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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 195 KB, 667x950, 1322809086441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8615701 No.8615701 [Reply] [Original]

Can women be legitimately truNEET?

>> No.8615704


>> No.8615706

Only if they're fat like the rest of us ineligibles.

>> No.8615709

I'm beautiful, so speak for yourself.

>> No.8615724

Are you also a little girl? You can only post here if you're one of those you know.

>> No.8615740
File: 246 KB, 705x555, c539dae726e83fcfdc2eb61a5a079987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a gorgeous seme.

>> No.8615742

>fat like the rest of us

Uh, what?

>> No.8615756

I don't see why not, although they're exceptionally rare compared to male ones.

Also reported. This thread is attention whore bait.

>> No.8615758

No, it's impossible for them to fail at life as much as we do because society tends to cater to women. A woman also has a 100% chance of finding a partner at some point.

I don't really care though since most of them lead a boring and meaningless life doing what other people expect them to do.

>> No.8615759

I don't even know how to categorize these threads while reporting.

>> No.8615765

Rule breaking. Flooding if it's some ass like yRan.

>> No.8615766

True that. It's also not literally 100%, but I'm sure you were just rounding.

Rule violation? Gender/troll threads don't belong here.

>> No.8615774

I get a raging erection when I see pictures like this. I often imagine living with a fujoshi and supporting each other financially,sexually and emotionally.

But then I remember what they really look and act like.

>> No.8615786

It's easy as fuck for women. Hell, fifty years ago women were EXPECTED to be NEETs.

>> No.8615791

Dependency is also my fetish.

>> No.8615802
File: 31 KB, 241x217, tKOgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really now?

>> No.8615812

female neet here.

guarentee i've done less than any of you combined in the last 10 years

feels GOOD

also autism monies

>> No.8615808
File: 108 KB, 600x150, e86eb7fab305a91fcf35846de9b9d224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I want someone to be like a dog for me and try to smother me with love as I act like life support.

>> No.8615809
File: 204 KB, 570x383, 022108-wallace-bear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet another sexist thread on /jp/

>> No.8615810

OP said "truNEET". I assume he meant living the whole solo shut-in lifestyle, not merely meeting the qualifications for being a NEET.

>> No.8615817

As in, you want to support someone who is dependent on you, or you want to be dependent on someone else yourself?

>> No.8615818

shut the f*ck up

>> No.8615820

You cannot do less than me. It's not possible.

>> No.8615821
File: 95 KB, 598x508, 1317609264916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send in the clowns

>> No.8615823
File: 152 KB, 720x900, 9847bc9387ce5f90cc4e13bf80afd3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to depend on me 100%. I mean, don't dogs usually die without their owner? Stray survival rates should be low I think.

>> No.8615825

Would you consider dating me?
I have a job and I can support whatever hobbies you have for which autism bucks don't suffice.

>> No.8615827

Get out of here PotC. Take your greentext and misuse of the word "sexism" with you.

>> No.8615829
File: 138 KB, 349x415, 1325117112895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep seeing this mascot everywhere?

>> No.8615830

I can never tell if posts like these are supposed to be taken seriously or not.

>> No.8615832

is this a raid? look at this shit.

>> No.8615833

I know of one from /jp/, so yeah sure.

Social anxiety affects both genders obviously.

>> No.8615836

do women exist /jp/? or are they just kigurumi taken too far?

please respond

>> No.8615839

What's a PotC?

>> No.8615840

Social anxiety is not the sole cause of being a shut-in and/or a NEET. It also affects men and women very differently in relation to society.


>> No.8615848

/jp/'s resident super-faggot and professional crybaby.

>> No.8615850

Uncalled for.

>> No.8615875

They're called "catladies"

>> No.8615885

>>Social anxiety is not the sole cause of being a shut-in and/or a NEET.

Who could have guessed?

I know. I've read the wiki entry for NEET as well, Anon.

>> No.8615906

Are you really accusing someone of reading wikipedia over common sense?

>> No.8615916

Don't bother arguing with a tripfag, especially one so deluded.

>> No.8615918

You're on /jp/

>> No.8615941

Hmm I don't know where I went wrong

When I was 16 I worried I'd never find someone

Freshmen year in college was even worse because I didn't know anyone.

Made some friends in art classes. Art instructor said I should be a model. awkward moment.. but no one seemed too interested in me

Now I just work and sit around watching romantic comedy anime feeling like shit!

I still am pure and have my innocence. I want to give to someone special. I hope to some day.

I forget where I was going with this. I think it was to say really anyone can be a shut-in and strange things happen.

>> No.8615955

I want to brutally rape a female NEET, I don't care if they smell bad or are fat. She would too shy to report it.

>> No.8615956

Why don't you get some friends, try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.8615960

Great pasta, would repost.

>> No.8615966

I might be a female NEET, I might not be. I don't want to say if I am or not cause it would cause a clusterfuck of buttrange.

>> No.8615972


>> No.8615975


You are a bigger coward than even I. You cannot even express yourself when anonymous. Instead you lash out. Perhaps your words are simply your own feelings about yourself. That's too bad.

>> No.8615983
File: 20 KB, 446x470, 130796734793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm a girl but I'm not telling anyone that I am because you guys will get mad"

This is the worst kind of attention whoring (trolling?). As if anyone can't deduce your gender based on what you said.

>> No.8615986


Actually it isn't pasta. Believe what you want however.

>> No.8615991

Did you really just reply to that?

>> No.8615993

Gender quantum state uncertainty?

>> No.8615995

Sup matryoshka

>> No.8616001

Actually I'm not. I just felt like causing shit. Back to the ryan thread! So easy.

>> No.8616007


Yeah, but I'm leaving now. See ya.

>> No.8616010

>I'm going to back up on what I said because I can't handle /jp/'s wrath. Stay retarded, female.

>> No.8616016

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8616017

Please don't come back.

>> No.8616021

I was quoting >>8616001

>> No.8616022
File: 945 KB, 800x884, 4f38a335223897b3703fcaf9216e0c59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can women be legitimately truNEET?
>50 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Seriously, /jp/?

>> No.8616030

Hello everyone I am a woman though I identify as a male lesbian. I sleep around a lot and I will happily admit to being a slut although slut is just another word for sexually liberated women. Speaking of women, gender pay gaps are horrible and women should get paid more because we can do jobs better than men. Anyway my question is, I want to divorce my husband and accuse him of raping me so I can get money. He treated me badly by having a circumcised penis and those are worse because fuck America, Europe is the best country. Also the Holocaust never happened and I hope Sharia law takes over the world.

Please respond.

>> No.8616033

This thread is reported for being a shitty troll thread. Even if you weren't trying to troll and were asking a legitimate question, you are still reported for being too stupid to live, and encouraging the pathetic females of /jp/ to respond.

You are trash, and every piece of shit who answers the OP's question in earnest is trash. Please die.

>> No.8616034

It's called /Just shit Posting/ for a reason.

>> No.8616036

What did you expect?

>> No.8616039
File: 835 KB, 970x909, 1328806780487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be a female neet than a male neet.

>> No.8616045

How many of the posts on you /jp/ do you think are copy pasta? How can you tell what is and is not copy pasta? In theory, any post could be copy pasta. Even this one.

>> No.8616052

No, I'm being ironic because I already said that I personally know these shut-ins on /jp/. So thus I already know everything you're trying to point out.

I never said social anxiety was the sole cause anyways. If you want me to be more specific, then SA is probably the one thing all the shut-in /jp/ers have in common though. Schizophrenia comes up often as well.

>> No.8616054

Why? Vaginas are gross.
Don't fool yourself, you wouldn't be the little girl.

>> No.8616062

Join /moe/ Truneet womenz here.

Sugoi is a whore.

>> No.8616071

I don't think you "personally" know any shut-ins. Most shut-ins do not see anyone in person.

>> No.8616072

I think they can, although it could be argued that there is some kind of distinction between a NEET and truNEET, with the tru derivation from truBRO and therefore indicating an innate masculinity.

>> No.8616082

Isn't it about time you killed yourself?

>> No.8616095

I know one, we used to be childhood friends.
Now she just smokes weed all day and goes to parties and does drugs, she also has a boyfriend thats seven years older then her.
I think its better for women to be successful, most male NEETs are at least interesting

>> No.8616103


TRUNEETS are shut-ins. They definitely do not party, nor do they have relationships.

>> No.8616104

+ 67 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

/jp/ I am disappoint

>> No.8616108

Ah never mind, all the girl NEETs I know aren't truNEETs, just slutty drug addicts.

>> No.8616112

If you recommend another thread to post and/or read I won't post in this one.

>> No.8616120

So, how do you socialize with these female /jp/er NEETs?
I take it you don't hang out with them physically. If so, 1) how do you know that they are actually women and 2) how do you know they aren't lying about being shutins/neets?

>> No.8616125

go back to /b/

>> No.8616127

you're pathetic

>> No.8616128

How did you know I was from /b/?

>> No.8616134

You asked for it, fucker.

>> No.8616147

>>Anon knows that "personally" has multiple definitions but he uses the wrong one anyways

I am green quoting Merriam-Webster on this.

I can do this all night, Anon. If I win today then you're going to suck my h0mu for sure.

>> No.8616181

According to the polls 83% of /jp/ are virgins

The other 17% are shitposters

>> No.8616184

Why can't I be a shitposter and a virgin?

>> No.8616207
File: 232 KB, 729x2184, 1320621238744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apotho-chan was a truNEET but she ended up killing herself.

>> No.8616218

epic for the winz, gonna troll hard with that shit.

>> No.8616222

>>So, how do you socialize with these female and male /jp/er NEETs?

Changed this sentence slightly. But it's not completely impossible to get in contact with Anons from /jp/ you know.

As for the rest, when you become good friends with someone you learn stuff about each other right? Like you learn each other's real name and what you do IRL, then it becomes obviously who's a dude and who's a girl and who's NEET/non-NEET.

But even then that's irrelevant because they're still normal /jp/ers who just want to play VNs/watch anime all day and firmly believe in 3DPD. HELL even oftentimes they wish they were the opposite gender. There is literally no difference between the guys and gals that post here from what I've personally learned.

>> No.8616223

you're a couple of months late bro.

>> No.8616233

My Grandma used to tell me to always answer no to questions I don't know and I have no idea what a virgip is.

>> No.8616238

You are completely obvious. Stop this crap. You are not entertaining or clever. Go back to /r9k/, or lurk moar.
Thread reported for off-topic and trolling outside /b/.

>> No.8616273
File: 86 KB, 453x604, apotho-chanRIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apotho-chan ;_;

>> No.8616280

It's well deserved.

>> No.8616286

Women are the original neets. Haven't you heard of housewives?

>> No.8616292

If they have to clean up the house and care about children, they aren't really NEETs.

>> No.8616301


>> No.8616334

Who put those retarded black lines on her picture?

>> No.8616355

I used to talk to this Kiwi girl who told me she has been a NEET since dropping out of high school at age 15. She's currently 18 or 19.

>> No.8616356

Hiding the watermark of the site it was taken from.

>> No.8616365

doing nothing is fun, but doing things can also be fun though

you should just take it easy and have a good time and not worry about being a neet or a shut-in or whatever. the world is full of possibilities and fun things after all.

i don't think this is gender-specific...

>> No.8616375
File: 687 KB, 453x604, 1325426027325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her original picture had no watermarks though.

Anyway, apotho-chan was a slut and I still haven't gotten my ghost paizuri.

>> No.8616379

She also said she rarely leaves the house and has social anxiety.

>> No.8616424

You're right, it's easier for women to be useless - but it's harder for a woman to be useful. Everyone likes it better if you're useless, no one ever tells you to man the fuck up (admit it: we all need a kick in the balls sometimes). People freak out when you carry heavy objects, and they are less likely to hand you difficult tasks because they don't want to overburden (???) you. If you try to help a guy out with something, his pride is injured. If you try to help a girl out, she either gets her panties in a twist because she wanted help from that guy she likes, or she won't shut the fuck up about how amazing you are because you can untangle her fucking elementary computer problems (and she probably turns around to call you a mannish bitch behind your back). You want bros, but guys don't look at you as a bro so that usually ends badly. Any women nearby are incessantly trying to awaken you to the world of shoes, clothes, makeup, shopping, clubbing, sluttism, etc (seriously, they're 100x worse than religious nuts). If you're lucky, you also become mildly unhinged, physically impaired and mentally fairly useless for a few days per lunar cycle. Even peeing in the woods is fucking difficult as a woman, goddamnit.

>> No.8616617

Hehe, I made this thread.

I just wanted to see how people are gonna react.

>> No.8616635


Of course you did, Ryan.

Ban evading once again, I see.

>> No.8616705

Why are new people being mean to ZUN!bar?

>> No.8616708 [DELETED] 

I want to be a girl so I can wear a sundress and run around my room like a retard, all day long. It's not socially accaptable for me to buy a yellow sundress, is it?

>> No.8616712

I used to be a NEET until I took an arrow to the knee.

>> No.8616716

I don't believe it as she looks like a typical normalfag scum.
Why would an asocial NEET look like that?

>> No.8616734

I want to be a girl so I can wear a sundress and run around my room like a retard, all day long. It's not socially acceptable for me to buy a yellow sundress, is it?

>> No.8616749

Say that you're buying it for your girlfriend if anyone asks.

>> No.8616751

You could probably pull it off if you didn't look like a 300lb neckbearded permavirgin

>> No.8616754

I won't look cute in it though due to being a guy, and I haven't even gone outside in long time. What do I do?

>> No.8616757

125, 5'0 boy actually.

>> No.8616758

Hit they gym, take estrogen.

>> No.8616762

You have to talk to a doctor to get estrogen and testosterone blockers though.

>> No.8616773

Pretty sure any real female would be horrified by my perversions, even if they were NEETs themselves.

The only stuff I enjoy fapping to is basically just pretty 2D girls being brutally raped until their minds break.

I'm sure any female would be horrified by the nearly ritualized obsession I have with the raping and breaking of 2D girls.

>> No.8616793
File: 136 KB, 225x350, Fate stay Night-Saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a nice boyfriend free autistic girl to NEET it out with me and drink grape juice.

Please respond.

>> No.8616805

It is odd that so many on /jp/ are lonely but prefer to be alone.

I feel lonely myself sometimes and wish there was someone around or whatever, but I would hate having someone around stopping me from doing what I like. I don't understand.

This is also an awful, awful post.

>> No.8616811

Grape juice is disgusting.

>> No.8616821

I don't really care about real women anymore. The more I dwell on it, the more I realize that cute virgin NEET girls don't and can't possibly exist. Why would they? Even the description is an oxymoron.

I really wish I could just meet a cute boy or trap from /jp/ so we could be together. As long as he was cute...and a virgin...it would be fine with me. We would just spend time together, and cuddle with one another. I don't even want sex.

Why is life so cruel?

>> No.8616824

Why does he have to be a virgin?
