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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8499324 No.8499324 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when your moe~ little cousin sits on your lap and moves up and down

>> No.8499327

>that feel when who are you quoting

>> No.8499329

I don't know that feel sorry.
As a curse from the gods all my younger cousins are boys, and they're ugly and hairy just like their father rather than at least being effeminate.

>> No.8499325

and you get a boner.

>> No.8499331

hu r u qoutin?

>> No.8499333

Why would you even greentext that feel? Watch this:

That feel when your moe~ little cousin sits on your lap and moves up and down.

See? It still works!

>> No.8499343

I really expect she didn't notice this big hard thing in my pants.
by the way, are you quoting me?

>> No.8499339

I know that feel, but my cousin didn't move up or down. She was wearing a skirt though

>> No.8499348
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>wearing a skirt

How old is she? My loli cousin is 6.

>> No.8499353

My nephew is like 2 years old and he does this.

I have the feeling I'll be in jail in a few years, /jp/.

>> No.8499354

I had to double check that I wasn't on /a/.

Shit thread.

>> No.8499360

If it was possible that you were on /a/ in the first place and the current date is 20 February 2008 or later, get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8499357
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I thought I was on /v/ for a second

>> No.8499358
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I have a younger stepsister that lives half an hour from my home. She's a real small asian 10 year old.
She wore a baggy shirt while I was visiting last year and I could see her chest. I felt horrible for thinking lewd thoughts and trying to stare but telling myself not to.
She then told me she wanted to show me something and told me to follow her upstairs to her room and I started getting cold sweats. When I got to the door she shut it and there was a sign on it that said "no boys allowed" and she began to laugh.

>> No.8499367

Not everyone wants to use /bun/ as an alternative, bun dev.

>> No.8499371


>> No.8499375

Is that you hamada?

>> No.8501808
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I love that feel

>> No.8501854

My aunt has a bunch of kids (9). Growing up they lived a few houses down and we grew up pretty close to eachother. The cousin who's my age thinks I'm depressed and tries to get me to do stuff with her, and I look at the younger blood related ones like little sisters. A few months ago I baked a cake for the 15/16 year old one for her boyfriend. I bet he still has no idea. The 10 year old one (who is my favorite) picked me some lemons a few weeks ago. Last year we made lemonade together so I guess she remembered or something. Normally I don't like being touched by anyone or sharing food or drink with anyone, but if it's her I'm fine with it. When she visits she likes to sit in my room and play DS, watch movies, or help me cook. Sometimes she'll throw pillows at me or rub her feet on me, other times she'll lay on me or ask me to lay in bed with her, ect.

I like having her around.

>> No.8501877

That came out all butchered. I baked a cake for the 15/16 year old to give to her boyfriend while pretending she baked it.

>> No.8501896

What a slut.

>> No.8501911

Oh I know that feel. In the guise of playing horsey, I was pretty much dry humping her ass cheeks in reverse cowgirl position. And then I came.

Then a few days later, she wanted to play horsey again.

>> No.8501955

She's a nice girl. She's really into books and stuff like that. Whenever I go over she's always either on her laptop or reading a book. Also I don't know why, but she's completely flat compared to her sisters.

Plus, her dad has that place set up like a fortress with all of his children on leashes. He was bragging about how he's able to see where any of them are, or see what websites they're browsing, ect. He's a bit of an odd fellow. I know he works for Qwest and hasn't actually been to a workplace in years, and also seems to have a bunch of free time, but other than that I really have no idea what he actually does. They seem really well-off, to say the least.

>> No.8501951


Well fuck... that was depressing.

>> No.8501960


He sounds religious.

>> No.8501973

How the hell does that work? Wouldn't she be riding on top of you?

>> No.8501976

>The 10 year old one picked me some lemons

This is fucking awesome. That's seriously so cute.

>> No.8501980

This thread makes me feel bad inside.

>> No.8501981

He's not religious at all. Most of my family believes there's some kind of God, but they don't go to church or follow any religion as far as I know.

I know that among other things, my uncle tells missionaries that he's a Satanist.

>> No.8501983

>that feel
/jp/ why do you condone this /v/ faggotry

>> No.8502002
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>that feel
>/v/ faggotry

In the continuing saga of "places 'that feel' has been attributed to"...

>> No.8502015
File: 63 KB, 298x297, 1312756123485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her butt was riding on my dick.

>> No.8502018
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Is your moe little cousin as cute as this?

>> No.8502026

It's not really where we attribute it to, it's more about what it currently is.

>> No.8502038
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