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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8226616 No.8226616 [Reply] [Original]

I wake up every day and check /jp/ for threads I don't want to read. I keep playing video games that I don't want to play. I keep eating food I don't want to bother eating. I keep watching anime I don't want to watch. I keep starting VNs I don't want to finish. I keep joining IRC channels and Steam groups I don't want to be a part of. I keep fapping to porn that doesn't arouse me.

I wish I knew what to do.

>> No.8226621

Then start making portal threads.
But you need to get depression before.

>> No.8226619

Keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.8226623

You could always kill yourself. Anon, do you want to kill yourself with me?

>> No.8226625

Go make pudding.

>> No.8226626

get a lyfe nerd

>portal threads

>> No.8226635
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I'm not depressed. Just... listless. I don't know how to make my life better. I have no friends, no options and nowhere to go.


I don't want to kill myself. Sorry. There are plenty of other people here who do though.

>> No.8226642

It's not a solution or anything, but try taking up a creative hobby. It's better to waste time with than VNs.

>> No.8226646

Seriously though, enjoy your plate of cheese and whine somewhere else.

>> No.8226647

Try doing something creative, writing, cooking, drawing, building legos...

>> No.8226650

I don't really want to kill myself either. It would just feel so good to do someone the favour of killing myself with them so they're less anxious.

Living is suffering, but so is dying. Even if my bones were bleached a pure white with time, they'd still be ~in the way~. Existing is suffering.

>> No.8226660

/jp/ is bad, so no wonder you don't want to read it.
Modern video games are pretty bad unless you're in it purely for the gameplay, and even that is few and far between, so no wonder you don't enjoy them. Go on gog.com and get something from there.
There's still some good anime being made, more than in the past really, but because there's also a lot of anime that shares some main design elements, it gets really tiresome if you watch it constantly. Think of an anime you really liked in the past, and then try to find older works by the same director.
Unless you like can and like to cook, food is likely to feel bland. Think of a meal that you had in the past that you enjoyed, find a recipe for it, and cook it yourself.
VNs are all bad so yeah.
Unanimous social interaction over the internet is just as tiresome as social interaction in real life, give it up.
Fapping can get boring if you do it too often. Limit yourself to once every three days, and only do it after something arouses you, don't just start fapping and then look for material. Also, try anal stimulation, or realize some of your fetishes(I like self-bondage a whole lot for example, but unlike anal masturbation, it's not something that would feel good unless you have a fetish for it).
Good luck.

>> No.8226671

Take up an intellectual hobby like programming or mathematics. If you can force yourself to keep doing these things you will eventually become good at them.

>> No.8226688

Start learning Japanese, it's a great time waster.

>> No.8226694

Start drinking or go on antidepressants. Find a shrink and tell him what you're feeling. Guaranteed you'll get something.

>> No.8226703

Much the same OP. I've been teaching myself things like maths and drawing. I don't enjoy it really but at least I feel like I'm not wasting the day as much.

>> No.8226708
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You live a static life.

Add some conflict in it.

What are you passionate about? Find someone who disagrees with you and dedicate some time to argue or to troll.

>> No.8226753
File: 274 KB, 814x1200, Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa v03_Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa v03 p108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8226765

Then kill someone else. Hide their body somewhere. Live on the edge for the next year, always jumping at the slightest sound of police sirens. That should add some excitement into your life.

>> No.8226768


That's a great idea, I'm going to try it tomorrow.

>> No.8226769

if you want a friend i'm there for you, op

>> No.8226770

This is pretty much exactly how I feel.

Wish me luck as I try to give college another try, /jp/. Maybe this time my depression won't fuck my shit up.

>> No.8226779

This is a manga all /jp/ should read.

>> No.8226843

Do something you enjoy or better yet learn shit.
Remember it was only 100 years ago when only the rich could gain access to material with which to learn and now with the internet you can learn practically anything.
In other words...
Go troll /sci/

>> No.8226896
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How about shutting the fuck up and seeing a therapist?

>> No.8226907
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>> No.8226920

Who decided you have to enjoy media the the same way everybody else does?
You should probably go on a quest to wipe your own ass in a unique way.

