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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8624486 No.8624486 [Reply] [Original]


But seriously.
1 Japanese related thing
1 actual goal

>> No.8624494

I considered starting to properly finally learn Japanese and get past the first few pages of Tae Kim's guide.
Then I got bored and read a book on autism instead, because my brain is backwards and won't do things I WANT to do, and procrastinates by doing utterly pointless things instead.

>> No.8624492

i masturbated to ur mum

>> No.8624498

I got further in touhou then I ever have before.

>> No.8624508
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I watched Cross Assault

>> No.8624514


>> No.8624524

I went to a gay bar this morning and your dad sucked my cock.

>> No.8624527

I pozzed up some sweet sweet negs

>> No.8624530

chaser here looking for a sweet poz load

>> No.8624531
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>> No.8624533

I found out that my free promotional data plan with my cell phone also covers tethering, so I downloaded the last %20 of a Touhou jazz music torrent.

I'm wondering if I should spend the last 20 minutes of work masturbating...

>> No.8624535
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That's not true

>> No.8624539
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i learned that a lot of peeps in my circle REALLY FUCKING LOVE nicolas cage, couldn't relate as HELL so i dipped

>> No.8624552
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>> No.8624555 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8624558
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persistent as HELL and no where remotely related

>> No.8624563
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HELLa naizz trips...this is gettin outa hand

>> No.8624570
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Oh boy you, oh you.

>> No.8627169
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So what will we all do today?
1 Japanese related thing: I'm going to go flirt with the Japanese girl in my class.
1 actual goal: I will write an essay and set up a commite meeting for next month

>> No.8627185
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my actual goal is so autistic I can't share it, not even with /jp/
my Japanese goal is to learn what コレ means. maybe it's a slang term for Koreans? let's find out

>> No.8627434


Suicide by train

>> No.8627440
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It turns out コレ and ソレ mean the same exact thing as これand それ. Another mystery solved!

>> No.8627443

worked for 6 hours
...got shit money for it

>> No.8627447

I landed a double gold burst combo online for 9.5k damage.

Uploaded it and saved it forever.

>> No.8627448

Today I've played some eroge, exercised, taken a shower, and, umm.. learned about.. monastic reforms under the Carolingian empire ...or something.

>> No.8627461

I watched a few episodes of Dexter, played Under Defeat, played Monster Hunter 3rd, and now I'm about to play Devil Survivor 2.

Today was a good day.

>> No.8627467

Manage to rememorized some Katakana

>actual goal
make my desktop look alot better with some tools (yeah I am a hipster and I still use window XP in 2012)

>> No.8627470

Congratulations on figuring it out. Japanese sometimes use katakana for absolutely no reason at all, or sometimes to add emphasis on a word. This is why you have to remain flexible when learning instead of getting stuck on the idea that katakana is only used for loanwords just because some shitty textbook told you so.

>> No.8627482

>Manage to rememorized
pfffff how autistic I am...

>> No.8627490

Class from 9 to 11. It's the only thing I have on my schedule for an entire week. Japanese literature.

>Actual goal
After class I went to a restaurant place because they have some nice pictures up for display this month.
Then I got home, had some lunch, and I've been playing TF2 since then.
>implying I have a goal

>> No.8627547
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Today I did my monthly food shop, and so some reason there were a lot of dumb families at the supermarket even though it wasn't the weekend and it shouldn't have been a busy time.

So I quietly went around, pushing my trolly around and picking out the specials and treats I'll feed myself for the next couple of weeks.

At one point these children were blocking the path of my trolly and while I contemplated how pushing them aside with the front of it was a bad idea, someone called out. "Hey, stop it. She wants to get through. Come on move out of the way so the nice girl can get what she wants."

They moved away and I rolled on to the shelf, and then it hit me as I noticed that nobody else was around and they were referring to me. My legs went a little weak and my hands were trembling slightly. I wasn't even dressed as a girl...

>> No.8627559

If your legs get weak simply from being called a girl, I wonder how you would react if someone were to make you feel like a girl.

>> No.8627599

Oh my~

>> No.8627611
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Pics or didn't happen

>> No.8627619

Get out normalfag

>> No.8627622


I want to believe but I don't

>> No.8627651

I managed five sets of nine reps of chinups while listening to Mikabe by Z. Two for one.

>> No.8627686

iced burn!

>> No.8627696

I'm not going to prove it, don't be silly. I don't even think I look pretty at all, they must have been half-blind.

>> No.8627743


>> No.8627764

I'm leaving for work in a couple minutes

Work sucks. Stay a NEET if at all possible.

>> No.8627805
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Maybe you were so fucking ugly they didn't wanted to look?

Also, there is a chance they were being sarcastic.

>> No.8627809

I restarted Negima for the third time. I hope now that I have a better screen I won't get turned off by the WALLS OF TEXT. My goal is to read 2~3 volumes per day so I get up to date when the last chapter comes out.
I'm reading it in English, but I'll pretend I read "1 Japan related thing" instead of "1 Japanese related thing".

Goals? I have none, so I can hardly achieve one.

>> No.8627827

>buys grocery by the month
>gets the specials
come on.
take better care of yourself

>> No.8627840
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Today was great! I did a lot of nice things.

>> No.8627863

[X] Fapped to something in Japanese
[X] Fapped

>> No.8627865
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I cruised smoothly through work
then I read 3 volumes of JoJo
and now I'm lying at bed browsing /jp/ and taking it easy!
I want to study some japanese or code a bit, but I'm feeling lazy
I think I'm going to blast some Touhou music and take it even easier

Before you get mad at me having a nice day, remember that I'm an ugly virgin with no real friends. Also, I'm injuried and can't train, I love training ;_; I've been crying every night since I got injuried, it hurts a lot and I feel alone in this world

But while typing this message, I checked my bank account and... my paycheck is in! money heals my soul a bit... I can live for another day

But in the end, I did not achieve anything today!
Did you enjoy my blog?

>> No.8627874

Yes! I did!

>> No.8627893
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Tried growing a square watermelon by waiting till it grew into a certain size then placing in a small, 7'' plastic box with a large hole on the top of the lid of the box door.
After it grew, I realized that I should sell it to make money. Since those watermelons sell for 6433¥ (somewhere around $80), I would sell it for a good price. Sold it to a gullible friend for $40.

Next day, asshole wants his money back. I already spend that shit on Soul Calibur V.
Never seen him since.

>> No.8627894

Yes! I can't wait for the next entry!

>> No.8627930

I just took a shower and now I'm about to go work out. Will keep you posted, guys.

>> No.8627934

Why are so many of you working out? What's the point of being strong?

>> No.8627958

Some /jp/sies like to dress like girls to feel pretty.

I realized a while ago that I could never pass for a cute girl, so I did the opposite. Now I work out for the aesthetics, even though it's just for myself.

>> No.8628080
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I had to visit a local ISP Co-op to write a report on some bullshit.
Halfway through the tour, the guy in charge of billing came to guide us and I had to hold in my laughter. He had a stereotypical Jew name, noise, jewelry, and even did the hand rubbing thing together. Talking about how much he loved billing people didn't help either.

>> No.8628092

Today I:
Went to the gym and worked out for 90 minutes. I did all of my sets but still feel awful since I can't figure out anything to do to improve my core at the gym. Unless it's group yoga and I hate group yoga.

I also picked up Child of Eden from the local Target and will play it when I finish Mindjack then Cross Edge. So probably 2-3 weeks from now.

I finally ordered my Genki I Textbook and Workbook so I can get back into learning Japanese. So I can translate all the Koihime Musou games. I never thought it would be too much work to be a pervert, but I guess this is the true path.

In all honesty it varies from person to person, I'm working out because when I was on my own I had a lot of free time and going to the gym instead of masturbating for hours on end seemed slightly more productive (Also doing it after you work out feels so much better). Plus it got me into free running which is essentially being batman for the bullet-pervious. That and it helps keep my frustrations in check.

>> No.8628099

>Also doing it after you work out feels so much better

This is true. Maybe because your body feels more satisfied and relaxed right after. I've only done it a few times though, and it's right after you do a serious workout where every muscle in your body is burning and you can hardly pick up the soap to shower.

>> No.8628121

[X] downloaded waifu app
[X] masturbated

>> No.8628131
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>> No.8628171

I realized at some point that the times I've enjoyed my life the most has always been the times I've exercised regularly. If it was just for my physical appearance, it would be hard to justify the time investment, but when it single-handedly helps me fight back my depression, I can more easily find the time for it.

>> No.8628193


>> No.8628233

I learned what 中二病 means.

That's all.

>> No.8628320

I need to start exercising, else I'll never be light enough for what I want.

>> No.8628328

I made a peanut butter sandwich all by myself :)

>> No.8628800

after a while you become a metrosexual fucktard who likes the look of his BUFFED UP arms and won't do anything of it doesn't contribute to them getting bigger.

>> No.8628808 [SPOILER] 
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I woke up and thought about finally switching majors from Biology to Computational Biology for about 5 minutes.

Then I spent the next 7 hours rewatching Deadwood and F5ing /jp/.

>> No.8628812

I did some more updates to the Studio Nihi website and found a format that I'm happy with for the product pages.

>> No.8628810

I reached the 100 kanji milestone.

>> No.8629970

I tried some serious anal masturbation. I normally only do it with a finger, but this time I wanted to go all out. If anyone remembers, I mentioned finding an old lightsaber I could disassemble and use the parts as a dildo.

So my family went out to dinner and left me home alone, I knew this was one of very few chances I would ever get. I fired up my laptop and loaded the best futa H doujinshi/Manga I could find, with the beefiest cocks and loads of cum. I set the tabs ready and went to the bathroom with the lightsaber and a big bottle of moisturizing lotion.
I used my right hand to shove it up my ass after covering it and my shaved cheeks in lotion and pumped away. I couldn't feel anything, so I kept pushing deeper and deeper while masturbating my penis. I went really deep and then I felt a sharp pain and pulled it out. The lightsaber was covered in shit and it was gross. I started to leak shitty lotion, but I was already going so I stopped anally masturbating and just stroked towards oragasm. I accidentally got some shitlotion all over my laptop while switching tabs.
When I came, I decided to just go for it and swallow the cum, and I did. it was gross and left a thick film on the inside of my mouth.
Anal masturbation is the worst, and doesn't feel good at all. Semen tastes bad, and I'm never doing this again.
I took a shower and headed to bed, that ruined my whole week.

>> No.8629986
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I drew this sprite for my game.

>> No.8631011

You're a retard. Anal masturbation requires preparation and proper tools.

>> No.8631074

Didn't you read? I prepared and had tools.

>> No.8631077

You didn't prepare well enough and I said "proper tools". At very least, you should do an anal douche beforehand, and use real sex toys. Preferably something small in the beginning.

>> No.8631078

a lightsaber is not a proper tool for anal masturbation

>> No.8631079

Sounds really expensive and time consuming. I just want to feel good. I've used fingers before, so that counts as something small.

>> No.8631086

I've posted about some of my worse experiences lately, but I'm still anal masturbating daily and have since, probably just before the split.

One day it'll click. Get a dildo with a suction cup, stick it to your wall, lube it up and ride it.

>> No.8631095

Not really expensive. You can get a set of buttplugs of various sizes for like $10. It can be time consuming, though. Just one session once in a while won't take you that long, 3 minutes to clean yourself out and 3 minutes to clean up everything when you're done (always the most depressing part). But you have to try it regularly for a few days before it starts feeling really good.

>> No.8631169


Reported, all of you.
