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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 300x410, mapleanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8241603 No.8241603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8241620

no thanks

>> No.8241650
File: 32 KB, 450x450, 1278843640043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer cosmic break

>> No.8241653

I hear it's three times more pay2win than any other MMO

>> No.8241655

Waiting eagerly for Mercedes.

>> No.8241661

not pedo enough

>> No.8241662

The Mercedes Island is gonna be so full

>> No.8241665

well, it's a niche game for rich people

>> No.8241717

Sena is a miracle of the Maple World

>> No.8241734


>> No.8241749
File: 245 KB, 962x405, maint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8242112

And even after all that maintenance they STILL fucked something up and have to take the servers back down again

fuck this I am playing Tribes Ascend

>> No.8242389
File: 18 KB, 579x424, nfllockout_logo-w-o-com21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I guess that's the way to go.
I guess I'll go ahead and play Mabinogi.

>> No.8242395
File: 171 KB, 337x262, weird_nexon_worker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8242434
File: 50 KB, 328x480, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sure I'm used to it.
am I okay with it?
Should I just sit back without complaining every time it happens?
I don't really know man.

>> No.8242449

Will be waiting patiently.

I still need to collect some 200 lightbulbs.

Fucking lightbulbs.

>> No.8242452

All Nexon ever does for their updates is release new classes that get amazing skills in 1st job that Adventurers have a mediocre version of in 4th job. Hey Warrior, you liking that 90% stance you get in 4th job while Demon Slayers start off with 100% stance? Or maybe that new class Phantom that gets 60%chance of automatically avoiding an attack that other Thieves wait until 4th job to get 45% of. Every new class also has godlike movement and mobility for some reason also, Adventurers don't got shit on new classes. Fucking Nexon can't balance shit.

>> No.8242455

I gave up on this game when it was still hackerstory. Is there a /jp/ guild or something?

>> No.8242468


>Or maybe that new class Phantom that gets 60%chance of automatically avoiding an attack that other Thieves wait until 4th job to get 45% of.

Thieves are getting rehauled with the Justice patch, it remains to be seen how Shadow Shifter is affected.

>Adventurers don't got shit on new classes. Fucking Nexon can't balance shit.

Korean MMOs focus on content over balance. American MMOs focus on balance to the point of blandness.

>> No.8242471

Want me to sign up and play with you guys?

What class would you like me to take?

>> No.8242472


Hacking has mostly died down beyond the occasional perfectly-scrolled mega-duped godweapon here and there.

>> No.8242488

Play with me Tokiko! I'm in the Broa server!

If you want to play a class that's useful for partying, be a Priest or a Dragon Knight. But if you want to have fun, then play as a Cygnus Knight or a Resistance Character or an Aran.

My in-game name is SideSaiad and I'm in the Broa server. Anyone here can add me to their buddy list if they want and we'll play once the server downtime is over!

I also have steam if anyone wants that.

>> No.8242490

What's your Steam?

>> No.8242493



Slowest progressing character ever.

Enjoy marching across the world with your shitty combat step.

>> No.8242497


Well, I don't know much about Aran besides the fact that he has an interesting combo system. I thought he had some interesting sounding skills, at least.

>> No.8242501

okay but which server out of the like 16 or whatever?
voting Windia

>> No.8242503

>voting Windia
A few JPers are already here on Broa, and there's a guild that is kind of a collaboration of /jp/ and /v/ and /a/ and /r9k/

>> No.8242506


Aran gets to be the craziest shit-flipper in the later levels, and is one of the heaviest damage dealing classes out there.

At the same time, Aran is complete balls until level 70 (the only "combo" you get is hitting attack 3 times un a row) and nearly the slowest character in the game, with only one (awful) mobility skill until he gets his mount (which admittedly is also the coolest mount in the game, riding a wolf).

>> No.8242515


>> No.8242516

I'm on Windia. Level 14X Shadower, waiting eagerly for Mercedes as well.

>> No.8242523


Actually the NX lock disengages randomly for reasons unknown. My Evan has no limitations anymore, and I have never bought NX at all.

It just happened one update, and I doubt I'll ever learn why.

>> No.8242530

bro. awesome.

>> No.8242539

well if you're both in Windia you can play together, but there's like four of us on Broa already so if anyone wants to make a new character you should come to Broa

Broa is also less crowded than Windia

>> No.8242543

Well, it's downloading, and it'll be done in about an hour and a half. I guess I'll go to Broa when it's done.

Do you guys need a healer? I'm thinking about being that or tank.

>> No.8242555

is this a good game to play? is it fun?

>> No.8242561

That's arguable. If you want I can link some youtube videos and stuff.

>> No.8242565

>less crowded
in other words fucking dead and devoid of activity
but you know, I won't complain. you guys need more people.

>> No.8242568

I had fun when I played with some friends a year or so ago, but there's a lot of grinding. If you don't mind that, it's alright.

>> No.8242571

It is FAR from dead. It's in the top 4 active servers.


It's in this order, from most crowded to least:
The two brand new servers
All the rest of them

>> No.8242572

it can be fun sometimes.
but from personal experience, especially at very higher levels, and as an adventurer mage, MapleStory is suffering

>> No.8242576

It's not fun anymore.

>> No.8242583


I find it more fun than it's been since Big Bang.

>> No.8242584

It's not fun anymore.

>> No.8242635

Most people don't even need bishops for their heal anymore, all they're useful for is their holy symbol skill. Also, you could literally get to level 100 in a single day as long as you know what you're doing. You dont even need funds to do so either. Just pick whatever class seems most fun, but if you want a healer or tank, then make a bishop or paladin.

>> No.8242639
File: 258 KB, 528x980, 007aD-1eecdd9d-92d2-41f8-9be5-97365de61ef9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever happened to these MWLB people? They sounded like a good idea and they just dropped off the face of the earth last year.
They were really fun to talk with when they were around.
One of them used the phrase "BIGGY IS MILD AND GOOD TASTE" (no it wasn't just some random memespouting, it was actually really well in-context)

>> No.8243157

oh man I think the servers are finally back up

>> No.8243170

I bet they'll go down again

>> No.8243173
File: 41 KB, 420x475, weird_nexon_worker_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the HELL dont cha know...the 45% dodge /is/ the rebalance...in justice

>> No.8243207

I'm in as TokikoJP.

>> No.8243248

Is there any /jp/ or even any 4chan presence on Khaini? That's the server I played on and all my shit is on there.

>> No.8243278
File: 105 KB, 237x408, fuckinghackedbullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this piece of shit that's everywhere and nexon doesn't fucking care to get rid of ever?

>> No.8243288


>> No.8243290

What the dicks

>> No.8243297
File: 30 KB, 336x349, weird_nexon_worked_burned_by_holy_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy HELL

>> No.8243318
File: 82 KB, 640x120, 2010enhancehack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8243322


>> No.8243332

That's not a hack, you can do that with the MYSTICAL SHIELD

>> No.8243355
File: 149 KB, 359x455, hackednisrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mystical shield only works 8 times.
and back at the time of the screenshot that item didn't exist back then

>> No.8243409

oh my god guys.
look in your maplestory folder. play Mercedes.avi
Am I the only one getting Skyward Sword vibes in like the first few seconds?
then it all goes to shit afterwards. oh god the voice acting.
and a black guy doing the voice for Evan? what?

>> No.8243485

Is everyone able to play atm except me?

>> No.8243512

I'm doing fine. something wrong?

>> No.8243526
File: 23 KB, 356x156, maplestory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is worth noting I am allowing both nexon game manager and maple story through my firewall.

>> No.8243580

What the complete fuck

>> No.8243719

I find playing on a private server more fun/convenient. Those shitty waiting times for travel between continents breaks immersion - for lack of a better word.

There's none of those hacked weapons or having to spend money on NX to worry about. Your only concern would be donators and their benefits if you choose to. Otherwise, get some people together and explore the world at your leisure.

>> No.8243756

You're saying that going in between continents instantly would be MORE realistic? I disagree.

>> No.8243775

What world do you play in, Tokiko?

>> No.8243802

So I gotta take a boat to get to the next monster to grind on, but I gotta wait 15 minutes at the station before I can leave. I mean, what the fuck? I wanna play the game. It's tedious when there's many more places to travel to now.

>> No.8243836
File: 118 KB, 250x250, 1321788365682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying the aeroplane mounts

>> No.8243858

I am getting so tired of people who hate on Maple Story without even playing it.

The only legitimate complaint I've ever heard was about the cash shop, and I can understand that... but trust me, I've heard my fair share of irrelevant bullshit that isn't even worth complaining about. It's just maddening. Why do people hate enjoying themselves SO MUCH that they shoot down games before even taking so much as a glance at it from another angle?

>> No.8243861

What private server do you use?

>> No.8243878

I got my main to level 145 before realizing all bosses and party quests, in other words all late game content, require 3 or more people and I have no friends and only meet 10 year olds.

>> No.8243881

That's why I make these threads all the time trying to get friends to play with!

Why can't you see that?

>> No.8243889

My character is only level 90, and I play in Scania.
So I wouldn't be able to play with anyone else. No one wants to play in Scania. I don't even want to myself, there's too children everywhere.

>> No.8243891

just join a guild filled with mature people.
or better yet, make one. boot out any shitty people who do the maple equivalent of whic 2hu fuq etc shitposting.

It's what I did for about a year and then the guild collapsed.

>> No.8243926
File: 39 KB, 624x360, 1323230501642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, that's great and everything...but is there porn of it?

>> No.8243932

I hope not.

>> No.8243939

With all the new improvements made, I thought my paladin would be buffed but...I'm tired of seeing new jobs doing like 5-6x more damage at the same level ;_;

>> No.8243964

How strong does my autism need to be to enjoy this? Does it actually require any skill what so ever? please say no

>> No.8243968

You just need to bear through all the grinding.

>> No.8244012

looks like there's a little up on gelbooru

>> No.8244068

They're probably loaded with cash shop bullshit if they're doing 5x your damage.

>> No.8244070
File: 138 KB, 960x720, Maplegirl1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is some out there. It's SFW if you can't see the nipples of her DFC, right?

>> No.8244126

Just imagine it as a little boy with a girly face.

>> No.8244127

What server do you play in, Tokiko?

>> No.8244132


>> No.8244140

I'm "TokikoJP" on Broa.

Level 15 Swordman! Woo!

>> No.8244144

Prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.8244159

Why would he be disappointed? Should I have picked a different server? I'm still early enough in that I could without it being too painful...

I asked someone in the guild I was invited to what board he was from and he replied "none". Is there a /jp/ guild founded?

>> No.8244163
File: 77 KB, 354x326, Screenshot (2011-12-16 at 12.39.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm doing good so far for a free2play with no NX who's only been playing for about 4 days

>> No.8244167

I've never made that much money, nor have ever gotten items like that. I've been playing for a while too.

>> No.8244183

This event is pretty solid.

>> No.8244187

Yes, a different server from him

>> No.8244199

They're Maple Legend Items.

Accessories. Rings, earrings, a face equip, and gloves. They each give +1~4 to all stats (the ring I think gives +1 to all stats, and the scarf gives +4 to all stats... don't quote me on this, I forgot to check before logging out)

The 200mil is gotten entirely from Event items. The Event just hands you a free scroll worth 100million mesos!

And thanks to that retarded server maintenance today, the quests rolled back and I got a SECOND SCROLL from the event, which I sold for another 100 mil. All in all, really solid.

>> No.8244202


>> No.8244297
File: 196 KB, 700x700, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8244323


Fuck, I wish I got two Miraculous Chaos Scrolls.

>> No.8244337
File: 104 KB, 600x700, 491412 - Dreamy_Ghost Hime MapleStory - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8244343

Oh dear.

>> No.8244344
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>> No.8244349
File: 132 KB, 800x647, AlthenaPierce - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8244356

You guys haven't seen the 608atk Stonetooth Swords around Scania have you?

>> No.8244354
File: 61 KB, 550x722, 610619 - Freezer MapleStory - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8244383
File: 169 KB, 1069x929, 610620 - MapleStory Nine-Tailed_Fox - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8244632

Hacked items? No thanks I'll play an MMORPG that isn't complete shit. It's like playing Diablo 2 all over again. On that note, Tera soonish.

>> No.8244753

So, is Broa the server to play on if I want to play with /jp/? I might start playing this again. It's going to be hard hard for me to deal with leaving my stuff from like 5 years ago on Khaini though.

Oh and am I the only one that made like 7 characters and has them all around the same level? I can't help but do that in like every RPG I play.

>> No.8244767

>complete shit
>like Diablo 2
pick one

>> No.8244787

Diablo 2 was fine, I was merely drawing a comparison between the two problems. If you had played diablo 2 then you'd understand how item duping really ruined the economy at the time.

>> No.8244864

Anyone in Bera wanna buddy me?

>> No.8244919

I remember when any thread with this game would get shitted on. Gone were those times.

>> No.8244950

If they were gone, does that mean they're back again?

>> No.8244962

Well fuck. I only have 3 character slots on Broa, and 7 on nearly every other world. Anyone know if they're giving free character slots for Mercedes and stuff?

>> No.8245045

At least one slot, yeah. Or at least I got one.

>> No.8245472

I want to start playing maple story just to play with wtH-chan.

>> No.8245639

Come sign up, then!

The guild I got invited to is called "NGplus", maybe wtH is in it too.

>> No.8245675

How can you play MS when there are still RO servers?

>> No.8245678

Never tried playing Mabinogi before because of Ragnarok, but it did look interesting back then. Downloading.

>> No.8245684

is it too late to join now and acquire this scroll?

>> No.8245697


Fixed. Christ..

>> No.8245705 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 786x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're prolly talkin bout the scroll to make androids, it's not too late

pic semi related, showin affection to my default as HELL android

>> No.8245707
File: 208 KB, 786x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're prolly talkin bout the scroll to make androids, it's not too late

pic semi related, showin affection to my default as HELL android

>> No.8245710

You forgot to erase your name on the chat box, Wonhun.

>> No.8245711

how the HELL? i deleted it like 1 second after posting it...

>> No.8245715

Right above "LV. 68 Cannoneer", aniki. I wouldn't have mentioned it but Anonymous is a JERK

>> No.8245722

oh w'HELL, it's not like it was my main so i dont mind if it gets defamed to HELL and back
i'll be grindin to on el nido

>> No.8245732

will those things really go for 100mil?

>> No.8245770
File: 228 KB, 799x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jea, haven't sold some on this character but they are worth a lot and HELLa easy to get, worth roughly 10 coins and i got like 117

ima sell them once the events over for a HELL of a lot more, then i'll rule all over el nido HA HEH HA HA

>> No.8245805

it's been awhile since I've played
what are the coins for or how much are they worth?

>> No.8245836
File: 67 KB, 556x89, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much are they worth?
you get it free as HELL from event

you can buy the scrolls with the coins...

>> No.8245893

Are there any private servers with the newest update.

>> No.8245970

suck my cock dude

people like you are why they are doing the SOPA.
Just play the real game. if you're worried about overpopulation or something stupid like that then just play on Yellonde. Underpopulated as HELL

>> No.8246005

Doubt it.

>> No.8246041

How about you stop being such a fucking retard.

>> No.8246201

How 'bout you fuck off? You obviously don't belong in /jp/, Go back to /a/ or how bout go back to /fk/. Cause you're a fucking kid.

>> No.8246260

Dear Maplers,

We will be performing an unscheduled server maintenance on December 16, 2011 to fix an issue that we have found with the upcoming Mercedes content. During this period, all game servers will be unavailable.

>> No.8246275

I liked it more when /jp/ played DFO.

>> No.8246298
File: 18 KB, 610x585, translation-we_want_more_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling bullshit.
That's not the real reason they took the game down. Why would they do such a thing for content that hasn't yet been released? They are dealing with some other issue and I don't know what it is.

Nexon is filled with such shitty liars. Pic related

>> No.8246324


Deluxe Android model recipes and Crystal Heart recipes sell for about 100m-150m on the free market. They're all highly desired.

Now, if you take that Crystal Heart recipe, and instead choose to raise your crafting, you can mass-create Crystal Hearts to sell at ~20m each. (However, forging Crystal Hearts requires 4 Superior Item Crystals, which requires destroying high level equipment in an extractor)

>> No.8246379

Is Dragon Nest any good? Or worse than Maplestory in terms of Pay2Win?

>> No.8246640

dang that's no fair

I was idling in a shop, and due to the completely random unannounced server maintenance I couldn't check for, I lost over 100 million worth of mesos from the items I sold

>> No.8246837

So I just joined Broa under the name "SoulLucet"
Looking to join that supposed /jp/ guild ASAP

>> No.8247132

doesn't exist I bet. maybe we could join that GensokyoSDM guild I saw in Windia a two months ago. all two of them

they hate secondaries

>> No.8247184

I just joined it. It doesn't seem very active, only 14 members, with only 3 others having been logged on recently enough to not be question marks on the guild screen.

Also the guild notice is telling onsokumaru to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8247215

There's another maintenance. lolnexon

>> No.8247322


The guild in Broa isn't /jp/ exclusive, it just has a good number of /jp/ members.

>> No.8247336

I have my own guild on Bera with no members. /jp/ is invited but it looks like all of you are on Broa.

>> No.8247565

You know, if you have anything less than 500 mil and any characters under level 150 you don't stand to lose very much if you switch servers and start a new guy.

>> No.8247577


Or you can just start a new character to have fun for a bit.

You'll be unfunded (barring any NX [pfft] on your account), but it's not like your mains are going to vanish for playing on another server.

>> No.8247602

I just asked the guild owner of GensokyoSDM to verify this.
it turns out you must be talking about the broa guild.

but then
saying it not being /jp/ exclusive and having "a good number of /jp/ members" would cause one to think it's a larger guild. but then again /jp/ has a small userbase

>> No.8247621

There's only been 3 members on consistently for the past few days. I think most of the people that started the guild up just aren't interested in playing until the new Legends characters hit.

I've already invested far too much in this event to move from Broa, too, so I can't join a new server.

I guess I'll just be chatty and see if any randoms I meet are interesting and not 16.

>> No.8247636

lvl161, over 2b

>> No.8247728

Sup Wonhun

>> No.8247756

The most consistent way I've found to make money in this game requires a $20 investment so that you can get a wedding ticket. After getting married, you can just keep doing a couple apqs a day and get some Onyx Apples to sell at 20m a pop.

>> No.8247768

Sweet! That's money for me AND my husbando! Now all I have to do is convince him to shell out $20.

>> No.8247772
File: 47 KB, 338x333, weird_nexon_worker_angry_biting_monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to lv70 earlier, never goin on wonhun again as HELL

>> No.8247801

I looked for you earlier today hun.
I couldn't /find you


>> No.8247825
File: 34 KB, 303x464, weird_nexon_worker_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by earlier i ment HELLa early


roughly 11am EST, haven't been on all day as wonhun

>> No.8247832

Shit they sell for 20mil now? I regret getting that divorce.

>> No.8247913

the servers are back up if anyone wants to play

>> No.8247914

>Onyx Apples to sell at 20m a pop
Holy shit. They were like 1m back when I played.

>> No.8247923

don't really see much point if you guys aren't even in my server.
and mabinogi is a no-go too because of character lock-outs

>> No.8247926


Welcome to MMOs. Inflation takes hold.

MS at least has a nice limitation in that anything above ~2b (the money cap) is hard to sell without easily getting scammed in either direction.

>> No.8247959

> character lock-outs

The what now? What happened?

>> No.8247964

Except Maple Story has always had horrible issues with its economy. In the earlier days of maple (pre-Ossyria), you were considered rich if you had 1mil. The many, many instances of inflation were all related to the massive amounts of hacking which went on with very little action being taken.

>> No.8247989

to ensure clarification, this is a Mabinogi issue.
I don't know what happened, but many characters are unable to log in. there's no shortage of theories on what caused it, but basically once you complete the character selection phase of logging in you get sent back to the title screen and "logins delayed for 30 seconds to preserve character data" blah blah

This issue has been ongoing for exactly eight weeks. Nexon has offered no word on a timeframe for fixing it, and they have meanwhile continued to have numerous events.
They've barely even acknowledged it.

>> No.8248054

From what I've read on the forums, Nexon is "working on it" but they don't give updates unless they have something to update

>> No.8248487

I'm awake and I'm coming on.

Anyone else sign up for Broa?

>> No.8248566

nope I'm going to be stubborn

>> No.8249113

maple story is cool

>> No.8249517

Just need 85k more until I can afford the level 30 weapons and armor.


>> No.8249541


You get free sets of gear during the entire legends event levels 15-70.

>> No.8249704
File: 262 KB, 796x597, you know the economy is in the shits when it affects game economies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8250449

I don't understand what the message of this image is.

>> No.8250476

Nobody plays the yurop version?

>> No.8250488


>> No.8250509
File: 49 KB, 517x235, 1315078773318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not on Japanese servers it doesn't belong here remember?

>> No.8250532

He only has 600k

>> No.8250559

You guys really makes me wanna play Maple Story again..

Have any of you any idea how to make it work on Windows Vista?

>> No.8250703

It works just fine on my windows vista. Have you even tried downloading and installing it?

>> No.8250703,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this game good?

>> No.8250703,2 [INTERNAL] 

no bro w8 for tree of savior
