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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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807979 No.807979 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that Marisa is so submissive with Reimu yet so dominant with the rest of her harem?

>> No.807988

Because miko

>> No.807989

because Reimu is a bitch and nobody wants to hear her complain.

>> No.807990

i want to hear her complain

>> No.808001

Me too....

>> No.808010


Because it's not true and all made up in your ronery mind

>> No.808023
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>> No.808028

saged, reported, and ignored.

>> No.808032
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>>808010Because it's not true and all made up in your ronery mind

no no look

>> No.808036
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>> No.808043

No mai waifus! ;_;

>> No.808052
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>> No.808058

1-you fag
2-SFW look hard

>> No.808068
File: 115 KB, 450x600, 1213235209042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu fucks up everyone at some point or another. So it stands to reason she's the top bitch.

>> No.808071
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Ha Ha

>> No.808077

Hey stop it ok? ;_;

>> No.808089
File: 70 KB, 525x600, 1213235414363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But its the whay of the Marisa

>> No.808110

It's rather refreshing for Marisa to be on the bottom for once.

>> No.808112

fucking pimp

>> No.808117
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I say it's all the hat doings

>> No.808138
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>> No.808140

I like Marisa on the bottom.

She's more adorable that way, but she still has a spunky demeanor. I like how Aki Eda potrays her

And Reimu just seems more fitting on top then on bottom too, so... yadda yadda faggy explanations, fan bias, etc

>> No.808170
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a kappa is added

>> No.808175


is nitori and marisa fanon? haven't seen too much of that pairing

>> No.808181

Fapping to the dominanting is kinda gay, even if it's a girl, but I want to fap to Marisa too, so this kinda stuff is just right.

>> No.808189

Reimu's harem is pretty powerful too: Marisa, Remi, Suika, Yukari, and newly added Aya

>> No.808195

since Touhou 11


>> No.808202
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Shes the new one to the harem

>> No.808205


fuck how could i forget rocket launcher marisa

>> No.808217

sorry for being slow, but where exactly can one find subtext between reimu and marisa in game dialogue? there has to be something

>> No.808220

If you give me the sauce I'll stop trolling your blatant Touhou faggotry on /jp/.

>> No.808223


in canon, marisa spends her time either in her house studying, stealing books from patchouli, or visiting reimu

her only friend is reimu and she pretty much keeps to herself except when with reimu


>> No.808228



>blatant Touhou faggotry on /touhou/

>if you give me sauce

oh wow

>> No.808237

>>808189Remi, Yukari,
Just whant to rape her do

>> No.808240


i hate you, but ill atleast give you >344794

I figure having to go to /u/ is punishment enough

>> No.808244

Hey I'll kick your fucking teeth out. Give the sauce right now or else... let's just say you don't want to know what else means.

>> No.808246

Hi. You must not know randou.

>> No.808248

Nitori + Marisa and Reimu + Aya really needs more explaination. I know they are both SA options but don't get how Reimu cares about what Aya thinks to the point of using her as backup help from the surface.

>> No.808249


kyaaa~ it's an e-thug

>> No.808254

sure is stupid around here.

>> No.808256

this board was created for the sole reason of wanting a board for Touhou and visual novels.

>> No.808259


Aya denies credit to Reimu stopping all the crisises that she did throughout the various games. Tsuntsun.

>> No.808275

>>808181even if it's a girl

No anon then it just means that you like strong women

>> No.808280

>>808181even if it's a girl

No anon then it just means that you like strong women.

>> No.808286

>>808181 even if its a girl

No anon then it just means you're gay.

>> No.808288


Remi and Yukari seem to like Reimu for her strength. Marisa's friends are more like mutual respect for her research and friendly attitude.

>> No.808289

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Manual

Among all, Reimu is her favourite thing (?),

>> No.808293

Been a while since I saw an internet tough guy. GJ.

>> No.808304

holy shit, i concur with the other guy

I haven't seen one of these for years.

>> No.808327


Aya is the kind of bitch that doesn't like the idea of someone being better then her I bet, she just 'let' Reimu win in Mountain of Faith.

Also, in before Aya Kiss. Crazy out of character pairings are awesome.

>> No.808328

Are you calling ME an idiot?!

>> No.808331
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>> No.808338

The youmu/aya one I saw somewhere makes even less sense.

>> No.808344


>> No.808346


i am saving up money for when i go to gensokyo so i could donate 100,000 or however much it was to get her to do that

>> No.808350


Wow, I love when doujin artists seem to pull names out of a hat.

>> No.808351

No point, she killed the tradition and only does it with marisa now

>> No.808354



>> No.808356



>> No.808361


>> No.808380

There are even quite a few common pairings like youmu/sakuya that don't make much sense.

>> No.808385

I cannot for the life of me remember what doujin it was I saw it in, but it was weird as fuck.

>> No.808386


they are both servants

i can imagine remilia and yuyuko watching

>> No.808393

And masturbating.
