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8682556 No.8682556 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share the worst things we've seen

>6 years ago, african savana trip with co-workers, other random people
>In a jeep convoy, "let's go off the trail!"
>guide says okay, 2 jeeps go off
>a woman apparently goes missing from the other jeep
>everyone is panicking inside wondering what the fuck

then it were saw

>hear man yelling "HEELP! HEEEEEEEELP!"
>i run over and she's limp being dragged into a river by an alligator (or croc, i don't know shit), and it was overwhelmingly surreal
>other gators start biting her, the main one starts thrashing around to get them away
>she's literally ripped apart in 2 seconds

>> No.8682558
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Come on guys, I know for a fact some of you have some gorey stories.

>> No.8682560

bump for potential epic

>> No.8682559

>Hot summer day
>Walking home when get caught behind a really fat guy carrying groceries
>He starts to slow down
>Drops his groceries
>Falls over and can't breathe
>Rush to get help
>Dominos pizza guy and some skinny white guy help out
>Call 911
>They refuse to help because "he just fell over"
>Scream at them for a good 10 mins before they send someone over
>Ambulance arrives and just looks at him
>I tell them he stopped breathing and needs help
>They tell me not to worry about it
>Skinny guy runs off because his parole officer is asking where he is
>Realize no ones going to do anything
>I go to the back of the ambulance to find something to help the guy
>Get tackled by a cop
>Suddenly cops everywhere
>Guy is dead
>Ambulance just makes jokes
>People in cars drive by asking me if hes dead
>everyone laughs and just hauls off the body
>Not questioned or anything
>Pizza guy goes back to work
>MFW no one gave a shit and let him die

>> No.8682564

This was your fault, Anonymous. You could've saved him.

>> No.8682561

EMT here.

The worst call I can remember seeing recently

>Mother and newborn drving north bound in the midst of the october snow storm last year
>They get stuck in the snow
>Forced to wait it out, traffic comes to a complete standstill
>The mother notices the baby stopped breathing
>Calls 911
>Call goes to local FD and VAC
>They have a difficult time finding the vehicle, not sure exactly where they are
>911 center calls for additional FDs and VACs to help out in the search
>Finally someone reports via radio they have been found and the baby was fine.
>Half hour later 911 call comes in saying they still haven't gotten to them
>Everyone realizes THIS woman and baby wasn't the one they were looking for
>She lied so she could be rescued from the snow.
>Hours later eventually find the correct woman and baby
>Rush to the hospital
>The baby had died.

>> No.8682567

>Be in Afghanistan, cruising in muh mastiff
>Suddenly, scream
>People running at us waving and shouting
>Stop vehicle
>Get out
>Shit shit shit get ready for a contact
>Woman runs up to me and shoves me
>Man begins waving a gun and yelling angrily at us
>One of the lads shoots him
>Fucking hailstorm of bullets at him, he drops dead
>More screaming, people stop running towards us and start running away
>The woman who shoved me is still with us, punching and screaming, so we restrain her
>Hear someone say "Shit. Oh shit. Whoopsy daisy."
>"Sir, we're in a whole lot of shit."
>I go around the other side of the vehicle to see what he's talking about
>We ran over a kid. Went right over his midsection, splodged him in half and smeared him along the road. Entrails, entrails everywhere. His eyes are popping out of their sockets for some reason and his legs are separated in different places and horrible bloated at the top.

>> No.8682568

You were late to save her indeed.

>> No.8682569

He's fat

Deserved it for eating himself to death

>> No.8682574

I'm not going to spoil it, but a lot of these stories are really shitty.

>> No.8682571

Oh man.

What happened to you guys afterward? Did you get into any real trouble? I imagine the military likes to pretend these things never happened

>> No.8682575

>I imagine the military likes to pretend these things never happened

Pretty much. The guy driving was disciplined but we all stood up for him; the kid must have been lying on the road. There isn't nearly as good visibility out of a mastiff as there is out of a car so it was impossible to see him there.

>> No.8682577
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This one time, I went outside and a teenage girl strangled me until I almost blacked out.

Sorry, I don't go out much so my stories aren't as interesting as everyone else's.

>> No.8682583

Please stop greentexting, that way your thread will be taken much more serious and you can proof that you are not a retard who can't type out a story properly

>> No.8682582

Just wondering, are you the guy on /k/ who keeps popping up in war threads to say that veterans don't like to talk about the kills they made and cites the personal experience of running a kid over?

>> No.8682589

>"Oh shit. Whoopsy daisy."
I laughed much harder than would have been appropriate in a social setting.

>> No.8682587


I live in one of the northern states. I once was walking around by some railroad tracks. There was a hobo's nest up under a bridge. I was about 15 at the time and he had an unopened bottle of vodka and I decided to grab that shit while he was sleeping and run like hell because booze. Well as I got closer I could see he was blue. He either froze to death or he died some other way but he was still and blue. Called 911 and reported it. Police came and asked me a few questions and told me to run along. Never got the vodka either.

>> No.8682591

That's cool as shit OP. Would probably stick with you for life, though.

>> No.8682596
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>> No.8682595
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Yeah, it was an experience alright. Apparently she needed to pee, and someone (rumoured to be the guide) told her to go behind some bushes for privacy. How fucking dumb can you be? I mean, honestly, holy shit.

>> No.8682600

I've seen a fairly young girl (early teens) being coerced by three guys to get into a car.
She was resisting pretty strongly.
They were rough on her.
She was probably raped and killed later
Not a single fuck was given

>> No.8682607

Cool you're autism. I never saw that guy go into detail about his story on /k/ and wasn't trying to be mean about it or anything.

>> No.8682608

Same exact thing.


>> No.8682613

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8682640

Who are you all quoting?

>> No.8682642


> Did you get into any real trouble? I imagine the military likes to pretend these things never happened

Lol yeah fucking right all of these fags probably got burned if this shit even happened. That's an international incident.

>> No.8682650

No, not really. You greatly overestimate how many fucks are given about civilian life in a war zone.

>> No.8682652

>That's an international incident.

No, it's not. Kids too stupid to get out of the road die every day. Sometimes they're just squished by a slightly heavier vehicle.

>> No.8682710

I saw two arabs rape some little girl outside my apartment window.
Though the little girl apparently carried a knife because she killed one of the fuckers when I was calling the police.
Funny enough we're RIGHT NEXT TO THE STATION and they beat the other guy unconscious and the girl got away scot free.
Then the next month I see that same guy doing three guys slightly further and the same thing happens. Two guys got gutted, one guy actually ran for the station and I saw the twerp turn tail.

Called the cops the next day to explain what I saw, the girl's hunted down and never seen again.

I saw three murders done by a fucking pre-teen whore from my bedroom window.

Saskatchewan you're so crazy.

>> No.8682720

>same guy
fuck I'm tired

>> No.8682731

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8682728

I was all "Wow, you've seen some shit, brah," until:

Is the middle of Canada as fucked up as the middle of the US?

>> No.8682735
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Sounds like you saw Hit Girl

>> No.8682737

>That's an international incident.
Who would even notify the international community about it? Afghani?
Get serious.

>> No.8682759

It's so sad how fragile life is.
That must have been pretty traumatizing.
I'm glad I never leave my room.

>> No.8682806
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I saw my dad's dead body. He didn't die of anything terrible, just something too-much-fucking-alcohol related. Mom was sleeping on the couch, so she didn't have to deal with more than she had to.
It was very surreal and strange, like something out of a hallucination. I remember seeing it from about two yards away. He was nude, his skin tan and blotchy, like old fat mexican skin gets. His pubes were gray and puffed out, sort of like a tumbleweed. I don't remember how his face looked, but I remember his mouth.
Black. Something black had dripped out, or sloughed out, like blood, or poison, or some evil, viscous fluid. It may have been his tongue. It may have been his mouth. I'm no doctor. All I remember about it was that it was black, and horrible to look at.
God forbid I ever see that black thing again.

>> No.8682828

I bet everyone here has insomnia.

>> No.8682833

Yes. The money of Afghanistan would notify the international community.

>> No.8682838

Murrikan drivers so shitty.

>> No.8682844

Threads like this make me want to start drinking.
Go away, OP. I already reported your thread. Brace for meido

>> No.8682859

The current meido only deletes relevant, on topic threads.

>> No.8682874

You mean threads about things he isn't interested in.

>> No.8682872 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8682884
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Saw a kid attempt to kill himself via hanging at school in like fourth or fifth grade. It was on the playground.

My best friend was the only person the kid talked to. He got called into a teacher's office and they called me too by association and asked us if we had any idea of why he'd try to do it. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I went home later that day, played pokemon and forgot all about it until now.

>> No.8682902
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I thought we had 2 meido's?

>> No.8682911

Janitor and mod it seems. The mod is something of a lapdog.

>> No.8682928

>The mod is something of a lapdog.
I thought that was a well-known position requirement.

>> No.8683014

I have seen autists on fire over the shitposting gate...all those shitposting...gone like mods on /jp/,,,,

Timet o sage.

>> No.8683056

The military covers all that shit up. Read "Lethal Warriors" sometime.
