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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8472841 No.8472841 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, how hard is it to get a job as a english teacher in Japan?
I'm fluent in Japanese and English (Native fluency, was raised in NYC and went to Japanese Saturday school since I was very young)

>> No.8472847


>> No.8472850

It really isn't at all. And you don't even need to speak any Japanese.

You just need to be a native English speaker and you're good to go.

Too bad the job is shit.

>> No.8472860

Kinda've expected that. Considering it as a unlikely alternative to pursuing my programming career (Which will probably pay me several times more).

>> No.8472861

All jobs are shit. They are called ``jobs'' for a reason, after all.

It's not easy to get since it's actually quite popular and gets a lot of linguists applying for it. Also, stop blogging, dammit. You already told us you went to Saturday school or whatever. No one gave a shit, and no one will.

>> No.8472859

The Japanese resent having to learn such an awful language, and they're not particularly respectful of their English teachers.

>> No.8472863

Supposedly it used to be pretty good for foreigners, but so many expatriates flooded the place that all you have left are the shittiest of English teaching jobs (if even those). South Korea was a better choice a few years ago but it's getting to be the same there too from what I've heard.

>> No.8472866

How does a native german fluent in english fare? Are the japanese as germanophile as their anime would suggest? Could I do some shit as a german teacher.

I'm not a weabo but I have no skills other than my languages and the rest of the world has english teachers way better than me and most first world countries have higher teaching standards than Japan.

>> No.8472871

My language is better than chingy changy desu desu desu..

>> No.8472879

Japan won't take you. A lot of programs don't want you to know Japanese if you're going to be an English teacher, and the market is already oversaturated.

Go to the boonies in China or Thailand; they pay much more than Japan.

>> No.8472891

I forgot to mention this in >>8472863 but no matter where you go in Asia, you look better to employers searching for English teachers if you're white. It's essentially because "English speaker" is roughly equal to "white" for most of them.

>> No.8472896

This, when you apply, lie and say you don't know any Japanese, and don't use any Japanese around your bosses and students, or else you won't get the job.

They only want teachers that can only speak English,

>> No.8472900

What. That just sounds like faggotry. Better pursue my programming career to avoid this shit then.

>> No.8472902

Why? To talk behind your back or to scam you?

>> No.8472910

I was a private tutor for a while as I was doing my normal job, was so much fun and students were really great taught mostly a combo of college kids and business people.

But if you want to get sponsored for teaching English it's not going to work all that well unless you have an English degree(preferred though any 4year degree should be good as long as you're a native English speaker) and then the market for them is over saturated.

>> No.8472913


Holy fuck, is that Yoshida-sensei from Temple University?

>> No.8472947
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Easy,very,but little pay. Ussually you'll get picked up for a prep school night shift.

One word of advice though, it is almost true that Japan has no mental help experts and medical Doctors tell their patients, who are sad, lonely and depressed "Try harder, just try harder." When this does not apease the patients then the doctor says "Go find a Gaijin and tell them how you feel and if you need to ask to cry on their sholder."
They are told this, becaus only westerners, I.E Gaijins, talk to one another about their feelings.
In Japan it is a total taboo to talk to one another about problems and feelings.
This why they are miserable in modern society and why they just peeked 30,000 suicides this past year.

>> No.8472993

I would let a cute little 3DPD office woman cry on my shoulder.

>> No.8473010

Define "english teacher". If you include an instructor at a McSchool that overcharges for garbage instruction by unqualified losers, sure, you can get a job as an english teacher. If you mean a real teacher that will actually make a livable wage, HAHAHAHA you're on fucking /jp/, what do you think?

>> No.8473019

Plenty of nips take anti-depressants and go to therapy.

>> No.8473028

Do they have any arcades over there? Like even one good one? If they do, I'll learn some thai and be over there like...tomorrow.

>> No.8473045

>programming career
It's not the 1990's anymore programmers don't make any money.

>> No.8473048
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>> No.8473054

From my experience, it is a lot more likely to get a posistion if you have a degree of some sort, especially an English Major or something.

>> No.8473082
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>you're on JP, what do you think?
I don't know...what do I think?

>> No.8473092


>who are you quoting.jpg

>> No.8473089

Not exactly relevant, but does anyone here have a non-teaching job in Japan? Just wondering what kind of positions would allow me to work in grorious nippon.

>> No.8473102
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>> No.8473098

>It's not the 1990's anymore programmers don't make any money.

Work in the financial industry, not internet bullshit.

>> No.8473106

The main reason as I understand it is so that you don't try to explain things in Japanese. They want their students to feel that they have to speak to you in English in order to get your point across. Many Japanese people will simply use Japanese with you if they see that you understand even a small amount. There are exceptions, of course, but that's the rule.

>> No.8473151

It's well known the Emperor's daughter is on zoloft, and not only that, Japan ran commercial campaigns in the past advertising depression and to see a doctor if you think you may be suffering from it.
Doesn't sound quite like a taboo to me.

>> No.8473160

>It's not the 1990's anymore programmers don't make any money.
*grabs pay stub*

>> No.8473212
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Well it must have changed pretty quik then or it isn't catching on in practice bro....
I do believe you too though.

I tried that, not for depression, but the doctors thought I better take it to balance out the other meds I take.
I got something else eventually.

I want to hear more abot the Imperial family from /jp/............

>> No.8473225

Not Japan, pharmaceutical companies. One of the reasons they spend so much money on these ads is because they are trying to overcome the taboo.

>> No.8473245

So there's a difference between being a dirtbag gaijin who's an ALT/teaching in a shitty language school and an English teacher with a Master's degree who actually teaches in actual Schools/Universities, yes?
Can a dirty gaijin like me get a job as the latter?

>> No.8473273

what are other jobs for foreigners in japan? (that pay well enough to live there)

>> No.8473290

Programmers make dosh.
It's still a shit tier job unless you get the 1 in a million where the company actually makes reasonable deadlines, doesn't plan for you to work 60-80 hrs a week (if overtime is applicable, if they aren't going to pay you for it they can get fucked), and you have a chain of bosses who all have at least some engineering experience.
Just like every other engineering job, but software dev has almost no restrictions, and very few standards in place

>> No.8473319

It's not the 00s anymore, demand for programmers has been picking up.

>> No.8473337

>Can a dirty gaijin like me get a job as the latter?
Not likely. There's an enormous wall preventing gaijin from getting into K-12 schooling as primary teachers because, frankly, xenophobia and people don't want their kids being taught by foreigners.

At the university level, the xenophobia wall isn't nearly as high, but, well, it's the university level. You'd probably have to finish a PhD to teach at any decent school, and even then, it's going to be harder for you than a native to land a position.

There *are* private schools, international schools, and the like that you could potentially teach at without doing the above, but they have fairly high standards too.

Basically, trying to go Japan as the magical white English-speaker isn't that great at all. You either have to be insanely well qualified to get a real position, or teach at a garbage school that just wants you for your native English. JET is a bit better than the McSchools and is a decent short-term position, but they ship you back to the states after a year.

Hard sciences, especially engineering. It's still going to be harder to get a job than it would be in your home country, but engineers tend to be able to find jobs pretty much anywhere.

>> No.8473355

I read that programmers get paid shit in Japan. Is there really a demand for technical jobs?

>> No.8473357

ALTs frequently teach in schools. The jet program is paid for through the Japanese government. Sure, there are plenty of jobs that involve teaching at ECC or whatever English schools there are, but there are a good number that have regular students, etc.

>> No.8473384

>Is there really a demand for technical jobs?
There isn't much demand for gaijin, regardless of what field. English teaching, sure, but they're inundated with volunteers nowadays. All that's really left are sciences, where your technical skills could land you a job if you're honestly better than the other guys. It's not like you'd have an easy time finding a job, but you'd be way better off than the fucking guy who majored in Sociology or whatever (I say this as a liberal arts major).

>> No.8473454

How easy would it be to bribe some nip to make pretty pictures for me?

>> No.8473586

Fuck, you mean I've been taking Japanese all this time while I aim for my english major and it's actually a downside for JET? Not that I would prefer I started later in learning it but this is seriously fucking with my goals in life.

>> No.8473604

I actually brought that up with one of my old professors that had done JET in her twenties and later served on judging panels. She said that they didn't turn people away for their language ability. Basically, you get three people who interview you and then discuss whether they think you would do the job well; if they like you, you're in, if not, too bad. It actually sounded like a pretty terrible and arbitrary way of judging to me, since you could get accepted or rejected based on who was sitting on the panel.

>> No.8473617

Good to know, thanks for commenting on all this.

>> No.8473650
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>mfw 3 women on the panel
Fuck I mad

>> No.8473658

An acquaintance of mine is going to teach english in Japan and he (or anyone here) is not even a native speaker, though he does have some TOEFL certificate or some shit like that.

It's not hard, apparently.

>> No.8473690

I'm in JET and they never cared whether or not I can speak Japanese, and I can. It was my major.

>> No.8473756

If you don't mind me asking I'm curious about what you plan on doing after JET and how long you've been in it?

>> No.8473862

Under aspiring Jets I read you can do it for 5 years.

>> No.8474261
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If you are much serious about it , my girlfriend is a manager of a nova school.

>> No.8474283

>Go to the boonies in China or Thailand

Can someone give me more information on this? I have a TOEFL certificate and a bunch of other shit.

>> No.8474314

I'm on JET and speak a fair amount of Japanese, which is helpful, since I was placed in a very inaka area. It's not a terribly difficult job to get. Your enjoyment of it varies tremendously on your location, your co-workers, and your own attitude.

My location is more beautiful than I could have hoped, but is sorely lacking for young people (18-30 crowd are all in the cities). I have one teacher I work with who is fun and creative and makes the job enjoyable. There's another who has a gigantic stick wedged up her ass but is not that bad to work with. And I have one who is a lazy fuck who doesn't tell me anything. By and large my students are great (some with names like Moriya and Yukari, which gives weird mental images), with a few going above and beyond. One of 'em looks like a Japanese Velma from Scooby Doo.

I love the job, but one of my friends in the next town over hates it and will be returning to the states early. Up to you if you wanna roll the dice and take whatever experience comes your way.

>> No.8474317

we have some in department stores and theyre shit
they only have outdated street fighter and rarely tekken

u can come over to my house and play some meltan though

>> No.8474475

get some bs degree in liberal studies and enjoy, remember you're not really teaching them english just bullshitting around in japan

>> No.8474495
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Get a real degree like engineering or programming.
Also make sure you do not get into the manufacturing field. There is a huge demand for engineers/programmers in the power and telecommunication field.
Downside to this is, you stay in the shithole known as Tokyo instead of Gensokyo.
