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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 248 KB, 1650x1275, uncle_mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8101818 No.8101818 [Reply] [Original]

Janitor a shit

>> No.8101820

Mugen 3
Meido 0

>> No.8101821
File: 62 KB, 259x219, meidotsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8101823

Man I sure would like to punch mugen for all that shitposting if I'd ever meet him.

>> No.8101826

How rude. Mugen is a nice man.

>> No.8101827

Mugen is old enough to be your father.

>> No.8101831

I want to see you say that to his face not online.

>> No.8101832
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1275631301767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, mugen, you're super butthurt!

>> No.8101833

"Get up you son of a bitch! It's not over yet."

>> No.8101836

A message to the guy that just reported this thread.

Do you really hate Mugen that much or are you just hating on him to fit-in with the assburgers?

>> No.8101845

They probably hate your shitposting.

>> No.8101848

Guy who reported the thread or one of

I am impartial, the thread is in violation of global rule #8, and I am reporting it as such. If you have a complaint in regards to my report or this thread, please contact an administrator with your thoughts on it.

>> No.8101849
File: 49 KB, 216x215, uncle mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8101852
File: 476 KB, 900x1200, 1295462760683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither, I'm just doing my part in keeping /jp/ a better place. I don't mind mugen, I really like those black shopped touhous he made once, but his sad egomania is bad for the board.

>> No.8101855

That's an awesome pic.

>> No.8101856

>I'm just doing my part in keeping /jp/ a better place.
Talking about narcissism.

>> No.8101857

where is your trip code voile?

>> No.8101859

Why don't you take that stick out of your butt?

>> No.8101864
File: 79 KB, 462x493, 1291799917568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking watermark.

>> No.8101865

which shitposter fuck?

>> No.8101866

People are honestly getting angry over the thread being reported?

You guys should get off your computers and get some fresh air

>> No.8101868

But that's how it is, what else should I say?

>> No.8101870

bad threads are like those mushrooms
Break them and shitposting flies everywhere and infects everything else

>> No.8101871

Stop posting.

>> No.8101876

Stop acting like you have been around for a long time when you're very obviously new.

>> No.8101879

You have no idea what a shitpost is, kid.

Stop trying to fit-in so badly.

>> No.8101881

Where the fuck is this Rozalin newfag from?

>> No.8101882

You mean like Devil's snuffbox? Loved kicking those around when I was younger.

shitposters hate ruley posters, what a surprise.

>> No.8101893

or those giant round mushrooms that explode when touched.

>> No.8101901

The fag only found out #chilly last week.

>> No.8101904

I don't even need to say it, it's that obvious.

>> No.8101908

I didn't find out about #chilly until a year after I started visiting /jp/.

Mostly because I never really cared and only noticed the use for announcing reporting.

>> No.8101916

I've been here for 2 or maybe 3 years and I have no idea what #chilly is or why I should care about it

>> No.8101920

Nothing good ever comes of it anyways, so its not like you're missing anything. Its pretty hilarious that people will still try to separate people by their time on the site, on an anonymous imageboard. Really is sad.

>> No.8101926

It's White Ren's trip.

>> No.8101929

Believe it or not, behind the Anonymous there are real life people who have spent varying amounts of time on the imageboard.

>> No.8101934

Yes, yes indeed. but the notion of elitism based on how long they've been on a site is silly, even more so when they don't have a "join date" to back it up.

Why do you need it anyways, some weak justification for having wasted so much time on here?

>> No.8101935

He was referring to the superiority complex some have over it, not that it exists.

>> No.8101947

If somebody can tell that you're new even though you are Anonymous and have no join date it means your post just have been egregiously bad, like, really fucking sucked rocks.

>> No.8101949

How I wish I had the motivation to drive all the way to Mugen's house and throw a brick in it saying REPORTED, at times like this.

>> No.8101951

Thanks for pointing out something that was fucking plain as day.

>> No.8101957

Lose some weight, mugen.

>> No.8101952

Yes, and pointing it out is nothing more than ad-hominem, which is not conducive to any quality discussion.

This thread and replies in it are a perfect example.

>> No.8101963

Now that you mention it, Mugen is getting fatter, and he's missing those fingers.

Not long until he's a street bum, those onions just aren't doing as much these days.

>> No.8101966

It's important to call retards out on their retarded behavior or they don't learn. Well sometimes, even if you do, they don't learn.

And calling somebody wrong and retarded (or otherwise insulting them) isn't even an ad hominem unless you said they were wrong because they were retarded, which usually isn't the case anyway.

>> No.8101975

Except it is nearly always used as some excuse to invalidate their point, rather than calling anything out.

and newer members don't mean retarded, honestly I'd think that the longer you're here, the more likely you've got mental issues.

>> No.8101980

Sometimes people are called new with no further of explanation of why they're wrong.

This is because why they are wrong should be fucking plain as day, shit that you should know without having it explained to you (in fact, we really should not have to be having this conversation right now).

And yes, it is almost always used to call out a new, shitty poster on being a new, shitty poster. Not all new members are retarded, but a whole lot of them are. The ones you can tell are new are almost invariably substandard posters.

>> No.8101984

We have plenty of old posters that are just as shitty

My point, is that in say, a discussion about Touhou game mechanics or the translation quality of a visual novel. How new to 4chan or /jp/ someone is has no place in it, that's reserved for meta, like this.

Then of course people use opinions as basis for objective proof completely unironically too, so I shouldn't hope much.

>> No.8101986

This kind of just sounds like elitist "seekrit club" bullshit again...

>> No.8101989

>It's important to call retards out on their retarded behavior or they don't learn.
suck my cock due.

honestly i find it laughable some people on /jp/ still think they can stop people from shit posting if they tell them to stop

>> No.8101994

If you see somebody acting like a retard or spouting off some ignorant, stupid shit it's highly unlikely that person has been around since 2008. And in these threads people will get told to fuck off for being new because they say something astoundingly dumb. I don't see the problem.

Elitist secret club bullshit is fantastic, because there are retarded people that we want to keep outside of the secret clubhouse.

>> No.8101999

It's usually a waste of time to tell an actual, deliberate shitposter who seriously enjoys spamming /jp/ and irritating people with spam to fuck off, which is why people usually don't waste their time talking to them.

Apples and oranges.

>> No.8101997

It's the only thing we can do to prevent this place from becoming a new /a/b/v/ with people like you in here.
Sure it's hopeless, but it's better than not doing anything at all

>> No.8102001

It's a lot more fun to argue amongst ourselves about the rules, isn't it?

>> No.8102007

In what, meta discussions? Like this one? These don't belong here. I'm talking about on-topic discussions. Your best bet there is to call out their familiarity with the related material, not how long they've been here.

/jp/'s "NO EXCEPTIONS" attitude attracts spammers because its near guaranteed attention.

>> No.8102009

Yeah a board about people whining about other people's posting is better than /a/, /v/, and /b/. Oh wait, it's not.

The only board /jp/ might be better than is /vp/, and it's still a maybe.

>> No.8102014

It's perfectly possible to say or ask astoundingly stupid things in on-topic /jp/ threads, in which case, well, I just described what happens and I don't see why you find this problematic.

"NO EXCEPTIONS" is one fucking post worth of attention. Wow, you got a whole fucking reply to your thread, that's awesome. The problem is when people can't leave stupid shit well enough alone after the first three replies.

>> No.8102018

/jp/ is an awful board that tried too hard to copy /prog/ but ended up ruining their board in the process. Leave "no exceptions" in /prog/, and not even they like you faggots. They also tried so hard to keep /a/ out of /jp/ they made their board about complaining, shitposting, and tripfag circlejerks.

>> No.8102021

>Yeah a board about people whining about other people's posting is better than /a/, /v/, and /b/. Oh wait, it's not.

Honestly, I think it is.
Every once in a while there are peaceful days where nobody is spamming shitposts.

Also what do you have against /vp/?
I always find it funny how some people on /jp/ are looking down on furries while cursing all the normalfags who are responsible for their social anxiety.

>> No.8102024

So let me get this straight, you love /jp/ as a board about complaining. You also like /vp/ and furries. Why are you even here?

>> No.8102028

Abandon ship.

>> No.8102029

Don't know about you, but normals are a contributer for the root reasons some of us are shutins.

I don't mind /vp/ or furries, I talk to a furry on occasion.

>> No.8102032

>you love /jp/ as a board about complaining
I never said that, I only said that there are days when there is not much reason to complain, and on such days we have nice threads.

> You also like /vp/ and furries
I never said this either, I only meant to point out that you are not better than the normalfags you hate so much

>> No.8102038

/jp/tards spend all their time making shit posts whining about /a/v/b/ acting like they're superior. let me remind you /jp/tards this, on those boards they actually do something besides insult other boards. if all /jp/tards can do is insult other boards than you're the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.8102039

>you're worst the board of 4chan.
I thought everybody knew this already.

>> No.8102043

Go Mugen Go! Uppercut the hell out of her! Shoryuken!

>> No.8102057

other boards complain about other boards all the time, and unless you've got blinders on or have a miniscule attention span, this isn't the only thread on /jp/.

>> No.8102062

they don't. you're a /jp/tard who only visits /jp/ so it's no wonder you don't know. the entire site shows disrespect for /b/, but other boards do not spend their time talking about other boards in any fashion similar to the scale /jp/ does.

only on /jp/ do you find posts whining about other boards in every thread nearly.

no content and constantly talking about other boards = worst board on 4chan

>> No.8102063

>only on /jp/ do you find posts whining about other boards in every thread nearly.
Maybe you should lurk some more
Is that so?
I don't think so

>> No.8102064

okie dokie troll-kun, if that's the way you see it, then that's fine. If its so shitty, why don't you go back to your superior board and let us bicker amongst ourselves.

>> No.8102071

Touhou and VNs

Touhou Image dumps
With nudity
With dicks

Idol threads

Japan related


Go, Mah Jong, Shogi

Green text stories, /jp/ - blog, inane questions
>>>/a/ >>>/b/ >>>/v/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/soc/

Tadaah, now this board can be dedicated solely to metathreads!

>> No.8102073

But where can I enjoy my Touhou happy sex? ;_;

>> No.8102075

Metathreads go in >>>/img/

And /jp/ will be completely empty.

And all was right with the world.

>> No.8102082

Oh you guys, I go take a shower and you already have a metathread up~

>> No.8102104

I'll this just to hear to his beautiful voice.

>> No.8102110

Seriously during this time I just leave /jp/ and wait for the other faggots to get tired and got back to their own boards.

>> No.8102131

You'd be smarter for it. I don't have that level of self-control.

>> No.8102197


>> No.8102271

Uncle Mugen so SUGOI!!!

>> No.8102274

Is it just me or is Uncle Mugen gained weight lately

>> No.8102277

Fat failipinos eat too much spam

>> No.8102276

xd he sur is trollin us hard!!1 im so mad i could make poo in my pants
He's just wasting his time.

>> No.8102280

You sure took your time to reply to this thread
