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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8170968 No.8170968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The "/jp/ rules" once kindly hosted on Easymodo is back: http://cerealexperiments.com/jprules.php

Remember to link it when you find repulsive content!

Best regards,
A public service announcement

>> No.8170976

suigin a shit

>> No.8170979

> 24, Male, Japan

>> No.8170983

Were you the guy asking for these on /soc/ (not that /soc/)?

>> No.8170981

you mean this?
Rule 1: Take it easy.
Rule 2: Don't respond to trolls.
Rule 3: Don't use smilies/emoticons - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg
Rule 4: Keep your memes in your board - We aren't meme fans, try to keep your memes in /b/.
Rule 5: Irony is art. Sarcasm and irony are funny, however "LOL I DONT LIKE THIS SO I HAVE TO ACT LIKE A RETARD XD" isn't accepted.
Rule 6: Be tolerant. Excessive swearing and "rage" isn't cool.
Rule 7: Avoid trolling. Please know when to stop.
Rule 8: GETs - GETs and dubs are dumb and boring, nobody cares about a stupid number.
Rule ?: Requests - If you want to download "X," check /rs/ first.
Rule 10: Reports. Don't make single-word posts saying "reported," it only leads to dumb meta-arguments about what "/jp/ really is about."
Rule 11: Images - Refrain from posting lewd or NSFW images. Ecchi is fine. If you do post a NSFW image, at least spoiler it and warn about the content.
Rule 12: Don't be a "normalfag" - Most of the users here are loser weeaboo "NEET"s. Normals are not welcome here.
Rule 13: Sage - In general, sage doesn't have a negative connotation in /jp/. It doesn't mean "I HATE YOUR POST," it's just a command that lets you post without bumping.
Rule 14: Grammar and spelling - Type coherently.
Rule 15: Tripcodes - Don't use one without a good reason.
Rule 16: Don't post an ambiguous doujin/picture without the source. Otherwise you'll start a "sauce request" shitstorm.
Rule 17: Don't roleplay - Roleplaying is retarded, if you want to roleplay, go somewhere else

>> No.8170987

Argie pride world wide

>> No.8170994


Yes, last month or so.

>> No.8170996
File: 37 KB, 475x352, 1322443916726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 metathread

>> No.8170998

/jp/ - Just Penises

>> No.8171005

Neat. Well thanks for re-hosting it, I always enjoyed this page. As much as a few naysayers are inevitably going to hate it, this should be required reading for everyone so much as considering posting in /jp/.

>> No.8171006

reported for advertising

>> No.8171023

this thread is repulsive

follow the rules you faggot: http://cerealexperiments.com/jprules.php


>> No.8171051
File: 62 KB, 476x590, 1302434635791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like using reaction images.

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.8171055


direct you to the rules and hope you follow them obviously!

>> No.8171061
File: 118 KB, 584x749, 1316156096290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I follow every rule except that one?
I'm not letting your rules get in the way of my fun.

>> No.8171063
File: 27 KB, 248x251, wow its fucking nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably post some cool image macros in response

>> No.8171062

>>Re-hosted without permission. I don't know who created this.

You should get back to /a/ too.

>> No.8171066

>implying I will follow some rules created at the convenience of a slave.


>> No.8171068

Go back to /v/, all of you.
you fucking destroyed this place.
Its not even fucking /jp/ anymore.

>> No.8171070
File: 50 KB, 453x640, 1321739655489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using reaction images
Get bent betas.

>> No.8171077
File: 85 KB, 548x630, 1292971184397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh baby shhhh

>> No.8171079

u mad?

>> No.8171089


>> No.8171087

>He didn't want to see us in his precious /a/, because we are the part of ADTRW who got banned for liking loli and because he hates Touhou and visual novels.

wow i'm suprised anyone still remembers the adtrw stuff

>> No.8171092
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1320413729341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are those nostalgia goggles?
/jp/ is the same shit.

>> No.8171093

This was my reaction.

>> No.8171099

Never forget the day Marshall Banana and that other dude was banned

>> No.8171098
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>> No.8171102

No its not, you can see just how much it changed by how fast the posting and threads have gotten, let alone how the userbase acts.

>> No.8171103


they're still alive actually. the offshoot sub/trans group is still doing things too, though at a snails pace

>> No.8171105

why can we use ;_; and not :)
it's all the same shit
quit being so elitist and autistic and you'd have more time to discuss otaku culture.

>> No.8171108

>how fast the posting and threads have gotten
Well, that's just plain false. Science has proven you wrong on that.

>> No.8171114

It's funny because the board is slower.

>> No.8171115


This is quite true. Around the time these rules were first written /jp/ was extremely slow. Threads could and would last weeks.

>> No.8171129



>> No.8171131

You fuck weren't here in 2009 i guess, threads would last months. you fucks should just fucking stop being asshole children or get the fuck out.

>> No.8171145

Everything you say is annoying.

If the quality has changed that much, you should start posting things that are of equal quality to "old /jp/"

Or better yet, give us some examples of the better quality of "old /jp/" so we have things to go by.

I've been hear months now and I still don't fucking get the difference between what this "new /jp/" and the "old /jp/" are, despite how much I scour the archives.

>> No.8171159

That's just plain bullshit other than a few specific threads which we still get.

>> No.8171161

I don't know if you're actually trolling or not am I'm not the guy you're replying to, but there's a difference.

I saw this summation in a comic once and it was the absolute perfect analogy between old and new on 4chan.

Much like FYAD, 4chan was kind of a place where you could go and 'be stupid' in an ironic kind of fashion. You could be humorous and "EXDDDD" and point out something legitimate in the same sentence. It was something learned, almost.

But now, it really is just a bunch of retards. Before it was funny and ironic and sarcastic in hopes of lightening the mood of various topics.

>> No.8171168

>threads would last months

Hahaha, No.

>> No.8171173

Rika threads would last for months assholes.
you must not remember.

>> No.8171193

Yeah, and they still do. The longest Rika thread was earlier in the year.

>> No.8171202

I bet you also miss the waifus roulette and roleplaying threads.

>> No.8171211

The board is slower you fucking retard. Check the archives to prove it.

Anyone who follows suigins rules or thinks they're good is from /a/. The retard hosting this shit doesn't even know who made it. Typical gutter trash who think they can blend by talking about board rules. Nope, you're like the retards who flooded old /b/ with legion shit, but it's even worse.

>> No.8171235

>Anyone who follows suigins rules or thinks they're good is from /a/. The retard hosting this shit doesn't even know who made it. Typical gutter trash who think they can blend by talking about board rules. Nope, you're like the retards who flooded old /b/ with legion shit, but it's even worse.

do you normally take the internet this seriously?

>> No.8171242
File: 1.01 MB, 995x1011, db9c4975aa9508b81ad7dff583335d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No irony yo, I miss Alice.

>> No.8171308

>The board is slower you fucking retard. Check the archives to prove it.

Shut the fuck up you cum-guzzling homosexual, 2010 had more posts because we had a HUGE amount of spam, we are not spammed anymore but threads receive a lot more replies and threads move to another page really fast these days.

Why would you pretend to be someone who has being here for a long time? Anyone who was been here for at least 2 years knows that /jp/ has radically changes, you probably also believed that the "cock sucking" crap has always being part of this board.

>> No.8171332

I think 16. should be updated, as it's so easy to find a doujin just by searching for the tags and whatnot. I don't think we should spoonfeed retards who can't search for doujins on their own.

>> No.8171350

Keep making excuses you retarded piece of shit. The rest of us who were actually around will continue to laugh at you. Where did I mention the board hasn't changed? The content has and it's slower. You should spend less time pretending you browse the board and more time learning how to read correctly. Nothing in my post even hinted at what you spent 4 sentences describing mongoloid.

>> No.8171359

this is a bad thread and all of you should feel bad
