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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8132948 No.8132948 [Reply] [Original]

So youkai eat humans. How? Do they kill people and then eat them raw? Do they cook them? Do they just bite at their flesh while they're still alive?

Also, why are you okay with the idea of cute little girls essentially being cannibals?

>> No.8132953

Guro is a bannable offense here, which is why you don't see much posted.
I thought it was pretty clear a lot of /jp/ers are sadists or masochists though.

>> No.8132958

Some may prefer human flesh raw, others may be a little bit more refined and has them cooked. The human may or may not be alive when a youkai decides to feast on them.

As for cute girls being cannibals, you have to take the good with the bad.

>> No.8132960

Not many youkai eat humans since they are bound by contract not to, they will just eat other animals. The humans that are eaten are the ones spirited away; the ones that wander into Gensokyo or are gapped in by Yukari.

The eating methods are probably different depending on the youkai, though. Likely dead, maybe cooked, maybe not.

And because uh that's what they eat. It's only odd because humans have been at the top of the chain for a long time, and because youkai look fairly human to begin with. It isn't cannibalism, to that extent.

>> No.8132968

Flandre can eat my meat if you know what I mean.

>> No.8132972

> they will just eat other animals.
Weird how this made me wince a little, then I realized this is what I do every day.
Damn you, PETA.

>> No.8132981

Most youkai wern't originally humans so it's not cannibalism. Low level wild youkai probably eat everything raw.

>> No.8132983

like a snake eating a capybara

>> No.8132987

I hope if i reach Gensokyo i get to find a feral youkai and eat it raw to show them who's boss

>> No.8132995

If you made it to Gensokyo, in all likely hood you would have died to get there.

If that is the case, when youkai die in Gensokyo, do they go to the human world? Are there youkai right now thinking up ways to kill themselves just so they could get to this world?

>> No.8133001

Most youkai seem pretty content with where they're at

>> No.8133004
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They only eat already dead people, probably they have already ate some suicidal /jp/ers.

This makes you think they are actually scavengers and not predators.

>> No.8133005

ITT, people who have never watched Supernatural and have no idea about how demons and leviathan like to eat humans.

>> No.8133006

That thing with youkai chiefs leaving Gensokyo to hunt outsiders is so unsettling. It feels so...uh...out-of-character with most other Touhou stuff.

>> No.8133009

Supernatural truly is the finest source when it comes to world mythology.

>> No.8133021

Oh man, that face.
How can I say no...

>> No.8133022
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Dead stuff is easier to catch and eat than live stuff.

>> No.8133024

You first.

>> No.8133032

It's weird but this picture is the hottest thing I've seen all day, in a creepy yet alluring sort of way.

>> No.8133040


>> No.8133042
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No... THE leviathan of mythology is a unique and very large creature that may or may not enjoy eating humans, but it is large enough that it could hardly do so unnoticed. Unless you mean "leviathan" as in the common hebrew word for whale, which makes it even less likely since there is no known whale that preys on humans. Actually for most whales, ingesting a human would be a painful and possibly dangerous experience, and even toothed whales normally prefer soft prey without bones.

So as weird as it sounds you have nothing to fear from the leviathan, since it's either on a scale you can't affect and might as well not worry about, or the leviathan has more to fear from you than the opposite.

>> No.8133057

I'd love to be eaten. To know that everything you are will be used as nutrition by a voracious youkai, that they can barely contain their excitement as they devour you. It's pretty romantic, sex ends at penetration but being eaten is literally becoming one with her. Even better if you can remain conscious during the ordeal.

It's up there on my list of ways to die.

>> No.8133063

I have a friend called Armin you might like to meet.

>> No.8133081

This thread reminds me of the Sick Sick Sick video.

>> No.8133090

Not as fun when it's some bald dude. I want to make the ultimate sacrifice for my youkai superiors, they are higher up on the food chain anyway.

>> No.8133115

Get eaten by the president.

>> No.8133130

I'd consider it if the president was a little girl in a frilly dress.

>> No.8133154
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I wonder what the average serving size for rumia is. I imagine whole human would be a little excessive.
Maybe a leg at most.

>> No.8133160

Probably an arm.

>> No.8133208

Humans consider themselves something higher than animals and that makes them ok to eat.

So if there's a higher being than humans why should it be weird for them to eat humans? How does it make them cannibals in any way?

>> No.8133225

Some people are just bad sports about it.
And it's not cannibalism however you look at it, yeah.

>> No.8133260

Youkai don't eat humans from Gensokyo but are allowed to eat outsiders.

Their diet mainly consists of random /jp/ers that find their way to Gensokyo. A pitiful end to such a noble endeavor.

>> No.8134360

Humans drop food powerups when they're hit and fade.

>> No.8134378

>Also, why are you okay with the idea of cute little girls essentially being cannibals?

Why would they be cannibals?
I eat animals, does this make me a cannibal?

>> No.8134388

They're still little girls and you know it.

>> No.8134413

So little human girls aren't allowed to eat animals?

>> No.8138235

What, how is this thread on page 15?
