Or maybe I'll just keep on staring at the front page of /jp/.

>> No.8886985
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No longer Friday over here, but I just bought the complete collection of Love Hina because I haven't bought manga in ages and need something new to read.

I don't like how it costed me £76 ;_;

>> No.8886992

Get one of those ebook reader thingies and download it.

I wish I had £76. I could stay drunk for the next month with that much money...

>> No.8887000

You mean a kindle? I honestly didn't think of that truth be told, but I like to own the proper volumes as it is so it doesn't matter.

And that's what happens when you've got a lot of money in the bank and have nothing to spend it on. What I find odd is that if it weren't for the bs shipping pricing, it would have came to around thirtyish pound or something. But no they have to slap £36 shipping on my fucking orders ;_;

>> No.8887005

I hope for this to be me in a few hours, except I might put on some Debussy instead.

>> No.8887006

Playing haxball. Doing worse than usual. It's a shit night.

>> No.8887017

Hi.I'm japanese Highscool Student.
came from to 2ch.
Please e-Mail

>> No.8887022


How many volumes is that? I think I'm spoiled by piracy, I don't think I could spend that much on manga. especially something as mediocre as love hina

>> No.8887024

Did you have to order it from elsewhere?

I've found that with Japanese media in general, it can be quite difficult to get hold of here in the UK. Even the popular series. It's a shame because I would like to buy DVDs/manga/whatever, but if it isn't Death Note or Chobits you're completely fucked.

>> No.8887029
File: 234 KB, 590x250, nanhira_magiqute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking westaboos, listen to some REAL music.

>> No.8887032

They used to have a decent selection in waterstones, but now it's one piece, death note or fruits baskets only. I mean, there was only a small section, but it had a bunch of variety. Section is the same size now, but it's all narutu. Feels bad.

>> No.8887033

i'm browsing /jp/ while I eat my dinner
then i'm going back to playing mount and blade warband

>> No.8887036
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Pizza and DotA2/D3

>> No.8887042

No. From where I got it was from amazon.

And I know that feeling. There's been a few stuff I've been interested in that hasn't been released in my country... but because the series I enjoy aren't in a language I speak (because the UK won't fucking license them), then I have to resort to reading stuff online.

What's even worse is that even if you DO happen to buy something from another country (because it's impossible to buy from your own country), then you have to pay shipping taxes and me being the idiot that I am and having a phone phobia, I usually need to get someone else to call them to pay my duties.

I'm sorry if I've rambled on and on to the point you've lost what I've said. I just wanted to say that if it's a series that you enjoy greatly and that it's not licensed in your country, then be prepared to import it and having to pay shipping taxes later on. Sure it helps if you understand the language you are ordering it in... but jesus fucking christ it makes my blood boil ;_;

Speaking about Fruits basket, that's another thing I'll need to pick up. Just a fucking shame most of the stuff I need to buy come off amazon.

>> No.8887046

You know what the worst is?
When you *want* one of those series, but a volume is missing. It always happens. I think some people specifically buy all the Volume 7s just to piss people off, or Waterstone's purposefully gets less of them to encourage people to use their order-in service.

>> No.8887051

You can pay shipping duty online with parcelforce, if that helps.

>> No.8887056

While we're on the subject: are Blu-rays region-free?
I used to buy anime DVDs, but they all came in NTSC imported from the US.

>> No.8887061

This is probably going to sound like a shameless plug, but in my experience The Book Depository has a better selection of light novels and manga than Amazon does. Plus it tends to be cheaper and delivers to pretty much anywhere in Europe for free.

>> No.8887063

I know that. I had a similar experience with Fedex but that went down the drain because I had no fucking idea on how to pay online (hence the phone episode on getting my little brother posing as me to pay for it instead).

>> No.8887072

Japanese and American blu-rays share the same region, but I think Europe has a different one.

>> No.8887079

_| ̄|○

>> No.8887087

Europe's region is PAL. So I'm pretty certain that getting a NTSC blu-ray DVD on your PAL ps3 won't work at all.

...Well, that's what I think at least. I haven't even tried the possibility at all yet.

>> No.8887089
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Iced tea and cola... is not a happy taste.

>> No.8887097

Is this out already?

>> No.8887092

Hi Ayu-Ayu

>> No.8887107


It wouldn't hurt to pick up those tissues.

>> No.8887112
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>> No.8887113

You sound just like my mom.

>> No.8887115

Works on computers though with a little bit of media player know-how.

Copy protection is stupid anyway. In the US they have gone so far as to make certain numbers illegal.

>> No.8887126
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Quite well, aside from NSJ shitting up the board.

I'm playing JRPGs and have finally gotten around to reading A Dance with Dragons. The book is absolute shit so far, you can tell GRRM's quality of writing really went down the drain after he agreed to have HBO televise the novels.

>> No.8887140

Does it now? And when you mean media-player, do you mean that you need a tool that helps you bypass the "region-lock" shit thus letting you watch said anime with ease?

>In the US they have gone so far as to make certain numbers illegal.

Question: on what grounds do they do that and why are they doing it to begin with?

>> No.8887141

Don't use that word.

>> No.8887143

I'll use it as many times as I want to, nerd.

>> No.8887151
File: 139 KB, 537x585, 1326668683811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kike copyright lawyers don't need any justification, when asked for some, they simly cry "HOLOCAUST" and are granted everything that they want.

>> No.8887159

That sounds like a load of shit. But I wouldn't put it past them to try and pull a fly move like that.

Is their any way to bypass it?

>> No.8887177

I've been playing Prototype 2 most of the day, it's pretty good. I didn't really like what I played of the first game, but I'm liking the sequel. Maybe I'll give the first one another try after I finish this. I also played a bit of the Diablo 3 beta, but didn't really care for it.

>> No.8887182

Blu rays work, DVDs dont

>> No.8887190

>Question: on what grounds do they do that and why are they doing it to begin with?
It's not some arbitrary thing like they made the number "12" illegal or whatever, but it is pretty ridiculous:
Basically the numbers, in binary, form part of an executable that can be used to decrypt copy-protected data.

>> No.8887194

It's only illegal if you get caught, anon-kun.

Or if you live in a totalitarian corporatocracy.

>> No.8887198

Built into most open source media players, though some developers are picky about including them in binaries.

>> No.8887207


I remember when I bought those 14 volumes of love hina at once... definitely one of my favorite series.

As for me, I'm getting drunk on some Argentinian wine and waiting until everyone in my suite goes out to party so I can take it easy.

>> No.8887209

What if you're the world's most popular encyclopedia hosted in the United States and print the numbers on the same article that says doing so is illegal?
What then?

>> No.8887226

Love Hina is the only good harem series, by virtue of being one of the first ones.

From Negima onwards, everything is garbage, including Negima itself.

>> No.8887231

Wikipedia is also run by jews so they have nothing to worry about.

>> No.8887242

it had been sitting on my mind a few days ago... and it was only recently that I decided "why not just increase my manga collection and buy the complete series of Love Hina?"

it may have been expensive as fuck, but I know I'm going to enjoy it. Just a shame the copies I bought had to be from used dealers. But I was sure to pick the correct ones.

>> No.8887253
File: 27 KB, 135x155, Wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else only read the Simple English Wikipedia because the regular Wikipedia is too difficult to understand?

Please respond.

>> No.8887251
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>Are you drunk?
Getting there

>> No.8887252

Harem can be done well, it's just that people tend to think of good harem stuff as something else. Like comedy, slice of life, etc.

>> No.8887261


What are you drinking? Anything nice?

Too poor to drink, want to feel jealous. Be drinking something expensive, faggot.

>> No.8887281

I didn't even know that shit existed.
Must be hard having severe autism huh

>> No.8887295

>Are you drunk?
Also getting there.
I found a bottle of Chopin in a cupboard, so I didn't even need to go out this time.

>> No.8887298

People with autism have good reading skills. They are bad at social communication.

>> No.8887311

Got a bunch of books about philosophy (mostly 19th-20th Western) from the public library. This better be worth my venture outside.

>> No.8887312
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I had my last Yuengling beer earlier and now I am drinking Tito's Vodka with a bit of orange juice. Honestly don't need the Orange Juice, I just wanted to draw it out because I am low on booze.

Nothing too expensive. But Tito's is honestly the best vodka I have ever tasted. Not too pricy, very smooth and better than Grey Goose and the like. Don't know if other places around the world have it, it's from Texas. I highly recommend it.
Sorry it's not a fancy cabernet or something.

I'll probably watch some anime later, either Black Lagoon or Darker than Black. Maybe upload those Touhou doujins I have been putting off.

>> No.8887314

>western philosophy in the modern world.

You were badly ripped off.

>> No.8887319


Oh i know that feeling. I managed to get all of love hina brand new from borders a while ago, but recently I bought all of GTO and I had to get used copies from amazon.
Most of them were in pretty good shape, but a few were really. Some of them had been in the library and had that annoying tape around the spine.
Volume 17 had the last two pages ripped out. I was so fucking mad. that was one of the best volumes.

>> No.8887323


You mean Western philosophy doesn't apply anymore? I never expect them to do so in the first place.

>> No.8887327

I've never been a fan of Tito's. It's got a funny taste to it, and it's overpriced for what you get.

Русский Стандарт is probably the best bang for the buck and definitely the best tasting, but Stoli isn't so bad either if that's all you can get.

>> No.8887354
File: 343 KB, 650x650, 1307565496704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright cool, I'll have to try Русский Стандарт sometime.

>> No.8887363

No problem, enjoy~

>> No.8887392

I feel your pain anon, I'm just praying that I don't get swindled like what you did.

Then again there has been a time when I had to buy a used copy of chobits that costed me £47

>> No.8887395


That's also called Russian Standard, right? Have to agree with you there, best vodka for the price.

>> No.8887397

Что тут происходит?

>> No.8887400


>> No.8887407

>Русский Стандарт is probably the best
Don't trust him.
I am russian.

>> No.8887411

Why would people do this?
What point does it serve?
So you can find them again? So you can take anonymous credit for solving the book? What was the reason behind it?


>> No.8887416

Is there a “Philosophy for Idiots — Internet Argument Edition” yet?

>> No.8887421

Yeah, I think so.

For the price as a mid shelf it is. Don't act like I said it something else.

But if you want to pay scotch prices for vodka, go right on ahead.

>> No.8887423

i,m going to kill myself on friday #wow #whoa

>> No.8887429

wwhy /jp/ is piss

>> No.8887430

I think you're just saying the to get attention. #thecallout2012

>> No.8887436
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x900, another.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Another
this was worse than Corpse Party

>> No.8887461

I'm thinking about watching some anime, but I might just go to sleep.. It is 3am, and I'm not even sure what I have downloaded. I think Strike Witches, Bakemonogatari, probably a bunch more.

>> No.8887494 [DELETED] 

Either of those two you mentioned would be good for a watch.
[spoilers]Especially Bakemonogatari if you're celebrating 420.

>> No.8887497

Either of those two you mentioned would be good for a watch.
Especially Bakemonogatari if you're celebrating 420.

>> No.8887515

Is Strike Witches any good?

>> No.8887533

Downloading 19GB of computer ebooks and listening to the entire discography of MOSIAC.WAV

Also if I feel up to it, watching episode 2 of Nazo no Kanojo X because saliva is awesome

>> No.8887539

what kind of loser nerd hasn't already watched strike witches and bakemonogatari...

>> No.8887540

got my ass handed to me in some fun hisoutensoku game, finally got to D+ in iccup, kept my win streak in dota going. Just ate a delicious burito meal my brother made and about to play some heroes of might and magic 3

So a pretty good day.

>> No.8887544

>heroes of might and magic 3
Fuck reinstalling.

>> No.8887546

I kind of forgot about anime for a while after about early 2007, and am slowly catching up with everything I missed.

>> No.8887550


me ;_;7 ;_;,~ -

>> No.8887567

I saw the first three episodes of Bakemonogatari and it was really boring.

>> No.8887584

>went to see shrink
>ate crappy food
>worked for four hours looking at old newspapers in a basement
>ate more crappy food
>walked for ten minutes
>mother told me that I gained back the weight I lost
>can't drink anymore
>suddenly under thousands of dollars of debt

and it's going to repeat itself day after day after day

>> No.8887587

Just downloaded some entry level VNs.

>> No.8887592


>> No.8887593

I saw the first two episodes of Strike Witches and it was really boring.

>> No.8887598
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sounds like this guy sucks at recommending anime

>> No.8887659

Playing Tera since I didn't really get to before, and I don't feel like trying to get into the PSO beta. I haven't shitposted today, though. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.8888019


sounds like he's platinum mad

>> No.8892368

please continue

>> No.8895366


>> No.8895372

> It's Friday !

>> No.8895377

Happy Friday /jp/ what's going on?

>> No.8896478
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was fine

dont play games much
dont watch anime

>> No.8896605

Today was my birthday. I got a Playstation Move so I can play House of the Dead 4. ( ・ω・)
