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8381693 No.8381693 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite loneliness animal, /jp/?

Do you have a dog or a cat that keeps you company? 2D is fine, I guess, but I want something I can touch. It doesn't need to be romantic obviously, just a friend or something that is alive.

I don't know if I can afford a dog or a cat, so I'm looking for alternatives that are cheaper to take care of but still capable of being my friend.

>> No.8381700
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>> No.8381699

I have a cat but if I try to pet him he bites me. I still like him, though.

>> No.8381702
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get a birdy

when i was just a boy i had a cockatiel named yuyu hakusho

>> No.8381703

why don't get an online friend? they are cheap and easy to take care of

>> No.8381711
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awww! how cute

>> No.8381712

ur mom

>> No.8381721


Talking to people online, especially outside of imageboards, is pretty terrifying to me. Even so though, I'm kinda looking for something I can touch and interact with outside of the computer.

I spend so much time at the computer already and the things that I do on the computer are the only thing that keeps the loneliness away. It's getting to the point that I just sit here for days, only facing the lonely abyss of the real world when I'm so sleep deprived that I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

I was sorta hoping that maybe getting a pet would liven up my apartment a little. Going away from the computer might not feel as daunting if I know that I have a friend wandering around the house.

>> No.8381725
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You could go dig up some friends for free.

>> No.8381726


guess what my rabbit's name was

>> No.8381731
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Dwarf hamsters, especially djungarians (roborovskis etc. aren't as cuddly). Quite cheap and not too care-intensive either, but warm, fluffy and cute.

>> No.8381736

A cat has a monthly cost of like 8 bucks after you get its initial vaccinations.

>> No.8381737

They also make good friends. I have a cat sitting in my lap and purring right now. I've had her for maybe 15 years now and she's the best pet I could have ever hoped to have.

>> No.8381738
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I don't have animals because somehow I always end killing them.

>> No.8381741

cats are too egoistic. when you want to snuggle and lie together they never want to. always end up beating the shit out of my cat

>> No.8381745

goddamn psychos

>> No.8381748

It's probably one poster trying to bait some angry responses.

>> No.8381755
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Mini pigs are the new dog.

>> No.8381754

I've had a cockatiel for quite awhile now. I love him very much. He keeps me company on my shoulder when I browse /jp/ all day and he sleeps next to me on my bedpost, with his tiny head tucked in his fluffy wing.

He's probably the only reason I haven't opened the portal to Gensokyo yet.

>> No.8381773
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Fuck, if we start to pet them in no time we will have hordes of retards demanding pig rights.
There's 2 kind of animals in this world
The ones you eat and the ones you not, it's ok to pet the second but if we start doing it with the first someone is going to suffer/complain.

TL;DR The fuck are you doing hipster-

>> No.8381787


That's not a domesticated fox

>> No.8381792

I have a cat but it's really old. I'm going to be sad when it dies.

>> No.8381797

>domesticated fox


>> No.8381833

What happens when your pet dies? I can see it easily spiraling into suicidal depression for the average /jp/ poster.

>> No.8381870

I got a kitten about 6 months and she is my best friend. We play hide and seek together and she follows me around all the time and sits with me while I do stuff.

If something happens to her I will instantly kill myself.

>> No.8381874

>domesticated fox


>> No.8381885

Oh fennic foxes, those are different than what I was thinking.

You live in the boonies long enough you've seen people try to keep everything as a pet.

>> No.8381890

What a truly horrible little creature.

>> No.8381905

I have a dog. He's a mutt like me. Even though he's technically the "family dog", he always hangs out with me. Even when the family is upstairs with food, he'll come down and lay at my feet/in my bed with me. I'm laying on the couch right now, he's laying in between my legs.

D'aww <3

>> No.8381918
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>> No.8381920
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>> No.8381940
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>> No.8381965

I want a human pet.

>> No.8382296
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Cats don't give much of a fuck to the point of total uselessness.
Dogs may give too much of a fuck sometimes to the point of annoyance.
/jp/, however...

>> No.8383546

Owning a cat is like having a sociopath as a pet.

>> No.8383567


>> No.8383573

I think that's why we get along so well.

Dogs are cool, they get your spirits up because they're always glad to see you, but a cat that just fucks with you feels more like a life partner than an organic antidepressant.

My cat used to just meow at me for attention, I'd reach over to pet her, and she'd move JUST out of reach and meow at me again. When I'd get sick of reaching for her after a few rounds, she'd get pouty and go hide in a cabinet in my kitchen.
Plus, cats self-maintain better. Much better lazy man's pet as far as exercise and waste disposal is concerned.

Dogs are an instant cheer up, but are more actual maintenance to deal with.

>> No.8383578

i hav a cat bt he die


>> No.8383618

Cats don't stink.

>> No.8383713

I always wanted a gay for a pet. They seems like very clean animals, and they're quite quiet unless you get more than one, then they just fight all the time.

The problem is that I can never seem to find any breeders of them.

>> No.8383725

I don't have one. Animals are too much work and cost a lot of money.

>> No.8383740

Please don't get a dog if you're afraid of going outside and don't want to change anything about it. The poor animal will suffer. Of course, if you want to change that about yourself, a dog is your best answer.

Otherwise get a cat. It won't love you as unconditionally as a dog would, but it doesn't need your attention all the time.

>> No.8383748

Get a tarantula.

>> No.8383763

I still live with my family so there are a lots of animals here!
a dog, 2 cats, a japanese bird, a guinea pig, a hamster and 2 degus.

I dont think ill get pets if i ever live by my own though, too much work D:

>> No.8383765

Trust me OP get a dog or a cat. Animals that you have to keep in a cage/tank are just pets. Cats and dogs are friends.

>> No.8383781
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Having dealt with a ton of animals, I'd say most of you couldn't properly take care of a dog.

Just get a cat. They're retarded per default and do crazy stuff all the time. Wildcard animals, they are.

>> No.8383809
File: 69 KB, 640x480, shih-tzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Shih Tzu dog. It's quite expensive, but an ideal apartment pet. He's small, doesn't even bark (unless lightly when he becomes playful while I toy around with him) and spends most of the time lying by my side, sleeping (Kinda looks like an alive carpet).
Pic related. It's not him, but looks very similar.

>> No.8383872
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For all the cat haters in this thread I'd just like to say that all cats are different. Different breeds have different personalities/habits and even there there's a lot of difference between individuals. It also depends on how they are raised, somewhat.

Some cats aren't very social, while other are very much so. A friend of mine have three cats, and I have one myself, and all four of them have very distinct personalities.

Having lived my entire life with cats, I recommend a cat OP, but before you buy one, reads loads and loads about the differences between different kind of cats. Find one kind that might suit your needs and lifestyle, and it will become a friend for life. Or, another 10-20 years at least.

And if I cat doesn't seem to work, maybe a bird? I've never had one, but from what I've heard they're very social and very intelligent, and they live long lives.

>> No.8384075
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I want to add something to your post, something I've noticed about cats.

The many cats I've had have all arbitrarily "Chosen" some human as their friend, and even if they're the sneaky, cautious, unsocial cat that normally avoids people (That also will live forever because they're too sneaky for danger to reach them), they still return to this chosen person for companionship.

And it's not the kind of friendship you'd expect, where you build trust over time and grow to like each other. No, it's like the cat takes a look at you and decides "Yep, he's going to be my friend", and then he follows you around. I think they're drawn to certain mannerisms and appearances.

But perhaps I'm the only one that has noticed this, and if you're a constant presence you're likely going to win the favor of the cat whatever happens. My point is that they're intelligent creatures, and the cat-human relationship is far more complicated than "Aww, I'm stroking my neko while he's kneading my stomach, so cute".

>> No.8384155

Pigs have always been borderline, they are basically human beings who walk on four legs, they are cute as fuck when small and are useful because they eat all the shit you throw away. So kids used to play with them.
It also happens that they are disgusting when they grow bigger (exactly like humans) and every single part of them is useful and delicious. So kids used to see them squealing like pigs (it actually sound like people) when gutted.

Even if there was a pig in every hose and petaggots in every street we'd still be eating minced pig flesh and fat tissue shoven in pig entrails and never get sick of it.

>> No.8384200

Cat was here. Dog is a buster.

>> No.8384208
File: 27 KB, 352x388, ninette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture... Are you trying to kill me? Also this is my cat... Is she cute?

>> No.8384250

I guess I can sorta understand what you're getting at. The things is, as far as I've noticed, there are social cats and not-so-social cats. Perhaps what you describe is not-so-social cat's way of bonding with humans.

But, even social cats aren't like dogs. Some cats might come up to you, even if you don't know them, but even so it's a bit different. In oder to bond with a cat you need to take initiative. Pet it, carry it, talk to it, play with it, etc and the cat will start to like you and start to crave that attention from you. Some cats just aren't interested but some are. My cat and I have a very close relationship and she's very social. She sit by me when i eat, comes to my room before I sleep and even greets me when I enter a room or get home. It's really great, but you have to work for and earn a cat's friendship.

>> No.8384262

Your cat is very cute. She looks a bit like mine, I love it when they are dark and several colored. Mine is a half-persian tricolor, black, orange and white.

>> No.8384267

i got a doggy, whenever my parents go out to HELL for a party i usually go chill wit ma dog after i'm finished fapping that is

>> No.8384274

i had a jper pet even in boring situations it was fun during 4 years then his internet went down

>> No.8384305

>What happens when your pet dies?

ust this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

>> No.8384360

I hate all living things.

>> No.8384364


>Rainbow Bridge
>The Rainbow Bridge (レインボーブリッジ Reinbō burijji?) is a suspension bridge crossing northern Tokyo Bay between Shibaura Pier and the Odaiba waterfront development in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

If only we could cross the reinbo burijiru!

Also I tought the rainbow bridge led to Asgard, do dead pets fight as Einherjar?

>> No.8384431

I have two dogs, but one of them has found out how to open the backdoor, thankfully she doesn't run off. She opens it for my other dog and he likes to run off.

I have to keep the door locked constantly though, I live up in the mountains and there's no fence in the back. Just hillside leading up the mountain.

>> No.8384438

Imagining the scene made me laugh.
Cunning little bastards.

>> No.8384690

Cats are cool because they are intelligent and may have thumbs depending on their paw mutations, although this means they can grab some things for an extra-special kind of fun (in the 2cat1lever sense) They are bad because they are intelligent enough to have actual personalities and be things like tsundere or jealous, thought that may be cool if you find that kind of thing cute.

Back when there were cats here, one was able to open an unlocked door to a room she favored by standing up and throwing her massive (in the amazon sense) bulk against it to open it. A smaller cat watching her learned to do the same, though she had to do it repeatedly. Said door is across from my room, so you can imagine how annoying it was, and she also quickly realized it. Thereafter, whenever I wasn't paying her enough attention, she would pound on the door until I looked at her, with the intention of me getting up and chasing her around. If I didn't she would go back to pounding on the door and watching me, dropping into a running stance before I could even completely turn around.

>> No.8384721

this stink bug that keeps appearing on my wall

I kill it every day but I like to think it's the same one, trolling the fuck out of me

...god im bored

>> No.8384785

I have a dog and she is my angel baby. But sometimes she will stare at me for long periods without blinking and it really creeps me out.

>> No.8384838
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I have one of these:

His name is Mr. Tubbypaws.

>> No.8384875
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I have three rabbits, they're all girls so I don't really have to worry about them reproducing.

Reisen, Tewi and Kaguya keep me company well enough for me not to succumb into mind numbing loneliness.
