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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 700x525, quotes_from_steve_jobs_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8031071 No.8031071 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8031076

Enough of a hero to be servant

>> No.8031093

You then spent the rest of your life selling computers.

Congratulations, Jobs.

>> No.8031100
File: 5 KB, 146x150, 1307894836113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he brought CHANGE that CHANGED THE WORLD!!!

>> No.8031105

The change I'd bring would come with flame and violence. A world better suited to me would invariably be miserable for most others.

>> No.8031107

The first two threads being a jobs thread and a programming thread, I thought I had mistakenly went to /g/.

What a relief, it's actually /jp/.

>> No.8031135

Wait, I can make money off of selling sugared water?

>> No.8031142

its the main ingredient in my natural body health remedy that i sell for $7 a bottle

>> No.8031147
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1296062288375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How self-deluded are you if you think that /jp/ is better than /g/?

>> No.8031149

/jp/ is the worst board on 4chan, but /g/ is worse.

>> No.8031159

The problem with /g/ is that it contains many pretentious tripfriends, the problem with here is that it contains many pretentious anons.

>> No.8031162

I'm pretty sure you are projecting, anon.

I didn't say anything about any board being better than another, and any implications in my post are so ambiguous as to be irrelevant.

>> No.8031163

/b/ is better than /jp/?

>> No.8031167

No, /b/ is also worse.

>> No.8031172

So you should've said /jp/ is the worst board on 4chan, except for all the others.

>> No.8031173

I have go out on a limb here and say /soc/ is worse than /b/. It a god damn social networking tumor that has developed on this site.

>> No.8031181
File: 385 KB, 964x1504, [SaHa] Captive Princess 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ has more loli.

>> No.8031182

He can't help it, he isn't Winston Churchill

>> No.8031184

Really? I'm intrigued...

>> No.8031192
File: 488 KB, 1024x576, 1315492029405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ and /g/ are both good boards stop fighting

>> No.8031196

>read 8031181
>go to /g/
>no loli
>only 3DPD
did i get trolled?

>> No.8031198

OSX can't into Touhou so I don't see many /jp/ers caring(unless they're running bootcamp).

>> No.8031204

Back a couple of years ago, it used to be full of loli. I guess the best is in the past now, but it still has the occasional good loli thread. But normalfags and mods are doing their best to keep the loli down in /g/ now. But then again, /jp/ doesn't have much loli in these days either.

>> No.8031206

Both are shit.
This whole site is shit.

>> No.8031207

Wine runs on OS X. Why not?

No. But as my thing is breasty curvy Touhous that suits me just fine.

>> No.8031214

>This was painful to watch. I didn't answer this 2 weeks ago because I was so tired of the subject at the time.

>You had people online acting like a close member of their family had died over the death of Steve Jobs, in one of the most pathetic displays of unwarranted grief I've seen. It made me finally unsubscribe from a couple of RSS feeds I followed. Not the worse, though, for the worst (best?) I've witnessed so far, I'd still have to credit a classmate from High School. Back when this soccer player, Miklós Fehér, died during a match, she spent an entire day making the most ridiculous grieving scene, involving actual crying during multiple classes. The thing was so over the top it was impossible to not laugh after a certain point.

>On the other hand, you had people going "hurr he made computers expensive and thin, big deal!!" while completely disregarding the fact that, while he didn't personally invent anything world-changing and noteworthy by himself, he served as a catalyst for radical change in a multitude of areas for the past few decades and helped shaping modern computing. At the cost of others, sure. I'm not going to lie, the man was an asshole. Didn't spend a cent on charity (at least not publicly), was overly harsh on his underlings, the culture of secrecy he fostered is the worst thing to happen to the tech world. A person who steals $5000 from his buddy and does stuff just knocking a girl up and pretending the child isn't his own cannot be a good person. But he did make some very important things happen, and you'd have to be a fool to pretend "lol iPhone" is the extent of Steve Jobs's impact in the world.

>And then on top of that, RMS felt like being RMS and people who aren't used to RMS being RMS took offense and gave it a disproportionate amount of attention. It was a very annoying week to be on the Internet.

- Eksopl 2011

>> No.8031215

That's what I meant by "bootcamp."

>> No.8031221

By running Windows in a virtual machine, you meant running a free-as-in-speech piece of software under Mac OS X that allows you to run Windows programs? OK.

Did /g/ make a big deal about Dennis Ritchie's death? I was overseas for about a month and wasn't browsing 4chan in the time.

>> No.8031225


Wasn't as much as Jobsy, but they did make a decent fuss about it. Though there was more "bawww jobs dies errywun sad, ritchie die y everywun noc are he wuz hero" than actual threads talking about him or remembering him.

>> No.8031226


But this thread has a positive light of Mr. Steve "Blow" Jobs.

As evident by the group of people who have a family they can leech off of enough to afford both a mac laptop and maintain a "NEET" lifestyle.

>> No.8031232

>he served as a catalyst for radical change in a multitude of areas for the past few decades and helped shaping modern computing
radical change for the worse, he ushered into a computing era where the tablet interface is the only defined interface

>> No.8031233


Yes. It took an extra 20 hours for the sticky to reach the length of Job's sticky, and almost 1/4 the posts were "who the fuck is this?" even when the OP posted a wikipedia link and a small dissertation about him.

It's a shame Ritchie died so close (time wise) to somebody more famous, really belittles the attention he would've gotten otherwise.

>> No.8031241


It doesn't worry me too much since he wouldn't have really have gotten much more if he died at a different time. He did way more significant things than Jobs, but what he did was not as "flashy" as Jobs, if you know what I mean. Everyone knows who Jobs was, computer and programming nerds know who Ritchie was.

>> No.8031250

>Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want to sell over-priced watered-down sugared waters for gullible idiots?

>> No.8031257

>As for Ritchie, there's nothing much to say. He was a man who performed some extremely important work at the exact point in time where we needed that work to be done. He didn't do it expecting fame, he did it because he was there and he because he had the opportunity to do those things. He wasn't a controversial figure because he wasn't acting like his mission was to change the world, it just happened that he did nonetheless. His legacy will be felt for as long as mankind uses some form of digital computing devices.

>The outrage over people not making a big deal about his death is unwarranted, in my opinion. For the majority of people, his work wasn't exactly very visible to them in the same way a phone or a computer is, so it's understanding. But it's fine, because he was highly respected by the people who did matter. He wasn't a rock star, his death wasn't treated as such and that's okay, because he never asked to be one.

- Eksopl 2011

>> No.8031260


Who is this Eksopl?

>> No.8031263


>> No.8031284
File: 2.77 MB, 1430x4000, steve jobs is d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea.

This is what /g/ looked like three weeks ago, though.

>> No.8031329
File: 88 KB, 493x393, 1276170189686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my /g/.
