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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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785454 No.785454 [Reply] [Original]

The reason F/SN gets so much hate isn't because it's popular, nor is it because it's outright bad.

It's that it's decent overall, with a couple of really high points, but quite a lot of lows as well, and numerous other flaws, BUT; It is touted as fucking incredible and is immensely overrated by it's fanbase.

If Type-Moon fans started admittedly the flaws in the work then there'd be less hate threads and descents into trolling.

>> No.785464

But we dont talk about FSN here only Touhou go to /a/.

>> No.785469

itt fettucine alfredo whatever the fuck fucking italian words

>> No.785498

Average VN + Fucking annoying fanbase, a recipe for disaster.

>> No.785506

OP i know your trying to troll here really hard but no one cares...

>> No.785502

It's medicore shit, but it's worked its way into the weaeboo culture, and this being the weaeboo capital of the internet a certain bias must be expected.

>> No.785656
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>> No.785690

I'm trying to like it, I really am, but it seems like 60% of the game is exposition about how magic works. Which is not why I'm playing the game.

>> No.785719

Hello, Mr.

I know this is pointless but whatever.
I am willing to overrate this game, because I fucking love it, hate threads don't matter to me.


>> No.785730




>> No.785774

People should say toodles more.

>> No.785783

>Unlimited Sage Works

I lol'd.

>> No.785791

Hey fag. moot says toodles. I like moot ;(

>> No.785792

People should crossdress and let me fuck them in the ass more.

>> No.785801

>F/SN gets so much hate
I never noticed

>> No.785814

>>785791 ;(

>> No.785808

I don't think you'd be willing to fuck me in the ass, even if I crossdress.


>> No.785967


>I fucking love it


Have you even played any other vns?

>> No.785980

Why yes, I have.
Even though you're probably trolling.
Can't you accept that some people like what you don't like?
To each his own tastes.

>> No.785989

You'd do that? Just for me?

>> No.785990


Nah, I can accept you like it, but "fucking love it" takes it a bit extreme when it's so flawed.

Name the others you've played.

>> No.786017


No, no he can't. That's what makes an elitist an elitist. Their taste is better than yours and they won't rest until you realize it and stop enjoying all that shitty shit you like. I hope you read a lot of Dostoevsky and Goethe and shit because up next is the "what kind of books do you read?" quiz to determine how much of an unrefined peasant you are.

>> No.786025

>>785990 Most of what's been translated, so that would be, out of memory, E17, Planetarian, Clannad, TH, FSN, YMK, POI, Utawarerumono (even if it ain't a real VN) and Narcissu.

I'd agree if you tell me that ain't very much, but I don't read moon.

>> No.786030

>he reason F/SN gets so much hate isn't because it's popular, nor is it because it's outright bad.

No, it gets so much hate because F/SN fanboys are retarded.

I remember a shitstrom we had in /a/ before /jp/ was born. Couple posters made fun of Shirous penis implying that it was small. Holy fucking shit, suddenly fanboys filled with rage rush to defend the penis size of a fictional character. Add few trolls and shitstorm is born. And that's just stupid.

>> No.786040


srsly? Are there any screens from it?

>> No.786050

I used to reach Hugo, Voltaire and Verne, because I'm a frenchfag,and a bit of pupular american things.
Nowadays, I only read themed books, because they're unfortunately more useful reads than fiction or historic comments, even if they're less pleasant.

>> No.786057



>> No.786058

Congratulations on repeating the OP.

>> No.786060


Did you fucking read the rest of the thread.

>> No.786061

This thread got lots of unexploited potential.
But the amount of butthurt isn't enough yet, /jp/ has been pretty dead recently.
Need more shitstorms.

>> No.786071
File: 33 KB, 736x736, 1212956595616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't read moon.

>> No.786079

>Congratulations on repeating the OP.


>> No.786078


lol jeebus, and you think F/SN is fucking awesome?


>> No.786100


STOP! You're doing it wrong! You're not supposed to answer seriously, that just invites them to employ their incredible literary criticism skills and pick apart those books. You're supposed to say stuff like Harry Potter and Dan Brown and Tom Clancy and Dean Koontz and shit and make them keel over from burst blood vessels.

>> No.786104

Yeah, I do.
I don't think everything else is shit, god forbid, but I really like F/SN.

>> No.786111


220% sure you're a troll now.

>> No.786116

Now 4chan hates F/SN? A year ago everyone loved it.

>> No.786117

Well, I'll say I like Clancy, if it pleases you.
Dan Brown is a complete rip off though.

>> No.786140


I love that new car smell.

>> No.786141

A year ago we couldn't play it. Needless to say F/SN was waaaaaay overhyped.

>> No.786146


Dostoevsky's books are awesome. In their own way.

>> No.786149

A year ago everyone thought that UBW would be the best thing ever.
Fate was already thought as being mediocre back then but you could hear people going DON'T WORRY UBW IS SO AWESOME IT MAKE UP FOR FATE, I PROMISE.

>> No.786157

It's not overhyped, but spoiled.
Would you believe me when I say that the anime was a better experience than UBW just for the fact that I didn't know every major plot point/twist beforehand?

>> No.786162


They are. I was trolling elitistfags, not Dostoevsky. I'd never troll Dostoevsky. I'm not Anonymous of Croatia.

>> No.786172

UBW without the spoils would have been the best thing ever.

>> No.786174

Being spoiled isn't an excuse, everything about Tsukihime was spoiled in /a/ way before it was released, everyone still thought it was the best thing ever.
The most important thing is the execution.

>> No.786181


Fucking agreed.

>> No.786187

Awesomely boring, maybe.

>> No.786190

I finished TH before going to /a/.

>> No.786195

That's just you.

>> No.786210

Hey, I never read Dostoevsky's books, don't blame some namefag's posts on me, I didn't criticize anythine !

>> No.786212


When did we start talking about To Heart?

>> No.786216

I didn't get spoiled on Tsukihime, but I can't imagine it having the same impact on me if I were (especially the Hisui/Kohaku routes).
It's just not the same if you know all the important plot points. You go "oh cool, I read this before!" instaed of "HOLY SHIT AWESOME!".

>> No.786239

It did for a lot of people, the most impressive thing is watching everything unfold.
The twist in UBW was a good idea but the execution could have been better, it's really not a game breaking thing if you had been spoiled before.

>> No.786261



Look at Hisui's route and then Kohaku's route. You know it's actually Kohaku from the start thank's to Hisui's one, but it's still my favourite route because it's excecution is just incredible. I was saddened everytime the ribbon was brought up because Kohaku always starts up looking so hopeful and then Shiki dismisses Hisui's inability to remember...

fucking moving.

>> No.786315

Tsukihime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitty generic eroge > School Days > FSN

>> No.786344

And that's the kind of shit that generates shitstorms.

>> No.786346
File: 555 KB, 1600x1200, 1212958549636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why shitstorm when everyone know that Ever17 is superior to all?

>> No.786364


You're not taking into account that Kohaku's route is designed with the fact you already know the twists in mind. You can't really be spoiled on Kohaku's route. Hisui's, on the other hand... it may not be completely shit when you're spoiled, but it sure takes a lot out of it.

>> No.786367


To be entirely fair, Ever17 isn't that great at all till Coco's route.

It's just o.k till then.

>> No.786362


>> No.786601


To be entirely fair, Tsukihime is just okay until Farside, and then, just like Ever17, everything comes together and becomes awesome.

Except Currybutt, but even then her route has a bunch of other awesome stuff in it.

>> No.786746


The thing is, you 'just okay' people are spoiled by top-tier eroge.
Go play games translated by JAST/GC/PP until you get a sense of perspective.
