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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 811 KB, 811x632, swansong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8128539 No.8128539 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, imagine for a moment that you live in a large city. One night, a violent earthquake rips through the town. Buildings collapse, utilities stop working, and the roads are totally wrecked. Somehow, your apartment is safe, but you know that almost everyone else has died.

A week later, you see a group of six survivors walking by, looking for more people. Do you join them, or do you choose to remain a hermit?

>> No.8128544

Normally joining up is preferable, but in this case, I think hermit is the way to go...

>> No.8128549

I'll pick them off one by one and become ruler of the wasteland.

>> No.8128555

All I know is mooching. I lived as a NEET and I'll die as one.

>> No.8128564

I'll kill the three men and rape and kill 2 out of 3 of the women and impregnate 1,forcing her to be my wife while living as a hermit.

>> No.8128569

Hermit in the Tanasinn chamber.

>> No.8128571

Swang song thread?

I'd rather go alone, unless I'm wounded or starving, in that case I'd join them.

>> No.8128572

Gather resources and claim them as my own. They'll be forced to work for me if they want my goods. I'll hold them down by threat of force using weaponry.
I'll breed them into an underclass that will serve me, and my descendants will be the higher class that will take advantage of them. Millions of years later, I will be remembered as the one that led to two different subtypes of humans.

>> No.8128579

I'm here to rescue you through the pleasure of being cummed inside.
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>> No.8128587

Join them on their quest to survive and find others. We will eventually find a large group living together using a school as their shelter. After months of living there, we will discover a neighboring group living at a shrine. As tensions rise, I will secretly kill off our own leader and take his place. Then an all out war with the neighboring group will ensue resulting in our victory, slaughter of all their men, and brutal gang rape of the women. Things will come to an end as a second earthquake causes a massive avalanche and buries everyone in their cold, icy, graves.

>> No.8128589

I'd steal the leader's girlfriend after fatally wounding him and leaving him for dead. Then I'll start an army of forever spawning road warriors.

>> No.8128594

Anyone else get bored of this game? Like what's the point?

I'm at the part where they find the hospital. The game seems to have no purpose.

>> No.8128605


Can't they just kill you off and take the goods? I mean, it's not hard. Hell, if you're forcing them to serve you it would be hilariously easy. I would personally go with feeding you crushed glass over the course of several months. Laughing on the inside when you bark orders, knowing you are slowly dying a painful and miserable death. When your healthy has significantly deteriorated and you are on your last breaths, I will laugh triumphantly and explain your situation to you. I will dance on your dead corpse and be declared a hero among the others for ending your tyranny. I will be treated as a king and all will willingly become my loyal slaves. Bow before your majesty.

>> No.8128606

I'm sure we'd all suck in an apocalyptic scenario. We wouldn't be the resilient survivor. We'd be the dudes thrown in a basement awaiting our inevitable demise at the dinnertable of cannibals.

>> No.8128611

I'd join them and them jam it in the tsundere girl.

Then I'd make friends with the autismic girl.

>> No.8128610


It's a survival guide simulation. You should continue playing in the event you live through an apocalypse and must fend for yourself in the aftermath.

>> No.8128628

I'd probably kill and rape all of them.

>> No.8128637

I trust my judgement and instincts, if i like the people i'd join.

>> No.8128646

I would have died in that week. If I happen to have survived, I would join them.

>> No.8128670

But no, they cant kill me. I already said I own all the goods. Just toss some food to keep them alive. Any rebels get shot.

>> No.8128672


In that order?

>> No.8128678



That's quite a bit of ADD you got there

>> No.8128680

Most of you would go on a rampage of raping and killing.

>> No.8128685


>> No.8128688

>Do you join them, or do you choose to remain a hermit?

This implies they want a fat, useless, leech in their group. The only possible explanation for them even considering having you join them is to kill and eat you.

>> No.8128691

i find the human reactions interesting when the social order and civilization crumbles.

>> No.8128699

well, the glasses dude and the twin-tailed tsundere were utter useless, if not worse

>> No.8128703

I stopped playing this once I got to the first h-scene.

The character designs are pretty uninteresting too.

>> No.8128715

I would probably be like those psychos from Dead Rising.

>> No.8128714


The tsundere had a vagina and was cute, so automatically has a ton of value for reproductive purposes. They only took the fatty in because they were a huge group of moralfags. They should have left him to die if he got in the way, but he also makes a huge target and great diversion if you encounter another group that doesn't believe in making friends. He has his limited uses.

>> No.8128716

It was a waste of time, a tale without end

>> No.8128725

is there any loli in that group?

>> No.8128729
File: 5 KB, 180x156, papa moriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck with them.
Take their foods when they are sleep, move bag around, make noises.

>> No.8128736
File: 91 KB, 800x600, cap236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find my sister who's also the leader of a post-apocalyptic cult
>fuck her
>marry her
>become king
>create a royal bloodline
>slaughter all those in my way


>> No.8128746
File: 276 KB, 479x346, Shin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8128769

It makes me laugh how all you neckbeard aspies as talking as if you would actually kill or rape someone.

You pussies wouldn't hurt a fucking fly. Keep dreaming.

>> No.8128773




>> No.8128783
File: 166 KB, 1594x1196, 1244046081804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't fight in the Gulf for 10 fucking years to be insulted to my face over the internet by some stuck-up brat.

Reported and called my buddies in the national guard. Prepare to be assraped - you fucked with the wrong guy.

>> No.8128785

Whatever, nerd. You're the one talking this hypothetical scenario seriously.

>> No.8128793

>crushed glass

Doesn't work.

>> No.8128795



>> No.8128801

Flies are twenty times better than people. Of course we wouldn't hurt one.

>> No.8128805


No. Stop trying to act like you belong. You're not fooling anyone.

You got reported because you use shitty memes and greentext in your post. Where the fuck do you think you are? Leave.

>> No.8128812

i bet that even in your own dreams you get your ass beaten

>> No.8128813

I'd only join them after a thorough cost/benefit analysis.

>> No.8128814

Stop making a scene, Billy.

>> No.8128818

Past your bedtime, Ryan.

>> No.8128823


>> No.8128827


>retarded newfag didn't get the reference
>false report
>trying too hard to belong

You should try taking your own advice kid

>> No.8128835
File: 186 KB, 381x611, knight_templar_battle_weary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct anon. You have read us through.
Our minds pristine and rich as the Gihon.
Body as strong and clean as the Hiddekel.
Soul eternal and remembered as the Euphrates.

Clear of malignant intent, but not beyond resorting to violence, as man is prepositional to. If God wills it, we would come to the aid of our fellows; of our people.

>> No.8128837


Fuck off retard.

>> No.8128842
File: 34 KB, 350x250, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8128853
File: 152 KB, 461x600, 1315025511691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a survive on my own type (no group larger than three), so I'd exchange names and them go my separate way. If we happen to meet up again by chance, then I'd consider joining them.

>> No.8128864

I'd go to an empty super market and rob a shit load of food then go back to my room. If electricity is still working, I'd steal a few games from gamestop.

>> No.8128894 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1307146256131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no rebuttal
>can't even come up with an original insult


>> No.8128898

In the city? Alone in most cases. Outside the city? Join.

>> No.8128909

You don't know who you're fuckin with. I'm a 216 pound black man. I work as a security guard for a professional skater. I do carry guns, and I have been trained to use them in the event of an emergency and have been trained where to shoot to show self defense. I also have a 11 inch cock that I'm gonna ram up your ass.

>> No.8129025


That wasn't me.

Fail harder. Also you're still misusing the quote function like the /b/ dweller you are.

0/10. Now fuck off.

>> No.8129115


>That wasn't me.

>retard thinks there's a strict way to use the quote function
>retard thinks it's limited to /b/ and the whole of 4chan (including /jp/) doesn't use it this way

>misusing the rating system
>stupid fuck probably thinks it's to rate things he doesn't like


If i had to guess, I'd say you're a severely insecure little 12 year old trying to bitch about idiotic shit to gain some sense of self-esteem and boost your tiny little pathetic ego. Am I close?

My original post which you so brutally got butthurt about was a reference to OP's pic. While I was on topic, you crawled out of you're little hole to post an idiotic comment just to get some attention. Which one of us is the troll and which one of us needs to get out? Why don't you get a brain and think about the irony in your mentally challenged posts kiddo.

inb4 tl;dr too retarded LOL XD

>> No.8129147


Trying too hard. I'm not the guy you were arguing with, but you're clearly full retard and he won if you got trolled into writing that much.

>> No.8129176
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dead thread
>obvious butthurt samefag
>proven retarded
>no counter argument
>pretending to be someone else
>you got trolled

Follow your own advice and get back to >>>/b/ kid

>> No.8129183


>writing that much

Oh, and I guess 5 sentences is A LOT for a 12 year old kid with less than 3 brain cells. Sure trolled me XD

>> No.8129201


No. The person you were arguing with must've left.

Don't take your anger out on me because he beat you, and I can see why if he made you angry enough to write an entire page like some aspie. That shows that he made you intensely angry, and that you succumbed to him.

I'm now going to close this thread, so whatever childish garbage you come up with isn't going to be read, as I have nothing to do with it.

In other words you're going to have to live with your loss, and there's nothing you can do about it. Ever.

Bye bye. :)

>> No.8129224


tl;dr Obvious retarded samefag, no argument, go kill yourself

>> No.8129335

How will you close it?
