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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7863928 No.7863928 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to your biggest rival, /jp/? Would you be willing to face them again after all these years?

Would you be ready?

>> No.7863936

I'm sure he's posting on this board right now.

Isn't that right Tony Piscapo or should I say SUDO!.

>> No.7863934

I am finally ready to defeat Noboru Takeda.

>> No.7863960

>Whatever happened to your biggest rival, /jp/?

I haven't thought about him in years until I read in the local news that he went off to uni then became the CEO of a multinational corporation and married the girl I had a crush on.

>> No.7863990

man she was one hot fuck wasn't she?

>> No.7863999

Mine won, he died being manly as fuck.

>> No.7864006

What did he do? Beat you in a hamburger-eating contest?

>> No.7864007

He died saving my life.
What a fagface.

>> No.7864011
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Im ready

>> No.7864016
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I used to always look up to him, I was afraid of him.
Now we share a mutual respect and he knows I've surpassed him.

Yet I look back and see all the paths I missed just to make it this far and wonder if this is what I really wanted...

>> No.7864019

He moved to Texas and can stay there for all I care. I never want to have to deal with that little shit ever again.

>> No.7864023

HELLa nice trips bro

>> No.7864027

My really ancient rival is now working as a shitty stylist. He used to be this one nerd who could do anything with SC1 Terrans. I was the Zerg.

Recent ones include YOU, OP. Everyone's my rival, except my friends.

>> No.7864029

Unrivaled master race reporting.

>> No.7864038

How does it feel to live in your mom's basement, son.

>> No.7864046
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??!!!!! Is that you?! Sweet dumpling-kun?!!

>> No.7864076
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I'm not sure. He occasionally pops up in my mind. We used to be on roughly equal terms.

Sometimes I would get the better of him, either in sports match, fights, games, grades or verbal exchange, and vice versa.

As we got older my victories diminished while he continually got the better hand. It became one sided. He was in an entirely different league while I spiraled downward. I was no longer his rival, in fact I wasn't even in his memory. I gradually became withdrawn and isolated.

He got the girls, the friends and he became one of the star of varsity while I became addicted to video games to forget my pitiful existence.

>> No.7864745
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We were pretty equal in every field up until highschool. Used to be best friends as kids, but we slowly grew apart in highschool. Back as kids we even raced about who was the taller one, though he'd always win by a centimeter or two. I was seemingly the smarter one at first, but it became pretty obvious later on that I was just smart while he was an actual genius.

We both aspired to be theoretical physicists. He, however, was the only one out of us two who actually became one. When I realized my natural ability would no longer carry me through everything, I got depressed and quit physics, maths and chemisty altogether. I could not bear getting anything short of top score without doing anything, and I was afraid I wouldn't succeed even if I did try. So I escaped, gave up. I had always loved history and ended up thinking that I should just pursue a career in that field, and so I did.

I chose vidya and little girls while he chose studies. At the end of highschool he was one point off from being the best student in the country. We're both university students nowadays, though it is pretty evident that he was the one who won our rivalry. That is, if he ever saw there being one in the first place. The only field I can beat him in anymore is videogames, and that's just because he finds no time for them. Sometimes we still get together and play the old S/NES games we used to play as kids. Sure brings back memories. I wish that I could bring myself to tell him that I'd want to be his friend again now that I've been able to overcome my jealousy.

>> No.7864770

I have no rival, no man can be my equal. Take me to the future of your world.

>> No.7864792

I had two rivals, the first one was kind of my friend, but still was a dick, he pushed me in the deep part of the pool, and I almost drowned, scared me telling me that my mom was dead, and other things. I still sucked his cock, and he sucked mine. I think that nobody "won".

My second rival was a total dick, but I'm pretty sure that he ended as bad as me, because he had a shitty attitude, nobody would like him. The last time I saw him, he had acne and was watching anime and playing videogames. I bet he's around here.

>> No.7864800

I....have no rivals.

Well, there's my step-sister, but we're more often partners than rivals.

>> No.7864816

I don't have a rival. I'm too busy taking it easy to compete with anyone.

>> No.7864833

He decided he was too busy being an attention whore who never does anything seriously anymore to be my rival.

>> No.7865779

Why do people suddenly give up on their studies when they realize they actually need to study for them? It isn't that horrible.

Hell, I usually do it with my friends who don't know shit about the fields of chemistry, physics, or math beyond precalc. Just have them ask questions, make you right shit, then play vidya.

>> No.7865794

Rival? Rival on what? On being a NEET and a Hikki? I have never personally met someone like that.

>> No.7865807

Do internet rivals count?

>> No.7865809


All the neets I know act exactly the same as non-neets except lazier. Most of them are drug addicts or alcoholics with normalfag social lives.

>> No.7865848

He died.
Trying to surpass and understand my final trump card I like to imagine but I really don't know.
I'd rather remember him in life than be forced to look down on him if he died falling down some stairs or getting hit by a bus or something.
