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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8851647 No.8851647 [Reply] [Original]

What names do you use for your MMO characters? Do you care about your characters name much?

>> No.8851649

I name them after myself and my IRC pals.

>> No.8851667

In MMOs and any other kind of online game I stare at the character creation screen for an hour and usually settle on something half-assed. In single player games I just use my real name.

>> No.8851671


>> No.8851685

I name it after common fads and memes so people will recognize it and look at me approvingly while doing a gangsign and nodding.

>> No.8851711


>> No.8851717

Blackass, Gayblade, papa071238, ownageparty, dungeonMaster

>> No.8851730

I use the same name for every online persona, a recurring theme I keep.

>> No.8851731


>> No.8851740


>> No.8851762


>> No.8851775
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If it's something I'm playing with people I know in real life, then it's generic, noobish, or a reference to an inside joke. If it's something I'm playing alone, then I pick a cute or pleasant sounding name.

My current Steam name is HIDDENPOWER420 and my avatar is a picture of a kid that I found when searching for "autism face" in Google. I think it's a funny combo.

I might end up stealing this. Names like this always make me laugh. I have no idea why. 69, 420, 666, or someone's birth year if they're born in the 90s always makes me laugh. I once saw someone named nascarboy1999 and literally couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.8851786

What if it's the year the handle was created? Like "Homocaptain2012" but instead of 2012 it was created in, say, 1997.

Do you have to change it every year?

>> No.8851792

Also, another thing I do when I play games, particularly FPS games that have alltalk on at the end of rounds, is try to use as much of an autistic/down syndrome voice as possible and tell the other team good game and that the game was fun, and that I like fun.

I have pretty much the exact same sense of humor I had when I was 12.

>> No.8851823

If that's the case it makes it a lot less funny... I'll always envision it as their birthyear.

>> No.8851861

I really hate it when people use /jp/ - otaku culture related names in MMOs.

>> No.8851884

Sometimes I'll use names of things from other games. Named my mithra Rengeki, years ago. It's such a fun word to say.

>> No.8851931
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>> No.8851977
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>> No.8853216

First I plan what kind of character I'll have. Then I look up for old-fahioned named of the ethnicity my character's the closest to. Then I add my own little spin to it.

Say I make a russian-themed character. First I look up on google for old russian names. In this case lets consider "Valery", a boy's name. Then I customize it, like so:


>> No.8853221

>old-fashioned names

Sorry about that typo.

>> No.8853232


>> No.8853235

What MMO is that?

My names are very important. Since most of the good ones are taken, I'll just mix random Japanese ones into one.

>> No.8853237

this game

what is it, and is it bad?

>> No.8853242



>> No.8853245

you lie to /jp/ that steam handle doesn't exist.

>> No.8853248

It's shut down?!

>> No.8853254

Hello /v/.

>> No.8853255

god damnit, and it looks so cute!!

>> No.8853257


>> No.8853267


>> No.8853272

Depends. If I'm playing a little girl, the name can be pretty much anything. If not, it's my IRC nick or altnick. Sometimes even the little girls use my IRC nickname.

Also, you're a bad person if you have any of the following in any of your nicknames:
- X's or other target indicators
- parentheses, underscores or other junk
- leetspeak
- random capitalization
- unnecessary numbers
- memes or overused popculture references

>> No.8853275


>> No.8853284

private server>

>> No.8853283

Either weeaboo names or things like XXbUtt_bl4$t3r666XX

>> No.8853286

I'm too anxious to reply with my name here incase anybody recognises me from the various communities I'm involved in

>> No.8853296

I combine two random words, e.g. "slowraptor" or "egobeef".

If you have a single digit in your name, I hate you.

>> No.8853297

>female healer in WoW
>extra benefits and instant promotion

>> No.8853302

How about XxXx[420]_S3pH1r07H_xXxX[420]_1997
How about that?

>> No.8853299
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Don't worry, just post it. Nobody ever recognized me when I did and I thought I was popular. Oh well.

>> No.8853308

I pretty much always use the same MMO name in all games I play unless I'm going for some kind of quirky themed name thing. For instance, I played on a vanilla WoW fanrun server whose name I forget as a frost spec Mage with a destruction spec Warlock. I was named Blizzardbeard and he was named Moltenstache

Naming myself consistently in all the MMOs I've played has led to some funny moments, though. I used to play EQ2, then quit. A few years later, I tried EVE Online, joined an outfit, and met a guy who actually recognized my alias. We had been in the same guild in EQ2, and had by chance also joined the same outfit. It was quite the coincidence

>> No.8853318

people keep taking my stylish, original names


>> No.8853320

I just use my same 8 years old runescape name for everything.

>> No.8853322


>> No.8853331

I usually borrow to and from my D&D characters.

If its a weeaboo name, i've gotten into a hilarious habit lately of smashing two kanji together that probably shouldn't be mixed together. Trying to make a cloud demon and ended up with spider heaven.


>> No.8853328

nt cool dude

>> No.8853335

I've been using the same name I've used since Vanilla EQ1

>> No.8853346

I always just name myself after some character from a game, I don't like having a persistent identity between games.

>> No.8853344

I usually name myself after a character from Moby Dick. Every few weeks I'll get someone who private messages me saying they like the book, and we circlejerk over it for a bit, and then never speak with each other again.

>> No.8853349

>I usually borrow to and from my D&D characters.
This. Token fantasy names work well as catchy aliases that probably aren't taken.

>> No.8853350
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>> No.8853358


>> No.8853368

Let's Plays have taught me that online handles don't matter so much, even if they're stupid or you made them when you were 12.
Whenever I create an alias, I imagine myself in an LP with somebody introducing me. Good mental exercise to see whether your name can be taken seriously.

>> No.8853375

Man Learns Societal Conventions From Let's Plays

>> No.8853380


Also, samefag from >>8853308 here. It's funny you say that, because that's exactly how my alias was formed. I played EQ1 when I was an underage b& (not vanilla though, luclin had just been released when I started) and I just used the name for everything from then on out

>> No.8853387

I started playing EQ when I was 9 years old, I had very bad parents who were very addicted to it. I made up the name from a random generation and tweaked it a bit. It's convenient always having my username available as a plus.

>> No.8853392

I've got a fantasy name for a male and one for a female I almost always use for my first of each. From there its based on current preferences ect...Lately I've been running Touhous around I guess... Though you could consider them inside jokes as I play with some one who knows Touhou.

>> No.8853403

I used to take names from norse mythology because they were seldom taken
Haven't played an mmo for years now, though

>> No.8853406

I name every girl I play Fae Yamamoto, because I'm a enormous faggot and it's my two favorite names.

>> No.8853412

I only name myself Faggot or Autism because I like to let people know what they're getting.

>> No.8853415

I actually do. It's the only time I have any experience with real (as opposed to scripted) interpersonal communication.

>> No.8853419

is watching LPs really a /jp/ thing? I always thought I was a faggot for doing it because of the majority of filth that watch them.

>> No.8853426

You are a faggot for watching LPs.

>> No.8853433
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>> No.8853437


How nice of you anon

>> No.8853440

For some reason a lot of people here do. For me they're just "something to watch". The trouble is that there are a lot of YouTube LPers who don't know what they're doing, or gimmick LPers who do stupid shit with After Effects and funny voices. The "original" Let's Plays (both screenshot and video) are one of the few good things to come out of Something Awful.

>> No.8853447

I find a lot of them genuinely entertaining like Sips. His gravelly canadian voice makes me feel all girly inside.

>> No.8853449


>> No.8853454


>> No.8853457
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I name them after verbs which remind me of something pleasant.

Aimless (Then pick a Class which requires accuracy like Bowman for the sake of irony)

Those kind of words.

>> No.8853460

I use names like feastingultimatum and scrumpingthomas and thatmanisjones and thejohnsonextremity and ohmyohmyfeast and thatmadow and wewhewthompson and feastoffinale.

>> No.8853467
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>Implying[umad] has joined your party

>> No.8853470

wh r qotgn?

>> No.8853476

>Gregor joined the enemy team

>> No.8853479

how about using names that are NAMES you loser nerds

nobody names their kid "dream" or "egobeef" even in fantasy settings unless they are ON DRUGS

>> No.8853478

I use names after the anime flavor of the month, and every /jp/ should do the same.

>> No.8853482
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8853481
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You guys talk on IRC and are active members of online communities other than /jp/?

Fucking normalfag attention whores.

>> No.8853485
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I named my character Letsnyaa

Sounds slavic so it barely passes as a normal name

>> No.8853486
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That feel when you've been lurking an IRC channel for over 8 years now, and as of a few years ago 95% of all messages in the channel are reconnect messages that happen every now and then but you don't want to leave the channel because of how awesome the memories are of the cool shit that went down....5 years ago and counting.

>> No.8853496

>nobody names their kid "dream"
Actually, this is the kind of thing I bet a lot of crazy American hippies have done. People name their kids Faith and Hope and stupid shit, so I bet there are at least a few hundred Dreams running around by now.

>> No.8853498

Virgingod Spergsmeistro

>> No.8853522

>unless they are ON DRUGS

>> No.8853528

Back when I started playing MMOs I made up my own names and ended up sticking with certain ones. Sometimes I just used random syllables that sounded name-like, sometimes I used Diablo2 rune names in random combinations. The annoying thing was when a name I thought was original turned out to be a name from some fantasy book I had never read and people thought I took the name from there. (Also during this time I only played male characters, I thought guys playing female characters were creeps. Unless of course it was a game where gender was tied to class, like D2).

Then I eventually got corrupted and started playing female characters all the time, I openly used Touhou names/references in stuff like Mabinogi and Atlantica (although in Atlantica no one even noticed). In WoW I was a bit more subtle and used last names or nicknames of Touhou characters; not once did anyone ever say anything to me about it in a year playing.

Lately I use more obscure VN character names (fantasy names, not regular Japanese names). I already know what names I'm going to use going in, then I spend forever on character creation trying to make my character resemble her namesake (or at the very least not be a disgusting insult to the name; this can be tough in Western MMOs).

>> No.8853554

Guiwenneth. Then I'm laughing at all those idiots who are calling me guiw, when short version is obviously gwyn. Or I make up some other longer name which can be shortened.

>> No.8853556

I use the same ign in all the games I play or some thing close to it

>> No.8853560

I always choose names that subtely say that I'm a /jp/er.
No one has ever realised... where are you guys? ;_;

>> No.8853577

Probably playing better games.

>> No.8853579
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Nobody wants to talk to you because they can tell you're just a shitty lonely secondary pile of trash.

>> No.8853617

It depends..

If it's a fantasy MMO, then, fantasy names..

If it's shootan gaem, maybe something cybery like

Mostly these days i just pick random stuff like:
Plastic fruitbowl
Special patty

because i am losing the will to be individual

>> No.8853621

All those examples are stupid.

Though maybe they'd be fine in-game or whatever, I probably wouldn't question them. They just sound corny when isolated like this.

>> No.8853623

> xXxCirnoBAKABAKA99999_95xXx has joined the game

>> No.8853628


i just thought of them randomly, but i try to put meanings or references in them, incase any aspies want to try and decode it or pick it apart

i like giving people something to do, even if its just my username

>> No.8853636


>> No.8853786


>> No.8853797
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Back when I played WoW my undead priest was named Strixx.

The Romans believed that Strigēs (that's the plural) were women who turned into some kind of vampire owl monster.

The D&D Strigēs are these stupid looking giant mosquitoes, for some reason. But they're supposed to be vampire owl women, like I said.

Oh and my belf pally was named Kynarr.

>> No.8853805
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itt: shitty embarrassing names

>> No.8853808


>> No.8853809
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>belf pally
confirmed for faggot

>> No.8853822

It's not like I had a lot of fucking options if I wanted to play a paladin on a PVP server.

>> No.8853824
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>> No.8853852

something related to idols, or touhou. or some shit like that.

>> No.8853859
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>belf pally
Gamers have the cutest neologisms!

>> No.8853860
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>> No.8853868


>> No.8853874

Bunnytots is pretty common for me. Random other game characters for alternates.

>> No.8853873

I was thinking about how you'd do that when I posted.

One day I will learn.

But that day is not today.

>> No.8853900


>> No.8853920


>> No.8853924

I remember a guy on wow named "diggernick."

>> No.8853938

I get autismal about my character names. If I start disliking the name for any reason, I'll stop playing it.

>> No.8853935

I drew a picture like this earlier.

The janitor didn't like it.

>> No.8853943

ima repost

>> No.8853941
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Neku for men
Hanashiiro for woman

>> No.8853963

i used to do that too.

>> No.8853964

Xanestus, and i dont play women.

>> No.8853968
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>> No.8853981

the little things will be the death of me.

>> No.8853999


>> No.8854006
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People speculate over what it means and I never have trouble getting it first. Can't stand numbers or xXx bullshit.

Only downside is some people think I'm Swiss.

>> No.8854031

I name my characters after shit that's laying around at the time.

>> No.8854040


>> No.8854074

Mabinogi's a cute game. Maintaining a loli body and cute clothes require that Nexon Cash stuff though. A little for age potions and you can sell some off for gold.

>> No.8854101

I use a new name everytime, related to the character role or appearance.

Often contain multilingual puns nobody catches.

>> No.8854454

I call myself Apollo because I am the son of God.

>> No.8854471

Games like that make me sad.
It reminds me that I'm never going to be a little girl.

>> No.8854479

I use articles of clothing. Scarf and Skirt are my two favorites, but sometimes I use others.

Is that stupid?

>> No.8856641

Some of the best ITT. Properly spelt with no bullshit.

>> No.8856691

MMOs / limited naming scheme
X Target X

FPSes / free naming scheme

>> No.8856709

Nothing specific.

>> No.8857468

Character name?

Rika Rika, always

>> No.8857475


The ⑨ is a nice touch.

>> No.8857729

JTG if it lets me use three characters because thats a acronym of JayTheGreatest which i use if it allows that many characters.

If it requires a surname, I use Jackie Chang because i don't give a fuck.

And if JTG is taken I just use jaytg or jteegee.

I also use Lord Dongus and Jayiith for fantasy settings.

>> No.8860775
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>> No.8860795


>> No.8860806

If it is an MMO, I usually name them something fitting the setting if it is a male, and if it is a female I usually name them something cute that sounds at least vaguely japanese.

If it is single player, I name the girls Miki and the guys Megane.

>> No.8861486


>> No.8861562

I used Altrouge once... for about ten minutes. Then my friend pointed out (by being clueless) that everyone was going to read it as a misspelling of alt+rogue.

I'm still bitter that everyone pronounced Nyarle with a G.

>> No.8861819

> Nyarle with a G

>> No.8861857

Depends. If I can make the name reasonably long and with spaces in it, I'll make a mage girl and give her a cute magical girl sounding name.

Other than that, I name them after characters from ideas I was too lazy to act on. If I can't think of anything I'll make up a random name.

You get to be a loli for like 5 our of 10 weeks and then you can be a loli again.

They all have boobs unless you have a flat chested outfit anyway
and a flat chested outfit is as good as loli no matter the character age.

>> No.8861978


when it's deleted, goldfarmer_no4328905.

>> No.8864949

just Pete
whenever I can

>> No.8865030

Tend to play female characters with first names that look like actual names, such as Laeria, Elisandra, etc.

>> No.8865059
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I'm the only one who uses anagrams of one, single original nick?

>> No.8865220

I've been using the same two names ever since the beginning of RO. One always for a healer, other always for the DPS. Tanks are fags.

People used to recognize my name on Aion because I was one of the first people to make a Eternal Balic staff. I kinda regret this.

>> No.8865237

Finnish Silentangel? :-DDDDdd

>> No.8865268


>> No.8866353

Random memes or highly tacticool names or a variation of the same name I've been using for years.

>> No.8866361

Healers like to take it up the butt.

>> No.8866395
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Songs/bands names like Imbroco, Gershatzer, Ambugaton, 8037, Supagorgonizer, Sueisfine, Funeralopolis, Ebroglio...

>> No.8868346

tearshed for 10 years and counting

>> No.8869927


Woho, who's the one that stands in the front of the monsters getting crushed and chewed?
