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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7793464 No.7793464 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on our newest janitor?

>> No.7793465

full autism

probably another 2hu tard

>> No.7793472
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OP confirmed for janitor.

>> No.7793483

on the same exact level as AoC

>> No.7793487


It's good that he is active but it's in wrong direction - leaving obvious /v/ and /a/ threads while deleting threads that are /jp/ related but he doesn't like them.

So it's like deleting NES games thread on /v/ just because it's old and moderator of /v/ never had console when he was kid, while he is leaving thread about Anime thread full of role playing tripfags. (it's just example)

>> No.7793501

Another hotglue sell out.
Leaves /v/ and /a/ (just not milky holmes, must be fag without a taste) shit here, deletes everything else.

>> No.7793541

Same-shitposting-friend. The meido is one of us.

>> No.7793576

he just pop out for 5 minute and forgot /jp/ after, because of his post about japanese server on Tera (whatever this MMORPG) we get shitty threads about video games on japanese server.

>> No.7793591
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>> No.7793598
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>> No.7793603

/jp/ is an intersection of /v/ and /a/.
And he deletes all homu homu, saten, whatever /a/-like stuff.

That was only a mod. And mods on /jp/ don't know anything /jp/-related.

>> No.7793612

Allowing Terra wasn't that bad of a move, the only on 4chan playing it were /jp/, allowing them a thread until euro / american servers were up wasn't too bad, at least they kept it in one place.

Only bad thing was that butranged assclown who spammed threads about >insert game here<. The mods only fault was not realising how autistic /jp/ could be.

>> No.7793641
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He keeps deleting K-ON threads. This has to stop.

>> No.7793652

If only he realized his spam was shitting up the board more than the thing he was complaining about.

At least the beta is over so that whole nonsense is over with, although I do see that anon's bitching from time to time.

>> No.7793654

She's more responsive to reported threads than usual. I am quite pleased.

>> No.7793655
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>> No.7793658

He allows TERA, he might as well allows everything that is /a/ and /v/.
Either you do a blanket ban or allow everything.
Having double standard just show his favoritism.

>> No.7793664

You really are stupid. But then again, you'd have to be if you are that obsessed with board meta in the first place.

>> No.7793669

Janitors and mods can do whatever the fuck they want as long as moot approves.
Also, global rule 8.

>> No.7793674

>make a Blazblue thread
>thread got deleted
sure.. sure..

>> No.7793677

>Either you have a blanket ban or allow everything

Might as well cut off your arm when there is a splinter in one on your fingers. It's about the same thing. You are basically overreacting to a small 2 week beta when you had NO problems with that stupid pig spam or Haven and Hearth.

>> No.7793678

I don't really give a shit as long as the shitpost, trolls and spam get deleted.

>> No.7793688

Stop shitting up /jp/ with /v/ shit then.
God, how autistic you got to be to complain that offtopic shit that should've never been posted here, got deleted.
>the only on 4chan playing it were /jp/
Of course you're ignoring shit-ton of /v/ threads, hypocrite. I've even liked to them, but instead of going there and TALKING with other PLAYERS you decided to stay here and argue that "it's /jp/ related because I like anime and mmorpgs".

>> No.7793703

As long as Touhou and VNs are allowed, /jp/ will always be partially about videogames.

>> No.7793725

Tera was spammed non-stop on /a/, /v/ and /jp/. I don't really care about it, but saying that it wasn't popular outside of /jp/ is patently false.

>> No.7793732

Why is there shit all over the board? why must these people make shitposts? why cant they go talk about there shit were they belong? How about all you /a/ and /v/ assholes go back to your own shit.

>> No.7793747

>Stop shitting up /jp/ with /v/ shit then.
Blazblue has an entry on vndb.

>> No.7793820

Vndb now has an authority on what is allowed on /jp/?
Because I s hope you weren't trying to say that Blazblue is a VN.
No one can be that silly.

>> No.7793865

I say that Blazblue is /jp/ related the same way that Ar Tonelico and Melty Blood are. And they are.
Don't give your opinion if you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.7793873

It has characters, dialog, and differente routes. Tell me how it ISN'T a VN with gameplay?

>> No.7793877

Tactics Ogre is a VN?

>> No.7793883

So I guess every fighting game ever is a VN now?
Damn, we've been wrong this whole time!

>> No.7793885

melty blood is a video game made from a VN.
AT is just a VN.
With BB you can even have competitions and isn't VN related enough.

>> No.7793930

OP is the janitor.

>> No.7793991

Ar Tonelico, Melty Blood and Blazblue are hybrids: RPG/fighting game with VN elements.
That's why they are posted on more than one board.

You can consider that the VN parts are not important enough but that's just your personal opinion.
Anyway, if you say they are just RPG/fighting games and have absolutely nothing to do with /jp/, you are wrong.

>> No.7794194
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Tactics Ogre is most assuredly a VN.
