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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8076999 No.8076999 [Reply] [Original]

When will the 2hufags understand that /jp/ is not only about Touhou?

Condense your threads fuckers.

>> No.8077003
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>> No.8077010

Someone was spamming a whole bunch of imagedumps in the span of a few minutes and now people are taking them seriously.

>> No.8077011

/jp/ - Poopshlmer

>> No.8077013

I'd like to hope that it's just some idiot spamming threads to get a reaction.

>> No.8077022

When most of them have 50+ replies I don't think it's a joke.

>> No.8077026

Some are also copypasta from previous times.

>> No.8077029

Why does /jp/ exist again?

>> No.8077032

I agree OP, it's a little annoying.
/jp/ - Touhou/General

>> No.8077035

>100+ touhou threads
>no one bats an eyelid

>1 thread for everything else, happen to make thread about a specific VN or doujin game

Quoting your foreskin

>> No.8077034

/jp/ - 2hu image dumps

Why can't they just go to /c/?
I didn't fight for a /jp/ like this.

>> No.8077041

>/jp/ is not only about Touhou

There are layers of irony in that sentence that I can't even begin to comprehend.

>> No.8077045

But I don't have one.

>> No.8077049

We're just showing our love to our favorite characters... Fuck off shitposters

>> No.8077053

I don't have a foreskin, who are you really quoting?

>> No.8077052

No 2hufags. You are the shitposters.

>> No.8077056

>Fuck off shitposters
I find that ironic, considering that most of those touhou threads are image dumps and other stale content.

>> No.8077057


>> No.8077061

Your nose.

>> No.8077068

My grandfather died in the holocaust. You know.

>> No.8077071

Suiseiseki can work well as a Touhou

>> No.8077073
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>> No.8077081

Just report the threads and move on.

>> No.8077082

I'm so sick of cute dumps.

I've seen good Touhou dumps, there was one a few months ago which was basically "Find the stupidest image on Waterducts and post here". It was filled with hilarious, retarded images. Pictures never posted on /jp/ before.

That brings new stuff to the table. Random Booru imagedumps are so tiring.

>> No.8077083
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>> No.8077095
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>> No.8077108

Should I start creating an imagedump thread for every Type-Moon character?

>> No.8077111

>not /jp/ related

Get out

>> No.8077103

>/jp/ is not only about Touhou
>newfag does not know why /jp/ was even created

>> No.8077104
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>> No.8077114

To get rid of all the non anime/manga content on /a/.
That being said, /jp/ isn't Touhou/General.

>> No.8077112

If you want to.

>> No.8077117

Wrong newfag

>> No.8077123

You're trying so hard it hurts.

>> No.8077131

It being related doesn't mean you can spam whatever shit threads you want.

>> No.8077125

U mad?

>> No.8077134

Nope~ Everything on /jp/ can be split up into the already existing boards. Bitching about too much Touhou on /jp/ is like bitching at a Chinese restaurant for having too much Chinese food.

No one is stopping you from making 50 Type Moon threads or whatever you like. This is one of the times the front page of /jp/ isn't filled with threads about dicks, anal masturbation, crossdressing, wanting to be a girls, translating, shitposting general, hating your life, being a NEET, etc.

>> No.8077140

I will make 50 fucking glory hole NEET pig Sudo whatever threads then

>> No.8077142

Don't do that again.

>> No.8077146

I agree with you about the front page, but that's it. If everyone created 50 threads of whatever they wanted, then it'd be even worse.

>> No.8077147

Be my guest. Round up a few fellow shitposters to help you with that, it may be too difficult to achieve on your own.

>> No.8077152
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Type-Moon, Touhou and shitposting were all an integral part of /jp/ since its genesis

>> No.8077154

All the current Touhou threads look like defensive matters taken by newfriends trying to counter shitposting... What they dont realize is that they are the shitposters themselves...

>> No.8077157

Where can I find some? /jp/ IRC?

>> No.8077162

The annoying thing is that these threads blend in completely after only 20 minutes or so, so the spammer gets away with it.

>> No.8077163

I would prefer threads about shit. Yes, threads really about shit than the current Touhou image dumps. At least I could probably learn something interesting from them

>> No.8077169

There's no spammer, the image dumpers should just control themselves and not bump their threads too often or make only 1 of them

>> No.8077173

/jp/ is shitposting general. Touhou goes on /v/.

>> No.8077174

I'm in favor of a Touhou general.

>> No.8077178

Touhou is to /jp/ what the ponies are to /co/

>> No.8077179

I don't like it, it must be shitposting.

Shit is not /jp/-related, though.

>> No.8077180

I will search for something else /jp/ related then and when I find something appropriate I will spam so much of it you will beg me to stop.

>> No.8077192


>> No.8077193 [DELETED] 


Four-five Touhou threads were posted at 11:00, 4chan time, and those are the current imagedumps you see.

They were all created by one man, spammed in mere minutes. He also did this yesterday, and you see a few of those threads still lingering around.

It's also likely that the same man is the one who keeps those threads alive and on page zero.

He's either trying to prove a point or to make /jp/ angry.

A lot of you already knew that, a few of you didn't. With this in mind, please keep going.

>> No.8077189

I could probably pay a bottle of alcohol to a few hobos to get help.

I would take them to my college and assign each one of them to a computer, I would teach them how to shitpost and leave them there for a few hours.

>> No.8077198

Only the newfriends post Touhou nowadays... Everybody else is already tired of it

>> No.8077203

Take the tinfoil hat off.

>> No.8077204

There is, though. They're all pure reposts from the archive even. He made a bunch of them at the same time. If you were here a bit earlier you would have known.

Of course normal Touhou dumps still fester around on other days, without a spammer.

>> No.8077209



And the rest are not even from today
So yea... No

>> No.8077212

Only a few of them looks like spam, and they are pretty much dead already. The active ones are legit.

>> No.8077218

Even if most of them are spam the 2hu image dumpers are stupid enough to think they are legit and keep posting on them.

>> No.8077222

That one autist who's been whining about how /jp/ doesn't talk about Glorious Nipponland for months venting his buttfrustration of touhou and stirring up shit through reverse-trolling and samefagging - just another day in /jp/.

Hey, at least I prefer this to Sudo's pig threads.

>> No.8077244

You are imagining thing Bob.

>> No.8077241

Sudo doesn't even post anymore.

>> No.8077247

No such things exist that's all a fabrication of your delusional mind. Go take your pills.

>> No.8077258

Turns out only the Hina thread was a repost, I got real stupid.

There were a billion Touhou X threads on page zero in mere minutes, though. Maybe someone bumped them all. I'm likely delusional again.

>> No.8077271
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>> No.8077274

The Tewi one as well.

>> No.8077291
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I'm so over Touhou. I mean, they're boring. Once you realize you only give a shit about them because of the porn all your interest in the series will come crashing down.

>> No.8077305

I eagerly await the day when people start spamming Touhou images in every thread, causing the next apocalypse.

>> No.8077311

Sure thing /a/.

>> No.8077308

People are complaining about Touhou and shitposting on /jp/?

This is ironic, right?

>> No.8077317

We're complaining about multiple contentless image dumps. Try and keep up.

>> No.8077347

Oh please, I have some idea who you are. If the homolord that is zunbar is here he will call you "squidy".

>> No.8077349

They are not multiple and they are not countless. And /jp/ is not a collective entity. even if you think there are multiple threads (which has already been proven there isnt) they are all being made by a handful of faggots who are being told to do so make them here. I have seen this same shit being dont for years now

>> No.8077350

Squidy disappeared from the internet several weeks ago.

>> No.8077369

Squiddy... Had a hard life... He is not coming back

>> No.8077378

If true, that would explain the lack of certain threads, and why the ones replacing are equally shitty.

You flush the toilet, and it refills. Then someone else shits in it.

>> No.8077389

A reference to the mafia would have been better... But that works too

>> No.8077609

This thread and everyone in it has been reported.

>> No.8078796

I've been playing a lot of video games lately, so I haven't been posting as much.
