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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8464629 No.8464629 [Reply] [Original]

im literally crying here

>> No.8464660

why are VN fans all insane

>> No.8464673
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>> No.8464674

Take your trollshit elsewhere, Aeru.

>> No.8464684


>> No.8464682
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>> No.8464688


>> No.8464691

This seems like one highly confused individual. Either way it's his/her business, this isn't really important.

>> No.8464718

I completely agree with that whole article.

I know who I'm voting for in 2012.

>> No.8464738

Oh come on. I think the hunt and resistance against piracy is all kinds of dumb, and people who pirate still tend to use their money. To hunt pirates is to hunt their consumer base, so that's dumb.

That said, yes, if one blows up large and well known piracy sites targeted directly and specialized entirely around Japanese Visual Novels, then Japanese studios won't dare to set a foot in the west because they are paranoid as fuck.
People will still pirate, and still buy things, but I agree that its unnecassry to scare the Japanese more than necessary with large "HEY LOOK WE PIRATE YOUR THINGS HERE" signs. The vnddl list or k1 or whatever are good enough, Hongfire scares them alot, though not anymore. Fuwanovel would probably make them all retreat though.

Also, with all the mishaps one might get stuck on when it comes to JAST and Mangagamer or whatnot, they both translate a fair share of games on their own. And games they licence do get released.

Fuwanovel is an incredibly cute idea with a very good and cute web-design from the looks of it. Had I designed it, I would probably be sort of proud of the design. And a good scene for Otoge stuff would also be great, considering how scattered such projects/communities are.

Say what one will about official channels like JAST or Mangagamer etc, but it is my firm belief, that what is best for Visual Novels is for both official channels and fan channels to expand/grow, hand in hand, or perhaps more accurately, at least looking out for eachother.
The fact how JAST and Mangagamer actually carry on dialogue etc with fantranslators rather than spamming them with cease and desists as they very well could do (if they are stupid) is great.
Likewise, it would be good for the fan community to not raise a big "WE FOLLOW OUR OWN RULES!" flag, developing a to be pirating hub. That would make annoy the Japanese alot, and indirectly be screw the official channels.

>> No.8464740

ron paul??

>> No.8464741

That is not to say piracy should stop, cause that would be stupid. This is basically why places like VNDB or TLWiki or whatnot are hubs VN-related information content, yet not actual game copies. Such communities lies elsewhere, and people know how to use them.

>> No.8464758

I really hope Fuwanovel takes off, this whole thing where "everything revolves around money" is totally retarded.

I would love to end up having a closer relationship with the actual makers of the game and not through surrogates like JAST.

>> No.8464766

>I would love to end up having a closer relationship with the actual makers of the game and not through surrogates like JAST.
They would never coorporate with fantranslators unless they could get their hands on a reliable publisher in the west, a publisher that also trusts the fantranslators.

>> No.8464764

companies wants money and will do anything to obtain them

>> No.8464769
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>> No.8464779


It's never been tried, Jast employee.

Let's try and do it first, then we'll decide if it really isn't a good idea. In my opinion Fuwanovel is a great way to begin.

>> No.8464782

'actual makers of the game' probably still expect you to buy their games

>> No.8464792

>Jast employee.
Are you implying that I am one, or that you are one? I assume you imply that I am one. But oh well.

Its just rather apparent from interviews or whatnot that most of all Japanese developers are more than uneasy about things like this.

>> No.8464791

What I don't get is how she expects translators to suddenly pop up out of nowhere to translate the "hundreds upon hundreds of titles that come out for the Japanese market" just by launching another pirate site.

>> No.8464797

She might get a few otome game translators if she manges to appeal to that crowd.

>> No.8464798

japs are paranoid as fuck about piracy
they literally are scared the shit out of their lives when they're told their work was pirated one time

even if its for a greater good, piracy will kill ANY interests of the japs

>> No.8464795

Why do women feel compelled to try to ruin everything?

>> No.8464796


No shit, but the goal of Fuwanovel is to stop the bullshit monetizing of VNs.

AKA, VNs get large publicity from the combined efforts of all fan translators through Fuwanovel, and we give our support directly to the game makers. Completely cutting out the corporate middleman like JAST or MG.

>> No.8464803

I don't care about that fuwanovel shit.
I do agree on JAST being a shit company.

In short: learn Japanese.

>> No.8464805

>AKA, VNs get large publicity from the combined efforts of all fan translators through Fuwanovel
The thing here, is that large publicity is fine with the Japanese. In fact, higher awareness is all good for them.
However, higher awareness of piracy will send them packing so fast.

>> No.8464807

I don't think she understands how pointless her site will be. Projects will either use their own webpages or use TLWiki as it is an established community that has gotten things done. There are plenty of good VN pirating sites.

I can see how she could think that increasing demand for VNs could help the industry in the west but another site intended for piracy is going to do fuck all. The thing that would help the industry the most would be managing to get into Steam.

>> No.8464808

Oh look it's this thread again.

Underages everywhere.

>> No.8464811

>managing to get into Steam.
not gonna happen
japs are paranoid as fuck about "foreign laws"

>> No.8464816


Uh, I'm pretty sure Japanese VN makers aren't 100% in it for the money. People writing books want people to read their books, however, they pretty much HAVE to go through publishers for PUBLICITY.

Fuwanovel is free publicity, free publicity = more money than they would get going with some corporate publisher.

>> No.8464822

>aren't 100% in it for the money.
yes but they are still paranoid as fuck about piracy they literally shit their pants upon hearing about it

>> No.8464825

I can't help but picture Aaeru as a lone Tau soldier (you know, with their "The Greater Good" mantra and stuff) charging into endless Chaos army.

Well, be right back, learning Japanese and joining Eldars.

>> No.8464827

I'm glad the article has kewl colours and under lining of words, or else I woldn't know what to read


>At the end of the day, the Japanese publishers only care for numbers. Sales numbers. That is how you secure licences.

no shit? I didn't know fan translates were total children who don't know a single thing about the real world.

>> No.8464826

Yeah, not sure I agree with the article. The VN author/(s) might not necessarily think of their work as ART and want it to be spread AROUND the world. That's just fucking stupid. Western audience/media will respond differently, for every uncensored cg you get, you will have shit like rapelay, loli heavily censored or criticized. JP dont want fuck femnazis. Tentacle rape on schoolgirls is already a running gag among western comedians dissing Japanese culture like that shit is mainstream there.

Imo, 3 major aspects of VNs are ALL important, but most people only tend to focus on written plot. For one, you are also pirating the cg of the artist, which is also damn important. So other than a couple of games, most game's good rating has good art factored into its high evaluation. Another less emphasized aspect is VAs, (though a lot of people may just skip voices and spam enter after they finish reading the sentence) but for people who can actually comprehend via listening, they enjoy having good VAs and seek out games where certain VAs contributed. (I could count a number of occasions where rights to the voices were not secured, and you end up having a voiceless VN). Not to mention how often they butcher translations, and cannot even proofread their shit properly... how professional.

So its really a cluster fuck of people who needs their fair share of the licensing money and you probably will never get a big enough base to make it viable or attractive for JP companies to license their games willingly. I mean, even anime isn't exactly that mainstream, I think the associated stigma in western society for this shit is just way stronger.

Finally, fuck no to some loud self-advertising public pirating hub grabbing unwanted attention. Unless MG and JAST up their game and translate properly on their own, fuck them too. They'll generate the 'numbers' if you actually produce QUALITY and not worry only about squeezing out a buck from existing fan works.

>> No.8464831

The thing is Fuwanovel will have zero positive impact. This site isn't gonna magically generate the market necessary to sustain the industry.

>> No.8464828

VNs on steam is indeed very unlikely.
The best chance of it happening though is probably S;G.
5pb have sort of tried to push it into practically any medium out there.
But even if 5pb would be open to it, Valve still needs to be ok with Jast.

>> No.8464834

I'm pretty sure the developers are quite happy with keeping their games in japan only. Learn japanese, bypass JAST and you'll be doing the world a favour.

>> No.8464836


Maybe japs are but not JAST and MG, they could try to get in and it's not impossible, they probably don't want to share that 30% with Valve.

>> No.8464839

Aaeru... the new queen of /jp/

>> No.8464838


That's why Fuwanovel is calling out to bring all the existing and future fan translators into one group. If that happened, you better believe that JAST and MG will very soon disappear.

>> No.8464846

not gonna happen because drama

>> No.8464856

That seems very unlikely considering Fuwanovel doesn't offer anything that can't be had elsewhere. You are sounding to much like an idealist, almost makes me think you have a stake in fuwanovel's success. I don't see any likely positive impact on the industry that can come from another pirating site. For the record I hate JastUSA as well as most and I won't buy their products.

>> No.8464861

And the site is ran by someone that pretended to be dying in order to stop working on a fantranslation. Yeah, that's gonna go well.

>> No.8464872

I feel like that this site is marketing itself to /jp/ as if /jp/ was the movers and shakers of the VNTL scene. /jp/ is not going to unite under some retarded principles made by some attention seeker.

>> No.8464882

This all seems like an attempt to get more readers for that blog.

>> No.8464886
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>> No.8464888

>Influencing the VN translation scene

Please, don't make me chortle.

>> No.8464898

I see Aaeru is up and promoting his site again

>> No.8464896

You guys know that if not for these threads almost none of us would even know of this site's existence, right? All you're doing is advertising her shit for her.

>> No.8464905

/jp/ is where the true eroge experts reside

>> No.8464906

Her site, you mean.

>> No.8464910


Somehow I doubt anime/vn audiences intersect that much. After I switch to VNs when my Japanese improved, anime just seem all around inferior- and now I watch little to no anime. Anime are usually just poor adaptations of mangas and VNs aimed at teens or something.

>> No.8464914

We are the grey cardinals of English VN scene, our opinions are peerless, our achievements are uncountable.

>> No.8464933

I was thinking of learning html to make a similar site, but then I thought "fuck this" it would never work. I'll give Aaeru a pat on the back if it ever does take off.

>> No.8464940
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This "money is evil" tirade is all the funnier when you read shit like this she wrote jsut few days before.
Sounds like now she's thinking the goodwill of random translators sharing the games they like can equal and surpass professional translators hired to share games because it's their fucking job and it's profitable.

>> No.8464948

>Jast employee
I'm pretty sure Makoto's the only JAST employee.

>> No.8464972


You do realize that all of JAST or MG's translators are all people that got their jobs through fan translating games, right?


>> No.8464983

This could possibly harm official localizations like that from Aksys, with Hakuouki or whatnot too. Otome games.

>> No.8465000

And you do realize they got their jobs and the japanese companies licenses because there was money in it to be had, and not because of some moral bullshit about fantranslations, right?

>> No.8465003

The Sumaga project hired a translator that has not worked on visual novels before.

>> No.8465010


As did a lot of Jasts older products

>> No.8465022

Why don't they just do an original commercial VN in english instead of try to get Japanese VNs translated?

It seems like it would be alot more affective that way.

>> No.8465047

Colored text fucking everywhere.

>> No.8465050

Probably. In fact, I doubt anyone would have given half a shit about a new hub site if not for all that retarded multicolored propaganda/analysis from someone who clearly doesn't have a grasp on the market at all.
I mean there's not even content on that site, just screenshots of it and lots of rainbow words.

>> No.8465049


Because their only "talent" is translating shit.

>> No.8465060

Aeru is mai waifu. Stop bullying Aeru.

>> No.8465062


Like I said in the other thread, "What you guys still doing in TLwiki! We're all waiting for you at >>>>>/fuwa/!"

>> No.8465072

Fuck you man, I already called dibs in the other thread. Also you can't even spell her name right, it's Aaeru.

>> No.8465082

How do you know?

>> No.8465078
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Aaeru is a guy.

>> No.8465085


Because he is my husbando.

>> No.8465101
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>> No.8465108

The website just opened up, that's how all sites start out. Some people would do giveaways just to get traffic to their site. Some do yellow journalism like...shittaku.

>> No.8465105

But Aeru is easieron the tongue and cuter than Aaeru.

>> No.8465113


Isn't shittaku a journalism website in the first place?

>> No.8465119


probably the most shitty idea I have ever heard in VN business

>> No.8465120

>Have you actually ever spoken to the individual Japanese authors themselves and offered them...

Uh, Haeleth did exactly that, and he quit the fan translation scene when he realized that Japanese authors usually DON'T want free English translations of their works.

>> No.8465116

The full chatlog with Makoto is hilarious.

>> No.8465124

The owner tries to make it seem more than what it is.

>> No.8465121

Mind sharing it?

>> No.8465122


Does fuwa have their own IRC channel? I'd definitely want to take a peak into their drama.

>> No.8465126

Post it.

>> No.8465127

> that's how all sites start out
no, sites don't start out with founders saying they are the tokyotosho of visual novels that will revolutionize the scene before the site is even functioning as intended

>> No.8465133 [DELETED] 


>Welcome to FuwaNovel

>> No.8465130


>> No.8465131


It's the pastebin link in the footnotes of her blog post.

>> No.8465141

Fuck you! My eyes! ;_;

>> No.8465148
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this logo is clearly better

>> No.8465154
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- respects the wishes of content creators
- intimately understands the Western VN consumer base



>> No.8465159

If you want to bring VN fan translators into a tighter circle, sure, try it.

But don't make a pretty web front for it. You're asking for trouble.

>> No.8465162

>What you mean to say is that we are putting you (the publishers) in an unfavourable position because we are reaching out for the actual creators (the artist, the writers, the musicians) translating and distributing their work in place of you.
Really now. Hate JAST and MG all you want, but cue point still stands that developers in the coorporate world, they want numbers, numbers and numbers, backed up by statistics etc.
And not only that, they also want contracts, contracts and contracts, deals of which can't be broken, failsafe agreements and whatnot else for what to do/what to happen if things succeed and or fail etc.

This is why people generally speaking make other coorporations when dealing with other coorporations. This is also why its not all too easy for everyone to simply jump into any given field.

In the west, JAST are the biggest in the field, they are also the ones most easily held accountable if things were to hit the fan, and are easily boxed into all kinds of regulations, laws, and contract deals.

The Japanese are still wary of the western market though.
Heck, even Mangagamer with their high seat in Japan, aren't too relied upon, because the Japanese are still in the end, too wary of the western market and or audience as a whole.

When JAST, the biggest in the field, and Mangagamer, Japanese people, have a hard time garner trust and promote good agreements with Japanese developers, then why, just why, or rather how, would a group of fans and fantranslators fare any better?

>> No.8465164

Just because the developers are upset with translations doesn't mean translations are bad for the medium.

>> No.8465166

wow, it was painful to read. Is Aaeru this retarded or is that some kind of kind of reverse psychology marketing from JAST?

>> No.8465174

Its the former.

>> No.8465177

I think Aaeru's idealism on the matter is a bit naive, but as far as Makoto's "all fan translators should fuck off and leave it to the official companies" attitude, he can fuck right off as well. I'm sure as hell not willing to go back to seeing 2-4 games translated for years just so that a few Japanese companies can feel more comfortable.

>> No.8465179


EVERYBODY. This is an essential read.

- Aaeru is a massive retard who can't argue for shit.

Firstly, yes there is nothing contradictory about pirating in itself. A lot of shit gets pirated and there's nothing you can do about. BUT, what Aaeru is doing is making a huge webfront for it, and basically publicizing the fact that gaijins are all a bunch of pirates.

It's like Chestbrah from bb.com/misc. Everybody knows that Chestbrah and his crew are on steroids. That's fine. What's not fine and absolutely retarded was that he started selling steroids ON FACEBOOK. FACEBOOK. ILLEGAL DRUGS.

Aaeru doesn't 'get' the nuance behind pirating.

Secondly, Aaeru is a pretentious fuck. He's not 'doing it for the industry,' because that's completely bullshit. Everybody in fan translation does it for e-penis.

>> No.8465178

Who is Aeru?
Did this person post here with a tripcode?

>> No.8465185

I was wondering... how about sending the companies the translation patches and files, and let them handle it? They could have their games for download in english in any of the sites currently available, instead of having to jump through loops. I mean, Nekonekosoft TRIED to do it, years ago.

>> No.8465186

So someone wants to make what looks like erogedownload but with a nicer interface? Am I missing something here? What's the big deal?

>> No.8465188
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totally agree. She's just faggotfujoshi who can't even spell g on galge

>> No.8465191

You really think companies will fall for something like that? It's a huge liability. You simply do not take something from someone and distribute it without knowing exactly went into it and have some kind of agreement you can fall back on. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.8465193

fantranslations should exist where the market doesn't reach/care, not overlap with it. All it boils down is that people don't want to wait, they want their shit NOW no matter how rather than investing on a market that, once developed, would probably get you games on their japanese release day.
So it's like, wait years and invest money to get a good market going, or just not caring and pirating now, getting sn early subpar product and destroying the market chances? Most people naturally choose the second. Can't blame them, but a site like fuwanovel wants to be isn't helping localizations at all.

>> No.8465195


Makoto is basically telling Aaeru that the industry will unofficially turn its cheek on piracy, but what he can't agree with is the fact that Fuwa is basically giving even MORE publicity about pirating.

>MakotoJAST: If what you're trying to do is simply get more games translated, whether they're legal or not, then that's a different story.

So Aaeru. Stop what you're doing. Leave fan translations where they belong, in underground networks like IRC. There's a reason why VNDB and TLWiki doesn't distribute fully patched games.

>> No.8465200

>[18:19] <MakotoJAST> The Japanese companies will see this and say "look at these fucks. Not only have most of them played our games already, but they're 99% likely to pirate it even if we get a Western company to localize it for us."
>[18:20] <MakotoJAST> A piracy site is not a good way to convince Japanese companies that their games will make money.
This basically. No matter how much Aaeru may be correct in how the industry is built upon piracy and how we all pirate, it doesn't change the fact how the Japanese are notably scared of it.

To "force japanese interest", "by demand", going through a large webfront focused on pirating their goods in order to increase the awareness and demand, won't win Japanese interest, it will win Japanese fear.

If that's where the English market is heading, then generally speaking, the Japanese would be far more comfortable staying within their own borders, and with the market they are already familiar with.

>> No.8465206

who will read this eyecancer anyway?

>> No.8465212

Maybe if Aaeru would post a picture of what she looks like I would support her no matter how silly this idea sounds.

>> No.8465217

Am I the only one who thinks the VN fan industry is just fine as it is?

Whether you bought your games for 10000+ yen eroge + shipping + proxy, or simply pirated it, unofficial English patches are widely available if you know where to look.

No need to bring commercialization into translations. We're doing that just fine on our own.

Fan translations should remain separate from the pirating/distro scene. No need to release fully patched games. Aaeru's argument against this is that there's a technical barrier, like opening .rar's. Yeah, strong argument there.

Aaeru is nothing more than a huge attention whore who doesn't understand how piracy works.

>> No.8465219

really nice dude! agree with you

>> No.8465221


Aaeru = girl is a viral scheme to get people like you to pay more attention to this "project."

>> No.8465226

I would suck his cock dude.

>> No.8465229

but she's a woman on her mids

>> No.8465231

How old? Wizard material?

>> No.8465230

Oh look Ixrec just posted an essay.

>> No.8465238

probably witch, just google aaeru profile

>> No.8465235
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>> No.8465244


>> No.8465239

I wholeheartedly agree. Eroge/VN are a really niche thing. They'll never get a big audience but that's totally okay. Why do people think that's a bad thing?
Isn't it great to be able to enjoy a thing that not many people like? It makes me feel special, like there's a bond between us.

>> No.8465240
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She's a tryhard translator/fujoshi that's trying to demand that more people make fan translations of otome games, and gets analpained whenever any US VN publishers pick up anything (including the Otome games she wants translated oh so badly)

Yet anytime she can't finish something she makes up ridiculous excuses, like pretending to be dying of some congenial disease

>> No.8465241
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>Aaeru's Profile - Canada Immigration Social Network

>> No.8465248

So she even lied about her site being "endorsed" by Amaterasu, this is getting even more hilarious.

>> No.8465250

Oh, I thought he posted it in the forums or on his blog. My bad.

>> No.8465249

At the blogpost we're talking about. Scroll at the bottom.

>> No.8465252

more "he's" maybe she's just a futa?

>> No.8465254

That post was referring to Ixrec.

>> No.8465257

>games that are actually worth people’s money (i.e., not nukige)
when I read this like this and think about all the (actually good) nukige that sell fucking tonnes it just makes me laugh at the retarded stuck-up attitude.
Kind of like how shit like that Three Kingdoms sex romp managed to sell pretty much like ( or was it better?) a game "worth people's money" like Kara no Shoujo

>> No.8465263

Kara no Shoujo wasn't worth anyone's money though.

>> No.8465269

I hated Kara no Shoujo, so all's well.

>> No.8465275


>Kara no Shoujo
>worth people's money

at least not worth my money

>> No.8465277

Sorry, she is not a fujoshi. She loves moe girls more than anything.

She is the 1%

>> No.8465279

how the hell did you know anyway?

>> No.8465282
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Same fag is same.
Tojiko was here.

>> No.8465285



The attention whoring never stops.

>> No.8465289

Why do you even care? So she's attention whoring in another place entirely you have no reason to ever see unless you want to. You just looking for something to bitch about, faggot?

>> No.8465290

Stalking is my ability...
Her blog
Sorry, don't compare that cunt to Kirino

>> No.8465297

Look, it's okay if you don't like this Aaeru person, but please don't bring misogynistic insults into it. It's extremely offensive and there's absolutely no reason for it.

>> No.8465300

translators don't know shit about business. they should leave the business to the businessmen, and if they're not doing a decent enough job of providing value to foreign customers, maybe they just don't care.

they just complain about piracy because it's easy to. clearly, vns in the west aren't very profitable, as most ventures have failed entirely. the only way it can be made profitable is if the japs care enough to try. so far, they don't seem to care.

also i love how this dumb bitch thinks she understands how japanese business works. fucking hilarious

>> No.8465301

There was nothing misogynistic about that post.

>> No.8465307

>please don't bring misogynistic insults into it.

>> No.8465310

It is okay, faggot.

>> No.8465304

It's not okay to use "cunt" as an insult for any female you happen to dislike.

>> No.8465311

Aeru is male, I'm not sure why people are thinking he's not.

>> No.8465312

Why not? What would be an acceptable insult for any female I happen to dislike, then?

>> No.8465313

I just hope the English vn scene dies out, nothing good will come for it. Only american soccer moms and bullshit everywhere as far as the eye can see and it will destroy maybe even japan. I will pirate everything so they can die off.

>> No.8465317

I agree with you.

You either learn Japanese or you don't get to enjoy their media. That is how it should work.

>> No.8465318

>Translators trying to understand the market.
Rather than discussing who should do and sell the translations they should care about the culture, habits and wage of the wide western VN fandom who consumes the product. I don't care about elitism, if you like good VN's but 10 retards prefer shit then it will get translated instead as it should. They are both retards fighting for a small rod to fish a whale, VN industry and it's customers, both legal and pirates, will move where they are comfortable, totally leaving the market for one of the sides will just produce a larger out
break over time by the other.

>> No.8465315

Oh wow hahahahahahahahahaha
Gurl, are you new here?

>> No.8465321


>> No.8465322


Is there something you want to tell us about yourself then

>> No.8465323

I like how this thread is about Aeru's gender.

>> No.8465324

It's funny because her favorite anime is Oreimo

>> No.8465333

Aeru told me to read Heisig's RTK in order to learn Japanese.
Fuck that cunt no matter the gender, I hope s/he chokes to death. Bloody retard

>> No.8465334

somebody post the gundam translator picture with /jp/ as earth.

>> No.8465331

If shes a guy then Aaeru does one hell of a good job acting like a girl.

>> No.8465339

I can't tell the difference between men and women, so its okay.

>> No.8465337

Didn't you know, according to our feminist overlords insulting a women, any women is misogyny.

>> No.8465343

Please get out, i can fucking cruse out anybody i want, go fuck yourself femanazi cunt, you are everything bad in this world.

>> No.8465344

That's not the point. The word "cunt" is designed to insult a woman simply for being a woman, and thus insults ALL women. There are plenty of other ways to insult someone without bringing gender into it.

>> No.8465349

We call all men here faggots. I don't see you whining over that. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8465351


It's okay, you did good. It's our fault to have fallen to such easy troll bait.

Well done. Mission accomplished. 計画どおり。

Now get out of /jp/.

>> No.8465353

Because I'm not gay. If I were, I'd probably find that extremely offensive as well.

I am a woman, and proud to be one. And seeing you throw misogynistic terms around like that is NEVER okay.

>> No.8465354

Nobody cares, people use cunt and dick all the fucking time, so please get your retarded nazi brain out of here.

>> No.8465357


>> No.8465358
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>> No.8465359

legit criticism swept away by people arguing over genders, typical

>> No.8465360

Fuck off, dick.

>> No.8465363
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1323793396547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock, whore.

This thread wasn't very good anyway, no real loss.

>> No.8465364

I know I might be a bit dense, but what do you mean by that? I was thinking of making their games available to overseas markets.

>> No.8465366

Nope. Only one cock I'll ever suck and it's probably a lot bigger than yours.

>> No.8465367

╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful proud black woman ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

No I don't care if this doesn't come out right, fuck you.

>> No.8465368

>I am a woman, and proud to be one. And seeing you throw misogynistic terms around like that is NEVER okay
you see, we dont give a shit about what you think, im sure many men are proud to be men, but guess what they get called names and fucking live with it and dont take it as such a fucking big deal. you need to open up your shit as brain and see that men are treated just like women, even worse. but just because your a women you think you can complain and act like a bitch. Sorry you might get away with that shit these days in the real world, but we wont bow down to your retarded shit.

>> No.8465372

The only good post in this thread.

>> No.8465373


It means that companies are not going to take something off the street and distribute it for profit. It's a huge liability since it may be copyrighted material.

That's why fan translation belongs where it is now. They have no legal ground to commercialize it.

>> No.8465374
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>> No.8465377

No one cares if you call a guy a dick or a cock. We are proud of our penises. Women should take pride in their nether regions as well. Yell things like "eat it, bitch" while pelvic thrusting.

>> No.8465378

Last time I heard, any and all translations, by default, belong to the original author. Even if YOU translated it, it gives you no ownership over it.

>> No.8465379

Because it's different. Men haven't been objectified in the media the same way that women have been.

>> No.8465381

Jesus christ, bring back your feminazi shit to /u/ please

>> No.8465383
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>> No.8465390
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We're proud of being objectified.

>> No.8465385


It may have come from a translation agency, and you'd still have to go to court to prove that it is indeed a translation and not an original work in case there's a dispute.

>> No.8465386
File: 986 B, 48x64, Oifey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you're whining about males on the internet, I'm getting laid everyday :)

>> No.8465392

Don't respond to the troll.

>> No.8465395


Don't respond to troll responses.

>> No.8465398

so meta xD

>> No.8465399

Nah, she isn't a troll. If you can't tell the difference then....

>> No.8465402

Since this is a shit thread can I shitpost in here?

>> No.8465403
File: 194 KB, 800x563, TesseCalendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they go to court when both parties agreed on it?

You, the translator, willingly submit your text (which is a translation of the original work) to the maker out of love for their work. You relinquish your claims on it (if any). Maker modifies the work to make it available by whatever means. Step back and smile as other people enjoy what you love.

I just don't know. You might be right, but it seems so simple to do from my side.

>> No.8465408

>You relinquish your claims on it (if any).
Not without a contract you don't. Just saying "you can do what you want with it" isn't good enough. Unless they have undeniable proof that you would lose in the case of a lawsuit, they don't really want a part in it. They probably don't even want a party in it even if they had that.

>> No.8465409

Wow, I look away for a few minutes and something like this pops up.
How long ago was the Fuwanovel thing set up?

>> No.8465410 [DELETED] 


>when both parties agreed on it?

The send may not have been the original translator.

Either way, the original copyright holder would probably be able to win any lawsuit regarding translations, but that's not the point. It's just a legal mess that many companies would rather not get involved.

It's like Bethesda taking a fan-made Oblivion mod and selling it as an expansion pack. Sure, they have every right to do so, but it's bad publicity and it can get tricky legally.

>> No.8465416




>> No.8465413

So are they actually endorsed by Amaterasu, or was that just a blatant lie? Because neither Ixrec no kVin seems particularly endorsatory.

>> No.8465414

>when both parties agreed on it?

The sender may not have been the original translator. Either way, the original copyright holder would probably be able to win any lawsuit regarding translations, but that's not the point. It's just a legal mess that many companies would rather not get involved.

It's like Bethesda taking a fan-made Oblivion mod and selling it as an expansion pack. Sure, they have every right to do so, but it's bad publicity and it can get tricky legally.

>> No.8465415

Does it matter? This discussion is pointless and is best left to rot. Just because you can't stop yourself from getting angry over the internet doesn't mean you have to be an annoying idiot on /jp/.

>> No.8465424
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Text needs to be moved forward to the middle a bit as it looks off.

>> No.8465422

... so you can't just come up with a manuscript, sign a contract that it is theirs for all eternity and walk out?

These legal issues are so horribly complicated.

>> No.8465429


Why would you want to? Might as well work for an agency.

>> No.8465438
File: 99 KB, 500x375, 4aa66ea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all I want is to make my favorite plot with porn popular overseas!

>> No.8465441


Fan translators will never go through all of that work.

>> No.8465448

I wish that thread didn't die.

>> No.8465462


So her plan is to directly distribute other people's content all patched and nicely bundled up? Like gigabytes of other people's intellectual property? Art, voices, music etc. that were all sold commercially?

I hate the DMCA and the modern idea of intellectual property as much as anyone, but I really do think I'll send a few notices to the relevant parties just to curb this stupid bitch's naive idealism.

>> No.8465466

Aeru status = piratold.

>> No.8465467


THIS. People who can't into pirating SHOULD STAY THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.8465476

Are you retarded or something or do you need to be reminded on what the DMCA really is? I'm sure they care about irrelevant Chinese power point games.

>> No.8465706

>So her plan is to directly distribute other people's content all patched and nicely bundled up? Like gigabytes of other people's intellectual property? Art, voices, music etc. that were all sold commercially?

I don't see how that's different from all piracy in general. It's not like keeping the translation patch and game download on separate sites does anything.

The part where she goes way off the rails is that through some extremely tortured logic she apparently thinks this will have some kind of a positive effect on the VN "scene", when it most likely will do precisely nothing at all. Worst case scenario, it will drive off the only professional VN translators, meaning the only people with the necessary contacts to do this thing as a business at all, setting back the clock for 5-10 years.

>> No.8465714

You guys are putting too much stock into all this moral justification bullshit she puts out. Yeah, her goals are either hilariously naive or outright lies, but so what? Her site amounts to little more than a VN-centered torrent tracker, which isn't really such a bad thing. Just shut the fuck up about it and stop giving her all this free publicity, if you really hate the idea that much. Because I guarantee you, 90% of us never knew about this shit until you decided to start bitching about it.

>> No.8465729

people put stock in it because that's literally all the site offers now, how can you talk or even like the idea of it being a torrent tracker if at most there's a photoshopped picture about how made up torrents would look in tokyotosho?

>> No.8465740

>I don't see how that's different from all piracy in general. It's not like keeping the translation patch and game download on separate sites does anything.
A site without piracy can be endorsed and or accepted.
A site with piracy will be shunned.
A site with non-piracy related content, yet with tons of piracy related content, will still be shunned.

To have one site without piracy and one site with piracy, enables the site without piracy to be able to be endorsed, and it also grants the officials the option to look the other way with the other site. And well, even if they can't, the non piracy part can still survive with this model.

To run both though, would be easily ignored.

>> No.8465749


The act of creating an unauthorized translation is itself copyright infringement.

>> No.8465757

But none are discussing what is legal or not, this is mainly a discussion about appearance and or status.
Piracy is frowned upon alot more than translations.

>> No.8465766

Is it though? Like I'm not trying to justify what we do. It's "piracy" through-and-through. But you're creating a patch that generally contains little-to-none of the original data files (which may not be copyrightable anyway), containing a translation *you* wrote. The story, characters and ideas are the same, but you're not using their original text. Look at how many pieces of software and games there are that are clones of existing software and games. I can't see the creators of Super Monkey Ball making a strong case against Neverball, for example.
Then again, I think part of the Berne convention had something to do with unauthorized translations in other countries. Plus I vaguely recall some drama surrounding Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven. Who knows.

>> No.8465806

Guys guys, at least shes trying something and you're not. Let it die. If the feds come knocking down her door then its her battle.

>> No.8465811
File: 252 KB, 639x356, homu86177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with everything that person wrote. JAST has been censoring their poorly QC'ed games since 1996.

It's disappointing how their Family Project translation was just as censored as Nocturnal Illusion. Both games were released 13 years apart, but JAST still pulls the same old bull. You'd have to be desperate to sell your fan translation to them. Possibly a hypocrite too, because you probably know what's coming before working with them.

Anyways, after reading this thread I don't understand why Anon hates piracy all of a sudden. Or are you just playing devil's advocate again?

>> No.8465818

>Possibly a hypocrite too, because you probably know what's coming before working with them.
Care to point to a case of a fan translation that was sold to them being censored?

>> No.8465829

>>8465766 Is it though?
Yes it is.
Fan translation may be tolerated, but it is illegal.

>> No.8465834


>> No.8465842

>Anyways, after reading this thread I don't understand why Anon hates piracy all of a sudden. Or are you just playing devil's advocate again?
I doubt anyone hates piracy here. It should just be done in the right manner at the right places with the right methods.
TLWiki and VNDB don't host or link pirated content for pretty obvious reasons.

Piracy is great, but Japan are scared people, and evven wesern companies are a bit uneasy on the subject and no matter the case, eastern -> western publishers are reliant of what they think of it overseas. And Japan don't like it.

So yes, piracy is great and all, but let's try not to take down eachother here. If JAST and Mangagamer don't hunt down and kill translation hubs such as TLWiki or whatnot, hunting down translators, then one might as well avoid promoting a translation&piracy hub. The piracy thing can be left at the already existing and slightly more obscure places.

That way, the officials can rest a bit easier, and it should benefit everyone. I would assume. Co-existance or whatnot.

>> No.8465899


This is the best post in the thread.

The problem is overexposing and simplifying piracy to a point where it will kill any sort of legal attempt to earn money in this industry, regardless of how small. The ideal would be that both markets co-exists, and the way things are currently are good enough, it's not like the official English VN paid market will ever grow to be much larger than it is now.

>> No.8465960

JLIST/JAST/princesspeach/etc are all owned by the same person. They keep a virtual monopoly on the western market. heck, when mangagamer entered the market, instead of allowing mangagamer to develop its own distribution, jlist offers to sell their stuff, thus decreasing the overall profit that would otherwise go towards developing distribution independent of the jlist/jast chokehold.

With a choking grip, other japanese companies are slowed from entering the market because there isn't enough profit margin left from their own distribution methods to make it worthwhile.

>> No.8465975

Yes, because Mangagamer has the money to handle any kind of distribution outside of an online download service. They'll get right on that after they release the official voice patches.

>> No.8465986


You've never had to deal with an actual Japanese company as part of a licensing arrangement, I see. What you speak of will never happen, this is just not how Japanese business is done. Nobody is going to license to a start-up unless it has a long reputation (JAST) or Japanese owners (Mangagamer). A bunch of random fans won't get the licenses to major VNs, it's not the 80s and VN translators aren't fansubbers.

>> No.8465997


I am sure they can afford this with their four-digit sales numbers, just as I am sure JAST can afford excellent QC with their equally four-digit sales numbers.

>> No.8466020

So, question...

What is the best thing to do to make sure this fails sooner instead of later, besides ignore it?

>> No.8466024

> You've never had to deal with an actual Japanese company as part of a licensing arrangement, I see.
Yeah man, check that nooblord. This shit's like, every day for me.

>> No.8466025

rape her

>> No.8466036
File: 16 KB, 600x449, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright where does that bitch live
pic related its me

>> No.8466041

No! She must remain pure!

>> No.8466051

>For the record I hate JastUSA as well as most and I won't buy their products.

Same here. They are real assholes on the level of the RIAA/MPAA. They lawsuit people all the way to the bitter end.

>> No.8466057
File: 105 KB, 369x411, red saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There hasn't been any real deal loli in their fan translations yet.

Check JAST's previously censored games and you'll notice Peter Payne has a limit to how flat the 2D girls should be. Once it crosses the line then the CGs get censored. A few of JAST's upcoming games do reach this critical point of flatness, so I expect more of their traditional censoring in the future.

Anyways, I hope that OP guy's website works out well. I'm pretty OK with it because that's how game translations were distributed back in the day (people just didn't care). I'm not sure if it will work in this day and age though.

>> No.8466061

Make that three-digit numbers for MangaGamer.

>> No.8466067

JAST only does that because it doesn't want the fansubbers banding up against it. Keep them placated, lawsuit the ones that can sprout into a monster and force them to sign a non-defamation clause (standard practice in hostile media lawsuits).

>> No.8466069

>A few of JAST's upcoming games do reach this critical point of flatness, so I expect more of their traditional censoring in the future.
So if Sumaga and Schol Days aren't censored, you'll finally shut up about this?

>> No.8466086

Yes and no.

Payne doing a sudden 180 would be even funnier, because he said he was required by law to censor Kazokei and such.

>> No.8466100
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, 1080525278992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to JAST's advantage to make sure the translators use JAST's forums so that they can keep an eye on them (as well as track their IP addresses) and see whatever's developing. It wouldn't do them any good if translators got unhappy with JAST and tried to create another Baka-Tsuki or Mangagamer. If enough alternatives appear to JAST, the Japanese companies would take notice the market is big enough for alternatives.

It's like with fansubbing of anime videos way back in the beginning. The Japanese didn't think there was enough interest until they saw how large the fansubbing community had grown. Then they begin to enter it as well as hiring fans from it. Pioneer Laserdisc did that method in the beginning. They even visited various fansubber events across the country. I know since a pioneer vice-president came to our group's public event. Not to chastise us for piracy, but with free gifts as well as to interview each of us on what fans wanted, what we thought of the fandom and how big it was, etcetera. They were more interested in entering the anime market to grow it larger than in fighting it to keep it small.

>> No.8466104

Well, if he did it would practically alienate and cut him off completely from almost the entire market-base, outside of the typical J-List/Nukige regulars that seems to be buying all that other stuff that apparently sells somehow.

It should however, kill off the entire story focused Eroge branch.

>> No.8466108

translators dont use jasts forums

>> No.8466131

VN's are going to die in the west anyways. The same author of SOPA has another bill in the works that is essentially against anime/manga/doujinshi. One thing it does is that It will implement the USA federal government's official minor age of 18 on the depictions and characterizations. Third, it criminalizes providing links or providing methods (id est how to set up Share or Perfect Dark or providing the hash codes) Yet another thing it does is monitoring (similar to SOPA) in order to effectively punish any scofflaws.

Because HR 1981 is basically "anti childporn", no one can oppose it without being labeled and demonized as child porn supporters.

>> No.8466134

Enjoy Cancer. Enjoy aids.

>> No.8466135

These kinds of laws have been tossed around for a while now.

>> No.8466143

Stop telling me to enjoy these two things.

>> No.8466149

Also, I just did a quick google check on it. I didn't see anything about artistic depictions, the bill seems to be more about forcing ISPs to retain data and hand it over without any sort of probable cause, if suspicion of any crime at all is there (not necessarily related to CP) rather than about redefining what CP is.

Also^2 it looks like here http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h1981/show it's pretty unpopular. Admittedly these are votes from a small sample of informed internet users, but still.

>> No.8466168

Unless the market looks "big enough" to the Japanese VN companies, they will not enter it themselves. JAST/Jlist obviously doesn't want the Japanese companies to enter the market. For JAST/Jlist, the biggest profit is in the middle ground where they can continue to maintain a monopoly of the fanbase.

If the Japanese eroge companies are to enter, it will only be after the fanbase has been popularized to the point where it is huge enough. Otherwise, they will not enter and leave it essentially as JAST's licensing playground.

>> No.8466170

Jast or otherwise it's all bullshit. Who the fuck cares about VNs in the west? I hope the English VN market dies off.

>> No.8466189

I spat my drink all over the screen you bastard

>> No.8466216

It's a catch-22 for the japanese companies then. The better game companies don't want to license to JAST because that will only give JAST more profits to grow their company into being a competitive threat. Never feed your competitor or they may grow up into a monster.

>> No.8466225 [DELETED] 

Have you tried holding a fish?

>> No.8466228

JAST doesn't make their own games or even compete in the japanese market.

ur pretty dumb

>> No.8466234

Didn't we just have this thread the other day?

Seriously, if you see fuck-face post, don't bite next time. It only feeds it.

>> No.8466242


>> No.8466248

>Unless the market looks "big enough" to the Japanese VN companies, they will not enter it themselves.
mangagamer. also overflow but they decided to work with jast for publishing

>> No.8466258

This is how I see it, so please correct me if you don't agree.

Industry revolves over one fucking thing: MONEY. That's reality. That's how it works.

Maybe writers and artists like what they do, but company CEOs and owners; the ones who decide what to make and who to sell it to, care about money. Numbers. It's like that in every company in the world.

Of course writers would be happy to see their works translated (Ryuukishi even stated it himself in an e-mail to Witch-hunt, for example), but company owners, the ones who move money, don't give a flying shit.

JAST is licensing translated works because that's what Japanese companies care about, and it's the only way of succeeding. Is it hard to understand?

If you say "Don't license Japanese VNs!" the only thing japanese companies hear is "Don't come here! We don't want your shit!" and they'll stop caring about western market.

With JAST's method, the translator gets paid, JAST also makes money, and Japanese companies start caring about the west. Everyone benefits.

>> No.8466280

well yea

>> No.8466294

>mangagamer. also overflow but they decided to work with jast for publishing

JAST uses JLIST for selling. If the fans buy it thru Jlist instead of direct from the company, that means the amount of profit the company makes will be less than if it could sell if it had its own distribution. Since Jlist dominates the landscape, a lot of sales will go to jlist instead of the actual maker. So, it's also in payne's best interests to keep the competition starved this way by using jlist to do the distribution.

>> No.8466296

When I first came across this article, I was ready to support it. Having read it though, it seems Aaeru's thoughts and intentions are extremely jumbled. The chatlog especially shows this. She probably should have given this idea more thought before sharing it with JAST/the community.

>> No.8466305

Despite ranting by non-/jp/ers, this seems to be a thoughtful thread for /jp/

>> No.8466329

except most of mangagay titles arent on jlist and they have their own store for hard sales

>> No.8466336

If the demand is there, and the demand is big enough, then japanese companies will enter. It is up to JAST/Jlist to then ensure the competitors remain small so as not to threaten JAST. Obviously, mangagamer or any other japanese competitor could license products as well, thus JAST/Jlist doesn't want any more companies entering nor does it want the current ones to grow up. payne has been anticompetitive for a long time and that's his attitude in person too.

>> No.8466338
File: 40 KB, 400x442, CANADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon doesn't hate piracy.

Anon hates loudmouth attention whore jumping neck-deep into a pool of sharks without heeding a single, solitary warning. And that's exactly what Aearu or whatever the fuck his handle is, is doing.

Fuck yours, my, JAST's, and Arial's feelings for a nanosecond. These games are coming from Japan. Copyright Japan. The home of "I disapprove of what you're doing but I will turn a blind eye so long as you do it DISCREETLY." Yes, Japan is terrified of the piracy issue, justifyably so.

But you know what else terrifies them? Western lobbyist. They've got their own censor fuck-hoedown to deal with, and you saw how quickly both their government and industry guilds' dicks shrank in the wake of that Rapelay fiasco. Hell, Mangagamers doesn't operate out of a US owned property just so they don't run afoul of sex offender laws and bureaucracy.

Fantranslations, morality aside, fall on the side of illegal. A lot of the content craved by the audiences of fan translations are grounds for legal witch hunting outside Area 11, pic related. And yet this jagoff is proposing that fan translations and their audiences not only do away with the legal middleman, but directly expose themselves to the VN industry in Japan. An industry with a legal machine that can and will eat these naive people alive. From a nation that's home to "You wanna embarrass me publicly, Nintendo? Then how about I anally rape you for a good two decades?" level of retribution from publicly humiliated companies.

And there's this jagoff spouting loud and proud that piracy-to-industry communication is the way of the future. I think they need to lurk fucking forever.

>> No.8466355


>> No.8467516

how about, we, err,
just pirate?

its not like we give a fuck about the japs

>> No.8467528

how about you fuck off and go read your eroges. youre not allowed to read our translation drama. you never even translated anything

>> No.8467701

>playing vidya and not browsing 4chan all day erry day

>> No.8467761


>> No.8467872

Just go fuck yourself gook boy

>> No.8467948

We got TLwiki.

>> No.8467969

So, we all agree ero is holding back the potential of eroge. This medium could be so much more, right?

>> No.8467995

Fuck you, Chestbrah taught me how to ride a bicycle.

>> No.8468008

Only if she's dresses as a 2hu.

>> No.8468393



>> No.8468420

More like ero is what will allow eroge to push the human race into a new tomorrow

>> No.8468431

I agree with nearly everything Aaeru said. I hate JAST, from their way of thinking to think how they handle and do things, which is all terrible save their policy on C&D.

>> No.8468446

This is were I disagree with Aaeru. Not sure about the KS dev though.

>> No.8468514

Aaeru should finish a project before trying to make himself out to be the godsend of the translating community.
The last two projects he was involved in, he quit by declaring that he was dying and no longer wanted to spend time on VNs. Then he came back three months later with a link aggregation site.

>> No.8468614

>this distributor JAST is being pretty reasonable for actually paying for fan translated works. Since fansubbers actually possess copyrights to their works as mentioned above, it’s public domain. They can just steal your work so there’s not a damn thing you can do about it in court. They must be doing it to avoid negative publicity, and you should be glad they’re not straight up suing you for it.
This is true. If JAST was so evil they wouldn't pay shit.

>> No.8468639

The IRC log was painful to read. Why are women so fucking retarded?

>> No.8468810

I just looked at the blog.

Location: Sydney

Explains everything, Sydneysiders are the most entitled cunts in the world

>> No.8468842

That they are. I fucking hate the place.

>> No.8468854

Posted in 2006. Seems to still be applicable today

>> No.8468874

Shut up

>> No.8468886

I read most of my VNs in Japanese and I really don't hate non Japanese speakers, because you know, I wasn't born knowing Japanese either. There'll always be retarded people in every community, but there are also good people. And then we have cunts like Aaeru, but contrary to popular belief, they're the minority inside the English-only group. They just don't know how to shut up.

>> No.8468898

>Honestly I think she's just driving all of us away by convincing us she's insane.

Oh god, even Ixrec is making fun of her.

>> No.8468904

You fail at one point, artist are no longer as dependant as they were time ago when physical copies where epitome of trading but the service they provide is almost no needed since a shipping and services like Steam, hope something appears, can override their function but they keep trying to get a piece of cake for no reason, you said it money is money and it doesn't know difference about good and evil. This leeching attitude increase the price of something that could be done with 1/10 of the people( talking about trading, not producing), the internet and the will of artists and the community.

These companies leech from the lack of coordination and comunication between easter and western communities and this is what we have to blame, blame JAST for taking advantage of it and the fan translators for not doing shit properly, if we happen to buy enough TO THE RIGHT PERSON we'll open a healthy market as long as we keep consuming. I see in Steam a posible friend but won't happen since introducing +18 in his catalog will hurt them with vast, underage western audience. If there's 10 new file storing sites every week why can't we get 1 to store and sell them.

Example: You buy->Virtual copy cost X/physical cost X+extra (you get to dl the game until the package arrives as it were a virtual copy).
Money goes to artist/translators/Companies that actually do shit.

>> No.8468921

So now doing something that no one else wants to do because it's unprofitable and just a mess to get into, means taking advantage of being a middleman?
Did you read that log about a JAST employee telling Aaeru to go ahead and make her own company?
>something that could be done with 1/10 of the people
you know that JAST is two people right? And the fantranslators (you know, the ones who like the games enough to waste time on translating it) give their translations, free or not, to them out of their own will?

>> No.8468935

If Aaeru wasn't a complete fucking retard they would have done things differently. For example, if we assume that the goal wasn't just some glorified piracy, then they should have negotiated with all the fan translators to get them onboard. Then consult or negotiate with other companies about licenses and distribution, without the whole piracy is justifiable bullshit.

So instead of setting up a business model Aaeru decided to set up a blatant piracy website, practically screaming "Hai gaiyz we stealing yo' stuff, wacha gonna do about it?! Release in the west cheaply lollololol xD" to get the attention of the Japanese developers.

>> No.8468940

I find the fact that such a fucktard carries the name ``Aaeru'' highly offensive.

>> No.8468966

Now you know why we call him Aeru.

>> No.8469036

Is there another Aaeru?

>> No.8469054

probably some anime character, I think

>> No.8469073

I share your sentiments good sir.

>> No.8469080

Self entitled cunt

>> No.8469454

Haha, visual novels...

Porn with plot.

>> No.8469484

Right, I smiled.

>> No.8469524

Who the fuck is this Aaeru?
If he isnt a translator, he should fuck off.
If you want attention, you need to be a bigshot like moogi-dono or Ixwreck.

>> No.8469544

Can anyone tell me in one sentence what's going on? I'd rather avoid reading a fujoshi rant on her blog.

>> No.8469558

Some fatass wants attention by trying to lead the english VN industry to a land of milk and honey by setting up a pirating site that will package patches with full games; this will somehow make japan want to let more of their VNs get licensed.

>> No.8469566

Someone tried to make a TLwiki/vndb/hongfire pretender site, except they forgot to put content on it so instead they filled it with sensationlist manifestos about how they're the best thing ever happened to the internet (sadly, not a hyperbole) and screenshots of how it's supposed to work. Hilarity from the rest of the internet ensued.

>> No.8469573

I read the whole thing and still have no idea

>> No.8469577

That sounds kinda retarded when you condense it so much...

>> No.8469582


>> No.8469589

The actualy thing is even more retarded because it's basically the same, but with way more empty words than it needed and bipolar changes of directions.

>> No.8469605

I think shes mad that Jast gets cheap translations and makes a little money.

>> No.8469764

Or maybe just insane.

>> No.8469881

Or maybe just childish.

>> No.8470085
File: 31 KB, 271x310, NO pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I love fantranslations. I think they are great, especially for games that may never see the light of day through a company. They help spread word and get games noticed, and bring more people into the genre.

I think a site that would hub all the VN information with patches would be a great idea (better than VNDB at the moment).

... but this is fucking DUMB. Does she really think a giant piracy site is going to convince Japanese markets that we want more games?

"Oh, look, so many people DOWNLOAD YOUR GAMES FOR FREE WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE PENNY they love them, now get them over here legit people will so buy them!"

Uh, no. This is just going to make the legit scene even worse.

Also, does anyone else get the feeling that she is butt-hurt over some translators selling translations? I dunno about you, but if I translated something and it was going to be licensed and sold, making my hard work kinda for nothing after that, I would sell what I have done in an instant. (yeah, lazy on the company, but it makes things faster when all they have to do is proof read and do the programming, and might give Japanese companies the impression that yeah, we kind DO want their games... maybe to download the much easier to install English version but still)

>> No.8470267

Who the fuck cares, VNs are cancer.

>> No.8470542

Look, guys. I know you might be skeptical of the lofty goals I have set for myself, but why not just wait and see if I can deliver what I promised, rather than ridiculing me for no reason? I think you might be pleasantly surprised with how it turns out.

>> No.8470682

Because it's a terrible idea that might have disastrous consequences in the long run.

>> No.8470699

How? What you people seem to forget is that Japanese eroge companies are businesses. They exist to make money. If they see a large fanbase in the West staring them in the face, and localization companies begging them to take their money to reach those people, they're not going to turn down easy money just to spite us. Sure, a few might be reluctant at first, but once one or two do it, and the rest see how well it works for them, then the floodgates open. All it takes is a big enough fanbase to make it worthwhile.

Now, I'm not saying that we'll be solely responsible for doing this, but you can't say that we won't be a step in the right direction.

>> No.8470721

I wrote [>>8464738] among a couple of other posts.
As much as fantrasnlations are great, piracy being great and everything.
The intended goals of this project would still be far from popular with Japanese and Western publishers alike.

Some things are more acceptable than others (in the eyes of "the officials"), piracy, being looked down upon pretty hard. And translators distributing pirated goods would have a really hard time in a relationship with an official channel.
And as said in [>>8464766]
>They would never coorporate with fantranslators unless they could get their hands on a reliable publisher in the west, a publisher that also trusts the fantranslators.

And well, there is this line from Makoto
>[18:15] <MakotoJAST> Okay, then you should probably drop all pretense of doing it for the industry.
Everyone here loves VNs, and piracy, but that doesn't change how things like this won't make official channels smoother in the slightest as things look today.

>> No.8470722

It sure seemed to help as far as the anime scene went. If not for the rampant piracy by fansub groups at first, the fanbase would have never grown to the point where it could sustain official localization properly. I hope to do the same thing here.

>> No.8470814

For starters, it should be worth noting that people already knows what VNs are. At least people already interested in anime.
as it is today, its sort of hard to avoid VNs being mentioned in almost any anime community, especially given the many adaptations that have been made.
So there is already a level of awareness, although arguably not as big as it could be etc etc, though it is still on a completely other level than compared to say, 10 years ago.

But almost nothing of this matters when point still stands that Japanese developers are notably wary of piracy. Japan already has a self sustained economy, and most of all of them are doing all of what they can to get good success at that market locally.
To expand can for one thing seem unnecessary for many given they already have their hands full locally, but it can also seem very inappropriate if they if they feel they already have a tough time to expand locally.

There are a ton of new laws one have to account to when one opens oneself up internationally, and as with business deals in general, tons of things that can go wrong and things that have to be sealed up with as fool proof as possible contracts as possible. And with that taken into account, if things are to be done officially, people generally tend to feel far more at ease making deals with people with a revenue capable of being held responsible if things hits the fan.
The biggest publishers for VNs in the west are JAST and Mangagamer.

One thing of note though in terms of the comparison with anime, is that there have always been tons of TV-Networks and similar businesses in the west. These are the ones that tried to check out anime, and these were already relatively big.

>> No.8470861
File: 103 KB, 718x719, 1314813380642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Because seeing their work pirated and distributed for free willy nilly is TOTALLY going to make the Japanese companies want to strike deals.

Your logic is so skewed I don't know where to start. When they see fantranslations being downloaded with pirated copies of the games and us just taking the games without any care? They're going to say "fuck all" and most likely NEVER want to agree to licensing again. (at least for PCs, who knows what that could say for console games)

They're going to think "hey, they're already getting it illegally, why should they care if it is being sold now? They're not even going to buy those either, they'll pirate them too."

I love FTs. I use them myself. But this is a horrible idea. It is going to send the wrong message, especially if you are planning on being out in the open like you claim on your forum.

I dunno about you, but when I get games? I would rather just be able to install it or run an executable than do all the stuff I had to do to get them running through a Japanese version. And I would rather buy them to support the market we have now. (Unless it sucks. Then fuck that, I ain' payin for Suck My Dick Or Die)

>> No.8470880

Maybe kissing their asses might help them strike a few deals in the short term, but I think we get a lot further by creating a large, viable fanbase in the West. Two struggling companies can only do so much, and when a lot more companies start showing up with real money to put forward, developers are going to start listening, no matter how much we piss them off at this stage.

>> No.8470904

Fuck no.

A bigger fanbase built on piracy alone is going to just turn them away. No companies are going to come forward with money, and even if they did they would turn them down.

Because we already have their games.


>> No.8470987

The VN scene should never reach the popularity of the anime scene because then it would attract unwanted atention. I think you are forgetting that most VNs are porn. Remember the Rapelay incident a few years ago? What would stop the media from creating a similar shitstorm over Nitro+ VNs for example? And if such a shitstorm would actually take place who knows what sort of repercursions it will have on VNs in Japan.

>> No.8471622

>rather than ridiculing me for no reason?
And this is how I can tell you either have no reading comprehension or are just that fixed in your delusions. Whether you agree with them or not, the complaints made in this thread definitely have reason and purpose.
