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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8861167 No.8861167 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - SEGA Culture

>> No.8861174

I've said this before, but everything that makes Japanese culture less popular in the west is a good thing.

>> No.8861173



>> No.8861175

Why do my Japanese games look Japanese?

>> No.8861190

Styles change. We're having a sort-of anime thread right now and I've been looking through some of the old shows I used to watch. I can't believe how pointy women were, or how fucked up the eye-to-head ratio was in some anime.

If Japanese anime and manga changes, the games that they inspire (or inspired) are going to change too. Personally I prefer the cleaner, cuter designs in the bottom pictures, though I haven't played the games themselves.

>> No.8861194

Shining Tears was one of the best RPGs on the PS2. And Shining Force Neo/Exa rejuvenated an entire genre.

I know that you're trying to troll and shitpost ``ironically'' but I can't let it stand.

>> No.8861199

keep on crying, fag

>> No.8861210

The funniest thing is that the bottom picture isn't nowhere near the ugliest modern anime can get.

Thank gods we're leaving the eroge inspired dark decade behind, I was watching some early 2000's shows and it really made me sad about the direction that anime took shortly afterwards.

>> No.8861240
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>> No.8861247
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, Genesis_of_Aquarion_-_08_[3xR][Blu-ray.720p.H264.FLAC.AC3]_[B9F6B42F].mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2012.03.27_10.13.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe.

>> No.8861251
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Who Shining Hearts here?

>> No.8861255
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best anime the season ?

>> No.8861267
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>> No.8861265
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I remember the good ole days too.

>> No.8861269
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Panservice anime

>> No.8861272

Liked Shining Force. Don't know about Shining Force II, they started going overboard with the furries, waited years for Shining Force III, it was shit. Sega decided that wasn't enough so they rereleased Shining Force and ruined it with some weird graphics and new shitty characters. Wait why is this thread here?

>> No.8861276

I've avoided the newer Shining stuff like the fucking plague it is, but I've gotta admit, I like the newer artwork more.

Something about the art style of the Genesis/Game Gear games just never stuck with me, but it improved from the Saturn games onward.

>> No.8861280

>Don't know about Shining Force II,

stopped reading right here

>> No.8861285

why is desu chan so cute

>> No.8861298
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>Don't know about Shining Force II

>> No.8861297
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This is COMPLETELY off topic, but FUCK YOU I'M DRUNK

I'm sick of every other new anime being a harem show. Move on from the Tenchi Muyo clones, come on!

>> No.8861308

You must be really drunk since there's only 2 shows you could consider a harem airing right now.

>> No.8861318

what the fuck they look like T2 characters

>> No.8861322

The recent Shining games have actually been just as good as the old ones. Played Shining Force 1 and 2 like three times as a babby too.

Sadly a ton of casual gaymers have attitudes like what the OP is parodying. They wouldn't play them anyways even if they were in English (which is their loss).

>> No.8861329

Most of the recent Shining games have his designs.

>> No.8861340

It's OK ZUN!bar-kun, when we have children we can teach them to like proper SRPG's.

>> No.8861338


There was some minor improvements like boss music and nice surprises like the prism flowers but the game was too much like the first one except shallower and less interesting characters. Just saying.

Now I just remembered in the rerelease the silent protagonist is the brother of the dark knight/bad guy or whatever. That's not cliche at all. Fuck Sega.

>> No.8861336


>> No.8861355

It wasn't much of a joke then.

>> No.8861398

This actually makes me upset, but not because of the designs, I just want more quality SRPGs.

>> No.8863608

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8863611
File: 15 KB, 400x90, Naomi_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that shit lets talk about SEGA NAOMI instead

>> No.8863618

oh man i hate those dark short hair&dark eyes beta swordman shit protagonist. why can't it be some mid-length/long hair blonde/not black or brown protagonist with rapier, gun or lance.

>> No.8863620

lol what a fag

>> No.8863629

shuddup cockface

>> No.8863642
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, 1334564716293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best anime this season
that's not tasogare

>> No.8863648


>> No.8863659
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>> No.8863676

You were totally waiting for an opportunity to use that.

>> No.8863678

so someone tell me, what is actually work watching this or last season? pls /jp/ i need2know

i am being serious

please respond

>> No.8863679

go eat shit retard

>> No.8863683
File: 470 KB, 700x775, 1334504352321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this season a shit

>> No.8863688

>Still no Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity

You know what? Fuck Sega.

>> No.8863689

nice greentext abuse. i bet you do the same to your mom's pussy

>> No.8863701


So moe elements are weeaboo? I don't really see the connection between moe and Japan worship.

It would be far more accurate if weeaboo was replaced with sexual pervert.

>> No.8863709


Not saying there's a problem with that mind you. If little moe girls cause you to tug on your penis repeatedly, you're an ok guy in my book.

>> No.8863725

Are you a person who watches mature shows for mature people such as yourself or do you actually like anime?

>> No.8863724


Why would you care about that when PSO2 is coming out?

>> No.8863734

>Waaah Eastern culture is not Western culture Waaaaahh

Great thread op. You're fucking retarded

>> No.8863741

who'er quotin sone?

>> No.8863739

Because it shows that we wont get the same content in PSO2 that the japanese will get. It shows that we will still get fucked over by sega.

Why is is so hard to have the same things? I was really looking forward to that game as well.
