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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8301553 No.8301553 [Reply] [Original]

So how is the NEET life treating you, /jp/?

I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to leave my room again in the foreseeable future.

>> No.8301565
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I'm going to kill myself on friday....

>> No.8301563
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Post your address so I can come congratulate you in person.

>> No.8301571

Fine, I'm playint with my pussy all day long and don't have to worry about anything in the near future.

>> No.8301584

I've been very busy lately with the invasion of flies that has now brought the fighting to my bedroom doorstep.

They infiltrated through a hole in the kitchen window I think. Started slowly and grew. I was overwhelmed early on and had to evacuate the kitchen and give up my microwave and fridge.

They soon took the hallways but I put duck tape over the air ducts so they couldn't go any further. I closed off all the doors to the rest of the room they had yet to invade including my bedroom.

They've now slowly begun to appear today in my bedroom. They keep coming and landing on my computer screen probably trying to distract me. I smash them all with a small paper book and my computer screen is now full of what I can only describe as fly puss. I kill one and two take its place. This battle will only go one way.. sooner or later I'll have to evacuate my own home

>> No.8301600
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Sleeping all day on a comfy bed not having to worry about money is always great. I bought a violin recently to have a little fun.

>> No.8301602

I hope this isn't a true story.

>> No.8301604

You need to think of this as war, that that means booby traps.
A small cup of red wine and dish soap makes an excellent fly trap.

>> No.8301612
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Would you stop saying stuff like this!

/jp/ loves you, don't do it.

>> No.8301608

Can you help a fellow NEET out so I can go outside and live my dreams? ;_;

>> No.8301617

That's awful. Every Spring/Summer I have to deal with an unending stream of ants in my room.

>> No.8301627


Oh god I still have memories of my great battle between the Queen ant and myself back in 2008. It lasted all summer EVEN INTO THE WINTER. I finally won but at a great cost. I had to bomb my own house with tons of special ant-killing bug spray.

I can still smell it sometimes in the air. It was horrible and I'm pretty sure it's what caused me to get ill for a couple weeks but it had to be done. The ants not only took control of my floors making it difficult to travel around my own home, but they also started to find where I kept my food products.

There was no way I was about to let them into my snacks.

>> No.8301646

Not very well, I'm anxious as fuck because I'll have to start going to the uni again, and I fucking hate this shit, I wish I could stay clear of bullshit like that and live my life like the last months, i.e. the way I was intended to live.

>> No.8301643

This post made my day.

Thank you.

>> No.8301730
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i was born.... to save /jp/....

>> No.8301755
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If that's what you think.. Just don't kill yourself ok?

Preoccupy yourself.

>> No.8301753

Did anyone else used to love swinging stomach down but then when you try and get up it hurt like fuck?

>> No.8301769
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what do i do when i run out of animes....

>> No.8301798
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Play some video games, read some Vn's or manga, rewatch your favourite anime.

There's lots to do!

>> No.8301811
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Okay what about once I finish all of that????

I can't get the motivation to do anything anyway.....

>> No.8301832
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I doubt you will there's always new content being put out.
If you somehow do find a hobby/interest like Photoshop or learning Japanese.

Also it's ok if you lack motivation, that just means you can take your time so you wont run out of things so fast!

>> No.8301833

I never asked for singles... check em.

>> No.8301830


Just fuck already.

Jesus christ.

>> No.8301841

What gets you that kind of money?
I've been living off a 30k personal injury suit the last couple years which is fairly good going for UK.

>> No.8301842
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This makes me moist.

>> No.8301846

Someone's insecure.

>> No.8301847

Dorothy's eyebrows make me moist.

>> No.8301851

If you cannot find peace in life, I am certain you can find it in death. I hope that if you do choose death that your experience is as free of pain as possible. Nobody deserves to suffer.

The possibility exists however that you may still find peace and perhaps even happiness in life. Is there nothing you truly enjoy doing? Or maybe you just haven't found it yet...

>> No.8301854
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ok I guess you're right

ok which should i beat first... neptunia or white knight chronicles

>> No.8301867

Personally, whenever I'm feeling suicidal I write down my rationale. I don't do it, because people rarely do.
But when I read those pages later, they are so irrational. That's made me realize that when I'm feeling like death is a good idea, I'm thinking like a dick weed, and just need to go do something else.

>> No.8301870
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My thoughts will be with you in hell.

>> No.8301876

I haven't played either so I couldn't really comment..
Neptunia looks cool though.

>> No.8301878

Fucking knew it. Liberty-kun confirmed for Madoka-spammer on /m/.

>> No.8301883

I am taking it easy with my autism bucks. Maybe going to practice more HnK and MB and join a couple local tournaments for even more money on top of the autism bucks.

If I lose, hey, I learned something new. If I won, I get even more money. Either way, it's win/win.

>> No.8301881
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Good because I'm near the end of Neptunia.

I always get scared when I play it because I'm worried I'll miss something....

>> No.8301882

You JUST found out?

>> No.8301887
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>> No.8301902
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I get that..
You can always follow a walkthrough though.

>> No.8301909

I figured out way too late that in order to claim disability, you need to not get a job.

I have a degree, and have done well paid jobs in the past. However many phyc diagnosis I knotch up, they will not pay me to be at home. Need to break a limb or something. How long till CFS becomes pensionable?

>> No.8301919
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I guess.

I don't know if I'm going to go for the autism achievements. ....

>> No.8301925
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Ah well,
Up to you!

>> No.8301926

>Need to break a limb or something.
If you tell me your non-fapping hand and your address, I can help you out.

>> No.8301938
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I think I have about 50% of them but I'm worried it will turn into Trinity Universe again and that was autismic as fuck

>> No.8301962


>> No.8301986

The only really annoying trophy I remember is the see all events one since you have to manipulate the planet shares by repeating dungeons.

>> No.8301996
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Yeah, I can imagine..
I never got all of them, too much grinding.

>> No.8302002
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i think the game stole all of my autism....

>> No.8302088
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Ha, well done though, at least you did it.

>> No.8302160
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thank you. I was really glad to be done with that game

>> No.8302886

People always say 'oh Anon is such a loser he never went to college and doesn't have a job hahaha', but then those same morons post on twitter/reddit about how they didn't get a car/iphone for xmas, how they got fired from starbucks, how they owe thousands in student loans, yet they still try to mock me.

Yeah, I'm the one who'se laughing. Enjoy your zero-advancement, zero-dignity "job" being yelled at by hedgefund dickheads all while you post on reddit via your iphone about how you deserve six figures for your poetry degreee and a million other retards trip all over themselves to agree with you.

>> No.8305139
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>> No.8305147

I had a bowel movement. Life is good.

>> No.8305157

I'm getting bored and after 5 years I'm finally running out of money.

I might have to get a job, because god knows they wont give me autism bucks.

>> No.8305170

kaguya a shit

>> No.8305201

I have to fulfill some obligations in order to ensure to continued flow of money. I really, really, really don't want to do these things.

>> No.8305202

It's pretty good whenever I don't have class or work.

Currently playing Neptuina.

>> No.8305211
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I have not had a shit since the 24th. Since then I've had a large Christmas dinner, the same thing again on the 26th, and some microwaved soup. I'm trying not to eat anything more. I'm so bloated I feel like I'm going to explode, but nothing ever comes.

I'm going to get my mom to get me some laxatives. When the time comes, I fear for my butthole.

>> No.8305217

I need to get around to calling my therapist to tell her I'm not coming anymore, but I hate using the phone so I'm probably not going to do it today.

>> No.8305221

Not eating will only turn off your metabolism making it even harder to shit.

It was nice knowing you anon.

>> No.8305227

You still have time to develop a scat fetish. You know, for just a night. Better not let all that shit go to waste.

>> No.8305232

been stuck with family for 2 weeks now 4 more days left, can't wait to get back to my drinking and crippling depression alone instead of pretending to be normal.

>> No.8305255

I wish you a safe journey fellow anon.

I'm currently trying to get money again to start my Neet life again, but I got sick and some other stuff happened and ran out of money before the end of the year. I usually work half a year and then live as a Neet the other half but I'm broke now. I'm really depressed.

>> No.8305266

Get your mom to buy you an enema kit. It's only like 6 dollars and you'll shit with in 5 minutes

>> No.8305773
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Honestly, I'm pretty fucking depressed lately... not in an "I'm so sad! I want to kill myself!" fashion, mind you.

I have no interest in mixing with other people if I don't have to, but when I go excessive amounts of time without social contact with the outside world, my mental health starts to fall apart gradually. It's quite a pain.

I tend to start talking to myself more than usual, and become very paranoid and irritable. The slightest inconvenience becomes a source of irrational anger, and I retreat further and further into my reclusive state which only makes matters worse. To sum it up, my depression is a fairly apathetic one, except for the times when my irritability gets the better of me.

Usually the problem would solve itself, because I'd have school or college to keep me occupied, but I've been out of education now for 7 or 8 months and I'm still unemployed, so I very rarely get out of the house now. All my friends from college are working or in universities around the country, so I don't see them anymore.

I should probably get a job soon...
