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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8140209 No.8140209 [Reply] [Original]

Loli's are now out in Eden Eternal. Loli's with DRILL HAIR.

Does /jp/ want to play again?

>> No.8140214

When did I quit?

>> No.8140215

>Does /jp/ want to play again?

I thought we all quit after the first week, there are still people playing this game?

>> No.8140218


>> No.8140225

Aside from being a cute little girl, what's different? I'm not playing if I have to do the exact same grind all over again.

>> No.8140226

elaborate. I sure miss TakeItEasyCo.
I wanted to join the steamgroup but i dont have games ony account so i cant

>> No.8140227

Did they fix the lack of content?

Can't do it anyway, got SWTOR comin' up.

>> No.8140229

There's a loli race now? or is this just some event? It's not really worth it either way. Just take some panty shots.

>> No.8140231
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I'm probably the only one left. I doubt anyone even recognizes me anymore.

>> No.8140232

Just buy one of the humble bundles. A penny for a few indie games.

No idea how much content they added, but I know they raised the cap to whatever it took to get the last tier of classes. I just checked my email, updated, and saw this.

>> No.8140237

Gonna patch it up, make a cute loli. Run around the newbie area for a minute or two, probably check my other characters, then log off.

>> No.8140242

I'm reinstalling now.

>> No.8140244

I still play. Last time I logged in was yesterday. I'm the guy who couldn't play with /jp/ because my graphic's card went to mush so I ended up on my own. Soloing this game takes FOREVER and I'm only level 41 but whatever. I have fun.

What server are you on? Since I didn't play with /jp/ I never knew.

>> No.8140262

>eden eternal

You're not supposed to solo EE, dipshit. That's why 1-player DNGs give no exp/drops. I'm sorry you don't get rewarded for being autistic like in every other MMO, but you'll actually have to interact with people this time.

>> No.8140267

MMOs are poison.

>> No.8140271


I'm on aqua.

>> No.8140281

I have invite rank in hotglue still, but without the leader, it's kind of a waste to join it.

>> No.8140325

So is /jp/.
Fuck off.

>> No.8140331

how are MMOs superior in any way to other genres? Waste of time, hence poison.

>> No.8140339

How are they any more of a waste of time than other games as long as you're enjoying yourself?

>> No.8140337

Got burnt out during beta and ended up quitting during the official launch after a week or two

>> No.8140347

can't enjoy them though when there are no fresh ideas at all. What was incredible in 2002, is mere drivel today.

>> No.8140351

Wait, steam group for EE or TakeItEasyCo?

I'm mildly interested in the later if such a thing exists but I doubt it would have any active members if it did.

>> No.8140387

Is the grind still terribad? I managed to do the bardgrind thing in Veninfang a couple of times, but that was the point where I realized the grind was simply too autistic for me. So I quit at about level 45 or something.

>> No.8140391


The grind is incredibly easy, especially once you get to level 45. You can just bard grind your way to 50 doing veninfang solo. Almost every level beyond that has some dungeon you can solo for gratuitous amounts of xp and cp.

>> No.8140392

Aren't there any decent MMOs we could play out there?

>> No.8140396

dead as HELL last i checked, left cuz -10% moneyz from quests and im poor as HELL

>> No.8140399

Tribes Ascent is looking nice.

>> No.8140401

I quit because running around Veninfang bardgrinding felt incredibly autistic and boring. I started playing first day and also played in the beta. Unless they lowered experience requirements I probably won't ever try to play it again.

>> No.8140403

What happened to Cosmic Break?

>> No.8140405

Original guild leader left and gave me control of the guild. We tried to remove the tax but found out we had to have a town to do that or something. I gave the guild to someone else then quit as well. There was only about 3-4 people still left in TakeItEasyCo anyway.

>> No.8140410

Now I want to play some World of Tanks.

>> No.8140424


>> No.8140432

I started playing WoT after /jp/ quit playing it. Feels bad

>> No.8140456

That just ends in someone picking Persians and a horde of War Elephants raping everything in their path.

>> No.8140466

I would but L2 F2P is coming out on the 30th. I'd rather not abandon you guys in a week.

>> No.8140468

I want to play some LoGH pretend.


>> No.8140473

I never played Lineage 2 when it was popular. It's going free2pee and I hope /jp/ wants to get back into it when it does.

>> No.8140480

Cyberjew ruined it.

>> No.8140492

I remember spending 20 or so bucks in it getting a cool robot.
Man, for a few weeks I could rape everybody in my path... After that they kept releasing cooler and stronger robots until everything got out of control.

>> No.8140494

>MoBA starship game

The hell did this warp out of? Can you have space mines and be a carrier and launch fighters?

>Pronouncing LoL as Lawl
I'm quoting the video.

I can't wait for Mechwarrior online, myself.

>> No.8140495

Is this the one were you can play as a slime?

>> No.8140499

>I can't wait for Mechwarrior online, myself.

I can. The last thing I want to do is play a game where 13-year-old kids bleat on allspeak about how gay everything is while I'm playing a beloved game from my youth.

>> No.8140502

Ah yeah, gonna try it out. I have some fond memories of it.

>> No.8140505

Second half of 2012...

Damn, it feels so far away.

>> No.8140504

>I can't wait for Mechwarrior online, myself.

Me too anon.

>> No.8140510

I don't know if this is your thing but, SDGO Gundam is coming out on December.

>> No.8140520
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Loli race? Reminds me a bit of chibis in Cosmic Break. Really didn't care for EE much though.

Apparently didn't even save my screenshot folder from EE, oh well.

>> No.8140582

Making a new character. What server/channel is everyone else playing on?

>> No.8140944
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Oh this is pretty cool, I'd try this.

>> No.8140950
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I'd rather play in the superior New Eden.

Pic related, what I'm flying with a couple other /jp/'ers into wormhole space next week.

>> No.8140953

Dragon Nest
Eden Eternal

are any of these NA-only? which one should I play?

>> No.8140975

Holy shit! I thought I was the only one who played this here!

>> No.8140993


Wow great I've always wanted to play a space sizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.8141005


Does anyone still care about Tera or did they jump ship after the whole censorship thing?

>> No.8141021

I never liked the way the characters looked to begin with.

>> No.8141029

That joke lost its humor a long time ago.

>> No.8141035
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Someone has to carry it's legacy.

>> No.8141051

I fucking love Omer, lolicon and otaku.

>> No.8141061

Does anyone have any spare money in EE or anything? Maybe an account they don't play anymore? I want to buy fashion equips since they're only like 1k gold.

>> No.8141062
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Aw snap... I hope I can get some nice Gendams without having to spend cash...

>> No.8141066

I just stopped playing WoT last week when my premium ran out, maybe I'll go back to it after waiting several months for more updates. I tried going back to the Wakfu beta for a few days but quickly decided fuck it, not going to waste my time grinding until after the final wipe.

What I'm wasting my time playing right now is Earth and Beyond on the emulated server. I can't believe how far they came with that, I seriously thought it was never going to get anywhere when I first heard of the project years ago.

Looking forward to Mechwarrior, although I only even found out about it by sheer luck, saw a /tg/ thread about it on the 4chan front page.

>> No.8141067

I deleted the Steam group.

>> No.8141174
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Sorry for the long delay but I have family over. I'll make a loli on aqua.

K, here I am, gotta get back to the thanksgiving party things but I'll stay logged in.

I'll have to buy new outfits for her now. Great.

>> No.8141190

If you or anyone else would be interested in playing with us, or if anyone new wants a referral for an extended trial, feel free to ask around for us in the #hotglue channel on Rizon.

That said, is it just me or did Rizon completely die now?

>> No.8141203

I, for one, literally fell asleep several times in a 14 day trial. It's not just the waiting, but the music in that game is such a snoozefest too.

>> No.8141245

The fun in EVE is flying with a bunch of people into horrendously dangerous space with high risk of getting killed.

Which, I imagine, you probably didn't get to do during your trial.

>> No.8141253


Mutually exclusive things.

>> No.8141256

It's dead, Jim. They censored the Elin's midriffs.

>> No.8141259

Don't think so, shit is fun.

>> No.8141276
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You are the problem.

I am the only solution.

>> No.8141278

Sage for White Ren

>> No.8141353

Had to log off, I'll be on again tomorrow, got work to go to.

Hopefully someone can friend me and I won't have to play alone.

>> No.8141366


I did friend you, and even checked on you a couple of times, but didn't see you ever move so I just assumed you were afk the whole time. If I see you on tomorrow I'll whisper you.

>> No.8141405
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>> No.8141413


Oh deleted... how I wish he would sing Highway to Hell for me again.

>> No.8141461
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I was lonely there, all alone.
You can make it if you want.

>> No.8141489

I have 2056 of the item mall currency to spare and I'll never play the game again. Specify what you want and where to meet on Aqua and I'll buy it for you. I also have 700 lv45 mana pots, 450 lv45 health pots and a midnight blue dye, if those are of any use.

>> No.8141728

I enjoyed Eden Eternal during beta, but I lost interest after having to start from scratch again. I logged back in recently (after quite a long time downloading updates), but there didn't seem to be many people around in the level 20-ish area.

I considered starting over since a bunch of new races had been released, but I never bothered.

>> No.8141743


If you can be on around 2:00 PM 4chan time I'll be more than happy to take you up on that offer. I'd like a Brave Papillon (the +10 agi dog), three bank slot rentals, and just however many gathering aids you can buy with the remainder. If you could meet me at the monument in the guild town of Persona I'll be there.

I'm in the picture posted from >>8140231 just so you know who to look for.

>> No.8141851

Might be going to bed before that. I'd like for the money to not go to waste though, so message Sertal on Rizon if I don't show up.

>> No.8141892

>playing shitty video games just because of lolis
Anyone who does this is fucking retarded and has no taste.

>> No.8141897

Sound sweet. A might rejoin at the weekend. Now I'd better study moonrunes. I think we need a MMO game with a loli where plot is cenetered about remembering moonrunes.

>> No.8141909

I don't think you're cut out for /jp/.

>> No.8141914
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You just insulted almost everyone in /jp/.

>> No.8141937

Haha oh wow, that is like the whole fucking point of this board.

>> No.8141940 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1280x1085, 13213671762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is like the whole fucking point of this board
This is a picture of you, making a post.

>> No.8141982 [DELETED] 
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You better call a butt doctor for his butt pains. Hi five for that sick burn, Anon!

>> No.8141984

I can see why you got banned from Bunbunmaru!

>> No.8142190

FYI the leader(s) of Hotglue still plays, it happens to be my alt set as the leader since the three only active people (me included) felt it was pointless to stick around in a guild that A) lost its town and B) is practically dead short of 3 people.
Instead of disbanding the guild like faggots we put the leader on an alt that could (became mine since Recette was too low level) and we put a guild message to PM people if needed as we moved on to a different guild.

>> No.8143272

These lolis are just smaller version of the normal characters with larger heads, aren't they? Are they even flat?

>> No.8143274

Ultimate mad. Damn, I applaud the anon and the namefag

>> No.8143314

What? /jp/ers play this game?

I just spent like 2 months playing Eve. Recently stopped playing. You guys have a corp?

>> No.8143341

Carrier in to wormhole space? C5's fit those? Shows how much I know. Have fun in those lonely systems. Perfect place

>> No.8143352

Only one of them is an actual /jp/er. The others are the type that will leave you wishing you never saw the post.

Maybe it's a different group of people, but given the suggestion of going to #hotglue to find them, that's unlikely.

>> No.8143381

Is that so. Hm, guess hanging out with the /v/ corp wasn't too bad. They were all good people and did lots of 'elite pvp' in the CFC

>> No.8143474
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I am regaining a bit of trust in CCP. It seems that they finally realized nobody gave a fuck about all that Incarna bullshit, so they've begun showering us with nice tweaks, fixed and additions. The recent devblogs have been nothing short of heavenly.

I like that kind of humble approach, but they need to do a lot more to make me forget the monocle store and awful community outreach from their side. Maybe one day I'll pop in my Tengu again and go wormholing.

>> No.8146906

Oh hey Tablecat! What a coincidence, was just wondering today if you'd be interested in playing.

A bunch of us in Hotglue made a "Hotglue" corp last year. It didn't really take off since most other people and /jp/ were incredibly hostile to the idea of playing EVE, and we lost interest eventually. Earlier this month with all that cool stuff being announced for Crucible, a bunch of us decided to come back and give our plan to go into W space another shot.

Now with me having nearly finished training the required carrier skills and the capital gathered to purchase one, and handful of interested players, we're looking set to pull through and tackle W space next week. None of us have any practical experience though, so this will be some horrendously derp fun.

>> No.8146932

Oh, TakeItEasyCo was lovely because we actually took it easy. Would love to play with you guys again. I still remember that time where we grinded guild points to get that Guild Town discount for the first 50 guilds who made one or something like that. Fun times.

Current MMO I'm playing is Blade and Soul. It would be lovely if you guys also played even though there's quite a number of bugs.

>> No.8146950

but the gameplay is absolutely same.
whats the point
you played one map – you played them all.

>> No.8147048

I'd love to get a look at Blade and Soul, downloading the client now.

>> No.8147061

Im just waiting for release. How would you jump something that isnt out yet?

>> No.8147062

Most of the established guilds in a specific game are probably fine from any board. If they too shitty, they'll either break up or end up as a friendcircle.

>> No.8147068

Ha, I remember that autistic grind session we had.
Make new character, grind, delete, repeat. Pity we didn't make it in time tho.

Been wanting to try Blade and Soul, but isn't it P2P?

>> No.8148072
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Indeed. I would have been fun seeing what we could have done in our town. Ah well.

As for BnS, the link I posted is a private server. Pretty buggy, but from that you can see how the game works and stuff. Dashing is really fun. Oh and since it's a closed beta private server, you can't really customize your character much.

Image attached is my main on the character select screen. Personally, I think the Lyn look cuter than the ones on TERA.

>> No.8148401

So, is anyone from TakeItEasyCo still around? I logged in and played for about an hour--was the only active member of the guild the entire time.

I don't particularly mind, but some company would make it easier to assemble parties for the party dungeons rather than asking random people.

>> No.8148568

> What a coincidence, was just wondering today if you'd be interested in playing.

I fear it's too late, I've lost my interest due to long skill training time and the lack of ship variety. From Evemon calculations, it would take me 6 months of training to be able to fly a stealth bomber with decent skills. But that means 6 months of flying T1 frigates and that always means bring Rifters. It's just not worth paying real money to fly a single ship for that long.

I guess my experience of Eve is a bit skewed, didn't really do a whole lot other than nullsec fleet pvp.

>> No.8149203

L2 is actually already free, but most people are waiting for the new servers in GOD.
One thing that bugs me is that each class is going to have a best race period.

Ex: No reason to be anything but a human for tank because the race skills don't make you better.
dark elf > elf for dps, etc

>> No.8149237

Why do you have to be the "best?" What happened to the kind of people who made physical battle priests in RO just because?

>> No.8149258

I don't have to be the best, but it means that groups will be extremely elitist because some races will be much better but pretty much 0 benefits. The new classes should have base stats of their own, or at least normalized (ie. str+dex+con or int+wis+men is the same total for all races in classes like tank, healer, buffer that don't benefit from race skills).
I can tell that you don't play L2 because this has been a massive problem for some classes for years to the point that they can't get group invites unless they are guild groups and they are making it worse.

>> No.8149314

I can tell you aren't from /jp/ because why would I want to be in a group on an MMO?

>> No.8149332

I can tell you aren't from /jp/ because you didn't report this thread. At least you bumped it so everyone else can.

>> No.8149333

Because true /jp/ers don't suffer from autism.

>> No.8150605

I am, but I am on my loli now.
