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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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887362 No.887362 [Reply] [Original]

Did you hug your sister today /jp/?

>> No.887370

I don't have a sister

>> No.887375

No, busy having drugged-up, balcony sex with my healthy girl-friend in a foreign countr-AHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.887393

i hugged my girlfriend today, i dont have a sister

>> No.887392


not welcome here. normalfag. etc.

>> No.887410


wow, summer is getting pretty bad.

>> No.887422

My sister isn't in town.

>> No.887419

I don't have a sister.

I don't have a girlfriend either.

Actually, I don't have any friends at all.

And my computer with 800GB of anime/manga/VN/Touhou died, and I can't do shit on my ancient laptop except browse 4chan, and repeatedly view the status page for my motherboard RMA.

Also, my pet rabbit died last week.

And I just stubbed my toe a few minutes ago.



>> No.887429

Whenever my sister tries to hug me I try my hardest to explain to her how annoying she is. I hate hugs, and I hate females in general. Manly hugs from my father on the other hand is fine.

>> No.887430

Someone missed the sticky.

>> No.887427

I don't speak with my sister.

Like >>887419 I don't have a girlfriend or friends either. This should be assumed for anyone who posts on /jp/.

>> No.887437
File: 177 KB, 722x1100, 1214368813174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falling in the pool, are we?

>> No.887440

You're gay. And want your father.

>> No.887442



>> No.887447

Greetings /jp/, what eroge is that image from?

>> No.887448

Sup Freud.
Go back to /r9k/, please.

>> No.887456

Thread needs some theme music.


>wow, summer is getting pretty bad.
That's not funny. My little brother died that way.

>> No.887457

Incest threads are still bannable.

>> No.887463

Actually, I did, and a couple days before that too. It's pretty cool since she's only about an A-cup (even though she's in her 20s), so it's almost like hugging DFC.

>> No.887461

ITT: we have YMK references fly over our heads.

Summer indeed.

>> No.887469

Fate/stay Ever Yume17

>> No.887470

you cant honestly say something like this and then not post a pic.

>> No.887468

I pretend that I'm watching animu and posting on 4chan with my nonexistent little sister sitting on my lap. Then The Temptations' "Just My Imagination" starts playing and the tears flow freely.

>> No.887479

Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream

This Visual Novel is perfect for beginners.

>> No.887480

People complaining about other people not playing a shitty game. Yes, it IS summer.

>> No.887483

Hugging your sister isn't incest.

>> No.887484

I'll post a related pic for him then.

>> No.887473

PROTIP: stop listening to that song.

>> No.887474

I can't tell if you're trolling or if you really don't get it. Sage just in case.

>> No.887475

>Which number do I dial to call 119?

Damn! Where's my strategy guide for this?

>> No.887491

Oh wow.

>> No.887486

I don't have a pic of her on my laptop.

>> No.887490

5/10 almost got me

>> No.887516

i hugged my loli niece few days ago. both sisters are allready 35+ and 40 something (me being 22) so i'm not really close to either one and not fond to hugging either.
i'm prolly closer with my niece than my sisters

>> No.887508

We have been trolled at a rate previously unknown to mankind.

>> No.887522

i hugged my loli niece few days ago. both sisters are allready 35+ and 40 something (me being 22) so i'm not really close to either one and not fond to hugging either.
i'm prolly closer with my niece than my sisters

>> No.887533



Strange how the one true post gets the stupid remarks.

>> No.887536

If you haven't played it you don't belong here.

>> No.887660

thanks for diverting my thread.

>> No.887670
File: 2 KB, 123x111, 1214370546193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate her headband.

>> No.887676

she's such a beautiful imouto, how can you say that?

>> No.887705
File: 90 KB, 455x689, 1214370795832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.887722

Do little sisters actually do this if you show interest in another girl?

>> No.887736

Sadly no, my sister tried to set me up with her big titted friend. My life sucks.

>> No.887743

Yes, but instead of wanting to be your only girl they want you to feel hate and suffering and have no girls at all.

>> No.887750

Well, I like DFC as much as any other anon, but if you really don't want your imouto's big-titted friend I'd take it.

>> No.887748


Big-tittied as in HEALTHY, or big-tittied as in PIG DISGUSTING?

>> No.887758

Yeh but she was probably an older sister.

What is the opinion of the average /jp/sy's sister in regards to your terminal single-ness? Do they ever mention it and stuff? My older brother never mentions it to me.

>> No.887761
File: 123 KB, 797x597, 1214371207344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I just found out I got my sister pregnant.

Well, she's not actually my sister
and I didn't really get her pregnant but ... well she doesn't actually really exist either


>> No.887776

feels sad man ;_;

>> No.887773
File: 89 KB, 455x687, 1214371315377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine used to be somewhat jealous I guess (even though I never had a social life with women), but she's turned into a bitch since then so it doesn't matter.

>> No.887782


My sister never really bugged me about it. Not sure if she doesn't care or doesn't expect me to have a girlfriend.

>> No.887787

I was disowned, but my older sister still lives at home so I don't ever see her. She also set a REALLY low bar for success, so even though I'm here, I'm the more successful child. That frustrates my mom to this day, but I certainly know how it feels to back a losing horse, so I don't fault her.

>> No.887801

Wait, what. you got disowned but the one that got to stay is a loser? Say hello to the Bizaroworld for me. Or goodbye.

>> No.887795

>I was disowned
Wow, what happened there?

>> No.887796

deep down i get the feeling my older brother probably thinks i'm pathetic.

I would have thought sisters would be nicer about that kind of thing. Kinder if you dont have a gf etc...

>> No.887804

>but my older sister still lives at home so I don't ever see her.

Genetic sexual attraction much?

>> No.887829

> disowned
King of NEETs, will you have enough fappan gaems?

>> No.887836
File: 763 KB, 1600x1200, 1214371808556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day anon will die and be reborn again as a little girl in a foreign country with lots of money and time on her hands where her big brother loves her like a man loves a woman. But anon will have no memories of this life or anything that ever occurred within it so it is still a sad sad state for anon who will never know the joys and pains of physical love.

>> No.887854

She spends all of her time watching j-dramas and sleeping in, so she's not in a position to talk.

If it weren't for school, she'll probably never go outside.

>> No.887865

kill yourself

>> No.887886

wow, your life sucks, an hero time?

>> No.887896


You should just stare at her while smiling one day just to freak her out.

>> No.887908

Nothing spectacular; my family is just looney religious. Didn't take much.

I'm not the one who popped out a couple of bastards, has no education, and has never left home.


Unfortunately, my sister's an Amazon; but we shared a room for my entire childhood, so think what you will.
....I'm both full-time employed and in school. Can't be NEET without someone else to carry your ass, unfortunately.

>> No.887902

Is she fat?

>> No.887904

She was #2 sadly.

>> No.887910

No, but I fucked one of my sisters friends with big tits.

>> No.887937

Actually some do just live on the state, or run ad farms. Congrats on not being a faggot, anyway.

>> No.887957

We'll never disown you, anon.

>> No.887966

Unless he starts watching Naruto and browsing /b/ looking for camwhores. But otherwise, it's just as you said. ONE OF US!

>> No.887971

why yes. she slept on my chest.
8 months old.
in before pedobear.jpg

>> No.887984

So you have at least 19 years of age difference? That's a lot, no delicious imouto for you without being a pedo.

>> No.887976


>> No.887980

Yes, I did.

>> No.887982

That's why I'm here every day. Gotta keep the faith.

>> No.888064

Nope. She's planning to be a nurse eventually, so she makes a (very) small effort to make sure that our meals are somewhat reasonably edible.

>> No.888083


she hugs me every day, whether i want her too or not. i tell her in a gruff voice, "get off", cause you know, i like my space, but she just says, "i have to hug you once every day to show you how much i love you"!

little sisters. what are you gonna do.

>> No.888088
File: 86 KB, 451x339, 1214374128799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. ill be climbing the mid life crisis by the time she graduated high school.
oh you

>> No.888103

>i tell her in a gruff voice, "get off"

And then you go to your room and get off, right?

>> No.888143

>without being a pedo.
That has stopped any of us before?

>> No.888601

I hate my sister.

>> No.888689
File: 17 KB, 273x312, 1214383454711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget... your sister is over 18, so fuck her as often as possible.

>> No.888699


This knowledge depressed me.

>> No.888706


"apparently" there was one in production... it was just canned. (pfft)

I think it's just wishful thinking by those fucking dirty pedos (me).

>> No.888733

Dirty pedos? What are you talking about? Aya is eighteen.

>> No.888738
File: 453 KB, 800x600, 1214384139787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did hug her... if you know what I mean...

>> No.888750


They were just being teasing faggots. The only reason I keep YMK is because I kind of want to play through the Nekoko route.

>> No.888753


You're so right. I apologize.

>> No.888757

The torrent for Yume Miru Kusuri seems to be dead.

How can I get this? I want to rape Aya.

>> No.888761

Use Google and eventually you'll find a goldmine.

>> No.888770

>I want to rape Aya.


>> No.888782

Thanks for reminding me that even though Google is a generic search engine it does a better job than a dozen specialized search engines.

>> No.888786

THEY're not dead...
at the moment 23 seeds and 20 leechers are using at the fastest one

>> No.888802

Well excuse me. The first one I found was dead so I came here to bitch about it instead of looking some more.

>> No.888864

I get along with both my little brother and sister

Then again, I get along with everyone, I'm generally an agreeable kind of guy.

>> No.889007


>> No.889498

> I'm generally an agreeable kind of guy

>> No.889503


>> No.889516

The mother says Aya is twenty...

Born without eyes? Pity

>> No.889659

That's the price to pay to be an H-game protagonist and fuck everything that moves.

>> No.889662

moar YMK pls

>> No.889690

Normal fags are not welcome here, get out and stay out.

>> No.889692

Actually, I probably wouldn't recommend it for beginner even though its so awesome. The scenario does contain certain 'land mines'. Not for everyone.

>> No.889732

Having never played this what happens if you choose to rape?

>> No.889739

It's not a real choice. You automatically regain your senses and realize "fuck, this is incest".

>> No.889748

Hey /jp/, I was living my life, studying, watching animu, playing eroge and being lonely for years, finally, getting over roneriness, I hated all beings.
But I've had a touch of companionship during the last week, something ever so slight a normal person would brush it off without regard, but it was the first time since I've become an adult that a girl kissed me on the lips.
She probably didn't have any second thoughts about it and would kill herself rather than having gone out with me, but this somehow killed the fragile pace of my life.

Now she's gone and I'm ronery again.
Real women are all whores, fuck that, time to play eroge again to remember myself of the perfect being.

>> No.889834

this thread makes me sad. i'm 99% sure that i'm never gonna kiss a girl, or even touch, or even talk casually.
only way i can think of getting gf would be thru superior plot twist, like some apocalypso which would kill 90% of population and i would manage to survive and save some girl from certain death. she would instantly fall in love with me. she'd love to see me in girls clothes so we would wear matching dresses and fight for our survival in the crude post-apocalyptic world...

>> No.889847

I'm a 4chan level otaku. I don't talk with you chumps in anime club. I don't read your "anime magazine" with new releases I saw two years ago. I don't need to go to a club full of fat smelly people to watch Full Metal Alchemist all over again. I've got fuckin' live feed torrents of the newest animes you haven't even heard of, and figures from said anime being shipped to my house so I can masturbate on them. Go read your "yowie" on fanfiction.net, I'm downloading loli dojinshi and reading the fucking raws.

You keep wearing your Naruto headbands and shit, socializing with your weeaboo friends. I'll be walking by, Anonymous. You'll never know that the master of anime had passed you by.

Because I suppress my power level.

>> No.889852

Hey, dude, >>889748 here, I kissed one, shit wasn't so great.
I want to forget it and say I haven't lost my first kiss.
Hopefully, no tongues were involved.
I'll play on technicalities.

>> No.890150

It's through.

>> No.890164

Fuck you! Where is my Aya route?

>> No.890173

You're a 4chan level otaku, you say? Hrmph. I am a 2channel level otaku, and you are as far beneath me as narutards are beneath you. Think you're pretty hot with your torrents? My satellite dish is pulling down the latest shows while they air from motherfucking SPACE. By the time you even see the OP I've already fapped and smoked a cigarette. And the latest moeblob you fell in love with this season? Three years ago I played the game the show's based, got the secret harem ending, and came on her face. And her friends' faces. All at the same time. Twice. You keep waiting for your precious torrents. I'll be standing in line at Comiket, getting the real deal from the artist himself.

>> No.890202

Never. My sister is an embarrassment to this family as well as humanity. If I see her and her 5 kids at my doorstep asking foe money I tell them to fuck off.
