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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 312 KB, 1296x778, insertimagenamehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7907474 No.7907474 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosageing >>7871154

The first wave of September releases are here. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.7907490

Finished Akari's route in Noble Masters. Liked it a fair bit better than Hinata's, wished it had been more romantic.
Next is either doing Sena's ropute (her being a delusional trainwreck during Akari's route helped deciding) or reading eden*
Still undecided if I should read Shizuru's route and the secret one, not really interesed in the heroines.

>> No.7907491

Still waiting for that princess x torrent to finish.
Putting 絶対★妹原理主義 on hold for it, but then again I might as well drop it, first route I played was pretty meh.

>> No.7907499

If by secret route you mean, the teacher route, it's pretty much an H scene then it ends.
Eagerly awaiting Chu x Chu! On the Move or whatever to become available for me to download, and maybe Yukana as I'm quite fond of the artists work.

>> No.7907507

Working on my backlog. Playing 太陽のプロミア.

>> No.7907511

>it's pretty much an H scene then it ends.
That's one down then.
I like Shizuru's VA, but she feels so disconnected.
Maya should have had a route instead. Now add a Chiaki route and perfect.

>> No.7907520
File: 416 KB, 1271x717, kimono..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maya should have had a route instead
But she has one?

>> No.7907521

Maya does have a route though.

>> No.7907533

Shizuru's was probably my favourite so far. She's so moe~

>> No.7907535

Shit, I meant Makoto.
It would probably have 'choose what underwear you want me to use' choices.

>> No.7907566

I always thought Makoto and Chiaki had been reserved for the fandisk, but no fandisk was ever released

>> No.7907597
File: 1.45 MB, 800x1080, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure I'll post this here one more time so it doesn't end up lost at the bottom of a thread.

Part 1 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A5L30YLC
Part 2 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1NAYCRMK

>> No.7907598 [DELETED] 

Not like Yuzusoft has ever released a fan disc before though.
Probably going to finish up Sena and Akari's routes in Noble Works tonight myself, unless the recently released titles that I'm interested pop up, then I'll push that off to tomorrow, otherwise I'll probably try and finish ExE tomorrow.

>> No.7907632

Oh right, another Append Life for Lovely Cation has come out. I can upload once I'm done grabbing it if anyone wants.

>> No.7907641

Isn't this the second time that ugly maid has been made the picture for the topic. Use someone attractive insteadIE without glasses

>> No.7907643
File: 756 KB, 1024x576, dohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's one of us, Anon.

>> No.7907665

I just got a bonus this week, and am looking for some underplayed commercial/Doujin eroge/galge to pick up. Any recommendations (that aren't myth or lost colors)

(my bad for posting twice, didn't realize the last thread was saging)

>> No.7907662

I had her
>rameee, de gozaimasu
on loop for an hour.

>> No.7907698

Thanks, Anon. You just made my day.

>> No.7907724
File: 40 KB, 638x478, 110819pacoproject1-thumb-638xauto-32611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A VN about spending the summer with your girlfriend.
Who turned into an alpaca.

Eagerly waiting for my download to finish

>> No.7907726

Man, what?

>> No.7907745

I'm really liking the way Dies Irae is written.

I'm a bit into it now and I can say I'm liking the game a lot, I originally put it low in my backlog due to some negative comments here calling it a bad FSN rip-off but I don't see it.

It's well written, the characters are likable and badass and the plot/setting are completely crazy.
Of course it's chuuni meaning spontaneous power up and convenient stuffs happening but sometime some chuuni feels good.

Compared to a truly bad FSN rip-off like 11eyes that has bad writing and horrible characters, this game feel great.
Of course it took a bit from FSN but all action eroge made after it did, but the overall craziness of Dies Irae make it feel quite unique

>> No.7907756

You, sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar.

>> No.7907772


Great game

>> No.7907773

How...I mean, how did that...

>> No.7907790

Or this for a doujin game

>> No.7907807

Peopel probably got butthurt because they kept releasing unfinished versions of the game.

>> No.7907840

Holy shit Vizal's Diary, I remember that. It starts rather slow but the second half is amazing battle goodness.

>> No.7908132
File: 206 KB, 939x400, 5545731520110715125842023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found this goddamn game.
Would have been easier if I knew chinese, honestly.

>> No.7908160

Any suggestions for somebody new to VN's? I'm interested but never actually played one.

>> No.7908174

Go with babby's first VN; Fate/stay night.

It was honestly super interesting and action packed.

>> No.7908178

Yume miru kusuri and Saya no uta seem to be very popular with people who just start, though the first one isn't what you'¡d consider good, but it's useful as entry level.

>> No.7908206
File: 248 KB, 500x375, 1305755427482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where? I beg of you! No luck on share and PD so far.

>> No.7908218

Going by upload date and content, it's the full version.
The links are
use jdownloader, it actually works.
the password is the jin thing under it.

>> No.7908226 [DELETED] 


>> No.7908234 [DELETED] 


>> No.7908241

Thanks for the suggestions, first positive response I got on this board.

>> No.7908250

Asking nicely in the thread related to it usually gets good answers.

>> No.7908265

Well I didn't do anything in the last one to warrant what I got. Either way, the price for Fate/Stay Night is very intimidating... But I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.7908272


>> No.7908288

the whole board is collectively implying you should pirate it, as hard as we can, using only our thoughts.

>> No.7908290

Yeah, I'm not big on pirating. Unless it's so old it's not pirating to download it. Sorry, but I really have no experience with any of this.

>> No.7908300

There is nothing wrong with purchasing VNs, I think it's great, but if you're new to the medium then I would not recommend you go out and start dumping money on them.

>> No.7908302

Yeah, VNs aren't really a hobby/interest where you buy everyone you're interested in, especially considering how their printed in very limited quantities. Even in Japan, I'd be surprised if the average player purchases more than 30% or so of the ones they play.

>> No.7908308 [DELETED] 

If you're willing to buy them but want a teaser, that's what trials/demos are for.

I buy VNs I like because it's nice having the boxes to weeaboo up my room with.

>> No.7908319
File: 65 KB, 760x543, snap000088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for excellent explanation! Quick search on baidu.com resulted in different link I'm downloading now http://www.rayfile.com/files/5bac53eb-9b6e-11e0-b460-0015c55db73d/ Even installed their fishy client out of excitement, although my Mipony (analog of JDownloader) supports it already, lol! Thanks to you again, such simple thing never crossed my mind before.

>> No.7908346

Can someone mirror this shit? None of the download managers I have work with those Chinese sites and I don't want to install their retard spyware programs just to download a game.

>> No.7908358 [DELETED] 

How is jdownloader spyware?

>> No.7908364

Not jdownloader(it gives me download error message), the Chinese dl managers

>> No.7908381

Sorry for deleting.
But I can't do it, my upload speeds are incredibly awful and would take me a really long internet-less time.

>> No.7908412

Yeah, I'm gonna start with one that looks good and go from there. One of the ones they're advertising on J-list looks interesting, My Girlfriend is the President. Doesn't cost much either.

>> No.7908435

Might be better to buy from rightstuf or wherever over Jlist, as Jlist ships from Japan, if I remember right.

>> No.7908445

Well, for this one it says it ships from San Diego. Even though I've imported a few games, not having to deal with that is nice.

>> No.7908452 [DELETED] 

There's also the titles by Mangagamer, but those DDL only.

>> No.7908489
File: 113 KB, 890x585, 誰が殺したコマドリを .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished 明日の君と逢うために, I was hoping a torrent for 誰が殺したコマドリを would be around by now but no luck. If I can't find anything better in my backlog I'll probably end up playing 何処へ行くの、あの日.

>> No.7908491

I was unable to find this game through all the chinese websites months ago and just gave up.

But then again, thanks anon for being a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.7908495

If you find this game, you must fucking tell me. I've been to the ends of Google searching for this and I still haven't found it. It's nowhere.

>> No.7908505

I've tried Google, I have PD running all day, I've even tried Chinese forums but nothing ever turns up. It really is nowhere...

>> No.7908508


Just download it from the site normally. The grey button next to the blue one that says 朕通下裁 seems to be the correct one.

>> No.7908551

I'm playing through the taikenban and really enjoying it, but I ;_; every time I think about how the full version will never show up.

>> No.7908553

It's supposed to be out on dlsite next month I think.

>> No.7908637

Uh....: http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0020/02/70/040020027066.html

>> No.7908684

They don't ship internationally though. When it comes out on DLsite you can just pay for it and download it right there.

>> No.7908691

What is this picture from.

>> No.7908700

If it ends up being 3000 yen on dlsite next month too I might actually buy it. I'm not paying twice that for one of those forwarding services, though.

>> No.7908715

So you use a shipping agent. No offense, but, that's kind of a "duh" moment.

>> No.7908723

Your average eroge player takes days to read a VN because lack of time, and he's not a useless NEET which can't pay $100/200 a month to his hobbies.

>> No.7908727

I'm sure any one who had googled for the game and was interested in buying it would've already seen that link. It is like the third result after all.

>> No.7908735

Forget to say, in Japanese specialized stores you can buy those older VNs (months after release) for a lot less than the full price of the online sites. Those obviously don't ship internatiotally.
When people buy many vols to get the extras, they usually sell those back to the stores, lowering the price a lot. I remember about Yosuga no Sora costing around $20 on local stores one week after the release date.

>> No.7908737

>Your average eroge player takes days to read a VN because lack of time, and he's not a useless NEET which can't pay $100/200 a month to his hobbies.

This is what normalfags actually believe.

>> No.7908741

Ah, yeah fair enough. My apologies for the inconsideration.

>> No.7908759

Talk what you want, makers would not be alive now if it was not for those guys, not the useless NEETs.

>> No.7908778 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 251x139, normalfaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like you really think your retarded rat race bullshit has any value in the grand scheme of things.


>> No.7908794

NEETs ARE useless.

And I say that as I man that's probably been a NEET for longer than 95% of /jp/

>> No.7908833
File: 56 KB, 472x320, c360165package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read any of the Ringetsu games?

How is the protagonist?

>> No.7908854


Amazon.co.jp is really easy to work with. 3500 yen for an eroge, plus another 2k shipping comes out to around 80 bucks. Take it from somebody who just blew 500 on a handful of games today when I say this is about the best price you can get.

>> No.7908857

>>7908778 your retarded rat race bullshit

Awww, look at the special snowflake.

>> No.7908908

But Amazon.co.jp doesn't ship eroge internationally.

>> No.7908922

My bad* figured you'd google for it, but. Use tenso.com

>> No.7909273

Goddamn, Hongfire being dead makes looking for new titles without Share/PD a pain.

>> No.7909275 [DELETED] 

girlcelly posts on anime-sharing.com

>> No.7909494

Sorry for double posting this, but my question got lost mid way.

What is the source of this image.

>> No.7909549
File: 171 KB, 800x600, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very far into Sucre.

I really like the palette they chose for this game; it has the same mellow and warm feel to it that Parfait did, whilst being refined to reflect today's presentation standards. Only complaint is the standard 800*600 resolution, which you'd think a company like Giga would have phased out already.

Can't say much about the characters at this point, except that the childhood friend character is a nice change of pace from your typical Yamato Nadeshikos in these SoL harems.

>> No.7909923

Just started Yuyukana.
If nothing else, the music if fairly nice, and sort of nostalgic feeling.

>> No.7910403

playing princessX, the robot girl and the spider shouldn't be on the cover at all........that is all

>> No.7910487

How are routes decided anyways? I tried choosing the sister asked if it was a fun date over the one who asked if it wasn't for the heroine I liked but I got stuck with Nadia anyways.
And yeah I heard that Tegusu isn't supposed to be paired up with the Mc, a bit of a low blow.

>> No.7910589
File: 140 KB, 1024x640, usotsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She couldn't be any more adorable.

And the scene where Yuuji comes into her room in the morning to give her comfort was so good, Michiru's voice actress did an amazing job there.

>> No.7910641

Werid i was trying to go for naaja so i choose yuuki for all the date but end up going for their ending.If you choose yuuki for all the date you'll able to choose between robotgirl,robotcan and yuki end(count spider too if you want she don't really have an ending). Really disappointed about the spider part hoping for some kinky stuff but ended with ntr.

>> No.7910694

NTR you say?


Well actually the protagonist is a colossal faggot so I can't really blame her. Could it have hurt to make him decent.

>> No.7910722

It doesn't really sound like NTR, you could obviously see Tegusu didn't like the arranged marriage to begin with and actually refused to do the first night thing. Though I didn't play her "route" so I don't know how it goes down

>> No.7910819

Regardless, I kind of lost motivation to finish. How are you going to clearly advertise these characters as main heroines and have them... well... NOT be main heroines?

So what am I left with, Nadia and Proxima? And Proxima sucks. I mean Nadia is good and all but not really enough to carry the game.

>> No.7910822


yea if i knew it was going to end like that i wouldn't even touch it. ntr stuff just doesn't turn me off for some reason.

basicly the other guy come in to your room kick you out srcew her(in your room) and then both run off only to get kill off. which is why is she doesn't have an ending

>> No.7910827
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 11112222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whole "fake" dating portion of Michiru's route was just full of win.
Though I did feel a strong desire to rage at Yuuji's "presents". Poor Michi, heh.

>> No.7910838

According to 2ch 42's route is pretty good (and you should do it after Komadori's because otherwise it makes you feel bad), you also have your two sisters which are actually a fairy and a twenty meter robot.

>> No.7910872

You're telling me the coffin thing with Komadori gets a better route than the god damn spider girl?


>> No.7910926 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 800x600, snap141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup pretty much

>> No.7911004

So if you express interest in someone other than Naaja you enter Naaja route and if you aim for Naaja you enter spider and mecha route.
Who the fuck even came up with this system.

>> No.7911136

Maybe I shouldn't have looked forward to this as much after all, how could they screw this up?
Well, at least the robot loli is kinda cute.

>> No.7911277

>Though I did feel a strong desire to rage at Yuuji's "presents". Poor Michi, heh
Giving her some stone he just picked up on the roadside
( ゚ヮ゚)

>> No.7912430

Well, looks like all of my anticipated titles for the 22nd have been uploaded. Farewell, /jp/

>> No.7912507

Decided to give ToHeart2 a go, seeing as how Tamaki's route's been translated, but the fucking patch files are all over the place, with some having certain parts translated that others don't.

Any help?

>> No.7912517

Don't you just need to grab the file in the post here? http://forums.novelnews.net/showthread.php?t=35817 it says it has "the routes for Konomi, Manaka, Tamaki and Yuma"

>> No.7912516

does someone have the charts with all the novels and their "art level" "plot level" "ero level" ?

>> No.7912521

Check back a few threads on the archive. Someone uploaded what is apparently the most complete stuff patch of stuff publicly available. Should be a Mediafire link.

>> No.7912534

That one is missing scenes.

>> No.7912563

Cool, thanks.

Yeah, it's kind of a nuisance trying to find the most complete one.
"This patch ONLY covers Tamaki! ...Except her H-scenes which are in a different patch."

>> No.7913274
File: 735 KB, 960x600, unf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's certainly a unique approach to a no clothing patch, having no gender discrimination and all.

>> No.7913440

What game is that?

>> No.7913449

Chu x Chu! On the Move

>> No.7914023


Could you please upload it? I'm having trouble finding a jap IP that works. Thanks

>> No.7914040

Here you go.

>> No.7914294


Thanks Anon for saving me from hours of searching for proxies

>> No.7915264

Just tried to run 眠れる花は春をまつ。 but is says "This game is japan only"...and hf down at bad tming...does anyone know how to run this vn w/o jap windows?

>> No.7915278

and changing location to jap doesn't work
(lang for non-unicode alrerady jap)

>> No.7915296

change your clocks timezone and display to japan time and if that doesn't work try using ntlea

>> No.7915313

What is this? Any good?

>> No.7915714 [DELETED] 

doujin novel about economics by the same guy who writes spice and wolf
according to the uploader it's good, didn't try it yet

>> No.7916084


>> No.7916098

HF, what should I expect?

>> No.7916381
File: 68 KB, 480x270, 201109252146154fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7916399

She looks oddly cute beause of the red ribbons though

>> No.7916409

I quite like that fang combined with the open mouth and surprised look.

Actually.. there's no synergy between these two, so I guess I just like that her fang is exposed.

>> No.7916489

...oh wow.

I like it

>> No.7916501

Timezone and location was the first...
I found different ntlea ver, gui launch fails with error, ntleac let chose exe, but it doesn't work, may be because lang/location for run should be set previously in gui...

>> No.7916502

I can expect more hair dying hijinks, right?
That was so surreal and fun.

>> No.7916535
File: 163 KB, 1286x752, 眠れる花は春をまつ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use that and select siglusengine.exe

>> No.7916543

Upload the EXE to mediafire or something.

>> No.7916950





First time this has happened to me, fuck you Melon Books.

>> No.7916951

Oh thanks! It worked, but now game requests dvd (hmm I'm pretty shure that did something with alsignup tool...), so I'll just download game once again, and finish at least one route in yuyukana while waiting.
here (though problem almost solved)

>> No.7916966 [DELETED] 

I still don't understand this need to block foreigners from buying things. Do they just not want another rapelay bullshit thing?

>> No.7916982

So they no longer allow deputy services? Did they used to allow them?

>> No.7917012

I don't get why they'd bother inconveniencing their customers. One way or the other, this game is leaving Japan. Maybe they're taking excessive measures to eliminate risk, i.e., if a foreigner bought a game that somehow caused another rapelay incident, it couldn't be drawn back to the store.
Don't know, this is the first time I've ordered from them, wanted to buy a hard copy of 嘘つきナレットの優しい暗殺者 ~Verite et Mensonge~ since I liked the game.

>> No.7917050

Either I'm too tired to read, or I have no idea what this says, or the text is so stylized that it's difficult to read. Probably a mix of the three. If someone could lend a hand, what are the two kanji circled in red in this picture?

>> No.7917056
File: 24 KB, 338x402, What kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach the picture*:

>> No.7917053 [DELETED] 

Anyone happens to know a working h-code to Walkure Romanze's trial? Thanks.

>> No.7917059

無用. It doesn't look that hard to read to me.

>> No.7917064

Derp derp. Thank you. I read the inside of the second one as "本”. So clearly I am too tired to read.

>> No.7917075

The end of the first chapter really hits like a hammer.

>> No.7917085

Yeah, seriously, the ending parts of the prologue were fucking incredible. Yuuhi's speech about being pissed was awesome, the battle was awesome, everything was awesome. I'm pumped about playing this now.

>> No.7917092

Felt like "replaying" some Complet's eroge for the delicious /ss/. Man, how is it even possible to code such a shitty engine? Someone riddle this for me.

>> No.7917110

I believe manufacturers have the right to restrict exportation of their products. I think the purpose of this right is to allow the manufacturer more control over the distribution of their product on foreign markets (assuming they eventually intend to do this). In short, it protects distributors in different countries from competing with each other. A distributor in America wouldn't have to worry about setting their price as double the one in China, for example.

Of course, eroge companies just hate foreigners, nothing deeper than that. But they use this right to restrict distribution, forcing shops to deny you if they believe you're going to use the product outside of Japan. I'm guessing it's just this one company who decided to take use of this right, not a change in policy on melonbooks' side.

Only thing I don't get is why eroge companies have so horrible business sense. It's not like they're making tons of money on what they do, so they're hardly in any position to alienate potential customers.

>> No.7917129

Don't worry, I thought the same.

I fucking hate stylized Japanese. Not only does it make it really difficult to look up any kanji I don't know, but now it also fools me with kanji I've seen a million times before.

>> No.7917156

Well put, gentleman.

>> No.7917185

Do they still allow digital purchases from over seas? I bought a doujin game online from there just a few months ago.

It's not any different from region locked games. I can't purchase Another Code: R and play it on my American Wii. Why is it surprising for eroge/VNs to be the same?

>> No.7917270

>Only thing I don't get is why eroge companies have so horrible business sense. It's not like they're making tons of money on what they do, so they're hardly in any position to alienate potential customers.

Let's be fair, if you're an eroge company you've probably got horrible business sense by definition.

More seriously, most of these companies exist by selling to a very loyal core group of customers. Why would they reach out to Americans when they have given up on reaching out to anyone but the most hardcore otaku, or people who are already into the series (like Rance) ? Trying to get more Japanese customers is something that a Japanese company can do on their own, without talking to an international distributor, uses resources and methods they already know and are familiar with, and is probably way cheaper to boot.

This is understandable, but the existence of fan translations is proof that an untapped market fanatical enough to translate a product themselves exists in another country (but again, only if the company gives a shit). If you can also acquire those translations for dirt cheap, it suddenly starts making sense to explore. But still, look at all the terrible failures the Demonbane official localization encountered on its way—and those mistakes were not cheap. Lost hype and missed release dates fuck up sales a lot.

Compare to Receatear, which was promoted very well by its translators, who loved what they did and kew what they were talking about.

While on 4chan we would all complain about viral marketing, this would actually be a much better way of doing things, especially for eroge that couldn't be marketed openly in the same way as an indie game.

If it was possible to obtain translated eroge for a reasonable price, people would do it—that's quite clear. But coordinating that internationally and convincing a Japanese partent company is really hard.

>> No.7917273

I'm trying to install Ayu Mayu Alternative(on of the many fandisks of Muv-Luv series)but nothing happens when do,the system is already set to Japanese,what's the problem?

>> No.7917276

That's sort of vague.

>> No.7917284

>I can't purchase Another Code: R and play it on my American Wii.

But you CAN buy a Japanese wii and play it in America. That's just a matter of different distribution markets, as opposed to some strange desire to simply prevent you from purchasing it at all.

>> No.7917293

>translated eroge

See that's the thing, this isn't even translated eroge. I agree with what you're saying, but this is nothing more than just buying the original product. The only thing they have to do is allow it to be bought. What possible downside could there be? Do they really think that blocking a physical purchase will somehow stop it from being pirated and becoming widespread?

>> No.7917335

If you have problems with that good luck when Masamune starts throwing kanji move names like it's nobody's business.

>> No.7917344

Don't think that will be a problem. Most special move names have had furigana the first time they appeared, and every one has had voice acting. Even if they didn't have either of it, I'm not so pent up on accurately pronouncing something like a move name so long as I know what the move is and it's effect. This is simply a problem with reading stylized writing.

>> No.7917363

>>7917110 here.
This is exactly what I meant. I can understand not wanting to go through all the effort and expose yourself to all the risk of expanding to a new market, it makes little sense for a small company to try to appeal to customers they don't care about.

What I don't get is how they can be arrogant enough to block out potential extra income that they can gain through absolutely no extra effort. It's like a beggar setting up a sign saying "only accepting money from white people". It's a really horrible principle to follow for anyone who has at least a minor concern for how much money they're earning.

>> No.7917369

Which is why the only reason I can think of that they do this is just blind fear of foreign criticism, to the point where they simply don't even want the games to leave Japan.

The only problem is, they WILL leave, because piracy in Japan means piracy outside of Japan. We live in a connected world, for better or worse. I just wish they would see the reality of the situation.

>> No.7917395

I see what you mean, but I think it's hardly "blind fear" when for those people it means their livelihood.
A lot of shit which is basically commonplace in eroge and which isn't questioned because of how japanese society works would make a lot of overseas associations go fucking wild on their asses, and overseas purchases should be really a very small percentage of profits.
It's not like I can't see where they're coming from, expecially considering their business practices.

>> No.7917410

Whatever, I guess. It's going to get out one way or another. I can understand that they want to be able to say "We only sell within Japan", but then why bother to block proxy services if they're only looking to protect their image?

>> No.7917418

In this case though, it's sending it to a warehouse in japan. They're not opening international shipping or anything. I think >>7917363 and >>7917369 hit it spot on.
hit it spot on

>> No.7917501

As long as they realize it's going outside Japan, it's basically the same thing. Not worth the risk for a few dozens of purchases more, and maybe they look down on speculation like proxy services.

>> No.7917548
File: 136 KB, 632x350, hadaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humiliation and mind breaking is so incredibly fun no matter the sex.

>> No.7917555
File: 696 KB, 640x960, mihiraki7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any other Himawari fans, was browsing through the staff blog and discovered this from about a year ago:



An Aries After would be great, and after that something with Aoi... but I doubt it'll ever happen. Oh well, I can always hope

>> No.7917726
File: 695 KB, 830x644, waga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just brought WAGA魔々かぷりちお man its quite fun.

>> No.7917814

I can buy a Japanese version of Windows and use it in America. I'm not sure I understand your point. Games being region locked is not something new or unique to eroge/VNs. There are even all ages VNs that are Japanese only.

The 360 for example, is not region locked, it's the software that is. IE I can play an American copy of Alan Wake on my Japanese 360. However, if I want to purchase and play Steins Gate on my American 360, I can not. It has very little to do with ero content or worrying about western criticism, it's just the way the market does things.

>> No.7917845

Wasn't the "For Japan only" shit started because of that Rapelay drama? I don't think I remember any games that had that message before the feminists started complaining. It was around this time that some eroge companies started blocking foreign IPs too.

In other words: we can't have nice things because of feminists.

>> No.7917869

It wasn't just rapelay, alot of media attention started labelling japan as a pedophilic and woman hating culture for lot of things like anime, manga and the games.

You can say it was feminist though because as i recall they had a group sent a huge anti-japan message and did a stupid campagin. I think you can find it online along with rapelay "outrage"

>> No.7917920

I've been working on Remember11. There are so many VNs on my computer, but I hardly have any time to just sit down and go through them. I've gotten 16, 17 endings so far and I think it's pretty good.

Finished Quartett! last week. Shuhua's route took me a long time but I got through the other two in only an hour each (since I bumped up the text speed). Not bad; the way it was presented was very nice. I would have liked Giselle to be present a little more, but oh well.

>> No.7917949

>I can buy a Japanese version of Windows and use it in America. I'm not sure I understand your point.
My point is that the company seems to be against even this sort of thing. They don't want it to go outside of the country at all, no matter the means (i.e., they even block proxy services). They're denying sales of the product that requires no effort on their part. They canceled a sale based solely on the fact that it would then be shipped out of the country.

>it's just the way the market does things.
So you're saying that the market doesn't like sales? We're not asking them to ship internationally. We're not asking for English translations. We're not asking for them to do anything but sell the games the way they always have, and let the proxy services handle the rest.

>> No.7917974

>So you're saying that the market doesn't like sales?
But again that is not something unique to eroge.

And you also have to remember that it is not each individual company stopping you from doing this. I'm pretty sure it must be a policy of the parent company or something. Rewrite for example, is all ages and I still couldn't play it on my PC without a crack. But I don't think that has anything to do with Key, but more to do with Visual Arts and/or the RealLive engine.

And let's be honest here, how many potential sales do you really think they are losing? The game in question maybe, but that's just one company. People still import these region locked VNs/eroge and just use cracks, it's not like the companies in general are really losing any money.

>> No.7918003

>And let's be honest here, how many potential sales do you really think they are losing?
You're missing the point. I'm asking what their motive is for blocking these sales. From the company's perspective, this is no different from any other sale, except that they know this will end up being played by someone in a foreign country. The only reason I can come up with that they would not want this to happen is that they either:

a) Hate foreigners so much the thought of them playing one of their games makes their skin crawl (Unlikely)

b) Are afraid of the backlash if and when some foreign news outlet finds these games and labels them as being immoral or what have you.

The problem is that b) is unavoidable. It's going to be played by people in other countries, no matter what they do, simply due to the connectivity of everything. The fact that you yourself managed to play Rewrite proves this. So why fight it? Why bother? Is it an image issue? I don't know why they feel the need to police where the games end up. Their only responsibility should be to sell within Japan, and any further distribution is not their problem.

>> No.7918071

>The problem is that b) is unavoidable.
Whether it's avoidable or not is irrelevant. Piracy of all games on the PC is unavoidable, yet that doesn't stop companies from putting DRM and anti-piracy measures in their games. It's a business decision. Maybe it's one made by higher ups that aren't too savvy about such things, maybe it's a decision to appease said higher ups that may be worried about backlash.

It's really not a big deal for them and they have no reason to care whether or not you can play/import their games. If it makes the investors or whatever relevant parties happy, then why not? They have nothing to lose.

>> No.7918189

Yeah, I just ordered the game from a different site. Just wanted to avoid doing that because the other one only has COD as a payment option, which means I have to get a shipping agency to buy the game for me as well as ship it.

It's a stupid self righteous hindrance, imo. From an business standpoint it makes no sense, and even in the interest of the store, I can't really credit the refusal of service to anything besides A) Xenophobia B) Irrational fear of being the provider for a controversial game.

>> No.7918250


Sakura's DRM analogy is fairly apt; companies are not always intelligent. Obviously the only thing that they could gain is more money, but with sketchy legality in some countries and no interest in a western market, fears of legal violation are high.

In fact, the reverse has been true in Demonbane; Nitro+ Japan was deathly afraid of reverse importing of the uncensored version. They have "Demonbane INT use only" on them—why the fuck? Because N+ is afraid that reverse importing of it may make them legally culpable for selling an uncensored product in Japan. This is an obscure fear, and maybe unfounded, but companies would rather not take chances.

Region locking is not a perfect analogy for the main reason that it exists precisely because companies often localize their games for other countries. Fears of reverse importing paralyze the anime industry, as their insane overpriced business models are laughed at in America. The fact that regional settings prevent us from playing Japan only games is something that no one but us gives a shit about. Cave, the only Japanese developer to actively court western fans without an American company branch, felt this out by removing region locking on Espgaluda II, but this actually required them to go through additional procedures and possibly fees that anyone else without interest in the western market would skip.

I think the bottom line is that 1) even the smallest risk is not worth the reward 2) eroge companies are mostly ignorant and are acting without bothering to look into the potential of international customers.

>> No.7918315 [DELETED] 

>The problem is that b) is unavoidable

Even if it's avoidable, they can avoid responsibility by their current actions.

By making their product freely available to overseas markets, they open themselves up to criticism and make even legal action. If their official stance is that the sales of these products are forbidden overseas, they now have protection against that.

>> No.7918319

>The problem is that b) is unavoidable

Even if it's avoidable, they can avoid responsibility by their current actions.

By making their product freely available to overseas markets, they open themselves up to criticism and maybe even legal action. If their official stance is that the sales of these products are forbidden overseas, they now have protection against that.

>> No.7918526

>Even if it's avoidable, they can avoid responsibility by their current actions.

This. It's why company emails say that they should be destroyed if accidentally sent. It's absolutely retarded, but it helps them avoid liability.

>> No.7918777
File: 845 KB, 1024x768, Unknown 2011-09-25 21-46-20-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But... I really did think so.

>Watching you caress your horse... I had always thought that if only I could get you to caress me so gently like that, I'd be really happy.

>Do you like getting caressed?


Why is this so bad?

>> No.7918804

Still waiting for a comment on his jousting lance

>> No.7918831

>By making their product freely available to overseas markets
Maybe you and I have a different view on this, but I don't see how selling to a proxy service qualifies as selling overseas. It's an entirely separate legal entity. They cannot be expected to check to make sure no one sends their product overseas after purchase, that is absurd.

If I were to order it as someone living in Japan and then sent it to my friend in America as a gift, would that be objectionable? What if I bought it, and then realized I really shouldn't have, then sold it off to my friend in America for a fraction of the price? It's drawing lines in the sand, and it's silly. They only ship domestically. That should be enough. Once it's purchased it's the buyer's responsibility.

>> No.7918884

Again, the answer to this tends to be that companies don't always do what makes sense.

>> No.7918927

I've never played a VN before.
What are some good first-time VNs that are English translated?

>> No.7918937

This all comes down to Japs having tiny penises that they think censorship can hide from the world.

>> No.7919863

You're forgetting that proxy services are made precisely to ship such things overseas. If you send something in America as someone living in Japan you use regular mail, not proxies. If a company sees a proxy service address on their orders it doesn't take a genius to know what they'll do with them.

>> No.7921331

The destination of the product doesn't matter as long as it leaves the sellers hands within the country, was the point.

>> No.7921358

Yeah, and mine was that it doesn't matter as soon as they get to know their product is going overseas one way or another.

>> No.7921363 [DELETED] 

Saya no Uta, Yume Miru Kusuri, Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.7921475
File: 282 KB, 807x634, Clipboard09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ended up playing the trial of Please Rape Me! for some reason. well that was actually more entertaining that I tought it would be and ero in the trial was hot too. I'm actually now looking foward to this release.
also Sally is pretty good troll

>> No.7921487

How is Katahane? Never played a yurigame before.

>> No.7921573

I just had a look at オトミミ∞インフィニティー's getchu page. The character summary for the Ishihara-lookalike had me grinning like an idiot.

>> No.7921580 [DELETED] 

It's not really a yuri game.
It's pretty good, though it does have some parts that might make some characters annoying if you're particularly autistic.

>> No.7922128

I has a question. I just started 虐襲 4 with the help of Translation Aggregator, and the former keeps crashing when I open the latter. Am I doing something horribly wrong? It's my first time using TA.

>> No.7922137

TA is unstable but it shouldn't be crashing constantly. Just a few times per day.

>> No.7922148

Try Chitrans instead.

>> No.7922239
File: 56 KB, 801x599, Ishihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, making fun of Ishihara should happen more often.

>> No.7923635

Is there like a heroine database where I can search by traits to find heroines I like and see what games they're in?

>> No.7923649
File: 781 KB, 1268x714, Unknown 2011-09-26 22-48-43-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how girls actually pee.

>> No.7923660

I used to use the bathroom in a similar fashion when I was little.

>> No.7923674

Are you a girl or a guy?

>> No.7923781


>> No.7923789 [DELETED] 

恋騎士 Purely☆Kiss

>> No.7923876

Currently downloading グリーングリーン as I heard there was a heroine that was a man hater.

>> No.7923925
File: 475 KB, 814x764, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, I just downloaded this VN and I was wondering if any of you guys have seen this kind of error message before. Much appreciation if you can help me out.

>> No.7923930

Make sure you are on Japanese locale, maybe try reinstalling, maybe try patching (Hoshizora no Memoria was quite buggy if I remember) etc

>> No.7923940
File: 80 KB, 247x274, 1277718280910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I'm already in Japanese locale, but I guess I'll try reinstalling it and I'll go look for a patch and hopefully that will fix this problem. Thanks~

>> No.7923944

Maybe check where you installed it too as well. Did this pop up while you were playing or does it do this as soon as you start?

>> No.7923949

I had that same error a while back. Gotta switch your format(date,time,etc) to japanese.

>> No.7923964
File: 989 KB, 825x602, error 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, the main menu works just fine, its just after the prologue dialogue around the beginning. It fucks up right after this sentence.
Im pretty sure i do have my format in japanese, but i guess i gotta check again...

>> No.7924510

Yeah, Hoshimemo's engine requires Japanese date format.

Unless you're using the TL patch.

>> No.7924554 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 403x863, shitchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Makura and KeroQ have so many artists I've made this chart. Hopefully it can help you distinguish each artist's style. As of now I've only done Sca-ji and Motoyon.

>> No.7924624

It kinda sucks that Schatten's rape scenes aren't avoidable

>> No.7924818
File: 498 KB, 1069x1821, 1317121009038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7924851

What game is that?

>> No.7924872

I also would like to know.

>> No.7924879


>> No.7924902

Thanks. It's easy for me to tell Kagome's art apart from the rest of them, but the others are a bit harder. Mind doing one for Kobuichi and Muririn?

>> No.7924923 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 551x290, Sca-jid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I'm not very familiar with their work. I can give it a try tho.

I'll try adding Suzuri's characters on the KeroQ chart in a bit. He did most of the minor character in Subarashiki Hibi and some characters from H2o

>> No.7925418

eroge everyday

>> No.7926537

Could I get a list of worthwhile doujin eroge/galge to play? I've seen Myth, Lost Colors, and Vizal's Diary come up, but anything beyond that?

>> No.7926585

Abyss, Eden, Gensou no Avatar, Killer Queen, Ludesia, Textbook of Evil.

>> No.7926869
File: 123 KB, 800x600, 12242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927227


>> No.7927615 [SPOILER] 
File: 208 KB, 799x600, 8969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927822

When does Himawari get going? I've been reading it for the past three days and so far it's just slice of life, which is entertaining half of the time but otherwise tedious. When do I get to the action?

>> No.7927949

Hm. I thought I was downloading green green last night, but it seems in my sleepy stupor I've downloaded something called ナギサの. Hopefully it's good.

>> No.7928526
File: 149 KB, 820x662, mamamamamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I 'played' Mamamamamama for the sake of wanting to get off to a mother/son incest game (if you call hitting ctrl to get to the sex 'played'). You live with a girl and her mother, you call her mother 'Mama'.

A woman shows up who is your biological mother, she wants to reconnect with you after abandoning you as a baby. You call her Kaa-san

You have a hot sexy teacher show up. She's your father's new young bride and wants to get to know you better. You call her Mafuyu-mama

Each ending has you getting one of your 'mothers' pregnant with an extra scene after the credits several years in the future of you having sex with your 'mama' and your daughter ... fuck yes, perversion runs in the family. Each of your daughters begs you to get them pregnant.

So uh, question. If you get your own biological mother pregnant and she has a daughter and your daughter demanding that you make her pregnant too ... what the hell relationship do you have with the kid you have with your daughter by your mother?

She would be ... lets see, your daughter, your niece, your cousin maybe? .... uh, your grandchild, your great niece ... what else?

No worksafe pictures of your daughters unfortunately, they're pretty cute. The mother's tits are all way too big for my tastes.

>> No.7928553

>Each ending has you getting one of your 'mothers' pregnant with an extra scene after the credits several years in the future of you having sex with your 'mama' and your daughter

Seriously considering getting this game now just for that.

One of my biggest fetishes. Needs more games with this

>> No.7928589

Mother/son incest or father/daughter incest or brother/sister incest? Because it counts as all 3.


>> No.7928597 [DELETED] 

In particular, father daughter incest that occurs with a daughter that was not present at the beginning of the game

>> No.7928614

In particular, father daughter incest that occurs with a daughter that was not born yet at the beginning of the game.

Especially daughters you have with one of the other heroines of the game. I've only played like, 2 other games that do this

>> No.7928622

Ahhh, Botedol does that too.

You have to win with the girl then restart the game to win with your daughter by her.

>> No.7928715
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 3422e951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fandisk of Rewrite announced

>> No.7928725

The first route is mostly set-up and foreshadowing.
The real plot starts with the second route

>> No.7928735

demo movie for new raiL out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eamkfbx_hAw

>> No.7928891

Oh great, yet another VN with awesome style and atmosphere that I will never be able to read.

The song does not quite fit the visuals, but I can live with that.

>> No.7929049

Finished reading Hadaka Shitsuji.
Who the fuck makes a nukige without a scene/extra part to go directly to the H scenes?
Can't fine a savedata either.

>> No.7929056

I hate that.

I also hate when H scenes don't have a preview pic of said H scenes. Crime Rhyme had that problem.

>> No.7929121
File: 208 KB, 1024x576, snap796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing シオンの血族.
I heard this was adapted from a light novel. It feels like a nukige though.

Is it porn now?

>> No.7929212
File: 49 KB, 250x350, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever played Yatohime? How is it?

>> No.7929218

Forgot to say the OP makes it seem pretty awesome.

>> No.7929343
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 7227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game really as good as it looks to be? Just look at these tags: Shoujo Ai, Lolicon, Female protagonist, Harem ending. And art is so nice that I already fapped twice to cover art only.

>> No.7929383
File: 73 KB, 800x603, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to get one artist for all the CGs and character sprites? I hate it when a game looks inconsistent.

>> No.7929450

Usually CGs have other artists too.
ost pf teh original fuck ups in KEY VNs came from this kind of shit too. Acceptable sprites and horrid CGs.

>> No.7929470

I liked it a lot, but who can hate a game full of little girls.
Get ready to discover how girls become nun.

>> No.7929475
File: 698 KB, 1920x1200, nihononly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Delta, you can't stop me from fapping to your delicious porn.

>> No.7929490

>Textbook of Evil, atled.
Thanks, haven't played these. I'll give them a look.

>> No.7929500

KKK tomorrow. I'm fucking pumped.

>> No.7929502

I hope that Delta's anti-gaijin protection doesn't catch on in the industry because it sure is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7929504

How did you run Windows XP Mode from inside VMWare?

>> No.7929512

Hell yeah.
I even have class so I'll have some decent internet working for a while.

>> No.7929526

Latest versions have an option to import XPMode and preserve the licence.
Works like a charm.

>> No.7929529

Quite hard if you don't have time machine and/or infinite resources to spend for several years.

>> No.7929535

What do you think about ef - a fairy tale of the two, /jp/?
I finished it recently and I thought it was amazing.
It would be perfect, in my opinion, if there wasn't a lolmagic/angel/miracle at the end, with the second yuuko.

>> No.7929541

I found it pretty, but boring, kinda like 5cms per second, just with better characters.
Would be better if the drama in most routes wasn't so horrible done and contrived.

>> No.7929544
File: 142 KB, 580x700, 2011-09-20-439899..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am new visual novel reader and so far I've only played Clannad, Kanon and a bit Steins;Gate(I will wait for the final version of the translation stuff).

I have question regarding what VN I should read next. I am trying to find dating sim/bishojo like VN here main heroine is tsundere character or the VN would include multiple tsundere characters. Could anyone recommend something?

>> No.7929554

Yes, go back to /a/.

That's among the weakest reasons I've heard to commit to any eroge.

>> No.7929557

>multiple tsundere characters
Honestly most VNs can't do well ONE tsundere character, let alone do a big cast with them.
Though technically Rin is tsundere in LB, I think, she's more of antisocial. Sharin no Kuni has a tsundere you can make main heroine and cross channel doesn't have one trrue main heroine, but the tsundere gets a good focus.

>> No.7929560

If you can "deal" ( read AGTH ) with Japanese, then the sky is the limit, tsundere is a pretty common archetype.

>> No.7929570
File: 73 KB, 536x427, delicious_backslash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However they can stop me from giving them delicious backslashes.

>> No.7929585

I like to think the OS is self-aware you aren't going to buy shit so it just gives up on wasting processing power on displaying weird characters since you won't notice anyways.

>> No.7929640

Preorder Infor for Grisaia no Meikyuu/Labryinth of Grisaia is up as of today. Going to come with an art/fanbook. Nothing too extreme.

Now to wait for preorders for it to open on sofmap.

>> No.7929647

My bad, didn't read the second quick update* Preorder information came on the 22nd, the list of shops you can preorder it at came today*

>> No.7929653

Is Yuuji's older sister going to have a route in this one? I haven't read the magazine articles.

>> No.7929747

She is going to have ero, same for JB, Chizuru, and Makina's mother.

As of route, I don't know.
But seeing there http://frontwing.jp/product/grisaia2/product.html
It looks like there will be a "grand" route so maybe it will be about her

>> No.7929758

It's among my favorites.
Probably going to reread it this winter along with other stuff, and probably read Tenshi no Nichiyoubi then too.
The tears won't stop this winter for me.

>> No.7929774
File: 449 KB, 1200x1498, 1315657731245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JB is hot as balls

>> No.7929985 [DELETED] 
File: 572 KB, 408x1128, shitchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added more characters to the chart. Still not even close to being finished.....As each of their games have a MASSIVE amount of side characters(With sprites)

>> No.7930030

>Yuuji's sister
Spoiler tags, please.

>> No.7930036

Uh, no. She's in the art book that came with the first press release for one. Second, she's a character on the list on the Grisaia no Meikyuu page. Third, I'm playing Grisaia now and have yet to even complete a route, yet have seen all of this.

The fact that she existed or exists, I don't know. Saying he has an older sister in something in the narration. It's only a spoiler if you know what you're looking for, and with your suggestion, I can't imagine how it is.

>> No.7930039

Doesn't it say she's dead at the start? Maybe I'm forgetting, or maybe it's changed pretty shortly after the start, but I am pretty sure I remember him saying his sister is dead. Her having h-scenes would imply that that was a lie.

>> No.7930042


It does, yes. She's dead according to what I've played so far

>> No.7930045

Dat everything.

>> No.7930048

Is grisaia no meikyuu a prequel? Cause if not, I still think that's a spoiler-worthy topic.

(note: I am also only just getting into the game. Right after the scene with makina and the crawfish)

>> No.7930058

I'm pretty sure it's a sequel. But again, this stuff confirming their existencesis publicly available and still, in the art book with Fruits of. So it's not something you have to player or have to have played to find out, which is why I disagree.

>> No.7930064

Play to see* I swear to God I speak English.

>> No.7930070

Hm, the character bio on the site even says her death was confirmed at the bottom, so that makes me wonder how she's actually a part of the story. If they actually state in the bio that she's dead, I suppose she might appear in flashbacks or it will be revealed later that she wasn't dead or was resurrected or something.

You're probably right, as long as they're putting it on the official site like they are I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.7930103

/jp/ I found a game for you

I've played Magical Girl games before, this one is ....... different. The main character is a shouta that becomes a magical uh ... trap. Full of monster rape like other Magical Girl games just also contains penis.

I'm not into the gay so I played it for the OTHER magical girl, the one that's got an actual vagina. Wasn't horribly disappointed.

>> No.7930116

I thought a big part of Grisaia no Meikyuu will be about Yuuji's past, so it makes sense for Kazuki to appear, no need for resurrection bullshit.

>> No.7930115
File: 396 KB, 683x960, POST13_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished E17 for the first time after being stalled with just You and Sara's routes (then again, I replayed it all).

My only complaint (aside of the pace in the first four routes) is that they could've prepared my butt better for Blick Winkel/Hokuto interacting with the past, as I didn't remember any particular foreshadowing for that and seemed just there (Then again I might have overlooked something).

>> No.7930618

BW was mentioned by name by the scientist (Morino?) at the end of You's route. There was also that whole thing about the third eye throughout that route.

>> No.7931308

Would I be able to understand what is going on if I read Grisiai with AGTH and have a very basic understanding of Japanese? (also I've never read a VN with AGTH)

>> No.7931399


>> No.7931737

>very basic understanding of Japanese
>very basic

I'd say no. But instead of asking, why don't you just try.

>> No.7931748

Grisaia had a tendency to put wall of texts and after wall of texts, it often has really long lines.
It's definitely not newbies friendly.

>> No.7931845

Did anybody actually read Grisaia? Was it not implied in Amane's route that Kazuki may have been alive as her head was never found and the only reason to include the carrot cutting scene was to demonstrate that she was a genius, which led to Yuuji saying she could cut up dead bodies like the carrots to make it look like there were more people than there actually were?[/spolier]

>> No.7932066

I just finished Amane's route so it's still fresh in my mind and yeah, what he said.
Yuuji himself doesn't really believe that she's alive, he just wanted to cheer up Amane a little. But the letter in Amane's bad end kind of makes it obvious that she's not dead.

>> No.7932132


> I'm not into the gay so I played it for the OTHER magical girl, the one that's got an actual vagina.
It's ok. No need to hide your little secret. We wouldn't tell anyone, /jp/ has lots of gays, you are welcome.

> Full of monster rape like other Magical Girl games just also contains penis.
Typical mahou shoujo game then. If you want to talk about different, try to find mahou shoujo game without monster rape and penises, but with sweet and gentle shoujo-ai. ホリゾーンの上~預言の書~ is probably the closest.

>> No.7932231
File: 207 KB, 816x638, taihenda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes this game cracks me up for reasons I hardly understand.

>> No.7932429


Haha yeah. I also thought it was fairly fucking obvious that Kazuki is that mysterious genius advisor-like person in Yuuji's organisation, just that it's not confirmed.

>> No.7932660
File: 191 KB, 800x600, magical trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should post a picture of the magical trap to increase your desires. I know you want it.

That's by Magical Girl?

These guys

Doesn't look like their style.

>> No.7933374 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 480x270, 1317283769856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream came true.
Grisaia 2 spoiler

>> No.7933376

What? Thats a trap? Figures I would see one of the cutest lolis on /jp/ in weeks and it would have a penis.

>> No.7933429

Aww yeah

>> No.7933451

グリザイアの迷宮 -LE LABYRINTHE DE GRISAIA- (フロントウイング) 2012/01/予定 → 2012/01/27

>> No.7933454

Good January.
I thought they said it DIDN'T happen. Not that I complain.

>> No.7933456

Kazuki is decently endowed, I thought she would be flatter

Also dream or reality?

>> No.7933644

The torrent for KKK seems to be out.
More than 8 gigs, holy shit.

>> No.7933726

I want to read it now but I have to finish Dies Irae first.

>> No.7933775

I'm going to wait for the dummy cut.

>> No.7934242

VenusBlood Abyss is out.
I liked Empire so I'll get it

>> No.7934252

the gameplay is quite different though

>> No.7934271

fuck yeah VBA torrent out., downloading at the speed of tentacle impregnation

oh someone got here before me.

it\s still same ol VBD&VBE gameplay at the core now with less conquering&corruption and more DUNGEON KEEPER FUCK YEAH

>> No.7934566
File: 212 KB, 800x600, shirotsumesouwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished off Kusari recently, or at least cleared all of the girls routes that were in the guide I found to help pick them all up, plus one "no-route" that wasn't mentioned which involves Kishida forcing oral-sex on you at one point.
Now I've started Episode of the Clover. Only just started it, but they seem to be awfully nonchalant for people who just got attacked by a giant robot which killed a couple of dozen people and destroyed the building.
Also, really early H-scene with Sayu, it seems I was misinformed when told that Littlewitch's earlier games weren't that lewd. And I suppose this means that I'm off course for the Ema route now (Well, I guess the last couple of choices were an obvious choice between an H-scene or not, I let myself get a little carried away, but I chose this course and I'll stick to it now)
Not much to go on at this point, but I like the music and the art is great. Pity it isn't voiced though.

>> No.7935310


>> No.7935321

They must've done pretty bad to be releasing a FD already.

>> No.7935329

KKK is long enough to justify the horribly big size, right?

>> No.7935358

Same deal here. Just finished Kasumi's route.

Also waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

>> No.7935376

Dies Irae is pretty long, around 4mb in text size.
So I guess KKK is probably close.

>> No.7935381

Yeah I just finished Kasumi and I'm currently reading Kei's route.

Honestly I'm liking the game far more than I thought I would.

>> No.7935380

depends on how much is dummy data. But the trial had pretty nifty eyecandy for action scenes (imagine an almost animated-like meteor magic) so if they went heavy on those it's not hard to see why it'd require two discs. And we don't know how actually long it is yet.

>> No.7935412


Dies Irae is a great game. The moments and climaxes of the actions scenes really pump me up. The writing is really refined and elaborate too. Loving it so far.

>> No.7935432

I read some of the trial but I stopped before getting horribly frustrated by a cut.
Those CGs, god.

>> No.7935707
File: 94 KB, 430x600, item.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing the Djibril games. After finishing the second I think I'm going to quit. The only girl I want is Loveriel but after the first game you can't win with her again. What the fuck man? Don't give us a perfect loli angel and only let her have 1 route in FIVE GAMES.

Still, thank you for letting us have her once. I did so enjoy her ending.

>> No.7936104

Started playing Sucre earlier.
I've gotta stop spreading myself so thin. Especially considering that two more VNs I'm interested are due out shortly.

>> No.7936113 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 1033x652, www.dotup.org2083425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the decision those who started Dies Irae before KKK was correct.

Spoiler for KKK

>> No.7936324

What is this shit.

>> No.7936526

Sugarly (girly?) Wish is out, I think I'll give it a go. Also thread is going to autosage soon.

>> No.7936703

Well, most of the heroines seem nice.
Except Ai. Her way of speaking really really annoys me for some reason. Almost as bad for me as the Lisette or whatever in Owarinaki.

>> No.7937141

Wasn't it already obvious from the character page that all the Yatsukahagi characters are Dies Irae characters?

>> No.7937233

well shit. I was looking forward to KKK but now I have to play a whole 4mb game I'm not really interested in before that?

>> No.7937466

Looks like you'd have to.
More and more reports in 2ch that rather than simple references KKK is a direct sequel

>> No.7937539

恋騎士 Purely☆Kiss is out.
Moege of the month

>> No.7937594

/a/non here. I'd really appreciated if someone could post a VN recommendation list, or perhaps suggest some of their own favourites. Must be English-translated. I have played F/SN but that's it.

>> No.7937599

Right, thanks for the tip.
According to vndb I'd better play Paradise Lost too, fucking hurray.
light chuuni marathon here I come.

>> No.7937609

Stating where you came from is not only pointless, but also incites people to tell you to fuck off. I don't get why people still do it when its clearly counter-productive for all its intents and purposes.

Fuck off back to /a/

>> No.7937628

I lied then; I'm from nowhere. My request still stands. Thank you in advance.

>> No.7937645

You don't really have to play Paradise Lost before Dies Irae.

>> No.7937841


>> No.7937919
File: 176 KB, 800x600, vis219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Omega no Shikai, it's completely insane oh so terrific.

>> No.7937956

new thread >>7937954
