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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8187115 No.8187115 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, recently I've been trying to get my act together and re-enter society. The reason is that I still have dreams about the perfect life I wish I could lead. What do you wish you could do in life if you could do anything that was actually marginally possible?

I want to give it one last shot, and do my very best since I have nothing else to live for. I don't have any more ties to reality and so I want to distill my life for fuel for my dreams. Here are my life goals:
1. Get a neuroscience or physics related PhD.
2. Transition into a cute girl that wears cute skirts, long socks, red-rim glasses, cardigan, and a beret hat. Not a slut.
3. Make a space opera VN or RPG.
4. Work at MIT.
5. Go into space.
6. Give up a promising future to work as a maid in a maid cafe.
7. Enter a marriage of convenience with my goshujinsama.
8. Live out the rest of my life as a hikikomori.
9. Die a virgin.

Do you still have life dreams? Or have you already given up on believing in them?

>> No.8187118

My /jp/ Life Goal is not to make blogthreads on /jp/

So far it's going well.

>> No.8187130

Have a stable monthly income of at least $800 USD. I'm boring.

>> No.8187135

>red-rim glasses
>beret hat

Fucking hipster, get out.

>> No.8187139

Oh you, these are interesting to read.

I dont have much goals, but Id like to see few people around the world. Get a full wardrobe of cute clothes and wigs so I can be a paaafekutto trappu. Thats about it. I should do this before I hit my levelcap.

>> No.8187143

1. Portal to Gensokyo
2. Quick portal to Gensokyo
3. Working portal to Gensokyo

>> No.8187147
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Oh come on, it's always "everyone post, noone read". Vocaloid song threads are more interactive.

>> No.8187158
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But I read them! Its not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.8187162
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Stop trying too hard.

>> No.8187163

In no particular order:

1. Finish learning Japanese.
2. Break gaming addiction.
3. Graduate and find some source of income.
4. Become 4chan moderator.
5. Pull off a decent trap act. Cute clothes, the works.
6. Learn to play instruments and compose music passably. And while we're at it, add singing, drawing, and writing to that list.
7. Become Supreme Chancellor of the United States.
8. Become any sort of youkai.
9. Stop posting in blog threads.

>> No.8187164
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1. Live a happy life
2. Win the lottery

My number one goal is going good so far, as for the second i am still trying!
Then again i dont need more money so i would give it to my relatives or other people in need.

>> No.8187174

You'll never accomplish any of that. You can't even do 9.

>> No.8187182

It's on my to-do list right after 8.

>> No.8187188

1. Become good enough at drawing to make a living out of it
2. Stop losing hair
3 to 9. dunno.

>> No.8187197

Take it easy for as long as possible.

I'd like to get a book published, but my writing skill is diminishing over time.

>> No.8187203
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Survive my first deployment to Afghanistan and retire as a Lieutenant Colonel in 18 years and spend the rest of my years working in a cushy desk job in state department moonlighting as creepy oldfag neckbeard.

>> No.8187207

To have confidence. And not care so much if people hate me for what I do.

Also, to become a successful writer/illustrator. I have many ideas I want to share with people. But I've yet to get them off the ground yet.
Which mostly leads back to the first thing.

>> No.8187212

Fall into a coma or just never wake up again and die

>> No.8187214

To become a super cool programmer and to be able to build robots.

>> No.8187216

Which branch are you in and what's your MOS?

>> No.8187215

What he said.

>> No.8187221

To be able to quietly live alone. Nothing more.

>> No.8187227

1. Work on a relaxed job, or run my own business where I can do it on a relaxed pace.
2. Still make enough every month to make a living, and buy hobby stuff.
3. Lose more weight so I can put on cute outfits.
4. Do whatever interests me during my free time.

>> No.8187233
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US Army 19A

>> No.8187241

1. Shitpost on /jp/
2. Shitpost more on /jp/

So far so good.

>> No.8187240

I don't have any goals. I wonder if I can have goals someday.

>> No.8187239

1. Be able to live alone and take it easy all day forever
2. Aquire money so i can take it easy all day forever
3. Suck atleast 50 large clean cocks
4. Go to Gensokyo and become the little girl

>> No.8187246

Only pure girls get to go to Gensokyo, silly anon.

>> No.8187249

Awesome. I might join if I can get in, since I'm almost out of options at this point.
Stay safe anon.

>> No.8187254

Its not like the third one will ever come true so i will be pure whether i want it or not.

>> No.8187266
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I take it you're going to try for Human Resource specialist, Intel Analyst, Signal Network Specialist, or possibly be a medic like the last /jp/ guy I met?

>> No.8187270
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I already have graduated university and have a pretty decent job so:

- Accomplish something worthwhile for society at my job.
-Earn enough to support a family.
-Buy a house and create a secret room to hold all my disgusting hobbies and to escape reality in.
-Find some old hag to get a child out of or simply adopt and cut out the middle man.
-Grow old and go to Gensokyo of natural causes.

>> No.8187292

Spot on. I wanted to do something involving intel in the marines, but I couldn't get the security clearance.

>> No.8187320

Strange that most of /jp/ has such boring dreams. Either super edgy(posers) or normal.

>> No.8187332
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Might want to consider MEDO if you're having security clearance issues. Best to talk to a recruiter as they have the most information on hand to help guide you to a specific job field. Have you taken the ASVAB yet?

>> No.8187363

Good point, I'll keep your suggestion in mind when I go see one.
Not yet.

>> No.8187370

My one and only dream in life: robot maid.

>> No.8187380

I used to think that I would become a kakoi mangaka in Japan.
There's a encylopedia dramatica article about such ambitions.

>> No.8187405

I want to get ultra rich and invest shitloads of money into singularity research so at my deathbed I can upload myself into the Internet and become an immortal network ghost (at least until someone pulls the switch and shuts down everything).
Does that fall into super edgy group too?

>> No.8187408

1. Have a good time with my ideal girlfriend. She would never use a fallacy seriously (wut do you mean having fun does not equal drinking ethanol? Imposibole xDDDDDD), she would be cynical and sarcastic but nonetheless have hope in humanity to counter my desperation, awfully cute by my standards, no taller than 160cm, use glasses and cute clothes, obviously without going past the 'ridiculous lolita-hipster line'.
I actually met such a person but she didn't want me.
2. Regaining my past cognitive abilities. It would be nice remembering what I read, for example.
3. Having a job I don't hate with an income that permits luxuries such as importing books and buying clothes and more for my aforementioned ideal girlfriend.

>> No.8187411
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Your ASVAB scores determine a great deal of what jobs you can and cannot do no matter what service you decide to volunteer for. I highly advise you take a practice one and seek to increase your score as much as possible.

>> No.8187476
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I used to curb my interests and prevent myself from being foolish. But then I realized what a load of rubbish it all was, and how bitter and cynical it made me.

I don't think you should let internet culture and satire get in the way of doing what you secretly always wished to do with your life. These days the only thing a /jp/sie can do without being labled a normal is being a shutin NEET. We used to have a much more diverse crowd like that anon who wanted to marry the princess, or the one that wanted to be a female teacher in Japanese kids school. You know, there used to be actual reasons people thought /jp/ was home to a bunch of naive clusterfucks beyond help, not just some lame NEET meme and shitposting.

>> No.8191081

Don't lose sight of your dreams /jp/.

>> No.8191106

Why would you want to be a cute girl and not be a slut??

Sometimes I just don't understand you, /jp/...

>> No.8191131

I just want to have a decent enough job to have a shitty apartment and browse the internet with all my free time.

I'd also like to learn all the languages I can, but 4chan fucks that up as usual.

>> No.8191153

Be so good at my chosen field of work that Japan draws me as a little girl, preferably before I die.

This is the only mark of a great man I will recognize. If you are famous enough to be made into a little girl, then you can say you have accomplished something of note.

>> No.8191315

I guess these kind of threads remind me that I haven't really completely given up yet.

1. I'd like to learn Japanese and live in Japanese for an extended period of time. If I enjoy it enough, I'd like to take up permanent residence.
2. Put more energy towards meaningful hobbies like reading and studying instead of spending quite literally all of my time browsing image boards
3. I'd like to figure out some way of making money that doesn't involve an excessive amount of interaction with people. I don't want to work full-time, just something that would allow me to get by and perhaps order something nice once in a while.
4. Program more and contribute to free software in some way
5. Become the little girl, to some degree. HRT might be an option but I really don't know. At least order trap clothes to sit around in at home.
6. Write a visual or light novel or a book.
7. Either learn an instrument or learn how to compose to the point where I can express ideas musically.

If I did all of this, I'd feel pretty good about my life in general.

>> No.8192040
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1. Get a book or two published
2. Fall in love with beautiful person that loves me just the same
3. Know a lot more about science and maybe some humanities
4. Write some great programs that people will appreciate and use

If you have goals that can't be accomplished without leaving your room, I really don't know what to say!

>> No.8192059

i want to survive in american society without having a job or attending school.

thats my main life goal. my other ones are to learn japanese and go to japan and fuck many hot japanese girls before im 35

>> No.8192074
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>almost 35

>> No.8192119

1) Be the assistant of one of the best scientists known to the modern world.

My capability is limited, but if I can help increasing efficiency of one of the best, then my contribution to humanity's advance would still be significant.

>> No.8192145

1: Die alone.

It's going great so far.

>> No.8192205

My ultimate goal is to die.

>> No.8192475
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but im only 21

>> No.8192503

what the fuck

>> No.8192506

Finish writing my 3rd novel (I've already written 2).
Translate a VN when my Japanese improves.
Write a movie script.
Act in a broadway play.
Reach level cap in an MMO ... any MMO at this point.
Adopt a girl.
Raise said girl to be a proper young lady (NO INCEST OR RAPE ... sickos).

That's about it at this point. I'll come up with other goals as life goes on.

>> No.8192518

>Reach level cap in an MMO ... any MMO at this point.
You should just dedicate a month or two of your life to play WoW, if only so that you can cross that one off your list. It's retardedly easy to hit the level cap in that game.

>> No.8192527

My goal is to have a goal. Proving rather impossible achieve.

>> No.8192746

1. Live forever
2. Explore space

That's it.

>> No.8192781

1. Be talented enough to play an instrument and make some of my own doujin Touhou music.
2. Have any drawing talent so I could make some of my own Touhou doujinshi.
3. Go to sleep and never wake up again, eternally dreaming of Gensokyo.

>> No.8192780

1. Translate a VN (will be done soon)
2. Finish learning Japanese so I can read harder shit.
3. Quit my shit job and do something with my life eventually (gonna at least try for autism/social anxiety money first though).

>> No.8192794

1. Have fun.
2. Go to some local mahjong tournaments and perform well.
3. Become more independent.

Point 1 has already been achieved, and I need to get over myself to achieve 2 and 3.

>> No.8192811

1. Gather enough money.
2. Live a tranquil life.

>> No.8192832

I'm in the process of joining the army.
If i can't be useful to my family i might as well be useful for my country.

>> No.8192844
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So is this something like "a perfect life" that I could maybe achieve with copious amounts of luck and if everything works out perfectly, or just shit I plan to do before I die?
If the latter, achieve financial stability to a degree that would allow me to indulge in my hobbies and travel from time to time without working myself to death, write and publish that one important story I have to tell even if it means self-publishing on the internet, and don't hurt anyone important to me.
If the former, find love..

>> No.8192851

I just hope I live long enough until I can have myself inserted into some sort of virtual reality. Then I can finally be the little girl.

>> No.8192854

Plus i get to learn to drive, get a decent-ish paycheck, socialize with people, go to other country's and get to shoot people like in one of my Japanese shoot 'em ups.

Plus /jp/ is full of people that want to kill themselves so if you get killed that's what you wanted anyway.

>> No.8192861

A good internet connection, that's it.

>> No.8192868

>i get to socialize with people

>> No.8192893
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I actually used to have pretty insane dreams like you OP.
I wanted to obtain a doctorate, work at MIT or Berkeley, make my parents proud and such. Meet my mirror image in girl form, fall in love and get married.

Now I just want to finish my 2 year degree and make enough money to afford food, bed, and an internet connection. Only thing of note I've ever done in my life is join the dev group for a very shitty linux fork for a while.

>> No.8192964

1) Cooking my own food;
2) Learning Aikido;
3) Learning English, Japanese, Spanish and German;
4) Writing a book;
5) Traveling.
5a) To Japan and South Korea (the route that I had in mind goes like this: Narita Airport, Tokyo, Akiba, Shibuya, Shinkansen, Kyoto, Shinkansen, Tokyo, Comiket, Narita, plane, Naha, plane, Seoul, maybe find a way to go to Aomori or another place with good onsen)
5b) To Europe (Plane, London, Plane, Germany [Köln, Frankfurt, etc], Railroad, Switzerland [Zürich mainly], Railroad, Italy [Firenze, Rome], Plane, Greece [Athens], Plane, Turkey [Constantinople], I want to find a way to pass by Luxembourg and Liechtenstein too).

Well, I suppose I can at least do half of these.

>> No.8196131
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Are those dreams really that insane? I forgot to add in traveling, but I've already accomplished some traveling now and am able to realize more travel opportunities in the future.
I would also like to think that I am actively pursuing several of my goals even if I only started in earnest this year.

>> No.8196149

Statistically speaking, your dreams are on par with winning the lottery.
There are what, just under a thousand instructors at MIT?

>> No.8196169

When making goals, I find that it important to make positive goals rather than negative goals. For instance, ""I shall make only good posts today!"" is a better goal than ""I won't make any shitposts today!"". Despite the fact that the former seems harder, it is actually easier and more uplifting to complete.

>> No.8196177

>Statistically speaking...
Pardon, but that's not really how statistics work. I mean, if you picked 1000 random people out of the USA to be MIT instructors, then you're looking at 300,000:1 odds, but fortunately, that's not how MIT picks their professors.

>> No.8196183
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1. Get mad dosh
2. Portal to gensokyo
3. Portal to gensokyo
4. Get mad cash
5. Get mad autism bucks
6. Get a hella lot currency
7. Obtain a hefty amount of wealth
8. Have enough motivation to do all of above
9. Get even more money
10. Another portal to gensokyo
11. Adopt Kaguya as my daughter and give her everything she wants and needs
12. Refrain from shitposting
13. Get even more $$$

>> No.8196196

>Anyone from the USA
They have instructors from all over the world. I was more referring to the userbase of /jp//

>> No.8196194

1. Get accepted into the military
2. Live happily with my waifu

>> No.8196209


You'd be surprised how easy it is to get into these things if you try. My former roommate got a job at MIT with a 2.0 GPA. The secret is to wear a skirt to your interview.

>> No.8196216

Sure, but I still think you're wrong about Anon's odds against becoming a professor at MIT.

Getting a PhD takes some intellectual heft, but I think that /jp/ tends to be smarter than the average Joe. If Anon can get a PhD and graduate near the top of his classes, I don't really see why he couldn't teach at MIT.

>> No.8196240
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Ah, I'm not disparaging you. I'm just a little autistic about people misusing statistics.

>> No.8196244


>Transition into a cute girl that wears cute skirts, long socks, red-rim glasses, cardigan, and a beret hat. Not a slut.

In which board would you go to post your pics if this ever happens?

>> No.8196273

Oh right. I was more thinking of being a researcher. I'm quite shy so instruction is out of the question... Unless I pretend I'm Abelson. It's really more a question of being able to get a Ph.D before I'm old and ugly.

>> No.8196286
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1. Strangle the shit out of a maid while fucking her.
2. Get my cousin out of prison and magically fix him so that he doesn't end up back there.
3. Eat some expensive beef from Japan.

>> No.8196299

>Plus i get to socialize with people
just go to community college

>> No.8196306

>In which board would you go to post your pics if this ever happens?
I probably wouldn't? I'm not a slut. If I posted pics it would probably be more like Chisame, somewhere on a blog. I don't really trust /jp/ for being just /jp/ anymore.

>> No.8196317

>She would never use a fallacy seriously (wut do you mean having fun does not equal drinking ethanol? Imposibole xDDDDDD)
never gonna happen
>I actually met such a person but she didn't want me.

>> No.8196344

Either live in space or watch the world's final moments. Whichever.

>> No.8196367

I want to live at least long enough to see the first billion people die when this century gets ugly.

>> No.8196414

Waiting warmly, believe you me.

>> No.8196785
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It only seems like a long time. You'll be my age and won't have advanced even halfway to where you wanted to be.

>> No.8197703

This seems to be the case for me too. I was 18 when I started browsing 4chan, and now I'm in my mid twenties and only 2 years closer to end end goal than I was back then. I kind of just dropped everything when I became a full time hikki, and now I'm paying the price.

>> No.8197757

I mainly just want to have a non-shitty job and live comfortably and away from my crazy family. I don't desire much. I might get on disability though; that might be nice, although I don't want to end up like Chris-chan.

As for other goals, I want to look like a beautiful woman and write a ton of books. I'm also into BEAM robotics and am working on a computer game using an external engine (I don't know how to program, although I'm trying to learn Python right now).

My life right now is shit. I have a job that gives me 6 1/2 hours a week and an M.A., but that's it. I really want to accomplish something someday.
