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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 202x249, Ruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694740 No.8694740 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

I'm looking for good ways to hide my facial hair, and clear up my skin. I want to dress as an anime character and pretend to be a girl but no matter how close I shave it seems you can still tell it grows from there, and being a guy it seems I don't have the clearest skin in the first place.
Basically I've never really cared about cleaning myself up that much besides showers and basic shaving, as I never had a reason to, and I have no clue as to what people do to make their skin look more clear / smooth etc like girls have.

Any suggestions?

>> No.8694747 [DELETED] 

Bathe and shave more.

>> No.8694752

You're just imagining things. Western women have hairy legs and mustaches and you can't tell when they've shaved.

>> No.8694764

Try using facial wax and putting on makeup. If the wax doesn't work you could let your hair grow and then pull them out with tweezers.

>> No.8694775

Wear a kigurumi suit.

>> No.8694778

I hear epilators work well.

>> No.8694802

Don't do this man. It hurts like HELL.

>> No.8694837

You need a strong foundation to cover it up. Normaderm might work, if not some of the Mac foundation may be best. Use concealer, and mix in a little red blush to saturate the grey areas(use a more yellow tinted foundation on those areas if possible, I usually keep a more yellow and more pink tinted one). or some kind of theatrical makeup. Make sure to shave as close as possible beforehand but be careful not to cut yourself.

to help smooth out the makeup, get some cleansing wipes and exfoliant; some kind of scrub that helps take off dead skin etc.

When applying makeup you could try using Primer first, that would also help smooth out your skin. If not, use moisturiser, but not too much or it will water down the foundation.

Use moisturiser anyway of course. Moisturiser & Exfoliant scrube will really help your skin.

>> No.8694840

Let's see a photo of you to see how will this works.

>> No.8694845

Not on facial hair.

>> No.8694850
File: 59 KB, 413x600, PoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694857


I don't know why you keep posting this. If I was that ashamed of being trans I wouldn't have posted about publicly. Of course it's annoying but not for the same reasons you want it to be, I just really, really hate scumbags who think they're "hilarious trolls" when they're just directing their empathy failure and lack of social skills into an "acceptable" avenue.

>> No.8694864

Sounds hella gay OP.

>> No.8694868


Whatever you say, sir.

>> No.8694880

I wish our government would give out licenses on faggot killing.

>> No.8694889

You're a tranny? When did this come out?

>> No.8694895

you'd be the first one to go then. LOL

>> No.8694897

Transgenderism is nothing but a mental illness and it should be treated as such. If a man thinks he's a woman, then there's something wrong with his brain, not his body. Chromosomes don't lie.

They should have locked you up for good instead of letting you act on your delusions.

>> No.8694901


They do hurt, but it's not really a bad pain. It's kind of nice in some ways.
But they are loud so you need to find a place/time where people don't here you if you don't live alone.

>> No.8694907



>> No.8694912


what the fuck is that thing.

>> No.8694928
File: 48 KB, 1280x1024, 1330370588678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who does not conform to my opinion of what is right should be locked up
How is it possible to be this much of an idiot?

>> No.8694937

Nice grintext, LGBT boy. Now please go back to /a/.

>> No.8694941

>Chromosomes don't lie.
They do.

>> No.8694942

He has clearly lost contact with reality, thus extreme measures are in order.

Think of it as treating a psychotic patient.

>> No.8694946

But they don't. If he is genetically male, then he is a male.

Gender is not a social construct.

>> No.8694951

Are you implying that trannies are not subhuman?
Sorry, but not on my straight, white, christian board.

>> No.8694948


>Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI

>> No.8694949

/jp/ gay and confused people/general

>> No.8694955

A lot of things should be considered as mental illnesses instead of as wonderful diversity, inherited or developed. Nail biting, chronic masturbation, downs syndrome, waifu delusions. But what end would it serve to persecute these people? They are hardly a direct threat to individual or society as a whole.

Projecting emotional drivel much?

>> No.8694956
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, 1324562975366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not easy to pull off, and it's usually a full time thing, so don't make light of it and put in the effort. I tried before, but gave up, I couldn't do it. But it's pretty nice feeling, so work for it

Now, are you sure you want to look like a girl, or do you just want to feel pretty? Dresses and such are really nice, and I can understand the temptation, but the mental aspect of this is no laughing matter. But there's nothing wrong with just looking like a bishounen right? Just don't worry about what others say, but be aware others will say things. But just fuck the police.

>> No.8694959
File: 80 KB, 500x667, 1313609282301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694961

that creature can't be real. That's a movie prop right?

>> No.8694965 [DELETED] 

I don't mind traps and reverse traps, but people like PotC take it too far. You're a freak and should:
a) Seek professional help.
or b) Kill yourself.

>> No.8694963


Wanting to be the little girl is fine and dandy, genital mutilation is not though as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.8694966

christians are subhuman scum. they should all be locked up, believing in invisible friends like a god or jesus is psychotic illness.

>> No.8694968

You have no counter here, other than various attempts at stereotyping me. What a piece of shit you are. I'm not LGBT or from /a/.

>> No.8694969

I agree. I want to be the little girl but I'm a man so not something I can physically be, but I can have fun and enjoy things that little girls enjoy, like dolls, tea and covering my bed in plushies.

>> No.8694973

just wait 50-60 more years. they'll finish reverse engineering the human brain by then and will find a way to transfer a human consciousness/memories into other hosts, even if you'll have to go to a black market for that.

you'll be able to be the little girl if you last a bit longer without trying to kill yourself.

>> No.8694971
File: 13 KB, 214x480, underage&b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeaboo faggot wearing his mom's panties is so sexy.

>> No.8694974

We need to have a trans education thread since we have so many of these threads.... it's a pretty sensitive topic too so banning the scumbags would avoid hassle in the long run. I recommend the offending posts being reported at least.

Where is the LGBT forum m00t?

>> No.8694976

on facebook, tumblr and reddit

>> No.8694982

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8694977

Nail biting is one thing but mutilating one's genitals is not something a healthy human being would do.

We don't let people jump off a building just because they believe they are birds, now do we? Why should this be any different?

>> No.8694979

The guy just wanted to look pretty and clean himself up, what the fuck happened here?

>> No.8694980

Not long to go now.
It used to be a welcome topic here but lately it seems the neo-/jp/ers dont like it.

Trans myself and this thread is horrible to read, keep it up PotC.

>> No.8694981

You greentext and use image macros though. That's pretty much /a/v/b/-tier.

>> No.8694983

he is a man with a tool. he can do a special acupuncture for you.

>> No.8694987

Are you an underage murrikan who is forced to go to church by his parents every sunday?

>> No.8694990

nope, 28 year european neet who doesn't believe in anything until he can see it with his own eyes, and who's forced to live in a christian country and hates every part of it.

>> No.8694993 [DELETED] 

I think the beliefs that God is personal in form and that Jesus and buddies possessed magical powers are wrong, but Christianity has a good moral system and incredibly interesting principles. Look, I'm not a Christian, but I've read the Bible and I think it's a damn good book. You can't read the Bible and not see some merit in it.

>> No.8694996

so cool and edgy

>> No.8694998
File: 258 KB, 726x792, 1316087183082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I seriously hope that is not the person giving advice since you can still see facial hair, ha.

I never understood why very obvious men always dress up as women. You can call yourself a transsexual but you are fooling no one. Cross dressing should be left to the more feminine.

>> No.8695000

sorry but you sound no diffirent from a souther redneck neckbeard.

>> No.8695003

People do it here all the time. Even if you think they're all shitposters, I don't really care.

I am implying that those who are so scared of what isn't "normal" that they clump together in filthy piles of circle jerking, should just go kill themselves.

It's disgusting to look at.

>> No.8695004


That's not me!

And people can't help how they look. They already have it hard enough without you being "Reverse PC" on them.

>> No.8695007

I don't really care too much but what I do care about is that most of it is attent whoring tripfag circlejerk bullshit and it's spreading it's fingers into every thread because the motherfuckers have to announce it everywhere they go. I'm a man, I don't give a flying fuck what you are. You don't have to shout it and tell me every time you post. I don't care, no one does. Do your own thing but quit making everyone else have to deal with your fucking daddy issues as well. (not you specifically, general you)

>> No.8695009

>Christianity has a good moral system
so slandering everyone that's not christian and punishing free will if it doesn't strictly adhere to a 2000 year old book written by cavemen is a good moral system?

i'm cirno after all. my body is cool and my wings have edges.

>> No.8695011

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695012

so the people who hold opinions that differ from your own should be killed, sounds rather familiar to what a certain someone said here:

>> No.8695013

Wow, this thread really just fell apart. I miss the old threads that would go on for hundreds of posts without this garbage.

>> No.8695014

sounds exactly like christianity or islam!

>> No.8695019

Well nothing like that was here until the attack started on PotC, but, whatever.
I know what you mean and I agree but I can't see it here.

>> No.8695016

If you look closely, you can see that I was only commenting on how disgusting it is to look at. I never once mentioned any kind of homicide.

>> No.8695017

more like mima is a hypocritical retard.

>> No.8695018

It's nice to see that you've just admitted that you're a SHITPOSTER and also a FAGGOT SUPPORTER. Now please, just go.

>> No.8695020

Blame the tranny.

>> No.8695024

All humans are hypocritical. Get over it.
So you feel threatened and decided to throw more stereotypes at me. Hey, that's cool.

>> No.8695026

It was fine until PotC showed up.

>> No.8695027


All I did was post in a thread helping someone with trans issues. It's nothing to do with tripfag circlejerks. I'm someone with experience in it, I'm known for it so people can search my trip in the archives if looking for such things, it made sense for me to comment. I didn't even say I was trans in that post. I rarely announce that I'm trans and people didn't even know it for the longest time because of how seldom it came up. I didn't think that people would be that hostile towards trans issues here. It's other people who keep bringing it up. Shout at them, not the other trip/namefags.

>> No.8695032

>on how disgusting it is to look at.
Woah! Strong irony here!


>> No.8695037

Get laser treatment.

>> No.8695034


... to help the OP with their problem? It was fine until the "trolls" showed up, more like. It must be great to have tripfags around to blame all the shortcomings on.

>> No.8695035 [DELETED] 

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695040

you bring attention to it by having done so before and posting with a trip. If you don't want the backlash and negative attention take the trip off. It's really simple.

>> No.8695038


No. It's the posters like you. All of this ridiculous bashing of people is stupid. People should be allowed to live their lives however they want without people harassing them for it. Unless they are actually hurting someone else in some way. And acting differently than you want them to isn't hurting anything. If it really is, you are the one with the problem to let something like that bother you.

>> No.8695039

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695045
File: 69 KB, 380x380, 1331363416874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're disgusted with how you look, hit the gym you piece of shit.
A lot of guys here want to be the little girl because you think it'll be much easier. Girls don't have to work as hard, or try as much to look good. I bet you're all skinnyfat manlets with tits, which is why you'd rather just be a girl. You are lazy and disgusting. Put some fucking effort into yourself and become a man.

>> No.8695046


>I'm known for it so people can search my trip in the archives if looking for such things, it made sense for me to comment.

Any excuse to wear a trip, huh? I highly doubt a single person would bother looking through the archives for your specific information on a topic.

>> No.8695042 [DELETED] 

Yo, newsflash ::: MIMA == POTC
Hell, wasn't it obvious from the start?
By the way, PotC also uses the handle Mima on IRC.
Try to prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.8695043

just stop being a faggot, go to club and get some pussy.

>> No.8695047

Maybe he should've posted without a trip.

Just saying.

>> No.8695050

>[Knights of the STRAIGHT order]
I thought these guys were already dead.

>> No.8695057

This is why we should have a system where people can be judged based on what they say rather than who they are. We could call it an "anonymous BBS".

>> No.8695052


>> No.8695053


Is that you Flenaris?

I already explained a good reason for using a trip in these kinds of threads. It's not up to me to compromise how I do things to please people who are clearly the lowest level of shitposters on the board. The transphobe trolls are a problem regardless and should be dealth with. Direct your ire at them.

>> No.8695054

So anyone who looks to be vaguely on the side of the person you don't like is a samefag.

Because it's so much less threatening if it feels like it's 1 person against everyone else, right?

>> No.8695055

you think that potc and mima are worse than you, but...
he's not you. nowhere close.
but even if mima and potc were the same person.
they'd be better than tokiko.

>> No.8695056


That would probably work too.

>> No.8695058


Well no they want to be a little girl so they can be all cute and frilly and stuff, everything else is just like a bonus. Once they age though there are no benefits to being female at all.

>> No.8695060

So many replies and so fast.

Is it you /v/?

>> No.8695061

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695066

The only good advice in the entire thread.

>> No.8695062 [DELETED] 


>> No.8695063


I don't need any reason to have a trip other than feeling like it. However if people are looking for trans advice threads in general, then yes it may help them find a post they're looking for. We get a few of these threads.

>> No.8695067

I don't know who that is. The thing is, wearing a trip is like walking around with Aryan brotherhood tattoos and being upset when someone calls you out. You chose to wear the trip, it's not their fault you can't handle not displaying and showering everyone with your bullshit opinion.

>> No.8695072

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695075

This is a cross-dressing thread, not "trans advice general". There's a huge difference.

>> No.8695076

> trans advice threads
I hate to break it to you, but you're the only trans female here. Trans males aren't nearly the same as trans females, its like linux and unix, while they can have some similarities in the end they're too totally different things.

>> No.8695078 [DELETED] 

Linux is merely a kernel while UNIX is a broad class of complete operating systems.

>> No.8695077 [DELETED] 


Let me tell you how this will pan out.

"Anonymous: Looking for trans advice please."
"Anonymous 2: Some trans advice."
"Anonymous 3: I recognise that guy's posting style! Fucking TRANNY!"
"Anonymous 4: What? Stop shitposting."
"Anonymous 3: ^ Fucking SAMEFAG. You're a man with a DICK. "
Anonymous 5: Suck my dick dude.
Anonymous 2: >2012 >on /jp/ >still hating traps"
Anonymous 3: Who are you quoting?
Anonymous 5: ^ SAMEFAG "

>> No.8695079

well, you know, everything has to be about the tripfags. If it isn't they make it about themselves. Normally I don't really care but I wouldn't mind too much having forced anon again.

>> No.8695081

Let me tell you how this will pan out.

"Anonymous: Looking for trans advice please."
"Anonymous 2: Some trans advice."
"Anonymous 3: I recognise that guy's posting style! Fucking TRANNY!"
"Anonymous 4: What? Stop shitposting."
"Anonymous 3: ^ Fucking SAMEFAG. You're a man with a DICK."
"Anonymous 5: Suck my dick dude."
"Anonymous 2: >2012 >on /jp/ >still hating traps"
"Anonymous 3: Who are you quoting?"
"Anonymous 5: ^ SAMEFAG "

>> No.8695083 [DELETED] 

a kernel is the basis and most important part of an Os. you can build an OS around linux but you cannot build a kernel.

>> No.8695086

You're crazy, you're also a man with a penis.

Do you still do random feminism speeches to derail threads?

>> No.8695087

This. The thread wasn't about the LGBT struggle it was about looking pretty. PotC derailed it by responding to everyone who criticized him. Burn in hell shitposting scum.

>> No.8695089

> I don't need any reason to have a trip other than feeling like it.
What you are doing isn't a case of, "Oh people need to learn not to complain! Ignore me or filter me if you don't like it!", it's actually harmful to the dynamics of an anonymous board.

You have been here for two years, so I'm sure you have visited 2channel, Futaba Channel, 4-ch, SAoVQ, iichan, Wakachan, or some similar boards at least once. You should understand the merits of anonymity. Anonymity means not having a name, it does not mean, "We don't know who you are," as many people believe (that is "pseudonymity").

This thread perfectly illustrates what Hiroyuki Nishimura, the founder of 2channel, said about his website:
> If there is a user ID attached to a user, a discussion tends to become a criticizing game. On the other hand, under the anonymous system, even though your opinion/information is criticized, you don't know with whom to be upset. Also with a user ID, those who participate in the site for a long time tend to have authority, and it becomes difficult for a user to disagree with them. Under a perfectly anonymous system, you can say, "it's boring," if it is actually boring. All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.

Heck, someone on SAoVQ wrote a guide to these sort of boards. It should really be required reading, even for 4chan:

>> No.8695090

fine, gnu+linux vs unix.

The term linux mostly these days concerns the linux kernel and the gnu operating system. If I had mean the linux kernel by itself I would have said the linux kernel and made it clear I meant only the linux kernel.

Just out of curiosity, what's your opinion on refering to gnu as stallmanX? Linux+stallmanx sounds nice... maybe its just me.

>> No.8695094 [DELETED] 

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695095

its a her

>> No.8695093 [DELETED] 

Explain MINIX, that OS made by that crazy dude, and dozens of other alternative kernels out there. Sure, it's not the easiest thing in the world to code a kernel (look at GNU Hurd, jesus) but it's certainly possible. The Linux kernel is only complex because of the wide variety of hardware it supports. When you make a kernel targeted at one specific kind of computer, it is relatively small in size. My kernel is only 10MB.

>> No.8695096 [DELETED] 


why haven't you written your own kernel yet then fagstorm

>> No.8695098


Sorry, how is good trapping advice a "bullshit opinion"?

if people jump on someone just for using a trip and not liking some of the things associated with that trip, then it's their problem and they should stop doing it. Blaming it on the tripfag achieves nothing because the same assholes will be there and keep posting unscolded, looking for the next target. If I stop posting with a trip, that means I've been coerced into that position. I'm not attacking anyone by using a trip. The blame should lie on those with blatant ill-intent.


Trans includes transvestite. And this sort of advice is useful for M2Fs early on in transition too.

>> No.8695100

Until it loses it's penis, it is a he in the eyes of the law because it would go to a male prison.

>> No.8695101

Why Linux is not "GNU/Linux":

Really, rms is a whiny manchild about these sort of things. It might sound like a personal attack, but it's true. Look at the FSF's relationship with Debian, or his reasons behind the changes in GPLv3.

>> No.8695104

you really are fucking retarded aren't you

>> No.8695108

I'm sorry that I'm the one that is saying this but NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. I don't care if you use a trip or not, it doesn't change the fact that transexual matters belong in another board. Cosplay and crossdressing are part of otaku culture (more >>>/cgl/ though) but transexualism is not.

Not sure exactly which board trans stuff should be in but im pretty sure >>>/soc/

>> No.8695105 [DELETED] 

I've written kernel support for hardware that the Linux kernel does not natively support. Give me some credit.

I just call GNU GNU, because that's what it is. Stallman is only a minor contributor to the overall GNU project's source code, as is Linus Torvalds. The term GNU is neutral and standard. Give credit where credit is due.

>> No.8695106

That is a transphobic term.

>> No.8695107


How thick are you? It's about giving advice, I gave advice. I didn't derail anything, those spamming the thread did and would have continued to do so regardless.

Why is the blame lying on someone that actually contributed to the thread, and not the ones who are actually posting inflammatory remarks? This is what gets me, and it's a big part of the reason /jp/ can be a serious shithole at times.

>> No.8695112

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695119

you haven't seen the pictures of her have you?

>> No.8695116

It's pretty simple.

You have a penis, you're a dude.
You have a vagina, you're a woman.

End of story.

>> No.8695127

You are a man with a penis.

>> No.8695128 [DELETED] 

oh look POTC sockpuppeting again

>> No.8695121 [DELETED] 

its also hilarious how rms has reacted to the creative commons. youd think hed just want people to support copyleft. but no they have to support him.

>I just call GNU GNU, because that's what it is.
link me to one professional news publication that calls linux gnu instead of linux

>> No.8695122

MAC foundation is utter shit. If your looking for really fantastic foundation, use Makeup Forever.

>> No.8695124

because if you take off the trip your retarded stalkers who hate you disappear, which means that this shit goes away, you daft fuck.

>> No.8695126

If you are trying to pass, get a hot towel shave at a barbers just before the event. It makes a huge difference, trust me.

>> No.8695132 [DELETED] 

What happens to a man that chops off his penis?

Go away, POTC. Added to my filter.

>> No.8695131


That's not what the thread is about. It was about offering advice to an anon who wanted to crossplay. Other people decided to make it about me purely because I posted. Telling you don't give a fuck is ridiculous when other people are the ones that keep posting it. Bitch at them instead.

OP, delete your thread and start again. I'd recommend trying /cgl/ or the TG board on 420chan if you want better advice.

>> No.8695133

Trans are real life Futanaries.

>> No.8695134

He is a man without a penis.

>> No.8695135

> I just call GNU GNU, because that's what it is.
That's far worse. GNU is (currently) not an operating system, not even under rms's own warped definition of "An OS is a kernel + some POSIX utilities." You may as well call BusyBox or the Heirloom Project an "operating system". When they make a working HURD, they can call the whole shebang "GNU". Until then it's "Linux."
While whiny old farts and misguided students who sit up at 3am reading Free as in Freedom are playing keyboard warrior and whining over the semantics of the name, we'll be coding things on our Linux boxes and not giving a fuck. That's what Dennis Ritchie did, that's what Donald Knuth does, that's what Linus Torvalds will be doing for the next few decades.

Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.8695137

you got filtered by Tokiko you must be the shittiest shitposter to ever shitpost.

>> No.8695138

Then why do you keep this shitty discussion going by responding to the shitposters, SHITPOSTER?

>> No.8695139
File: 451 KB, 1024x768, 1327586215705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


amazing thread.

>> No.8695141


>> No.8695142

>because if you take off the trip your retarded stalkers who hate you disappear

No they won't. They'll just engage in other shitposting and effectively at this stage it would be giving into transphobic bullying.

>> No.8695147

nah they have balls, started off as men and don't have vaginas. not a futa, just a confused sad little boy.

>> No.8695149 [DELETED] 

You are a man with a p e n i s.

>> No.8695144

Man, how'd this thread get to linux?

>> No.8695145

the problem is that you derailed the thread by responding to the trolls, the more you respond to them the harder they'll try. Don't feed em and they'll look elsewhere.

>> No.8695153

> link me to one professional news publication that calls linux gnu instead of linux
For the record, rms refuses interviews or publication of certain news stories unless they use his terms.

>> No.8695157

You are a man with a p, e, n, i, s.

>> No.8695158


>> No.8695159

someone described the male mind to the female mind like linux(+ gnu) vs unix and how they're totally different but have some things similar.

>> No.8695160

The only difference is that I shit post with my trip on purpose.

>> No.8695165

Just like PotC then.

>> No.8695168 [DELETED] 

When you code software for distributions of GNU, do you use a GNU license for it or a Linux license?

If you use empty spoiler tags or include >>postid's, you can get past the spam filter. Just a ``helpful hint"

>> No.8695169


Geez MAN, why would anyone bully you when you type up retarded posts like that? What with your clear victim complex and all!

>> No.8695170 [DELETED] 

I can assure you that the only "shitposting" I participate in is flaming useless tripfags like you.

>> No.8695172
File: 421 KB, 1005x967, raspberry gnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raspberry pi

>> No.8695173

Dunno, next we will be arguing about how shit Lisp is.
After all, if Lisp was the great programming language everyone makes it out to be, it would actually have people using it for real world code. As it stands it's a toy language, only used in academia because SICP set the precedent.
Students should be taught C, which is a great programming language and used by thousands of very important projects worldwide.

>> No.8695174

you really are the kid on the play ground crying because no one would be nice to you after you spent the entire day yelling at the other kids and telling them how special and unique you are.

>> No.8695179

I've actually always felt that was unfair. I intend to run a Plan 9 grid when mine arrive. I get that saying it's a "GNU/Linux box" or a "Linux box" appeals to people, but it's just...a computer. As far as I'm aware it doesn't even ship with an OS like they originally planned it to (tell me if I'm wrong).

>> No.8695189

you need to put an OS on an sd card and it doesn't come with an sd card so yes, it does not ship with an OS. There will however be versions that ship with an sd card loaded with some distro of linux/gnu and some other accessories. That is coming at a later date however.

>> No.8695190

>When you code software for distributions of GNU, do you use a GNU license for it or a Linux license?
My mistake. Guess I'll go back to tinkering with zlib/SDL. Maybe I'll write a BSD/game, or perhaps an MIT/game! The world is truly my oyster.

>> No.8695196

>implying you code software

>> No.8695200 [DELETED] 

Java and C++ are much more widely used by programmers, and Windows has the majority market share of OSes. If you're going to go argumentum ad populum, go all the way.

I like fucking around in LISP as much as anyone else, but it's honestly taught me more about computer science than any C book ever has. Maybe I use shitty books or have bad teachers, but it was LISP that made me a better programmer, and the world needs more people that can think in LISP.

>> No.8695207

>If you're going to go argumentum ad populum, go all the way.
No, I'm going argumentum ad nobodyusesitsoitsworthless.
A programming language is used to write programs.
If nobody is using it to write real programs, it is worthless.
After all, if it's such a great language, shouldn't people be using it? It clearly has enough fans, yet they have produced nothing beyond a small portion of emacs.

>> No.8695210

/jp/ - stormfront culture

so many dark and edgy kids in this thread! its like i'm really on /a/b/v/!

>> No.8695215

Quality bump /a/.

>> No.8695212

You are legitimately asshurt.

>> No.8695213

How the fuck does racism play into this whole discussion?

>> No.8695216

shut up PotC

>> No.8695219

And somehow, despite that, your post manages to still be one of the worse ones in the thread.

Or maybe not, this shit is awful.

>> No.8695224

At least I can conform to common practice/Internet standards without fucking it up:

Who are you quoting, nerd?

>> No.8695221 [DELETED] 

Some trannies believe that gender identity is socially equal to racial identity. A lot of furries have the same mindset. Playing the race card has been legitimized since the civil rights movement, so idiots think that they can abuse it. ``You don't like me because I'm not cisgendered? Next you'll hate niggers for being black."

>> No.8695222

So... if I take the GNU utilities out of a GNU/Linux, does it become Linux, or is it still a GNU/Linux?

>> No.8695226

That angers me greatly, you have angered me with this post.

>> No.8695227

without GNU you just have a kernel. You can't do anything with a kernel alone. Likewise you can't do anything without a kernel. A kernel pretty much manages resources.

>> No.8695231

>you are legitimately asshurt

Oh, I'm the one that is asshurt huh? Thats why my dumb post got six responses in two minutes?


go be a cool rebel that dosen't care what mommy and daddy think there.

>> No.8695232

That entire post is nothin' but appeal to popularity.

>> No.8695237

0/10 Trying too hard.

>> No.8695234

Top-notch quality bump /a/.

>> No.8695235

Just because people are talking to you doesn't mean they're angry, even if you usually manage to pull this off.

>> No.8695236

cool the talk down method, I'm sure that will work on /jp/.

>> No.8695240

Sorry, your post was automatically discarded for this.

>> No.8695242

>implying standards matter

>> No.8695243

I don't think I could have used more memes if I tried.

>> No.8695244

I actually have this on one of my machines. It's running the Linux kernel + tcc + the sh, cp, mv, etc. from The Heirloom Project (look it up; it's great) + the traditional vi.
It's quite surprising to see how much of the functionality you're used to is built into the kernel. Though obviously from the user's point of view, you tend to use the userspace utilities like GNU a lot more.

>> No.8695247

Oh god, maybe that chucklefuck is right, it really does sound like /a/b/v/ in here.

Anyway, /jp/ doesn't particularly have anything against transgendered people as a whole, this thread is just a huge shitfest for reasons I'm not going to name.

OP should probably go to /cgl/ if he more information in a thread that isn't currently going to hell in a handbasket; they have a lot of crossplayers there. Most of them are FtM since /cgl/ is mostly girls but there's a handful going the other way. It's not as bad as everyone says it is.

>> No.8695254

Superb bump /a/.

>> No.8695250


Wow, you guys owned me hard. Sorry, I'll go back to /a/ now. And I think I might start listening to Rush Limbaugh too. You guys really straightened me out this time.

>> No.8695262


>> No.8695265


>> No.8695266

> ``
> "
Tokiko, is that you again?
It's ``this''.
` is opening quote character.
' is the closing quote character.
For double quotes in ASCII, you can either use the quotation mark character like "this" or you can use double quotes, ``like this''.

Learn the difference between " (1x 0x22) and '' (2x 0x27). It might just save your life.

>> No.8695269

You caught me. Deleted my posts and exiting the thread.

>> No.8695271

If we need to use `' for single quotes and ``'' for doubles, when should we ever use "?

ASCII spec is worthless, it makes it a useless character!

>> No.8695272

For real though, you should lurk more and learn how the board works. It's good netiquette. Of course you can do the whole "FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!" sarcastic thing, but that gets old. I'm assuming you're a grown adult capable of critical thinking, so surely you can see the silliness in what you're doing.

>> No.8695286
File: 50 KB, 906x427, ascii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they can also be used as diacritical marks!

>> No.8695290

>Punctuation: None
Alas, poor scanlators.

>> No.8695297 [DELETED] 

It's funny because /jp/ is the only board on 4chan I ever come to, precisely because it usually dosen't have the same incredibly dumb level of bickering that this thread does. So I decided to fight fire with fire. But go ahead with make sweeping assumptions and playing board police, thats cool.

>> No.8695303

You're doing it again.

>> No.8695311

All the cool scanlators use a swung dash ⁓ or a wave dash 〜 (which is what the Japanese use).

>> No.8695312

>all the tripfags are gone from the thread now
>people still arguing
Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.8695316

>Next you'll hate niggers for being black."
what if i'll hate wiggers for trying to be black instead?

>> No.8695317

When exactly should I choose to use single or double quotation marks anyway? I understand I need to use double when I am quoting something someone said, but when do I use single quotation marks? What's the consensus, because I see everyone do it differently/arbitrarily?

>> No.8695318

U MENA ``~''.

>> No.8695332


My point, it is proved. Report the spam and let the thread drop.

>> No.8695335

If you're American, you should be using double quotation marks pretty much all the time. e.g.

“Hello,” said the man.
Very “funny”, Tokiko.

Use single quotes inside speech to be meta:

“I was banned for ‘shitposting’ yesterday,” explained Anonymous.

If you're British, you pretty much do the opposite (single quotes for outer speech, double quotes for inner speech). There are some different rules for commas too, but nobody cares about those.

>> No.8695341

Christ, no wonder it seemed everybody did it arbitrarily, if it's taught completely opposite in Britain and America.

Also, fancy quotes no longer banned?

>> No.8695346
File: 146 KB, 701x1000, 1325356705554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer the OP question: There are several things you can do, but the best method depends on your situation.

1. Shave, exfoliate, and makeup seems to be the popular choice among middle aged people who don't mind a distinctively male 5 o'clock shadow and razorburn. But it's cheap and effortless.
2. Epilation only works with people that don't have much active facial hair.
3. Facial Nair is a cream that might be able to remove hair chemically for a while but it can leave burns and depends on your skin and hair types.
4. Plucking each hair follicle individually from a lightly growing beard will keep your face beard free for about two weeks. But it will take a day to get most of them and a lot of patience, leaving your face slightly swollen for a few days.
5. Permanent hair removal with electrolysis and laser will give you the best and longest lasting results but you need to make sure it's done by a certified professional or you will have a higher chance of permanent burn marks too.

Now you have your answer, please delete your thread. It's an eyesore.

>> No.8695357


Yeah about something completely different.

>> No.8695358

Fancy quotes is best quotes, especially if you're in an argument about which glyphs are ``correct'’.

They are a bitch to type though. Some keyboard layouts let you use AltGr to type them. Usually AltGr + v and AltGr + b (with Shift toggling between double and single quotes). I don't think this works with the US International layout, however.

Everyone type your posts in Microsoft Word before you post them.

>> No.8695375


>> No.8695404

I am interested in this too. I'm no homo at all, but me and a friend (both males) are looking for a cosplay.. and all fucking animus we've both seen that both of us like have a male + a female.. and cosplaying as Ruka from steins gate is the only "decent" situation in which we could pull this off, since Ruka has a penis. But yeah, I don't think I'd be brave enough to do this.

>> No.8695409

This guy gave the correct answers.

>> No.8695425

Apply lots of urea based moisturizer regularly. As a man all you can do is shave regularly and use tape to rip the hairs out. I hope you are a masochist.

>> No.8695483


>and use tape to rip the hairs out. I hope you are a masochist.

Does that even work? Will it take longer to grow back if you do this?

>> No.8695538

No, that poster is retarded. Extracting hair to the follicle will force it take about two weeks to regrow again. Quickly extracting hair is more likely to leave it bruised or cause bleeding. But the worst part is that the chance of snapping the hair is extremely high, when hair snaps it doesn't have to regrow from the follicle and it has an uneven edge which can promote ingrown hairs. If you must extract quickly then epilate clean and dry hair... Epilating wet or with residue cream/lotion causes the same problems as I just mentioned.

This comment is the answer:

>> No.8695561

I wouldn't have too many problems to do this, apart from the mental barrier.. The only problem I have are some fucking moles (that I hate with my whole soul) on my face. I hope they can get hidden..

>> No.8695656

Why not get them removed with surgery?

>> No.8695686

I wouldn't mind looking like a girl, but I would hate to have a vagina instead of a penis.

>> No.8695748

>Gender is sexual orientation.
But if I'm then what am I?

>> No.8695873

I swear that I will, some day.

On topic, I'm thin as fuck (only weigh 52 kg - 114 lb), and my eyes are my biggest weapon for this situation. Me and my sister have the same eyes, and some years ago, in some kind of national festivity that I had to dress up covering everything, including my face, EVERYfuckignbody mistook me for a girl (they could only see my eyes).

>> No.8696000

I genuinely believe someone has linked to this thread on /a/v/b/. That is the only way. I seriously hope this thread isn't populated by /jp/ regulars.

>> No.8696005

Other boards wouldn't give a shit about this thread. Stop being insane.

>> No.8696026

I can hope, can't I?

>> No.8696070

Publice Service Announcement

Your LBGT morality tyrades are not /jp/ related. You are proving that you are batshit insane by forcing your issues onto our board.

>> No.8696124

Stop responding to a ban evader. Report him.

>> No.8696141

How in anyway am I evading a ban? I just decided to start using a trip to support awareness of how annoying it is.

>> No.8696143

ninja or muslim?

>> No.8696402
File: 161 KB, 2048x1536, 11032012224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I know how faggot it is to post a self pic (I feel really awkward) but since someone requested a pic before in this thread, here's one.. laugh at me.

>> No.8696408

I love being slightly drunk. No matter how good you are at filter/ignoring trolls, you can only truly take it easy when mildly intoxicated. This thread is goddamn hilarious, I love you all.

>> No.8696413

Are you serious? That jaw is too manly. Don't even try it.

>> No.8696416


I know that feel. Nothing calms me down like some booze.

>> No.8696437

I actually let my beard grow to not resemble a girl, it accentuates my jaw a lot.
Trust me, if I had my sister to put make up on me, etc, it wouldn't be that hard.

Here's a vid of some kid:
(I know, he already looks like a girl before dressing up)

>> No.8696454

No, trust me, you have like a 5/10 pass rate. Not bad but you look too manly, even if you lost your beard your other facial structures are that of a man. Though if it makes you feel better with a 5/10 it means you could pass using angles and intense make up.

>> No.8696457

That boy is prepubescent, this video doesn't count.

>> No.8696471



>> No.8696476

that image is me in 2 years

>> No.8696490

I really don't care for these threads or traps in general, but it would be nice to have a thread/board where people could post pictures of themselves and be offered advice. Not like /soc/-style RATE ME!!!! or /fa/ WHAT HAIR SHUD I GET???. More just "You could pull off looking like a girl if you had long hair" combined with a few flames.

>> No.8696505

That'd basically be this thread, minus the advice. When you post a pic, you'll get flammed to death.

>> No.8696530

Disregard the trolls, I had a friend that looked much more manly and he could pull it off. It was other character, though, but still.
Just shave, put on a wax, good make-up and good wig, and you'll be set.
I'd need to see another pic of your eyes though, since they're almost closed in this one.. but it indeed looks like you have very long eyelashes, and that would help a lot.
The biggest problem I see right now would be your eye brows, you'd need to pluck em properly.

>> No.8696593

Sorry, I don't have any pics atm apart from the ones at that place, and I look stoned and like an idiot in all of em.
Thank you all anyways, I highly doubt I'd do this anyways, we'll just cosplay as something else.

>> No.8696600

They're very familiar with male physique. If they can't tell you're a boy from your picture, congratulations you passed. If they can, ask for advice. Although I doubt you can do much of anything to change bone layout.

>> No.8696730
File: 102 KB, 756x1000, 644926ef3d71b7a870ad8714353bf324..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer there to be the occasional thread on /jp/ because with the exception of a few threads like this one it is significantly different to the rest of the boards. I hate the LGBT stuff too and I think the transexual activists and the stoner geneticists or faux-scientists arguing semantics should just get the hell out of /jp/.

A single trap & GID thread on /jp/ shouldn't bother anyone, it would just be advice and posting a few pictures of socks or Chisame.

>> No.8696777

Except that most "experts" on telling genders make a lot of false positives too. You could argue they don't know what girls actually look like.

>> No.8696778
File: 134 KB, 287x633, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8696814
File: 88 KB, 500x333, trappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8696881

That is such an abomination, can hardly see his face thanks to all the photoshop.

>> No.8696882

It's not about knowing what a girl looks like, but what a guy doesn't look like.

>> No.8696885


>> No.8696889

Hey I couldn't be bothered to read through the thread because it seemed like 99% garbage posts, so apologies if this has been answered already but:

What's the easiest way to get rid of facial hair, and I mean get rid of not just cover it up with makeup.

It's not particularly comfortable, can make my face feel gross, is a hassle to shave etc.

I wash my face frequently and use moisturizer so my skin is pretty clear, I just want this hair gone.

Also no I do not want to be a girl I just don't want a beard/stubble.

>> No.8696899


That's fine, there are guys that get hair removal too. For example due to strict military regulations some men have it done on their beards. Laser would be the best. Unfortunately it's painful, expensive and doesn't always work that well on male hair.

Laser works best on dark hair. If you have lighter hair, you'll probably need electrolysis to get rid of it all. One of the problems with laser is that it comes out in patches. It can take well over a year to be done with it too depending on how thick it is and the space between sessions.

>> No.8696941

Hey Potc how long have you been transitioning and at what age did you start? I'm curious because recently Ive been contemplating whether or not its something I really want, I feel like if I don't decide now I could end up living with a lifetime of regret always wondering what might of been.

>> No.8696951

> Unfortunately it's painful, expensive and doesn't always work that well on male hair.
Was quick and painless for me, took 2 sessions.

>> No.8697009


I don't really want to get into my personal details, but generally if you start before 30 Hormones should be able to do enough to make facial surgery optional in most cases.

The earlier you start the better of course, though practically there's no real difference between 18 and 25.

>> No.8697044

>but generally if you start before 30 Hormones should be able to do enough to make facial surgery optional in most cases.
>The earlier you start the better of course, though practically there's no real difference between 18 and 25.
Such delusion. Best time is before secondary sex characteristics set in, some even in their late 20s will do fine but most men will look like >>8694850 if they start after 18.

>> No.8697052

No, don't try to be smart here. Most of these people that act like experts at discerning gender from an image are idiots that can't tell male from female.

Many women have a masculine jaw, or masculine hands, or broad shoulders, or are very tall, or have a large nose, or protruding brow, or larger ears, or thick legs, or big feet, or square/apple body shape, or bushy eyebrows, or bad skin, or visible facial hair, or receding hairline, or thin eyelashes, or thin lips.

Feminine traits can also be found in men so it's possible that there are a significant amount of men that are more feminine than their female counterparts.

Then you have differences in beauty and ugliness, where the more beautiful people will tend be more convincing in whatever they're presenting, and the ugly people will have a much harder time. When normal people are confused about somebody's gender it's usually the case of an ugly girl.

And then you have the people that always lean towards the "safe" side, which is an absolutely retarded attempt at never guessing wrong, because they don't know what a false positive is.

>> No.8697058

>Then you have differences in beauty and ugliness, where the more beautiful people will tend be more convincing in whatever they're presenting
This guy gets it.

>> No.8697081

>practically there's no real difference between 18 and 25.
What a garbage myth propagated by a bunch of washed up middle aged trannies that can't cope with their life decisions. That's the worst advice you could give somebody that's still young, knows 100% for certain, and is still a few years within the range of puberty.

The body continues to change well past puberty and the sooner it's changing in the right way the better.

>> No.8697085

If you're okay with being an ugly trap, go ahead. It was a recommendation to see if you were passable.

>> No.8697098

I hope your recommendation wasn't for anyone to go to /fit/ and post body shots. Just because your body passes does not make you a trap, the face plays a more important role.

>> No.8697122

thanks for the assurance, im turning 22 and my biggest fear is that I wont be able to start hormones for another 1-2 years, I guess I should try to get on them asap. Also I read that (age30+) = fss pretty often, im worried that im gonna need ffs regardless.

>> No.8697164

At your age you will need ffs if you need ffs now. Luckily for you you're still young and your body wont change much!

Oh, except you will get a lot more brittle and darker facial hair, nose hair will also start to grow longer and more bushy, skin will develop deep creases, your voice might continue to drop and settle into a fully masculine tone, and your hairline is likely to recede dramatically in the next few years.

>> No.8697171

Posting pictures on /fit/ isn't going to turn you from an ugly trap into a cute girl/trap.

>> No.8698458

if I look cute and boyish before hormones will said titty skittles make me a beautiful princess?

>> No.8698484

Wax your fucking face like a man or have laser surgery to remove that shit.

>> No.8698488

that costs money!

>> No.8698490

Depends on your body, some men who look like manly hairy men can turn into perfect little girls with a lot of work.

And some who already look like little girls dont change at all.
A good base to build on is obviously still a plus.

>> No.8698491

is there a list out there of what hormones will and won't do

>> No.8700375

They wont turn you into a girl.

>> No.8700381

It wont turn you into a girl.

>> No.8700410

I grew up in Miami Beach and had a few friends that were quite accomplished drag queens.

Most of them just used heavy foundation and a loose powder. If you get good at it, you can cover up stubble.

Otherwise, you're looking at laser surgery, which I actually think would probably wind up costing less than decent makeup for an extended period of time.

>> No.8700461

Would you date /jp/ if they became a girl for you?

>> No.8700487


>hormones will:
make you grow breasts
make you moody
reduce body hair
make you sterile
cause erectile dysfunction
cause fat redistribution to female patterns (curvy body)
cause pubic hair patterns to change

>they WILL NOT
make you into girl
change your voice
remove facial hair
make you shorter
make you lose weight
make people accept you

>> No.8700502

You didn't mention it, so I can assume hormones will give you a vagina?

>> No.8700509

ofc but you still have your penis

>> No.8700525

divine excrement having sex this thread is awesome
/prog/ quality

have an ``upboats'' /g/

>> No.8701691

This somehow reminded me of that female ape from Planet of the Apes. I can't unsee.

>> No.8702032

What's wrong with you?

>> No.8702281

Lack of sleep probably.

>> No.8702679

son of a bitch. can't unsee now.
