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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8526763 No.8526763 [Reply] [Original]

What is life like in the glorious Nippon?

>> No.8526771 [DELETED] 

It's not terrible, but it's probably one of the worst countries to live in. Particularly if you're female or foreign. You will get molested or shunned or both.
You need to keep in mind that your cartoons are now mostly aimed at otaku, who are a minority in Japan. Products that target shut-in nerds don't give you a good idea of what Japan is actually like.
Go read a travel guide or ask >>>/int/ or someone.

>> No.8526773

Yeah, I'd much rather live in Somalia.

>> No.8526783

I heard their toilets wash their ass automatically. I want that.

>> No.8526782
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If you're rich, about the same as anywhere else.

Middle class? passable, but 75 hour work weeks and 55 hours worth of pay, though they base it on a "40" hour/week schedule so it looks much better than it is.

poor? The gov.t will literally pay for you and your luggage to be shipped back to brazil to get the fuck out of their glorious country.

>> No.8526779

Being a pirate sounds like adventure and adventures are fun

>> No.8526784

Better than living in America. At least there I won't get jail time for violating the rights of a cartoon character.

>> No.8526786


Sounds better than a "diverse" "culturally entrenched" shithole.

>> No.8526787 [DELETED] 
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Just learn how to use the the three seashells.

>> No.8526790 [DELETED] 

Except when you're not part of their race or culture.

Though I agree. Japan doesn't sound very nice, but I'm quite glad that they're still pretty isolationist and yet maintain decent foreign relations and trade.

>> No.8526797

That's like the stupidest thing I have read. Anime is featured on buses and posters are hanged on the fucking buildings for everyone passing by to see. If you think that's for a minority of people, namely otakus you are out of your fucking mind. Japan is ruled by anime next to the dying yakuza, but the difference is that anime won't die unless they want to get nuclear bombed again.

>> No.8526813


This is what non-Americans actually believe.

>> No.8526821

Japan is a tiny country with too many people.

There's very few places where you won't feel suffocated. The people in the U.S might be obnoxious and rude, but at least there's plenty of uninhabited areas where you can escape from them.

>> No.8526838

I'd wash your filthy anus with my tongue anon~

>> No.8526841

Australia and other European countries are far worse on that shit.

>> No.8526844 [DELETED] 
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>Australia and other European countries

>> No.8526857


Sorry meant Australia and other European continents

>> No.8526854

Cool place to visit, and it produces beautiful 2D media to consume, but I wouldn't like living there. It's not like I'd go outside anyways.

>> No.8526860

B-b-b-but it's dirty down there!

>> No.8526864
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>> No.8526867
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it's prolly weird as HELL, you gatta buy what you eat EVERY SINGLE DAY instead of buying for a whole week or month


>> No.8526868


Akihabara is not the entirety of Japan.

>> No.8526869

pretty ironic to say this since the average work week for japan is shorter than the states. the japanese have already reacted to karoshi / work related stress and are mandating more lenient work schedules.
bullshit. you can go from suburb, to complete rural, to bustling metropolis in a single 4 hour drive. there's nothing overcrowded about japan. it's very well adjusted for its population density, probably better than many places in the states.
that's true, it's way more widely accepted, as you say you see it publicly all over the place. however, otaku are still shunned.
source: i lived there for a half a year. fags. i would move there but there are things i love about the states too.

>> No.8526870


What a HELLa cool SoA picture wtH-kun

>> No.8526878

Desperately want to be German and they were always practically a Slav nation.
Then Germany gets the blame for the world wars, what tripe.

>> No.8526883

evevy day
i prey the arcade gams
then i eat the ramen
but I never eat drink the soup
too fatty you see
you get heart attack
heart attack means no games
so no drink the soup

>> No.8526887

I never drink the soup either!
We're practically soulmates you know...

>> No.8526888


Get out you korean dog.

>> No.8526897


Is there a universal keyboard shortcut for typing in glorious 全角 without hitting F9 at the end of every word? I haven't found it yet.

>> No.8526898 [DELETED] 

Comic books are advertised in the U.S. There are whole areas and conventions surrounding comic books like there are with anime in Japan. Additionally, just about every U.S. citizen has read comics as a child or teenager as just about every Japanese citizen has watched anime. However, imagine going up to your typical, "normal" American and saying, "I collect and read comic books." Even now that being a nerd is "cool", they would probably laugh at you, or at least judge you while saying "I-I see..."

Not to mention a lot of anime airs late at night (which is one of the reasons they make stupid compilation movies) and the Japanese media has publicly shamed otaku in the past (e.g. Tsutomu Miyazaki). Hell, just watch Lucky Star or Ore No Imouto or something. Both often touch on how the normal Japanese public treats people who aren't even obsessed enough to be *considered* otaku.

>> No.8526906


A friend of mine lives in Fukuoka, not really the city, but not the boondocks either. Things are way expensive there than in European countries or Ammurkah. He can hitch a train to the nearest city and visit the local chains of otaku goods if you're into that. He's basically a student though, so he's pretty strapped into living frugally.

I don't know what you're expecting OP, but can't help you if you're just asking "how is life there?" since that is too vague.

>> No.8526931

i gotta be honest, i felt like a fuckin rockstar.

i'm not exactly pure introvert like everyone here.

i knew people were treating me like some kind of freakshow spectacle because of the way they'd expect me to do something outrageous. but in the same way i think i met some real friends there. and i had a love interest, but it was never more than kissing. we both knew there was no way it would work so it was kind of a fling.

also, i found the children to be absolutely adorable. children here in the states seem like abominations sometimes. but the kids in japan were always so kind and open with me and i liked playing with them.

there's obviously racism there. who cares? there's racism in the states. every place has its problems.

the only thing i want to advise is that fantasizing that living in japan will cure your hikki status is wishful thinking. if anything, if you're a pure introvert you will just become more introverted by the extreme isolation.

>> No.8526969

So how are gaijin treated at comiket? Would you be allowed to set up a booth?

>> No.8526976 [DELETED] 


I'm no expert but I'd imagine it attracts a lot of foreign tourists, and if Western fandom has taught me anything, it's that "nerds" tend to be more tolerant.

>> No.8526995


lol, nerds are some of the most fickle fuckwits I've had the displeasure of meeting.

>> No.8527000

Those Anonymous guys advertise their booth here every year, so yeah.

>> No.8527022
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If you hang out only with other western people is boring and you will feel sick of Japan
But if you get to know real Japanese friends, its becomes actually a very easy going country :P

with real friends I mean the friends who want to spend time with you because they like you not because they want you to teach them Japanese.

All in all they are very friendly

>> No.8527034
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english i mean

>> No.8527051

Same guy who always posts in these threads, but I've been living in Japan for years and I enjoy it. I think it's a good place to live if you are interested in otaku culture, and can speak Japanese. If I couldn't speak Japanese I wouldn't want to live here, but that's not because the people are "racist", it's because it would suck to not be able to communicate with anyone. I've never experienced the kind of xenophobia people on /jp/ always talk about. I can only assume it's a product of normally social people coming here without being able to speak Japanese, and then somehow blaming that inability to communicate well on everyone else, instead of themselves.

There are legitimate cons to living in Japan, but honestly racism/xenophobia is not one of them.

I have to go to work now, so I won't be able to respond to any responses to this post. Bye /jp/.

>> No.8527070

Anybody know a good place for a night out alone in Tokyo?

I'm there for a fortnight soon and would be nice to find a bar or something where I can meet new people, considering I know fuck all Japanese.

>> No.8527074


It's becuase everyone is horribly racist if they don't want their country filled to the brim with a billion unskilled foreigners, who'll likely shit all over their culture and change they way their government works to benefit themselves. As in you know, what's happening to every western nation right now.

>> No.8527094 [DELETED] 
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Enjoy you're no gaijin allowed.

>> No.8527100
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If you want sex go to roppongi
You have to be a retard to net get a girl for a night.
If you just want to relax and drink a beer .

Just go to Tokyo tower , its even cheaper now I think.

If you have money
Go to Ginza and enjoy your night

If you just want to have fun and dont spend so much money go to shibuya , the 2 streets crossing the 109 building have shit tons of bars.

also I just went to Tokyo for fun to see
<-- Osaka guy

last thing be prepared that for the most bars and restaurants you have to pay for your seat

>> No.8527104


>> No.8527155

Yeah, I remember the 80s too, good times.

>> No.8527186
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Is this really what Osaka is like?

>> No.8527201

ITT: A bunch of people who have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8527200 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8527208 [DELETED] 

Enlighten us, d*ckh*le.

>> No.8527218
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But anyway Tokyo <Osaka
more friendly people
not so crowded
better air

>> No.8527223


What's good about shibuya?

>> No.8527229
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>> No.8527268

Do Japanese people give a shit about what you do in your freetime?
Is it much of an issue if a co-worker or someone you knows sees you buying toys/figs, seeing Idols, etc?
Just wondering.

>> No.8527273


You'll just look like a weirdo. Why would you ask a common sense question?

>> No.8527283
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Crowded as fuck and shit tier room for expensive price.
The only reason why anyone want to stay in Tokyo is for the easy access to comiket and reitaisai. Besides that, it is stupid to pay for a prison cell.

>> No.8527316

>Why would you ask a common sense question?
Because a lot of things that are "common sense" for me are not so for a Japanese.

>> No.8527320

what is life like in saitama????

>> No.8527400

Near Tokyo.
Plus it is the north part of Tokyo.
It is shit. Enjoy your radiation exposure and radiated pollen.

>> No.8527448
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Rule #1 of /jp/

>> No.8527468
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>> No.8527498

>1. You must hate japan, and say that "it's a nice place to visit once ina while but it's a horrible place to live, they're racist xenophobic jerks"
It describes this thread perfectly.
