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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 799x509, 1298338238801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7999339 No.7999339 [Reply] [Original]

Any good programs that you guys would suggest for learning Japanese? Is Rosetta Stone the best or is there a better program out there?

>> No.7999340


>> No.7999347

You mean KanjDict?

>> No.7999348

How do you expect people to take your post seriously with such a disgusting picture?

>> No.7999353

Disgusting? Is that what people on here think of natural women these days?

>> No.7999358


>> No.7999364

Buy it, faggot.


>> No.7999378

You've never been to this board before, have you?

>> No.7999379

>natural women
>these days
Are you aware this is /jp/ or is it the first time you ever set foot here?

>> No.7999384

First time. I usually hang out in /tv/, /x/ and /a/.

>> No.7999402

You just signed your death sentence.
Not really

>> No.7999405

So you never heard about 3DPD?

>> No.7999412

No, no I have not. Care to elaborate, my friend?

>> No.7999410

I don't think /tv/ or /a/ would appreciate this horrible sight either.

>> No.7999417

get out

>> No.7999419

It's well established in polygot circles that Rosetta Stone is absolutely shit to learn a language.


- you'll learn simple phrases
- you'll have a general idea about the culture
- it's good for tourists who are planning to visit a country for a short period of time


- no grammar
- no foundation
- generally not academic

This is a good starting point for learning most languages. There's no substitute for in-class learning at a college/university, but there's a good deal in which you can self-study from this website.


>> No.7999423

InB4 OP doesn't know how to deal with /jp/'s Advanced Autism.

>> No.7999428


3DPD means 3rd Dimension [women are] Pig Delicious.

>> No.7999426
File: 20 KB, 243x317, Female_Hirsutism_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female Hirsutism
>Caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
>Female hirsutism must be treated by medical therapy to decrease androgen activity in the follicle that was caused by diseases of androgen excess or by taking exogenous medications.
>What is female hirsutism?
>When women grow excessive terminal hair on body areas where most men have hair, but women normally don't.
>What causes this?
>It is caused by male hormones, also known as androgens or testosterone.
>Why does it happen?
>It happens when a woman has a hormonal imbalance.
>When does this happen?
>During puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
>Actually any time during a woman's life when there may be an increase in androgens.
>It is called "adult male sexual pattern" hair growth.
>The graphic left indicates the target areas of a woman's body for androgen-stimulated hair growth.
>The symptoms can be mild to severe, all depending on how highly elevated male hormone levels are.
>When it is associated with recession of the hairline, deepening of the voice and loss of the female body shape, it is called virilism.

>In simple language this means the woman is beginning to resemble (look like) a man.
>Because it is such a devastating condition to suffer from, a sufferer should preferably go for tests and a thorough medical examination.

The more you know.

>> No.7999444

You want >>>/lang/ >>>/int/ or >>>/a/. Check easymodo first though, you'll find everything you need.

>> No.7999452

Yeah, because /jp/ believes real women to be so pure and celestial we don't touch them, for they are all reincarnations of our god 豚.
Idealizing intercourse with 2D is ok, though.

>> No.7999479


Sounds dreadful. Much prefer hypertrichosis. At least the more interesting varieties.
Once knew this girl who had this tuft of chest hair. Looked like a second pubic patch between her breasts. She always wore low cuts. She was awesome. Then she got together with some guy who abused her and she started obsessing over dolphins. That was less awesome.

Bottom line is if you if have interesting hair growth, the key to living a happy life is learning to like turtlenecks and staying single. And staying the hell away from dolphins, just in case.

>> No.7999481

just buy this book http://www.amazon.com/Integrated-Course-Elementary-Japanese-English/dp/4789009637 its a good start that actually help you understand the language
