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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 999 KB, 1271x480, ISuck the Vacuum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8112866 No.8112866 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about danmaku, shall we.

Any recent achievements, fails, or specific runs you want to share with us.

>> No.8112868

Let's not.

>> No.8112929

Been playing Jamestown again since I never proper beat it. It's not that hard below the highest difficulty, but runs are so fragile in games without bombs.

>> No.8112933

1cc'd PCB on Normal

>> No.8112950

I'm trying to 1CC EotSD on Hard, but Sakuya keeps kicking my ass.

>> No.8112983

I 1cc'd SA once.
On easy.
On my last life.

>> No.8113002

I started playing Touhou with PCB several months ago. Then i 1cc Normal PCB, then IN, TD, EoSD, MoF. Then cleared IN Extra.

I thought i was good so i tried 1cc Normal PCB again yesterday while 4chan was down. I failed at Yuyuko's last card (30% Reflowering) even though i have max lifes at the start.

So i realize 1cc doesn't mean shit. All those times i just bombed through everything. Now i try to capture Yuyuko's spell cards and i die every times.

>> No.8113075

go play StB.

>> No.8113111

That's a horrendous advice.

Play for score instead.

>> No.8113112

why should a beginner play for score?

or, why play for score to begin with?

>> No.8113114

because that's how you play STGs

>> No.8113118

but touhou is about taking it easy.

>> No.8113120

that runs contrary to my experiences

>> No.8113124

I am a massive shmupfag, but score has never been anything but a nice extra or in some games, a survival enhancement strategy.

>> No.8113143

It's the easiest clue to see your improvement over time.

I guess the best game to score in Touhou is Mountain of Faith, because it's very simple and survival based. Generally, the higher you score in MoF, the better you have become.

>> No.8113153

Also, Normal/Easy Mode SA is not too bad to score in either. Same reason because surviving = more scores. Then there are Extras for all games (Except EoSD) that force you to survive too. Those modes are fun to score in to too.

Scoring also let me to see how good am I relative to others because, most of the good players do score in shmups.

>> No.8113337

I'm trying to consider my next move. I haven't been too consistent with how well I've been doing in the games recently. Either I do much better than expected or fall flat on my face.

>> No.8113408

I think STB doesn't help anything. I already captured some Yuyuko's cards in STB and unlock Hatate in DS. All i did was finding a way to shoot, if it failed, keep trying again and again. It's very similar to how i clear IN extra, where i just keep using spell practice to find a way to clear a card, then use memorization to repeat it in Extra.

Now i think the real skill lies in random shooting games like PoFV.

>> No.8113418

I've been trying to 1cc Embodiment's Extra but I can't......I just can't, /jp/, it's impossible for me.

Even though I 1cc'd PCB, IN, MoF and TD's extras, I just can't even beat Patchouli.

>> No.8113433


You could bomb her. I mean, I can get around halfway through the EoSD extra usually, and that's the furthest I get with most of the other extras.

>> No.8113434

Trying to 1cc LLS on lunatic and the extra stage with all shot types;_;

>> No.8113463

Fighters drained all of my skill at danmaku-ing

>> No.8113514

>get copy of Daifukkatsu
>open case, discs are dislodged

Other than that, the game is awesome. You can access the other loops from Novice mode right?

>> No.8113517

Hnngh, managed to get pretty far on Mushihimesama Futari Black Label God mode for the first time earlier today. Scoring system's kinda odd at first, but once you get used to it it's pretty rad.
I still suck though, but at least I was sucking slightly less for a bit. Full screen of flashing 30000s, so good.

>> No.8113531

>You can access the other loops from Novice mode right?
It would appear to be so, yes.

>> No.8113559
File: 179 KB, 365x765, what the shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tried to 1cc eosd on normal, i had previously done it for the first time with 5 lives left.
I lost at patchy...
decide to practice by going on hard, 1cc it...
my first 1cc on hard was an accident

>> No.8113954

If it's anything like that feel when screen full of medals in Giga Wing 2, I'm going to be in love when my copy arrives.

That's good to know. As fun as they are, every other mode stonewalls me at some point.

>> No.8115004
File: 76 KB, 640x480, th125 2011-11-17 04-22-09-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just completed all of Double Spoiler as Aya. I still have Hatate to go. I didn't even know there was another unlockable character until I got to her. I'll probably try to finish up Shoot The Bullet next. I'm taking it easy for now but I'm still eager to get some of my goals done.

>> No.8115027

> Any recent achievements
I haven't finished a single danmaku yet.
Does this count as an achievement?

>> No.8115197

Not yet, but you always can become better!

>> No.8115574

Your misaligned pictures bother me. And the dimensions. And the fact that I see nothing interesting going on aside from you probably bombing Shikigami "Ran" (because I don't remember if she drops a bomb after that).

Scoring is taking it easy when there's nothing else to be had. Yay I held down shift forever and shot down hats and cleared the game again. Now what.

>> No.8115620

I think you should go play some MAMEShmup. Limit yourself to not using any continues, or if you really want to, start yourself with three continues and see how far you can make it.

Go back to the touhou games after playing some real shmups, and they'll seem a lot more easy. I smashed through SA on lunatic only dying twice after playing giga wing for only two hours.

>> No.8115625


>> No.8115632

Every good player that I know of that can 1cc a mame schmup says that they are easier than Touhou. If you want Touhou to be more challenging, there is always a way to tune it.

>> No.8115736

>Every good player that I know of that can 1cc a mame schmup says that they are easier than Touhou.
If you don't mind me asking, how many of these good players do you know? And which mame shmps are they?

>> No.8115738
File: 49 KB, 640x480, th009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG finally perefected extra


>> No.8115739

Post the run or it never happened, bomb spammer.

>> No.8115744

Complaining about using bombs in SA? Nice.

>> No.8115748

I finally finished EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF and SA!

On Easy.

With continues.

>> No.8115749

Spam (slang) is the act of doing something over and over and over again. Spamming bombs implies that its being done excessively, rather than simply using 1 or more.

>> No.8115758

Fuck off, scrub. I bet you can't even 1cc TD on normal, you bomb spamming commoner.

How much am I willing to bet you also credit-feed? Yeah, doubtful you could beat any shmup without using credits.

>> No.8115769

>>8115739 okay http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=16991

>> No.8115772
File: 386 KB, 640x480, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're just trolling, and honestly, it's kinda pathetic.

>> No.8115782

Are you agreeing with me or mocking me? Either way there's no reason to get angry, and this looks like same-posting.

>> No.8115786

say that to my face motherfucker and see what happens


>> No.8115798

/jp/'s ability to blind run 1cc lunatic using no focus no bombs really makes me jealous.

>> No.8116453

Not the one you've been talking to, but why are you posting WR and Ex-WR replay?

You are no HS that's I'm certain.

>> No.8118734


>> No.8118753

Dick waving general?

Plowing through PCB stage practice on Lunatic, doing pacifist runs. 1, 2, 3, and 5 have fallen, with Stage 3 being the most recent.


Stage 4 should follow shortly, but I'm not entirely sure what to do about Stage 6 when I get to it. Surviving the stage spam would be such a chore. Sure, attempts would only take a minute or less each, but I really don't want to spend hours banging my head against it only to die to a long boss battle afterward due to falling asleep. Maybe I'll do a regular perfect run, but with a no focus condition on top of it. Hmm.

Pacifist Extra and Phantasm are a possibility, but Red Oni Blue Oni and BoLaD respectively pose some pacifist problems.

>> No.8118822

How long did that take? I feel like I'd always screw up at least once on an extra no matter how long I tried.

>> No.8118837

nice job dude you are superplayer

>> No.8119080

Been working on IN Normal, since it's the game I know best and I need to 1cc something at some point. My best run got me all the way to Kaguya's Swallow's Cowrie Shell, but without any lives or bombs in stock, so I fell pretty quickly. My problem isn't really that, though. It's Marisa and Reisen. In Spell Practice, I can capture most of their spellcards with reasonable consistency, but once I go into a real run, I routinely screw up pretty much everything. For example, I can capture Invisible Full Moon on Lunatic about a third to half the time in spell practice, but in a real run on Normal, I capture it maybe 1/3 of the time. Anybody have any general advice for shoring up my consistency for actual runs? Or advice for Kaguya's spellcards in general? Outside of Buddha's Stone Bowl, I'm not getting that much out of practicing them, because I'm just not seeing the general strategy for them.

>> No.8119085

I decided I'm going make EoSD my first Lunatic 1CC. Doing ok so far, putting aside how I fuck up constantly from not being used to it. I can see many angry Patchyfaps in my future.

>> No.8119250

Doubtful I'm going to get an actual answer on this, but how the hell did you get that good? I've been playing for a little over a few years now, and I can only 1cc hard mode. Is it my autism holding me back, or what?

>> No.8119276



Actually, I can't even get to kaguya on Normal. Marisa fucks with me and Reisen finishes the job. It's nuts.

>> No.8119327

I've only reached Kaguya a few times, myself. For Marisa and Reisen, Spell Practice mode helped me figure out the tricks to her spellcards (Sticking to the very bottom on Stardust Reverie, the distances for Invisible Full Moon, and so forth, and in general it's good practice), but consistency issues and my inability to effectively deal with Kaguya is what's getting me here.

>> No.8119396

Doubtful I'm going to be able to give you an actual answer on this.

First, getting good at games like this requires the right kind of mental disorders. It also requires a lot of dedication. Even then, some people simply aren't built to dodge clouds of slow moving bullets. I only play three video games: DDR, IIDX, and Touhou. While I've only been playing Touhou for about 2.5 years, I can almost guarantee that I have more hours put into the games than you. My escapist lifestyle allows me to pour unhealthy amounts of time and effort into stupid shit that doesn't matter. I have no secret training regimen. I just set stupid goals for myself then work to achieve them. If you want to 1cc something on Lunatic, you will have to commit to that goal. I've watched a young individual, Riz, go from not being able to clear normal to 1ccing UFO Lunatic with all 6 shot types in the span of half a year. That's an extraordinary example, but it's possible. Also, if you ever need it, you can always look for help. Watch others' replays, ask for tips.

tl;dr Everybody has their own pace, and it's just a game, but if you are having fun and like playing, play more.

>> No.8119398

>I can capture Invisible Full Moon on Lunatic about a third to half the time in spell practice,

You'd be better just learning the Normal version of Full Moon, then get something like >95% rate of it in Spell Card Practice. Not have to be 19/20, but until you know unless you are very, extremely unlucky, like pressing wrong key, you're going to capture it. Another good method to test your consistency is to use the stage practice. If you're really prepared with against a card, you won't waver and make no mistake at all in stage practice.

Also there is not much differences between Lunatic and Normal version of Full Moon.

>> No.8119425

>Also there is not much differences between Lunatic and Normal version of Full Moon.
Mm. That makes it not the best example overall, but it was the most extreme one I had, numbers-wise, more or less as a direct result of that.

>> No.8119463

Thanks. I do enjoy watching super high-level replays from time to time, but thing is with those, I tend to try to copy what the other player is doing when I clearly cannot do it myself. And you probably have played a lot more than I have, I tend to make very stupid mistakes, such as running in to a random bullet that had entered my blindspot. It just kills any will I had to play after that.

Guess I'll just have to keep at it.

>> No.8119542

Like >>8119396 said, those people play A LOT. Think about how any dedicated gamer plays things, and then apply that to STGs. I only feel like playing for a few weeks at a time, and then only for a couple hours a day. So I've been at it for years but I'm only around the hard/lunatic border.

Try to relax and not worry about how you do. I get depressed sometimes thinking about how people get perfect runs and top scores but really if you just play you'll steadily get better. Don't worry about individual mistakes, because they're just a constant fact of the genre.

>> No.8119811

Not the guy you're all replying to, buy maybe I just don't have the right mental disorders. I hardly see any progress - I still can't beat even beat Normal.

Although I have a bizarre talent for PoFV, and PoFV only. It's the only one I managed to somewhat play on Hard.

>> No.8119819


Chances are you're not playing enough. I might play for an hour a week and sure enough, I don't get better very quickly. It's taken me two years to 1cc all the games on Normal mode because of it.

>> No.8119854

I find the first 5 stages of EoSD on hard much easier than IN if I don't bomb spam.

Why does everybody say IN is easy? Is it because the bosses are easier or because you can deathbomb easier?

>> No.8119920

I'm getting some really annoying tearing and I think my monitor's refresh rate is the culprit. Is it possible to force vpatch to use 59.94 FPS rather than 60?

>> No.8119937


I also don't think IN is easy. And by looking at >>8119080 and >>8119276 we're kinda not alone.

Maybe we're doing something wrong.

Btw, do you guys play on fullscreen? It really helps me keeping track of what the fuck is going on.

>> No.8119940

I prefer windowed because it's easier for me to take a quick 2 minute break that way, if I want/need to for whatever reason.

>> No.8119943

What's wrong with alt+tab?

I've found fullscreen to be far better for being able to actually tell what's going on and avoid it.

>> No.8119948

It works, usually, but sometimes my computer is dumb and doesn't like when I alt-tab out of fullscreen stuff. I might try playing fullscreen next time I try a 1cc run, though, and see if it helps.

>> No.8119953

Deathbombing and spell practice pretty much.

>> No.8120124


Fullscreen sometimes also plays with me. Things start going black and flash, and only stops if I alt-tab out and back. Of course this kills me, and I don't even know the cause.

>> No.8120209
File: 563 KB, 640x960, don't do this guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this makes the easier Last Spell into the hardest.

>> No.8120276

PCB and EoSD, finished on Normal with 1 continue. I try to finish them without continue and in Hard mode.

PoFV finished in Normal and I try to finish IN.

>> No.8120305

I never understood how to do these "crossing bullets" paterns, they just scare the shit out of me.

>> No.8120728

You focus your vision on either red or blue lines at one time. After you have successfully crossed, change your focus to other colored line. Repeat until the card is over. Doing the card at the bottom left or right also helps because the lines will be less dense that way.

On Hard or Lunatic, looking at your own hitbox means instant failure. Concentrate your vision at the pellets line. On my earlier days playing Touhou, I always think myself I couldn't capture this card ever. Now that my peripheral vision is slightly better, this is one of the easier Kaguya's Last Spell.

>> No.8120745

Having trouble 1cc normal Ten desires.

And I use to be able to 1cc the other games. Where have my skills gone?

>> No.8120764

I had this problem. But then I just practiced stage 6 a lot and stages 4 and 5 a few times and cleared it pretty easily.

>> No.8122261 [DELETED] 

It all started with a silly Liveshow. It took 9 hours to get that run. I still appreciate all the help you gave me. I follow your advice to this day.
It didn't take long after I got my 6/6 Normal for me to start doing Hard. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I spent months playing for 18-19 hours, sleeping 15, and then repeating. I often played for days, stopping only when my hands hurt too much.
Then I got this: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=14810
I took me 11 days from my 1/6 Hard to my 6/6 Hard. It took my 50 days from my 1/6 Lunatic to my 6/6 Lunatic. Still, Lunatic was not nearly as painful. I found the difference between H/L to be much smaller than N/H.
This post summarises my feeling pretty well: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/7860159#p7899709
It's very rewarding to me. I still love this game.

>> No.8122320


It all started with a silly Liveshow. It took 9 hours to get that run. I still appreciate all the help you gave me. I follow your advice to this day.

It didn't take long after I got my 6/6 Normal for me to start doing Hard. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I spent months playing for 18-19 hours, sleeping 15, and then repeating. I often played for days, stopping only when my hands hurt too much.
Then I got this: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=14810
I took me 11 days from my 1/6 Hard to my 6/6 Hard. It took my 50 days from my 1/6 Lunatic to my 6/6 Lunatic. Still, Lunatic was not nearly as painful. I found the difference between H/L to be much smaller than N/H.

This post summarises my feeling pretty well of Lunatic pretty well: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/7860159#p7899709
It's very rewarding to me. I still love this game.

>> No.8122680
File: 21 KB, 500x359, xboxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's quite the determination you got there.

By the way, I have a somewhat serious question. I often see people recommending/saying they use things like this to play Touhou and similars.

So I tested it and, uh, what the fuck? Why?

Moving the analog stick to the point that your character actually moves gives a extremely annoying delay, but the worse part is not even that. It's how on tight situations you end up moving it too much and suiciding for moving more than you wanted to, or either not moving it enough and losing a life for standing still.

Am I missing something here? A way to change the controls for the digital pad, a option to change the analog's sensibility... or is this just a matter of preference?

>> No.8122699
File: 16 KB, 201x160, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cc'd TD not long ago.

Trying extra now, it isnt that hard, just need more practice

>> No.8122716

When you guys say you've 1cc'd a level, do you mean with all chars, or just with one?

>> No.8122727

just learn to use a keyboard that has chiclet keys, or something similar where the key doesn't have to be pressed down far.
When I first started playing Touhou, I thought that using a joystick or even a mouse would be easier than the arrow keys; but now I realize that nothing else matches the ability to change directions as swiftly and as precisely as a keyboard.

>> No.8122775

Most shooters are designed to be played with arcade sticks, since they're originally arcade games. A gamepad could kind of sort of be used as a substitute for a stick if someone was desperate.
No need to worry about possible keyboard conflicts when you move diagonally/shoot/bomb at the same time.
If you're used to using a 360 controller you can play Deathsmiles/Otomedius/Raiden Fighters with proper sound whenever you want without having to readjust.

Pick any/all of the above.

>> No.8122832


I've personally never used a game pad, so it's hard to give you my opinion. Every good player I know prefers the keyboard by far. I would say they are better suited for the fighting games. I don't think you can match the precision of a keyboard with them. Still, they might be an interesting way to change things around, especially if you are shooting for arcade-like authenticity. Every good player I know of uses a keyboard exclusively.

>> No.8122880

It's possible to adjust the sensitivity for most Touhou games with the provided configuration tool.
But when people go on about how playing with a controller is better they usually mean the dpad, not the analog stick. You can try Xpadder or some other program that lets you map controller keys to keyboard keys if your dpad doesn't work.

>> No.8122944

I finally beat Imperishable Night without using continues! On easy mode ;___;
I also beat PCB on normal with Reimu, but I used up all of my continues.

Yeah, I suck,

>> No.8122948
File: 20 KB, 474x346, 1290313588598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to unlock and capture every Last Word in IN. But Eirin's is just... impossible for me atm.

>> No.8122990

I bought Deathsmiles yesterday, and I love it. I was about to 1cc'd with every stage on Rank 2 but I lost against Sakura's dad.

And then I had to use 4 continues to beat the real final boss.

>> No.8123022


Thanks for the answers. This sounds like what I was imagining about the issue myself. I'll just stick with my lovely keyboard.


Oh, that's good to know, thanks. Maybe I'll give it a try someday, although this information will probably be more useful for another game.

>> No.8123036
File: 30 KB, 589x447, challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> easy modo

>> No.8123182

I can't get Alice's first scene fourth shoot on StB. Does that count as an achievement?

>> No.8123195

Huh? Eirin's was by far the easiest for me to learn, I think I got it on try 4, and had like a 3/7 record in the following attempts to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
Just use border team and move with anticipation.

Last boss of the year every year.

Though I guess he's not technically the TLB, isn't there Bloody Jitterbug in one of the versions?

>> No.8123201

Life is lunatic mode.

>> No.8123563
File: 115 KB, 382x195, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do a perfect ND/NB run of UFO extra as ReimuB. I feel as though it is quite easy, actually, even with my token route. The closest I have gotten is 0D1B. The bomb was in the streaming portion right before Nue. I've only been at it for one day.

I just did three perfect stage portion runs in a row only to be foiled by that streaming portion each time. Everything else is quite easy for now. I feel like my "do it over until you get it right" skills are being used instead of my real bullet-dodging skills. I don't feel like I'm learning much.

ReimuB does not make that streaming portion easy. I should find a good way to do it soon, along with the whole run. I have a feeling that all I need to win is a nap.

I may decide to do a perfect run of Extra for all 6 shot-types, or try to do some perfect runs for stages 4,5,6. There are still a lot of goals I'd like to do.

I'll be taking it easy for now.

>> No.8124346

I'm playing on a laptop and is just plain impossible to move diagonally with my keyboard while focusing and shooting.
Plus, sitting down with a joystick instead of having to press the keyboard feel better, in my opinion.

>> No.8124450

Hmp... I said I would finish TD extra like a month ago, but I left it on the last timeout card and haven't played since then.

And I guess I'm not the only one who has to play at specific times... after certain hours my brain stop functioning as it should and can't dodge shit.

Next vacations I'll try to accomplish something... maybe 1cc SA lunatic...

>> No.8124493

Bah, Kaguya just beat my ass on Normal mode and got the stupid ending no one cares about.

And I was sooo close.

>> No.8124774

He's suppossed to be on 1.11 Mega Black Label, but I heard you have to beat all of the stages on LVL 3 or 999 without using continues.

I don't really know, I googled it and I got a million of different answers, but I guess I'll never unlock him until I can play with my feet.

>> No.8126461

I can't seem to get anywhere in MoF Hard without gratuitous bombing.

>> No.8126479

Isn't that the whole point of MoF though?

>> No.8126496


I know that the bombing is broken, but even with bomb spam I'm having more trouble than with PCB Hard without bomb spam. I can't even consistently clear Minoriko's first card.

>> No.8126500

PCB is by far the easiest touhou

>> No.8126545
File: 82 KB, 527x625, bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't even consistently clear Minoriko's first card.
<--- Picture very related.

If you find yourself bombing too much, just practice.

>> No.8126695


Well, I'd argue that TD is easier. Almost managed to 1cc Hard.


I want to get through at least the starting parts without bombs so I can work on my actual dodging, otherwise I won't get any better.

>> No.8126792

>I can't even consistently clear Minoriko's first card.
Just play it safe, like bombing. Or if you want to conserve your bombs, try to be patient and don't be directly below at Minoriko all the times. Focus on finding empty spaces and not getting hit, even though you'd be stretching the card two or more waves.

Now Minoriko's last card is a fair game. Bomb that shit on Lunatic.

>> No.8128856
File: 1.39 MB, 130x108, greatgame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8128886

Play PCB on easy a few times until you get the rhythms of the stages down. The difference between Easy and Normal isn't too much.

>> No.8128889

Why stage 4 IN so much harder to clear with Marisa than anyone else

>> No.8128892 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 574x452, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never asked for this.

>> No.8128918

>Why stage 4 IN so much harder to clear with Alice than anyone else

>> No.8129016

Do you mean with Marisa as the boss?

>> No.8129022


It came out wrong, but I meant why is Reimu so much harder to fight than Marisa in stage 4

>> No.8129083

I always thought it was the other way around, unless you were doing something silly like going solo-human or something.

>> No.8129919

Buy a professional usb keyboard. But don't ask me the brand, it's top secret!!

>> No.8130653

The top secret Heartbeam agrees, one true gaming peripheral: http://www.logitech.com/keyboards/keyboard/devices/6692

Anyway I like mechanical keyboards better. I heard black switches are the best but I find blue is great too.

>> No.8132858

Deathsmilesfag here; I 1cc'd the game on Rank 2 using Sakura, and for some reason, I also unlocked Bloody Jitterbug and won like 5 lives before fighting him. I'm going to try to 1cc the game on rank 2 with other characters and beating the extra stages.

>> No.8132902
File: 35 KB, 210x182, 1304643081799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really bad at danmaku, but have been getting better
>playing PCB as Sakuya, on easy, on last continue
>never beat a game completely before
>get to Yuyuko
>"Finally, this will be the first time I actually beat a Touhou game!"
>defeat Yuyuko
>mfw she comes back to life and kills me

I'll become good one day...

>> No.8132905

On easy?

Shit man, I was feeling sort of bad for not being able to get the no continue ending on IN on normal.

>> No.8132917
File: 428 KB, 980x1040, 1316397648102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really, really bad...
I know it's inexcusable, but I keep trying hard everyday and practice when I can.
I won't give up, one day, I know I will get good.

>> No.8132933


Dude, it's a game, take it easy and have fun.

>> No.8132940
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don't worry man, I was as bad as you if not worse, 6 months later with about 2 hours of playing on avg. I have my first 1cc on hard.

>> No.8132971

Haha, perhaps you are right my friend.

Thanks, you fill me with hope.
It will happen some day.

>> No.8132992

>I've been playing for two whole weeks and I can't beat Easy yet bawwwww

Cherry Black are the complete opposite of Cherry Blue. Blue is for typing; very tactile/clicky, high actuation force needed but is empty after the click. Black is also high actuation force but there is no click, it just bottoms out and you push with the same force all the way down.
