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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 300x441, 405000-tohno_shiki_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8473683 No.8473683 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8473691

East cost meh tier looking for fights

>> No.8473724


>> No.8473729

EC shit tier.

>> No.8473745
EU, can-do-one-bnb-tier

>> No.8473873


Well, that was tiring. Need to practice my Shikis more.

>> No.8473894

I need to find a new main

He gets grabed out of jabs

>> No.8473972

GGs, Nanaya player.

>> No.8474775

Any guides out there for roa?

BnB are fine but other than that there's so little info about him in terms of matchups I feel like im always in the dark fighting some characters

>> No.8474827


>> No.8474853

Someone knows how to port forwarding here? I already enabled the port in my firewall and my router yet my tester says it isn't open. I already tried to fix it but I just don't know what the fuck is going on..

>> No.8475247


Sometimes it's your actual ISP blocking it, like in my case. Give them a call.

>> No.8475526

Is anyone here right now?

>> No.8475546

I'm here. Host if you are up for a fight. East coast preferably.

>> No.8475555

Man, I wish I could host, but I don't know how to forward my ports. Sorry.

>> No.8475566
EC "fucking up in the middle of every bnb" tier

>> No.8475599
Pretty bad tier

Probably won't work but whatever.
Feel free to leave if it's too laggy.

>> No.8475603

You're right it did not work.

>> No.8475606

Thought so. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.8475639

melty blood is for autists
nothing does any damage except for 500hit combos which only autists care about
the graphics and setting are dumb anime and the music is boring
like, everything is cancellable so you can use expert tactics like making your opponent fall asleep during a 48-hour blockstring
and the low-budget japs still have no idea how to program anything even though they've released several billion versions of the same thing
shit is gay

>> No.8475997
File: 51 KB, 640x480, adb59374f1fbad8d91e2b9f56a1b65c1c76991eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8476114


>nothing does any damage except for 500hit combos which only autists care about

Not true. Especially in full moon.

>the graphics and setting are dumb anime and the music is boring

That's just like, your opinion.

>like, everything is cancellable so you can use expert tactics like making your opponent fall asleep during a 48-hour blockstring

No. Especially not in full moon, where there's no reverse beats.

>and the low-budget japs still have no idea how to program anything even though they've released several billion versions of the same thing

Fair enough.

Also bump.

>> No.8476121

>Responding to /v/ copypasta
Please don't

>> No.8476123



>> No.8476135

I have the goofiest error with this game. I can get as far as picking the stage, but once it actually starts to load, I get a CTD. I assume it's just my derpy laptop, but if anyone else's run into this I'd love to know if there's a fix or something.

>> No.8476139
File: 63 KB, 800x599, 1326078522144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8476139 ec

>> No.8476144


so curry. have i gotten better. or am i even considered good?

>> No.8476148

you went afk or something?

>> No.8476146
File: 40 KB, 306x399, 1208946353187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd ya like that 7000 damage LA in you're face?

>> No.8476149

cool, but painful. never saw it coming

>> No.8476155

Was fun. It's actually the first time I play against half of the characters you used... and you use them pretty well. Sorry if I didn't changed as I'm still learning.

>> No.8476161
File: 56 KB, 300x333, ciel0_GLASSES EDITION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i even considered good?
You and me, we are both up there on the highest tier /jp/ has to offer.

>> No.8476160
us east florida
not very good

>> No.8476170

that's one ugly ass op picture

>> No.8476499 : 46318


>> No.8476506

>highest tier /jp/ has to offer

So far /jp/ has fallen.

>> No.8476571

I think we just desynced... oh well. I have to get going anyway.
I started playing like 2 days ago, so sorry about my bad play

>> No.8476568

ggs roastbeef

>> No.8476577

It was fun and I learned a lot. Thanks

>> No.8476582

All the good players went to the IRC or play offline now.

>> No.8476621

Oh yeah. Before I go, where do you leave in Florida? I live in the Ft Lauderdale/Miami area. Maybe we could meet up for some offline play or something.

>> No.8476625

Pensacola. I'm too far away

>> No.8476705


ggs. arms tired, lol.

>> No.8476729


me too, thanks for the games sir

>> No.8476822
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 14762672_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Internet Relay Circlejerk
Why would anyone go there?

>> No.8476927

i laughed because it's true.

>> No.8476977

>> No.8476985

Why do you go to the board - boring, overrated and retarded dump?

>> No.8476998

buttpained irc fag detected

>> No.8477003

GG, but no more in that delay. Rehosting.

>> No.8477024

GGs, desync? Rehosting.

>> No.8477040

trying to do F-Kouma's 5B 2B 2C 6C j.[C] dj.[C] etc. combo
I'm having a lot of trouble on consistently getting the jump cancel portion to hit, any tips?
also how are Kouma's other moons? I haven't entirely decided on one yet

>> No.8477054

F-Kouma is arguably best moon.

Which part of the jump cancel are you having trouble with? The 6C in to j.[C]?

>> No.8477057

yeah; the timing on that just feels very tight and I almost always seem to start charging too early or too late
if I land that, the second cancel isn't too hard though

>> No.8477073

Personally, since I'm not much of a Kouma player, I can only go by my experiences with other jump cancels. I have found that it works very very to start charging the move immediately after jump cancelling. That information probably won't help you much, but what can I say. The best thing is always to keep practicing.

>> No.8477093

Someone hosting? ... Although I might just get refused... ;_;

>> No.8477110
File: 7 KB, 155x165, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, I only visit /jp/ for the Meltan threads.

>browsing weeaboo-exclusive boards
>2012th year of or lord and savior

>> No.8477157

EC hosting. Anyone with a decent connection welcome. High-mid tier.

>> No.8477221
File: 656 KB, 1132x1600, 057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have issues with the game freezing during online play? Using revision 1.20..

"Melty Blood Current Code 1.07 has stopped working", or something to that effect..sometimes it occurs right at the beginning sometimes I can play for a while without my game crashing.

What the fuck?

>> No.8477227 EU

>> No.8477231

you have the old version

>> No.8477237


huh? i have rev1.2

>> No.8477244
Midwest US
Meh tier

>> No.8477305
Just installed tier

>> No.8477412


>> No.8477439


Lag was unfortunate, but ggs Unicorn

>> No.8477468


>> No.8477471

ggs, not a big fan of high delay

>> No.8477479

Rehosting EC/MW.

>> No.8477486


Even on translate its understandable and has so much more info

>> No.8477531

>> No.8477538

EC meh tier hosting

>> No.8477545
EC trying a new char tier.

>> No.8477563


>> No.8477564

Link error.

>> No.8477570

I forgot to add that my port is 46318

>> No.8477618 [DELETED]
learning tier

>> No.8477630 [DELETED] 

nobody? T_T

>> No.8477629

First time player here, how much do alternate fighting styles change a character's moveset?

>> No.8477635

Link Error.

>> No.8477640

List your region. It's usually unplayable if you're not in the same area so people aren't going to bother trying random IPs

>> No.8477641

I think you need to PortFoward. And avoid >T_T emoticons, we don't do that shit here.

>> No.8477639

Tried like 3 times, and link error.

>> No.8477653
File: 50 KB, 500x300, 8fe87e00a9c7a818b20077ea65e6a3bdad121faf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Hosting again.
US West Coast
Low tier

>> No.8477708

Very nice Ryougi. I had a hard time trying to block that damn overhead, does it actually cross-up?

>> No.8477710

Nice Shiki too I could tell that the lag we got near the end messed up a lot of your combos

>> No.8477776

Yeah, it crosses.
I fought him yesterday and learned the hard way.

>> No.8477953

>> No.8477961


There's an irc? What's the channel?

>> No.8477992

What's the difference between Aoko's moons in terms of general playstyle and execution/difficulty?

>> No.8477997


#MBAACC @ Rizon

>> No.8478081

GG ashye. I see you dropped C SAkiha for H.
I need to work on my shielding and air to air.

>> No.8478085
File: 44 KB, 320x323, 150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta go mate, great games.

I can't deal with that fucking Ryougi.

>> No.8478089

ggs, ugh kept dropping everything with Nanaya and VSion. Those last 5 games were bad. :(

>> No.8478095
File: 67 KB, 578x530, 3102e1c3fa0179d1892fd2a34bcd173a77450e4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going to share my general knowledge.
From experience in maining F-Aoko, I can tell you that she's probably the easiest Style. She does good damage with little effort, and her 214c makes for an amazing amount of mix-ups in pressure.

The other two moons are more challenging to play. I hear H-Aoko is the most damaging variant, but I don't know much about either C or H Aoko. Both of these styles have much more complex combos, and a good amount of mix-ups/gimmicks.

If you want an in-depth on all of the styles, your best bet is paying the Meltybread forums a visit.

>> No.8478097

H moon for LOOPS and really gay tech punishing

>> No.8478105

Mostly messing around with new characters. HSAkiha is awful compared to C. Mecho is slow as hell, completely not used to that kind of character. Messing around with WARUI NE was amusing as well.

>> No.8478114
File: 194 KB, 728x1016, SHIKI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games again, I always enjoy fighting you so hope to see you around more.

>> No.8478121

I dropped F Warc to C Warc do to how bad FWarc is against people that know how to play against her (Shielding). As for FRyougi I have no idea how to play her besides using her Rekkas which isn't all that great because... easily shieldable

>> No.8478124
File: 219 KB, 850x1050, aoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-Aoko is the only Aoko.

>> No.8478126

Yeah, good games as always.
And I think I'm just baaarely starting to get better at reacting to those overheads.

>> No.8478130
EU, can-do-one-bnb-tier

>> No.8478135

Don't you be talking shit about Mech, Ash. Don't tempt me to pick up F-Mech again and zone the hell out of everything. I'm surprised that there isn't one of those retard flowcharts for F-Mech yet. Enemy on ground? 236. Enemy in air? 214. Did you hit? ROCKET LAUNCHER.

>> No.8478142

He was playing Mech Neco team. But didnt abuse the cat that much

>> No.8478196
File: 165 KB, 420x600, e7268c27c93d6a8ae2b684fdf339e8cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8478197


>> No.8478203


>> No.8478227

Still waiting to play some games.

>> No.8478253

error link maaaan

>> No.8478255


I got raped I might need to learn a new character it seemed that my half moon roa had nothing to say with his whole move list

I should read up more on F roa and switch to him once I relearn to do his Air BnB again I can't reverse beat worth a shit it seems like

>> No.8478270
File: 206 KB, 524x661, d6d66eb91ba19b47a8aca99d41fb0d72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs again,
you had some pretty nice pressure going on with both of your Roa styles, especially in the corner. Does he have any sort of charged overhead or something he can throw in the middle of his blockstrings?

>> No.8478280

Good games.
That was pretty fun.
Getting comboed into oblivion kinda disheartened me after a while though.

>> No.8478279

Sorry, had to disconnect. All USB ports of my PC stopped working for some reason. Have to solve this problem.

>> No.8478283

Well with full moon you can charge his jump C its pretty effective but I know I'm not using it to its fullest.

With Half moon I kept screwing up and doing his shitty DP instead of my silly electric slide when I was out of range for you to hit me after a string.

Even then I need to learn how to use him when under godly pressure. I think I need to master using barriers because H can't really do much when hes under that type of pressure.

>> No.8478289

That's what happens when all you do is mash backdash and do unsafe specials from full screen.


>> No.8478348

Sorry, Ash. Blocked LA was too good to not leave on. Giggles.

>> No.8478352

Playing on 5 delay feels like my character is retarded. I really need to set a 4 delay cap.

>> No.8478358

Awww. Where's the love? We should really have a 2-3 delay anyway. Fucking MBAACC netplay.

>> No.8478369

Practicing and know only 1 character teir

I won't stop practicing until I know how to use him to his fullest

>> No.8478373


>> No.8478420

GG It was tricky to get used to those attacks

>> No.8478422

But once you got used to them I was fucked.

>> No.8478579

Hosting again one for the road

>> No.8478595

Last bump before I call quits

>> No.8478641

Ehh, gg. For some reason the game crashed here...

>> No.8478638

I'm so sorry about that I didn't realize I was in a match and had my browser up so it might have caused lag


>> No.8478644

Screw it I'll host for one last time

>> No.8478645

cant play right now or anything but just as a note for the next time you host

when you start host mode it puts your ip/port into your clipboard so you can just paste that

>> No.8478649

Wanna go again?

>> No.8478653

>> No.8478890

GG I had to stop the lag spikes we're making me rage

>> No.8478895

GGs man. i had a lot of trouble. ive never fought a roa before

>> No.8478903

Didn't seem that way I got raped

The first set was good then the last 2 it started to have lag spikes

Still Does anyone play roa really I'm starting to feel that besides one other guy I'm the only one.

Also which Roa did you think I do better with?

I'm trying to find one to main

>> No.8478912
File: 437 KB, 552x399, 1310181868102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I never realized how much Sion can deal its crazy

>mfw I had to eat that combo like a bitch every single time

>> No.8478918

well your pressure was a lot better with H. i've heard that F roa isn't too good. you should try C roa out too though. i'd choose C or H if I were you

>> No.8478926

C-Roa has the most potential but takes the longest to fully master, H-Roa would be the second best choice. I have not seen you play but just letting you know how useful his moons are.

>> No.8478942



I need to learn how to overcome pressure with H because to be honest its a bitch to break out of it with him plus he has horrible over heads.

I should start practicing C My biggest problem would be sign placement more than charging

I think my main draw with F is his overhead something I wish the others had.

>> No.8479027


get in here guys

>> No.8479790 EU

>> No.8479812

fuck off you retard, reported for advertising shitty blog stream.

>> No.8480329

Why is it Mealty?

>> No.8480421
File: 105 KB, 600x480, 120817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8480421 EU

>> No.8480422

Are you a human, Dig Me no Grave?
I seem to have you every time.

>> No.8480437


>> No.8480460

Ah well. Less time on the hands today.

>> No.8480478

Whoever connected sorry, but that's way too laggy

>> No.8480495 EC Canada

-4 delay only

>> No.8480563
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>> No.8480625
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>> No.8480632
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Kara_no_Kyoukai_3_-_Remaining_Sense_of_Pain_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[424166B3].mkv_snapshot_50.56_[2012.01.27_18.32.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting in Europe.

Still fairly new, so take it easy.

>> No.8480668

>> No.8480676

EU btw

>> No.8480735

I did win a couple of rounds. Those were some good games, feel like I learned something.

Cheers mate.

>> No.8480902

Sorry have to go pick up someone.

>> No.8481940


>> No.8482445

EC Practicing tier

>> No.8482459

What happened to everybody?

>> No.8482470

Friday night is usually dead.

>> No.8482481 WC
bad tier & trying new chara

>> No.8482572 EC

>> No.8482588

so I'm attempting to learn F-SAkiha
I'm trying to TK her B ring, but I can't seem to do it without getting a super jump and then I can't jump or airdash afterwards
any tips?

>> No.8482592

Try double tapping B.

>> No.8482596

West Coast

Let's be bad together... ;_;

>> No.8482604

Getting a superjump out of a TK usually means you're doing it too slow.

Or you're using a keyboard. TKing with a keyboard is really a crapshoot.

>> No.8482611

>Or you're using a keyboard
That would make sense.
Still suck too much at fighting games still for a stick to be a worthy investment. Guess I could get a controller for my computer or something though

>> No.8482617

if you already have a ps2/ps3/xbox360 you can just use that

>> No.8482619

The d-pad on the 360 is horrible and trying to play with the stick on it isn't any easier.

>> No.8482629

Hosting Melty Blood

West Coast

Trying another character

>> No.8482631

Hmm, I've tried setting up my PS3 controller with other stuff and never had any luck getting it to work properly
wouldn't hurt to try again; might have just been doing something wrong

>> No.8482636

yeah ive been wondering how to set it up alos

>> No.8482637

It doesn't work out of the box. Look for something called ``motioninjoy''.

>> No.8482646
File: 24 KB, 539x465, 1318811825646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG I got raped

I officially quit roa

After seeing a character that can do everything better than him and more I don't want to bother

I'm going back to shiki at least I have more options mobility and the ability to cross over

Well back to the lab with him because I need to relearn him

>> No.8482651

Just Google Ps3 controller for PC and download motion joy it should help

>> No.8482653

Roa is very good it just takes time.

>> No.8482680

I dunno I started up with C and got my ass kicked as expected but after watching Aoko basically do everything I did but with way more options I'm feeling discouraged.

Plus all his other moons to be honest are each missing vital things to keep the flow going and his DP is horrible and I hate it.

I know I messed up on charging but even so I only see that his orbs are only good for wakeup or just as a buffer so you can charge your lighting.

I can see the possiblities but I honestly Feel that Aoko can do everything and then some including a overhead.

Worst part is if you don't guess it with roa none of his attacks can stop it once her foot is up due to his dumb hit boxes. I guess that goes into shielding

I also want to play you again I learn stuff each match GG

>> No.8482683
File: 105 KB, 481x1300, 28f23b4705a2abbd90d8e5c7cdf659f3e3c90f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I think once you get all of the bnbs down, you'll have a pretty solid Roa. That and better blocking -- which mostly comes from experience.

Try not to jump too much on wake-up because it leaves you very vulnerable.

>> No.8482687

You know people weren't kidding when they said C-Roa is not beginner friendly at all, and Aoko is not better

>> No.8482689

I guess some people just find some characters easier than others, I would say Aoko is harder to use than Roa but that's just me.

>> No.8482710

Play C-Ciel or H-Len if you're looking for good beginner friendly characters with easy combos.

>> No.8482716

Rehosting, West Coast please

>> No.8482735

I'd say F-Ries is pretty beginner friendly too

>> No.8482741

Even so after watching her fight and watching My biggest gripe with roa is how hard it is for him to escape pressure most of my attacks get beat out by pokes and my bunker can too. Its not so bad with C moon but H moon feels it the worst and sometimes I'm forced to use meter just to escape and thats risky.

I'm going to watch more vids and hope I can learn something because I can deal pressure with him but once I'm on the receiving end its over.

I'm going to watch more fight vids

Besides C I have all the BnB down I started to screw up on pressure especially with F moon then again he doesn't have many combos to start with. I think I did better playing you yesterday.

Yeah I do need to play more to understand blocking better I keep forgeting that roa has to block and he doesn't have a good way to get out of most strings so I need to be patient.

Combos aren't a problem its dealing with things such as escaping pressure and my stupid habit of doing jumping on wakeup.

Its mechanical more than anything I don't know what I'm walking into when fighting some people.

>> No.8482751

ggs, nice Ahika

>> No.8482752

Desync, ggs though.

>> No.8482754

On second thought after seeing this new post on mealty bread I might stay with C a little longer

But Screw H and F

>> No.8482758

Sorry about that, delay was good not sure why ping as so high.

>> No.8482761

everyone has to deal with pressure, it's not a roa thing it's a melty blood thing. you just have to play more and know the holes

>> No.8482767

>> No.8482768

>> No.8482769

I see

I really regret play Blazeblue and marvel 3 right now

Too many bad habits I need to stop doing now

>> No.8482772

I'm in socal, are you northwest?
I think I played you before and the ping wasn't so bad... and I had wireless back then, I just finally got a long-ass ethernet cable. The match prior was really laggy too, so I hope my connection didn't somehow get worse. GGs anyway.

>> No.8482786

Yea, I'm around there sort of. I don't think it was you lagging, pretty sure it was me so I wont be playing until a bit later when I can fix this.

>> No.8482790

Does anybody have issues with the game crashing during online play? It tends to happen either at the beginning of the game or after a few matches, simply saying the program crashed and then I have to close the program.

I'm playing on the latest version.

>> No.8482824

Hm, it disconnected.

>> No.8482858

GGs Naou

>> No.8482879

It seems to have disconnected again.

>> No.8482883


>> No.8482888


>> No.8482903

I think this random button is broken.

>> No.8482945

Desync or something?

>> No.8483034

Hosting Melty Blood

West Coast


>> No.8483036

GGs naou, was fun

>> No.8483080


Sorry dude I don't really want to play at 5 delay any more than I already have today. It fucks up my timings.

Rehosting though.

>> No.8483086 EU

>> No.8483088

I'll miss you, Ash ;_;
Someone pay whosehisface into making caster to replace this BS netplay

>> No.8483090

ggs, the lag is getting to be too much.

>> No.8483095

yeah, you are amazing at this... to bad the lag, it's weird since we played perfectly before

>> No.8483100


>> No.8483118


>> No.8483120


Still waiting for someone to join

>> No.8483138

It really is dead on fridays

>> No.8483155
File: 94 KB, 550x480, shmionO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's saturday.

>> No.8483211


That it is.

>> No.8483217

Good games!

>> No.8483222

Meh I might drop this game

Seriously I'm starting to find it unfun when my character has less range than a little girl

>> No.8483225

Its just that every character that has a play style I like is a character I can't stand from the original series

>> No.8483241

GGs Ashye, that was some good experience.

>> No.8483243

I started playing this yesterday due to all these generals. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing, but at least the computer is easy (on normal) and the funnest person I've found to use so far is Kohaku. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to do netplay ;_;

>> No.8483246

Don't drop it! Range isn't as big of an issue as spacing yourself properly. I think that was the only problem with our matches. Delay probably didn't help either.

>> No.8483262

How does Kouma ever get any damage if he can't air combo

>> No.8483261

GGs. Don't forget you have a backdash out of short range pressure.

>> No.8483266

Same way Satsuki does.

>> No.8483269

Meh I besides spacing I felt like I wasted my time learning a lesser character's moons only to learn that his good moon is hard mode to master and even then after watching tourney vids once hes cornered its pretty much over and the amount you have to do to deal as much as a lot of the cast is disheartening.

I tried shiki today but I don't like the way he fights I might move over to Nanaya and see how that goes.

Plus the whole in the dark thing fighting characters I've never seen always throws me off.

>> No.8483270
West Coast.

>> No.8483273


No but seriously, his combos are made so they do good damage without air hits, and his command grabs also hurt a lot.

>> No.8483276


No I mean the guy I'm fighting can just jump around all game and the best I can get is a counterhit. There's no reason to stay on the ground.

>> No.8483279


>> No.8483280


also, hold dat shield button

>> No.8483286

If you get a air counterhit, you can go into a ground combo.

Or you can dunk his ass. Or shield his air attack and then command grab. Or antiair him.

>> No.8483287


>> No.8483289

What does that even mean

>> No.8483291

hint: it's related to the video linked

>> No.8483293

Ichi ni san
1 2 3

>> No.8483299

Is it even possible to TK on a keyboard. Been trying but the game always registers it as a super jump with the associated delays. My input looks clean though. Is there something in MBAA's command buffering that I'm not seeing? Do I need to be moving a fraction slower than usual or something?

>> No.8483307

midwest, first-time-playing-a-human tier

>> No.8483309

I've had keyboard plebs argue with me that it's possible but from personal experience (and from playing them), I can tell you it's pretty much hard to the point of being impossible.

Like I said earlier in the thread, it's really a crapshoot whether you get your TK off or not. You're gonna fuck it up 90% of the time.

>> No.8483315

That makes me sad. I feel like such a gimp using H-Len's normal easymode combos when I could be using her slick TK instead. I've been trying to get it down for days now though and I've hit it maybe four or five times. Pity.

>> No.8483320

West coast.

>> No.8483329

Sorry, desync or did you just not want to play me?

>> No.8483353

Getting superjump when trying to tk is not an input device problem, you just have to hold 2 for a marginal amount of time before doing 8/9. This is true for keyboard stick or pad.

>> No.8483400

ggs focus
actually tore open a wound on my finger so i had to quit

>> No.8483406

That sucks, thanks for those games.

>> No.8483411

Meant in combos. 4B2369B doesn't give you the option to hold it for the 5 frames (or whatever it is) you need to let that drop.

>> No.8483418

You can hold 2 during 4b's animation + hitstop you know.

>> No.8483420


>> No.8483425

yeah np

I wish melty had some sort of chat so you could let people know when you're on your last game.

>> No.8483426


Sure, dude. Whatever.

>> No.8483436

hosting WC

>> No.8483488
File: 157 KB, 656x518, eQpZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this took so long, I spent forever trying to do 4b j236b before I finally just looked up the combo and saw that a 2b was necessary before it.

Here's my inputs. You can see I switch to holding 2 immediately after I press 4b, leaving 2 held for 8 frames.

>> No.8483524

Hosting again

West Coast

Less than 4 delay please

Shit tier Kouma

>> No.8483526

wowow you stomped me. learned a bit thanks gg

>> No.8483527


>> No.8483531

I think you took the wrong screenshot.

>> No.8483663
EU. Beginner-tier.

>> No.8483697

Guess I'll try again

>> No.8483718

Hosting again

>> No.8483741
File: 5 KB, 132x160, 1212051791380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8483749

GGs, you are strong. Guess I'll forever stay terrible at fighting games.

>> No.8484159

>> No.8484605

It's H-Len 2b 4b 2369[b]. Pretty sure the 4b 2369[b] cancel was what we were talking about.

Although come to think of it, I don't think it's even possible to high jump cancel 4b instead of just a normal jump. How are you getting sj instead of tk in that situation?

>> No.8484646

You cant get sj from a jump cancelled normal i think, so you are correct. Even if you can sj, i can still get 2369[B] from a sj anyway.

The guy just needs to practice it more.

>> No.8484679


>> No.8484685

Rehosting. Delay 4 and under only please

>> No.8484771

>> No.8484774

desync I think. game is up again

>> No.8484788


Sorry but you had too much delay dude

>> No.8484792

Doing it again still noticeable lag between us dude

>> No.8484806


>> No.8484820

Sorry TCE, that is way too laggy

>> No.8484824

why the fuck would anyone live in amurrica

>> No.8484830


>> No.8484840
File: 2.48 MB, 2000x2926, 13569-19708-32305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
NA East Coast only, delay <=4
Above average tier, learning FRyougi, will switch to main if I get buttdevastated

>> No.8484947 EU.

>> No.8484974

so who are the best beginner characters?
and by beginner I mean I literally have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.8484986

Just play any character, the only character I would not really recommend is Roa. Don't expect to get far in this game by just picking random characters and spamming.

>> No.8484987

ggs dickbutt

>> No.8484991
File: 115 KB, 657x930, 28181-3036-16755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs nameless person. You should try resets in the middle of Sion's combos, since everything is grounded.


>> No.8484996

>Don't expect to get far in this game by just picking random characters and spamming.
But it's melty blood

>> No.8485008

>Don't expect to get far in this game by just picking random characters and spamming
nah, I'm not. just, I don't really have any fighting game experience aside from playing very casually with friends. just wondering if there were any more basic characters that would assist me in getting the hang of the game mechanics

>> No.8485025

As someone who did that, I can't recommend it. Later on, when you'll want to switch, you're gonna be discouraged by the fact that the character you learned with will be significantly better than your new character for a really long time.

Just start with the character you like immediately.

>> No.8485026

I think nanaya is a good beginner character. You should pick who you like though

>> No.8485033

As others have said, read about the characters. Pick one you like and just use them.

>> No.8485052

yeah, that makes sense
my favorites are probably Nero, Aoko, and V. Akiha, though I'm still not sure about which moon

>> No.8485064
File: 93 KB, 476x1999, sample-de7b6dc2da0299409121b88c72e1ff1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help you with the other two, but if you go Aoko, go Half Moon.

>> No.8485069

American midwest

>> No.8485072

make the first number 069

>> No.8485078

and port 46318 damn

>> No.8485079

Port? And you know as soon as you begin hosting it copies your info to your clipboard so all you need to do is paste.

>> No.8485147

Rehosting. Delay 4 and under only please

>> No.8485159

>> No.8485263

show you moves.

>> No.8485304

sorry man.. too laggy.

>> No.8485311

where the fuck are my EU bros?

>> No.8485324
File: 835 KB, 1176x1000, 6c64dc9004dac7464f730041ee282728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd rehost, I could try to play with you.

>> No.8485330

It's rehosted

>> No.8485393

I think it desync'd?

>> No.8485499
File: 524 KB, 1615x1200, 16547-1368-14587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs RK, except for the pointless trolling.

You also mash way too much.

>> No.8485498

GGs anon, don't know if you remember me, but I got better. Didn't know how to deal with that Nanaya pressure though.

>> No.8485568
File: 2.83 MB, 2100x2100, 05e76bc1a782c8c356a9d85ebfee8572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeesh. I couldn't do a single thing. GGs.

>> No.8485576

GGs man. Sorry about the lag in the last game? I'm not sure if my brother started downloading or something

>> No.8485600


>> No.8485620

Hm. I think it's my connection. I'm not sure if I can play. Sorry for the waste of time

>> No.8485627

Nah, it was probably mine.
I still lag facing my friend who lives 5 minutes away.

>> No.8485646

Is there a "Port Forwarding for Retards" guide?
I think I did it correctly but nobody seems to be able to connect to me.

>> No.8485656


Sometimes firewalls stop connections even if it's properly forwarded.

If you have multiple routers, make sure you're forwarded on the one you're connected to.

Sometimes it just doesn't work for some reason (I was able to host on the same port on some program, but not on MBAA).

Oh yeah, don't have more than one program with the same port open too.

>> No.8485657


>> No.8485674

Is there a hamachi server or is that not viable for this game?

>> No.8485753

Hopefully this works.

>> No.8485758

east coast by the way, average tier

>> No.8485760

Well, out of time.
What a long string of games.

>> No.8485766

Link error

>> No.8485773 [DELETED] 


>> No.8485774

God dammit, I suppose I'll stick to joining instead of hosting then.

>> No.8485782


>> No.8485806

desync? or delay is too high for you? i live on the EC too but I don't know why our ping is so high

>> No.8485819

I thought you quit because I was so awful.
The matches weren't laggy at all so I don't know what's going on.

>> No.8485831

Nah man. It just froze.. but now it's lagging. I have no idea what is up

>> No.8485833

Yeah I think we're done, can't do too many matches without disconnecting.

>> No.8485837
EU, low tier

>> No.8485862

new thread
