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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 598x564, 1326366376719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8431107 No.8431107 [Reply] [Original]


/a/ is learning to read Japanese now.</spoiler>

>> No.8431114

[spoiler]Now I can tell them to get out of /jp/ in Japanese.</spoiler>

>> No.8431115

[spoiler]I think you'll find on any anime community there are people who want to--and will--learn Japanese.</spoiler>

>> No.8431113


>> No.8431110

[spoiler]Good for them.</spoiler>

>> No.8431120

[spoiler]Why would anyone want to do that?</spoiler>

>> No.8431117

[spoiler]I know that I'm not doing it.</spoiler>

>> No.8431121
File: 191 KB, 1054x798, 1325252236007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]WHAT IS WITH ALL OF THE SAGE.</spoiler>

>> No.8431126

[spoiler]It's safe to say more people on /a/ know Japanese than here, but that is solely because /a/ has a lot more users.</spoiler>

>> No.8431127

Sage is the lube for our dicks going up your ass, don't you like dicks in your ass?</spoiler>

>> No.8431128

They're weeaboos, it can't be helped.</spoiler>

>> No.8431134
File: 206 KB, 602x572, 1300213589649343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431135

We're a faster board than I thought.</spoiler>

>> No.8431137 [DELETED] 

We use "sage" as a way of attacking threads we don't like.

Funny, it's actually halved since the last time I saw one of those images a few months ago...
No, everyone hasn't started nokosaging. Don't be naive.

>> No.8431142

What, nokosage isn't included in the counter?</spoiler>

>> No.8431146
File: 105 KB, 384x640, IMAG0177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431147

>We use "sage" as a way of attacking threads we don't like.

Get the fuck out.</spoiler>

>> No.8431153
File: 87 KB, 346x347, 1319607393334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this faggot and laugh</spoiler>

>> No.8431155

Nope, because it's not visible. Unless the script does some sort of clever probing after each post to see whether or not it bumped, but I doubt it.

Oh, Anonymous...</spoiler>

>> No.8431162

But that's wrong you retard.</spoiler>

>> No.8431174
File: 29 KB, 399x576, sth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Did I fall for some reverse trolling?

Don't laught at me...</spoiler>

>> No.8431177

What the hell is reverse-trolling?

Is this the new word for irony now?</spoiler>

>> No.8431179

what is that board stats thing?</spoiler>

>> No.8431186
File: 198 KB, 1028x1513, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431185

It's a new term for when you get caught being retarded and try to pass it off as trolling.</spoiler>

>> No.8431184

Is irony a new word for shitposting now?

[spoiler]Actually no, it has always been the word for shitposting.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8431188

[spoiler]contributing to the percentage</spoiler>

>> No.8431191

I though irony was the word for autism

I'm being ironic!
I'm being autistic!</spoiler>

>> No.8431201

and here I thought /jp/ took pride in knowing how to use sage correctly</spoiler>

>> No.8431203

Thats pointless. You can not admit to joking on 4chan. Admitting to making a joke is the same thing as admitting to trolling and by doing so the mods will ban you.</spoiler>

>> No.8431198

Using "jokes" as an excuse for being retarded is just as bad as using "trolling" as an excuse.</spoiler>

>> No.8431209

refer to >>8431147
and all the posts that follow

And here I thought /jp/ would read threads before replying.</spoiler>

>> No.8431208

They're all interchangeable. Irony, autism, shitposting, hipster...they all evaluate to "what I don't like" at the end of the day.</spoiler>

>> No.8431215

In other news, posting on a crosspost thread in /jp/ automatically makes me a denizen of /jp/

News at 11</spoiler>

>> No.8431216

I'm not the guy who posted
>We use "sage" as a way of attacking threads we don't like.

but it was quite obvious to see that it was meant as a joke</spoiler>

>> No.8431218

[spoiler]God damn it guys, I was quite clearly being tongue-in-cheek.
Relax, I'll even delete my post.</spoiler>

>> No.8431226
File: 99 KB, 450x560, st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to me it wasn't, since the later part of his post hinted at being serious.
You can't expect me to pick up irony/jokes over the internet in such a post with changing tones.</spoiler>

>> No.8431229

So you admit to trolling? reported.</spoiler>

>> No.8431228

How can you expect autists to understand a joke?</spoiler>

>> No.8431233

There's Poe's Law and then there's being an idiot.
I am a card-carrying Aspergian and even I understood it was a joke.</spoiler>

>> No.8431234

For me the later part actually revealed that the first part is a joke,

since the later part seemed to come from a true /jp/er
and the first part so fiercely contradicts it.</spoiler>

>> No.8431235

> pick up irony/jokes over the internet
How can you pick something up over the internet? It's not like you can reach down and pick it up with your hands.</spoiler>

>> No.8431241


he obviously was referring to it figuratively</spoiler>

>> No.8431243

Silly anon, it's a figure of speech. You pick up the signals, revealing the true intent.</spoiler>

>> No.8431247

>tripfag rate in double digits

goddammit /jp/

That's pretty amazing though that /jp/ and /a/ are the only boards with a double digit sage rate</spoiler>

>> No.8431254

Would it be too late to say that I was also joking to mock the anti-pragmatism direction the thread took?
I considered including a disclaimer in my post. Maybe I should have.</spoiler>

>> No.8431253

/a/ rather high rate surprised me more than /jp/'s low one.
Though I guess there it' actually used in threads you don't like.</spoiler>

>> No.8431259

Please don't go down that road.</spoiler>

>> No.8431261

I picked up on that and tried to steer it down further,
at this point I can't tell anymore though</spoiler>

>> No.8431264
File: 513 KB, 1500x1068, Uzumaki01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late. It was inevitable from the moment this whole thing started.</spoiler>
