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8151581 No.8151581 [Reply] [Original]

When does Sakuya do shopping? What hours?

>> No.8151595
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Well, technically never, since she freezes time and everything.

>> No.8151599
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So 'shopping' is her codename for 'stealing'?

>> No.8151625

She must be 50 or more if she keeps freezing time for chores

>> No.8151633

It seems a bit off to keep track of time when it's stopped

>> No.8151639
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Well, nobody will notice, nobody will come to ask for their money and, even if someone did, she doesn't even get paid in the first place. Good thing blowjobs are a good monetary alternative.

>> No.8151674
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how about doing shopping for the mansion, like food and such?

>> No.8151683
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Yukari is illegally porting humans to the SDM, you should already know that.

As for Sakuya, she feeds exclusively on her mistress's byproducts.
Nah, just kidding, she steals food for herself as well when she goes shopping.

>> No.8151743
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There are other things to buy but food you know.

When does she do the shopping?

>> No.8151751
File: 170 KB, 645x893, 3c00a2fc7b59a8c5d2a275cd32de3c74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to >>8151595

>> No.8151758
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refer to>>8151599

>> No.8151768
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Sakuya isn't a thief. Stealing isn't elegant nor perfect.

>> No.8151775

Indeed, the term is ``Treasure Hunter".

>> No.8151774
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refer to >>8151639

Why are we doing this?

>> No.8151777
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Says who?

>> No.8151783

Don't. Marisa's cool and all, but she sure as hell isn't perfect or elegant.

>> No.8151794
File: 349 KB, 600x550, f9a49e2e676bcbb8dd8df115a73141c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refer to>>8151674

because it's Saturday night and we don't have GF.

>> No.8151803
File: 14 KB, 174x253, 1313553949256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya ain't perfect either (nothing is perfect)
Marisa is pretty elegant, in her own way.

>> No.8151816

>Sakuya ain't perfect
She's a perfect maid. That's her thing.

>> No.8151813
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Don't make me start this all over again, she freezes time, moves to the village, buys her shit, freezes time again, returns to the mansion.

When? I guess shops in Gensokyo have the same working hours as pretty much everywhere else, figure it out. Jeez, stop acting like an idiot.

>> No.8151822

where vagina???

>> No.8151834
File: 390 KB, 750x750, lust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is, when she is doing shopping, time is unfrozen. so whan she is shopping she isn't at the mansion. additionally, remilia is nocturnal,, so sakuya sleeping hours needs to match, which means she sleeps whan normal shops are open.

Sakuya is a perfect MAID, not a perfect person. Ask Shiki.

>> No.8151843

So she wakes up earlier.

>> No.8151864
File: 1.88 MB, 1816x2064, 385964e776906034f9b6e7c85606eee3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read fucking PMiSS instead of asking stupid questions.

>> No.8151865 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8151876
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>don't know the answer
Why should I read it if you didn't?


>> No.8151896
File: 490 KB, 800x616, 1316028770998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I remembered why everyone calls you obnoxious. I also remembered why I used to report you on sight.

>> No.8151920
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1200, 1292434104664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember people calling me obnoxius.
Anyway, this is a healthy touhou related discussion. Why is it report-worthy?

Also, sorry for having such unsociable personality, but you know- such a trait isn't rare on /jp/.

>> No.8151948
File: 145 KB, 950x1352, 1243247453841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, go read Sakuya's part on PMiSS if you're really wondering.

Just so you know, asking a question where the answer can easily be figured out and then dragging it around with more pointless questions is not "healthy discussion", it's just annoying.

Try posting Sakuya porn instead, it's healthier.

>> No.8151943

I dun get it, why would sleep be an issue for her? She can just stop time, sleep, wake up and start time and not even a second would have past while she's had a full night's sleep.
From a regular person's perspective she could be up 24/7.

>> No.8151981

Oh, and btw, while I don't remember people referring to me as 'obnoxious' I did get called 'retarded' quite a lot.
So the natural thing to do is to prove that I'm the smartest person on forum, thous the 'obnoxious' way of acting.
Now, while I know I'm not the smartest person on board, and I'm not sure if I'm the smartest ITT, I do know that I'm smarter than any person who try to cloud my arguments by calling me names, such as yourself.

Have you red PMiSS?

>> No.8151989
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Can she really keep time frozen while asleep?

>> No.8152010
File: 706 KB, 847x1000, 1296051680157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, you don't need me, your arguments are already clouded and uncoordinated. Also, I think you lost your rhythm with those quotations over there.

>> No.8152014

With practice why not. If people can maintain a perfect posture while sleeping why wouldn't she be able to train herself to keep time frozen while asleep.
This is of course assuming she actually needs to actively maintain it in some way and it doesn't operate on some sort of on/off trigger.

Either way, it's doable.

>> No.8152022

>It is among the strongest of abilities for a human to possess, and is not something that can be learned through training.

>> No.8152032

damn i now have to fap

>> No.8152040

What? The perfect sleeping posture?

That refers to being able to stop time, I was talking about being able to do it while asleep.
She already has the ability, it's just a matter of using it.

>> No.8152044
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That I need to practice my obnoxiosity.
btw, what exactly is wrong with my arguments?
(Hint: Nothing is wrong with them.)

Can people train to sleep while holding their breath?

>> No.8152057
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*that means I need to practice

>> No.8152067

A better question would be can people train themselves to breathe while asleep. They already do.

You don't switch off when you fall asleep you know, you just ease up on conscious control, the brain is still active and maintains function.
Look at sleepwalkers, they can preform simple functions like walking, eating, opening doors and even more complex ones like cooking, climbing and the like in some cases.

The brain still operates at full capacity, you just aren't conscious about it. So yes, you can.

>> No.8152076
File: 423 KB, 787x1055, abf6b8b1b6de073ac6ba114194c1bdd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you try answering your own questions first? Then you will find out whether they have a point or not.

>> No.8152098 [SPOILER] 
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>meanwhile at sdm

>> No.8152130
File: 158 KB, 431x604, cbafc5d69c2b6a1622ec184c3ee1ea3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breathibg and not stoping time are both things we do naturally. stopping either of them is something that can become better with training, but there are limits.

> When does Sakuya do shopping? What hours?
I don't know.

>So 'shopping' is her codename for 'stealing'?
No. but than again, that was a rhetoric question.

>how about doing shopping for the mansion, like food and such?
She does that ofc, but I still don't know when.

>When does she do the shopping?

>Says who?
You do, but it doesn't make it true.

>Why should I read it if you didn't?
because I want to know an answer to a question you don't care about. but what makes you think the answer is there? if that was the case, wouldn't somebody have already pointed out the answer?
you don't think the answer is there, you just don't like those kind of threads.
yes, if the answer was there it is very likely someone would have pointed it out already.


>Why is it report-worthy?
it isn't, but you personally dislikes me.

>Have you red PMiSS?
Probably only some parts that interested you.

>Can she really keep time frozen while asleep?
I don't think so, but i might be wrong. further reasoning is needed.

>what exactly is wrong with my arguments?

>Can people train to sleep while holding their breath?
Not normal people.

Now what, sherlock?

>> No.8152163 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 1060x1510, 5ab59c167b8b2ac08d1c3e7cc1758e87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile at sdm

>> No.8152175
File: 388 KB, 1100x1550, 74f2c287b59b5ab73d448213739194b2a5fccca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, start making sense in your posts, they are painful to even read, let alone make sense out of.

Next, take the "When" question and apply it to "pretty much everywhere else", like I told you before. For our convenience, let's restrict that "everywhere" inside Earth.

What time would she go shopping if she lived near a village in the outside world?

>> No.8152189

Actually, not breathing is what's "natural", breathing requires our bodies to go through specific processes in order to occur. It's just pre-programed to do that so it seems natural, but it is not.

Same way that people train their bodies to react to things without conscious thought in more physical activities like martial arts or boxing.
Same way people train their mind to analyze/perceive things a certain way or to ignore other things like pain or noise.

The mind and body or brain rather, can be trained to respond to things in certain ways even without conscious thought. People have been doing it for centuries, not everyone succeeds, but hey, it's Gensokyo.

>> No.8152195
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>> No.8152205
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alright, not breathing AND staying alive.

>> No.8152212

Just because she can freeze time doesn't mean she does it all the fucking time for trivial things like shopping. I'm sure that ability of hers isn't something that is just turned on and off on a whim.

>> No.8152222

Sure, if you didn't need to breathe to begin with. But what does that have to do with stopping time?
If time is flowing or frozen does not affect her survival in this instance.

>> No.8152221
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"Idk" is not an answer, you meant "I don't know".

Ok, I'll tell you then. Stores are open in the morning and that's when all perfect housekeepers go shopping. Sakuya should be no exception.

>> No.8152234
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I don't dislike that sort of thing

>> No.8152226

You're not sure it's not either.

>> No.8152229
File: 66 KB, 350x350, 1320994374482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stupid discussion.

Anon: Sakuya does so and so.

TYPE-MOON fag: Excuse me but if you would allow me to interject, you can clearly see that Sakuya indeed does NOT do so and so according to two codified sources, p121 l25 of PMiSS and the scenario dialogue of Sakuya in PoFV, making your argument erroneous and completely disregarding of canon material which we hold so sacredly on /jp/.

>> No.8152239


how secondary can you get

>> No.8152236
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>She uses this marvelous ability to perform a great many tasks such as cleaning, laundry and cooking.

Fucking secondary.

>> No.8152242

You're off somewhat. OP didn't make a statement but posed a question.

>> No.8152246
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I don't think you read the whole thread.

>> No.8152262
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Okay, here's my correction.

Anon: When does Sakuya do shopping?

Anon2: because blah blah blah

Anon3: >some bullshit about breathing and sleeping

Anon4: >sleep
She doesn't because ZUN.

TYPE-MOON fag: Excuse me but if you would allow me to interject, you can clearly see that Sakuya does indeed sleep and do shopping according to two codified sources, p121 l25 of PMiSS and the scenario dialogue of Sakuya in PoFV, making your argument erroneous and completely disregarding of canon material which we hold so sacredly on /jp/.

>> No.8152266
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I don't think you are following.

well, sounds leggit. I don't know know much about maids and such. So I won't question that sakuya goes in the early morning.
I do think there is a place to discuss what 'morning' is in the sdm, but assuming 'morning' is whan the sun shines, it means sakuya stays up till morning so she can go shopping.
so the question we nee is not 'when does sakuya goes shopping' but rather 'when do the shops in gensokyo open'. which lead to the question of 'what are the trading status between humans and youkai', because if the trade is weak, the shops might not open till as late as 10am. But I'm a head of myself;

When do the shops in Gensokyo open?

>> No.8152288

Actually more like.

Anon1: When does Sakuya go shopping.

Anon2: Here there, bla bla, says so in so and so *reference source material*

Anon1: That makes no sense.

Anon2: It does.

Anon1: It does not.

Anon 2/3/4/ect.: Here there, bla bla, says so in so and so *reference source material*

Anon1: But how would that work?

Anon 2/3/4/5/6/7/ect: Discussion about possibilities.

Something like that, if you're gonna sound off here least try and keep up huh?

>> No.8152298

Gensokyo has shops? I was under the impression that aside from Kourindou the only other possible location for a shop would be in the human village, and they are kinda rural.
If so they would likely be open all day, from early morning to late evening and only close when they prepare for bed, especially if they were farmers.

>> No.8152308
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allright allright tthat was a stupid quastion.
Sakuya goes shopping early morning and that's it.

>> No.8152309
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I assume the same time as shops in rural Japan, I'll just go on a whim and say 7 o'clock in the morning.

As for the trading status between humans and youkai, I don't think it's that great. Remember it's supposed to be as advanced as rural Japan of the 19th century, capitalism hasn't reached that place and the humans are supposed to be self-sufficient, Minoriko aside.

So yeah, she leaves the mansion for shopping at 7:15 and returns at 7:16. There's your answer.

>> No.8152318

What was she doing for that 1 min?

>> No.8152319
File: 654 KB, 1290x1832, 8e3218a69a58a430dd39a4a05d3d7bbdf5dbd8b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you
Wanna still be friends?

>> No.8152323

Talking to the shop owner.

>> No.8152324
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I remember reading a story about when Sakuya went shopping at Rinnosuke's... he had a sort of market.

What is remarkable is that Sakuya picked up the things she needed while stopping time and left him the exact change for those.

I was going to ask if this was translated, but it seems there isn't any text on it.

>> No.8152333

Question, who aside from Sakuya even eats regular food in SDM?
I mean Patchy drinks tea, Remi and Flan drink blood everyone else is a youkai as well. So wouldn't food just be more for the hell of it rather then a necessity? Aside from Sakuya.

>> No.8152335
File: 216 KB, 500x600, 16416a3a6bbe9f39e3ccdfac1e46abb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, /thread.
we can stop posting sakuya pics now. I sense you are the type that hates image dumps.

>> No.8152340


>> No.8152346

To figure this one out i lacked knowledge of perfect housewives.

>> No.8152355

Wait, did you just say we are friends?
how kind, of course I want us to still be friends.

>> No.8152368
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Of course we are, that's why I'm harsh on you.

>> No.8152387

Yes, just I read it there.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.8152395
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>To anyone who supported me ITT, sorry. I'm the type that gets bored quickly.

>> No.8152616
File: 255 KB, 1032x774, Persona_3__Dark_Hour_by_hjpenndragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does Sakuya do her shopping?
The Dark Hour
