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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 149 KB, 1102x1044, 1312711487599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7710096 No.7710096 [Reply] [Original]

Japan open beta has begun. Anyone playing it right now? My download is at 97%. The anticipation is killing me.

>> No.7710114

Can't log in for some reason, keep getting told that I have had too many failed logins.

>> No.7710124 [DELETED] 

Please stop making Tera threads.

>> No.7710121

>The anticipation is killing me.
We can only hope

>> No.7710126

Old(?) thread.
I've heard that there has been an account purge, but I have yet to have that happen to me.

>> No.7710140

MMO threads never stick around anyways

>> No.7710151

Waiting on NA release to play. I want to have the best experience possible with my glorious Elin.

Also cause I'll have a computer capable of playing it by then.

>> No.7710144 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 299x342, weird_nexon_worker_stern_look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not free as HELL right?

>> No.7710175

I need a new computer myself. My current one is a $500 budget build which as lasted me four years so far. It runs most things perfectly but there's no way it will run Tera well.

>> No.7710176 [DELETED] 

You can't be serious. The last Tera thread was here for days because the janitor doesn't do anything about them. It was also the worst fucking thread here in weeks.

>> No.7710178

Yeah, might as well be just like the other 50% of the japs that are playing the Elin.

NA is gonna be the only region where Elin is not more than all the other races put together.

>> No.7710187

I can't log in, never was able to on the tera. site either, but I'm logged in on the hangame site.

>> No.7710206

You won't be able to if other people are using the same proxy. I'm wondering why Japanese proxies are so scarce. I'll probably have to purchase a VPN when my download is finished.

>> No.7710268

Ah, that explains it, kinda expected there'd be a problem with those free proxies.

What's the best place to purchase a Japanese VPS? Does anyone have experience with http://digitalswift.net/?l=en&n=vpsplans ?

>> No.7710297

I've been to the /v/ ones.

Tera deserves /jp/ threads.

Also, /jp/ is secretly /cake/.

>> No.7710306

I used VPNtraffic.com for mine.

>> No.7710358

ETA 16 hours.

They only become bad because of people like you. Go start another thread about your waifu or something, pleb.

>> No.7710377
File: 15 KB, 484x176, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say? I type in my username and password and this pops up, it then takes me to a page where I have to enter another moon captcha. I really don't want to do another moon captchs.

>> No.7710382

23849/24429 mb so far

Going about 1 mb every 2 minutes now.

>> No.7710390

Too many failed logins. Other people on the same proxy cause this.

>> No.7710406
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110807_214324 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I'm playing it right now. And I have to ask, could I possibly be any cuter?

This isn't as true as everyone thought it would be, from what I've seen. The races seem pretty balanced so far. I even saw a a few poppori. One was taking out a moose like he was his bitch.

>> No.7710433

I don't think it's a good idea to have your name in English. Fuck though, I want to kill mooses.

>> No.7710445

I've played the Korean version up to level 25 currently. If anyone has questions, I'd be happy to answer from what little I know about the game.

>> No.7710466

40%. been going for almost 3 hours. Won't be playing till tomorrow i guess.

>> No.7710471

I got one of these, but it can't connect for some reason, it just halts when it's trying to connect after creating in the wizard.

>> No.7710483


Have you tried out all of the classes to an extent?

if so, which are the most faceroll?

>> No.7710489

I plan on playing with two friends, doing quests and leveling together. Should we split up instead so stuff isn't ridiculously easy, or stay together? Can we run around and gank people as a group of three? Is there any group content like 5-man dungeons before level 25?

>> No.7710487
File: 452 KB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_110337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the significance of the 120% heart that is below the health bar?
I think it just increases hp/mp by that amount and goes down over time.
Anything I'm missing?

Finally found the emotes.
Enjoying my "gameplay" real good now.

>> No.7710510

Do tell if you get it fixed because I want to know before I go buy one too.

>> No.7710521

Ok, so where do I download this?

>> No.7710518

Tera doesn't deserves anything. You guys go nuts over it just because there's Eilin or whatever on it. I could understand the appeal on the first thread, but then everyone decided it would be a good idea to try and root this MMO on /jp/ based on her. And it unfortunately seems to be working. Either that, or it's just a bunch of people from another board trying to discuss an MMO while telling people to cuss off.

Why, what's that? It's not based on her? Why, that can't be true! All the rage and discussions I see are based on her. I don't believe I've seen a thread about the other characters yet. Granted, I don't check them, I usually just hide them, but christ, this is like, the hundredth one that pops up, and you people weren't even playing the damn game.

Hooooooooo boy.

Well, I'm gonna hide this one too. You kids have fun masturbating to Eilin. I'm sure she'll like it. After all, it's the only fucking reason for getting this game now, isn't it?

>> No.7710537


>> No.7710542



It's a race, faggot not a person.

Durr like have fun with your pedo game pedo all you do is lol rape elin with your dick lol i go play Aion and Vindictus REAL GAEM FER REAL MEN NUGGA

>> No.7710545 [SPOILER] 
File: 802 KB, 849x1200, 20909819_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.7710550


>> No.7710564

Replying to cheap insults will really make this thread more acceptable, Anon.

>> No.7710570

It's funny, because I'm actually hoping this will be like Vindictus but without the bad.

>> No.7710578

I'm considering buying a VPN, but I never used one. Is anyone willing to explain how does it work?

>> No.7710586

Ahaha. Yes. Vindictus really is bad. You are absolutely correct.

>> No.7710593

>Open in tab, image is loading
>Disappointed in the art quality as the face loads, close tab
>see start of a dick right when tab closes
>"oh shit!"
>re-click link
>save due to delicious thick Elin cock

>> No.7710612

So I can't login on the launcher because of too many failed attempts and logging in on the site does not log me in on the launcher. Is there anything else I can do?

>> No.7710636

Nope. Have to find a new proxy or get a VPN.

>> No.7710646

Terrible thread.

>> No.7710647

Managed to get it fixed now, it was just Windows being Windows and lovely services dependency rings.

>> No.7710654

Do i need a japanese ip to download?

>> No.7710656 [DELETED] 

For the two people not participating legitimately in this thread, fucking report this shit.

>> No.7710658

Yeah, have a look at these:

I used as a proxy and it worked nicely for registering and all that, but for playing the game you need to find an unused one which will be hard, or get a VPN.

>> No.7710666

Yes, I'm sure that will do something, he said to the person posting in the daily mmo thread.

>> No.7710671

Have you managed to log in?

>> No.7710682

So the reason mine isn't working (big fat white box where the login is supposed to be) is because of the proxy being used?

Anyone else getting script errors when opening the patcher?

>> No.7710689

Thanks for those. Didnt know i would need one for actually playing.

Might just have to wait for shitty english version with no loli. If anyone even bothers to play it...

>> No.7710685

Sure is autism. Why can't you just hide the thread? You don't own /jp/ and no one has to conform to your tastes.

>> No.7710691
File: 526 KB, 1920x1200, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yepp, about to create a character.

On which server do you guys play?

>> No.7710704

Kaia is the PvP server a bunch of people should be on. I'm not sure if I will join it myself though. They might do a mass ban, especially if we were all in the same guild.

>> No.7710705

Yeah, it's because people have logged in with wrong credentials on that proxy so it's blocked because they think it's someone trying to bruteforce accounts.

You only need one for authenticating, if you're lucky you might be able to use one in this thread, there were two higher up that still might work.

>> No.7710731 [DELETED] 

>against censorship
>still considering buying Tera
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.7710752 [DELETED] 

>I seriously hope you don't do this.
this shit and greentexting belong elsewhere.

>> No.7710763

Did you have to maneuver anything or did the problem just kinda solve itself?

>> No.7710781 [DELETED] 

Who said anything about buying the Western release? The best way to vote with your wallet is not to boycott, it's to make the things you enjoy more profitable.

>> No.7710793
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1200, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a kind of rare problem due to my setup, but if you run into it I'll let you know how I solved it.

>> No.7710794

Sadly, I've only tried the Berserker. Sorry.
Yes, it's your HP bonus or HP handicap. It's basically a stamina bar. As you go on, it seems to lower.

A couple of ways I've found to boost it back up are:
1. To use potions. They're kind of expensive. But if you open the red star balls you sometimes get on quests, sometimes a stamina replenishing potion will be in there.

2. Stand by a fire. Not just any kind. You'll get an item eventually that will be a red fire. If you left click that, a pedestal with a fire should come out. And if you stand by it, your stamina, or temporary max HP/MP, will increase.

It also seem to go back to maximum every time you log out and log in. So you don't need to do these things, but for long grinding sessions they'll be very useful.

>> No.7710797

kinda like this thread, eh?

>> No.7710801

Who said anything about buying the Western release? The best way to vote with your wallet is not to boycott, it's to make the things you enjoy more profitable.

>> No.7710808

Excuse me, typo. Right click.

>> No.7710830

I have questions, sir.

>> No.7710831

I just logged in with my VPN, and that white box is still there...

Patching my files right now.

Is it normal for the thing to pop out script errors? I got them on the downloader too. Win 7 x64 if it matters.

>> No.7710883
File: 188 KB, 330x352, group grind instructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any group content like 5-man dungeons before level 25?
I'm not well educated on grouping together and how all it may have benefits. But I should think at least around level 17 to 23 there is a good spot.

Once you get to the big town(you get there by flying), the same woman who you talk to to get back to the small tiny island will take you, at a low level, to two northern villages.

And just north of that village is the area with this red mark. Click on a teleportation mechanism that will teleport you to a group fighting dungeon.

As a group, around level 17-25, if you've done a decent share of the fighting in the group, you should get more than 1000 exp per battle.

>> No.7710894

What about PvP? Can we slay random assholes?

>> No.7710913 [DELETED] 



>> No.7710920


>> No.7710938

Which box are you seeing? Are you sure you're on the VPN? (whatismyip.org)

>> No.7710949

seeing a completely white box where the login should be. I've been able to login during the pre-beta character selection period.

I also get random .js script errors. Is this an indication of anything?

>> No.7710976

1500 minutes left. See you guys in a couple days

>> No.7710981

It's nothing I've encountered, so I can only guess.

My first and best guess would be to re-install everything, or if there's an integrity check somewhere.

>> No.7710985 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1038x1200, 20842250_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710988
File: 970 KB, 1600x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110807_203210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp I played it up to level 4. Funner than I thought it would be so far. Everyone seems to be making Elin though so I decided to make a human, but they aren't as attractive as I'd like.

>> No.7710991 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1038x1200, 20842250_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7710994 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 259x194, getshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakura !RAILgUnr8s

>> No.7711054 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 900x900, 40dbb88e50264faa41186795fa190cea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone headed to Jpop Summit in San Fran at the end of august? maybe we could meet up :3

>> No.7711063

how are the chat commands? /t? /w? /sh?

>> No.7711064

Has anyone else used this torrent?
It's at 60% for me, I got an account registered at hangame but I get the error "Fail to run Reactor.exe." when I click the client download button

>> No.7711068

Not sure on all of them. I only talked in general, and when I got whispered I pressed r in game and it took me to reply to it. There is also a filter I need to turn off.

>> No.7711075


Got the same error but could not find a fix for it sadly. As for the torrent I'm getting between 200 kB/s - 700 kB/s.

>> No.7711081

I don't get that error, but I get .js errors like:

An error has occurred in the script on this page.
URL: tera.hangame.co.jp/share/js/hsf.js

>> No.7711082

Time to sleep for me, had quite fun so far playing Lancer, want to try out Berserker later on as well.

A bit hard from time to time to figure out what things say with very limited Japanese knowledge, but it works.

>> No.7711083

I got it working with a regular proxy just had to log into the site and launch from the site. and pick to download path to when my torrent got downloaded.

it seemed downloading the torrent and just trying to run tera_envoker.exe would not work

>> No.7711151

Welp, no lolis for me.
Damn Tera launcher just likes to be shitty and just pop up errors like crazy. All the hype in the world is useless.

Not gonna bother redownloading the client because even with an empty folder I still just get errors from the .js files on the site.
Been trying for hours but. fuck.

>> No.7711161


>> No.7711192

So, I know this is the last thing on /jp/'s mind, but how is the gameplay?

Is it looking to be another pretty, but boring as shit Korean MMO like Aion? FFXIV is finally getting decent and I've been enjoying jumping back into it, so apparently my threshold for playing bad MMOs is pretty high.

>> No.7711197

>FFXIV is finally getting decent
No, it really isn't.

>> No.7711198

I obviously didn't play much but I enjoyed the somewhat actioney gameplay. It seemed like kind of a nice refresher from more traditional types like WoW.

>> No.7711209

I enjoy the crafting and the battle system is getting there, despite being pretty shitty still.

Compared to release day, it's an entirely different game, and I'm enjoying it more than shitty WoW clones like Rift at the moment.

>> No.7711247
File: 96 KB, 413x540, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't my game get past the launcher?
it keeps giving me this shitty message

>> No.7711281

Basically just says disconnected.

>> No.7711310

That's impossible though my VPN is running, and me net is fine, but here's the weird part sometimes I'll see the spash screen but then it just gives me that message

I played for 2 hours earlier and now it's giving me this shit again.

>> No.7711311

/jp/ - /v/'s flavor of the minute dumping ground

>> No.7711367
File: 492 KB, 1280x720, TERA 2011-08-08 05-50-05-95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played more than checking my loli.
I'm going to sleep, I'll fix my attitude tomorrow.

>> No.7711494

Anyone have a list of the /commands like wave or dance?

>> No.7711507


>> No.7711548

man when this game crashes it's hard to get back online.


>> No.7711569

Just wondering, is anyone actually playing this game for a reason that doesn't involve elins?

>> No.7711571

/jp/, do you really need to ask?

>> No.7711596
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110807_225454 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not, but the game is surprisingly worthwhile. I've spent a fair amount of time staring at my character's pantsu though.

>> No.7711611

That name. Why?

>> No.7711619

It's just my online handle. I can't explain why it came to that.

>> No.7711636

So how's the lag? Does it affect attack speed?

>> No.7711645

I played it while on the VPN and didn't really notice much lag.

>> No.7711646

It's a typical name that someone from /a/ would pick. It can't be helped.

>> No.7711653

I want to play this so bad but it'll look like ass on my computer.

>> No.7711654
File: 361 KB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_003002 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My computer already lags like hell because it's shit, so I can't really tell.

Also, human females have potential. They just have cowtits.

>> No.7711670
File: 21 KB, 238x153, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok.... what the fuck is up with this. I get it trying to open the client after downloading.

>> No.7711676

Why did they make castanics so ugly? what a waste.

>> No.7711677 [DELETED] 

Hey /v/, can you stop this crossboard invasion shit already? I don't think anyone from here is even spamming VNs on your board.

>> No.7711695 [DELETED] 

Hey delusional anon, can you stop pretending people here aren't interested in the game? Thanks.

>> No.7711708 [DELETED] 

So there is no DFc option? FUCK THAT NIGGER SHIT.

>> No.7711722 [DELETED] 

There's like 2 anons and one tripfag (who is known for avid shitposting I might add) that are actually discussing anything in here. Everybody else can blatantly see that this bullshit doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.7711737

This is the japanese beta release, do you actually expect /v/ to play it?

>> No.7711753 [DELETED] 

It's better than posting it here. I'd rather have you guys shitposting on /v/ than dumping it here just because it doesn't really belong anywhere else. I'm sure there's some non-4chan board that welcomes this kind of shit somewhere too.

>> No.7711778 [DELETED] 

We have entered an infinity loop.

>> No.7711788 [DELETED] 





>> No.7711788,1 [INTERNAL] 

Unlimited Butthurt Works

>> No.7711802 [DELETED] 

/v/ janitor, not so good.

>> No.7711805
File: 165 KB, 1156x538, stopbeingsuchanaspie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711819

Sorry I don't use the 4chan extension.

>> No.7711876

The hell is with your font?

>> No.7711931

Anyone playing on シャラ?
lvl12 atm... perhaps someone made eng-speaking guild?

>> No.7711937

How many servers are there?

And is it really improved compared to the korean version?

>> No.7711949

Anyone see how long this beta lasts?

>> No.7711947

No idea what server I'm in, just chose the first one.
Level 12 as well

>> No.7711971
File: 306 KB, 405x522, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time-limited quest... what do I... I don't even?

>> No.7711979

Click the blue text?

>> No.7711983

Use the item he gave you on the ピグリン then bring them back to him?

>> No.7711995

Thanks, you need to talk to the ones with blue name... not the mobs ... and then bring them back to the corral. You can repeat the quest if you fail to do it the first time. It's the first quest with timer.

>> No.7711997

Is there a way to see people you've designated as party members (with ctrl+1, 2, 3 etc.) on the map? Or do you have to be part of an official party? I was having a good time going around with this Japanese dude but we lost track of each other.

>> No.7711998

I have this level 3 quest for 2 rocks that I cannot for the life of me figure out. Anyone know where the fuck to get them? Mining gives me plenty of rocks but not that kind.

>> No.7712005

Is anybody else on バルダー (Balda)? I'm ゆうかぼん

>> No.7712003

There's a rock right next to the NPC

>> No.7712021
File: 118 KB, 336x399, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea which NPC gave me the quest. Guess I'll have to run back to every one I've spoken to and check them all. Cheers.

What about this one, while I'm asking?

>> No.7712024

Start a forest fire and right-click a charm

>> No.7712027

I'm also in バルダー

>> No.7712030


>> No.7712032

If anyone wonders about the blue flower 青い花, you need to climb up (I had problems figuring it out on closed, there wasn't so many ppl back then... now there were like 10 climbing at the same time, dunno if it's still so crowded in low lvl areas)

You need to use the [pic] item, or go the the fire that someone else already made and wait for your condidion to reach 120%, the next quest requires you to use buff at the fire, yellow talisman or whatever it is.

>> No.7712041

Oh, so that's what those ticket-looking things are.

>> No.7712043
File: 22 KB, 394x82, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um... the pic..

btw, is there a list of basic stuff explained? which buff gives what, there are some potions mentioning something about 5% cooldown, how to use pandora boxes, weapon and armor enchantments?

>> No.7712094
File: 611 KB, 899x2225, server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your server name /jp/

>> No.7712100

Noone on Kaia?

>> No.7712118

I'm downloading the client torrent now, but do you need a VPN to play/create an account?

>> No.7712121


>> No.7712127

3d pig disgusting. what's up with /jp/ these days

... especially the legs are ugly

>> No.7712135

踊り おどり odori Dance
挨拶 あいさつ aisatsu Greetings (wave)
挑発 ちょうはつ chouhatsu Taunt
勝利 しょうり shouri Victory
拍手 はくしゅ hakushu Clap
懇願 こんがん kongan Appeal (?)
告白 こくはく kokuhaku Confess (Love)
突撃 とつげき totsugeki Attack (Point)

Still need to figure out bow, happy, sad, beg, think, shy, and mad.

>> No.7712137

So I downloaded the torrent from tokyotosho, unpacked it, ran the game launcher and downloaded the patch but every time I log in I get the following error


And it directs me to the download page. I understand what it says but I don't really want to download the 25GB all over again, so is there something I missed ?

>> No.7712138

If anyone else is on アルン, send me a message. Character name Esker.

Actually, how do you send messages in this game?

>> No.7712144

Go to the download page, point to the directory where you have THE GAME, you're done.

/w name message

>> No.7712150

did the server just shut down for maintenance? or is it just me?

also, that sound the elin makes when they fail to harvest something.

>> No.7712151

Thanks a lot, it worked.

>> No.7712157

So /jp/ is divided between アルン and バルダー?

>> No.7712171

me on カイア

>> No.7712227

How long will take the OBT?

>> No.7712235

I think it ends on the 16th? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.7712248

I chose シャヤ because it's PK enabled, how many are there on カイア? Just 1 ? If just 1 then one of us should perhaps consider changing, I'm ok with my class so far, but if I'll decide to create a new character I might as well do it on カイア

>> No.7712283

What does the orange number next to the status on the downloader mean? For example, mine's 3162 ? [2151/24429]mb

>> No.7712291

Minutes to completion.

>> No.7712292

I'm assuming it's kb/s?

>> No.7712289

That's your download speed.

>> No.7712296
File: 80 KB, 244x215, 1275780875801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a pic?...

>> No.7712301

I'm going to remake on a PK server if they're up now, I heard earlier that some are on カイア but how many that are on the others, I have no idea.

>> No.7712306
File: 11 KB, 405x49, Teradownloader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7712310

It's what >>7712291 said.

>> No.7712314

Ah, thanks for the info everyone.

>> No.7712313

Some kind of ETA I think, 時間 - time

>> No.7712321

is there anyway to perform the update without my vpn on?
this is taking way too long..

>> No.7712326
File: 90 KB, 487x705, Server list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can turn off your VPN/proxy once it's started, I think.

On another note, how are people playing on PK servers?

>> No.7712328

nope, i tried turning it off once the update is starting and it just stops if i do.

cant really do it before it starts since you need the vpn to load the page in the exlauncher.

>> No.7712338

Some cried about PK, but I haven't seen anyone so ... I appreciate the possibility to kill KSers or whoever else is gonna piss me off, so I'm staying on PK. You can always change the channel to avoid someone.

So is /jp/ gonna form a guild? If so, will it be on シャヤ or カイア ?

>> No.7712341

I configured proxify for these:

Gameguard had some problems with proxy, so I didn't include it and the game itself runs ok without proxy too

>> No.7712345

If the server is in gray, you can't create characters in that server, which is why I was asking.

シャヤ seems to be open now though.

>> No.7712348
File: 271 KB, 681x460, quests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another episode of "how the fuck do I do these quests?"

The blue link brings up the map window, but with a message instead of a map.

>> No.7712349

Only カイア is open for me.

>> No.7712352

Left one, you use a teleport scroll.
Right one, right-click the purple thing to the left of the NPC

>> No.7712357

Teleport scroll? Oh god, I wonder if that's one of the things I stuck in bank to make space....


>> No.7712359

Yea, for the right one you need to teleport to an instance, I always did that at lv 10 but it seems to me much easier now

>> No.7712363

My name is pool I am on バルダー some one msg me

>> No.7712369
File: 28 KB, 406x113, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one

>> No.7712380

what can i use to identify items?

>> No.7712382

Deckard Cain

>> No.7712393

Seems like someone has ruined the vpntraffic IP, getting the same login failed as public proxies now.

>> No.7712397
File: 863 KB, 1920x1080, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find portal to tristram? Oh wait... there is no tristram in Tera.. that means.. stfu if you're not gonna help

Anyone found that bastard リカン ?
Quest log points to this place, but...

Still the only one on シャラ?


>> No.7712401

lol, i think i just saw you, hold on..

>> No.7712407
File: 423 KB, 1360x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_074111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck at the same place, albeit a different server

>> No.7712409 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 1360x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_074329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, KS frenzy

>> No.7712421

I just got that done.

i dont remember if it was on 2 or 3 minute spawns.

>> No.7712432

Is the game fun so far, you guys?

And I'm stuck at the launcher part. ;_;
Unfortunately can't find a proxy that works or doesn't redirect me to the captcha thing.

>> No.7712439

The time I was able to play was fun, unfortunately I'm >>7712393.

Is anyone else using vpntraffic.com and can confirm that this?

>> No.7712442

Got that too. Glad I only got the $2 trial.

>> No.7712444

Oh that sucks.
So if it redirects you to the login failed page, it means someone has entered the wrong username/pass too many times on a IP address?

And the -5000 error means connection timed out, right? ;_;
I get that with a lot of proxies, I guess they're just shit.

>> No.7712445

I'm still downloading, I won't be able to tell until later tonight sometime.

On terms of berserker, what Demon's Soul class does it play like? Knight-Templar?

>> No.7712448

I'm on vpntraffic too, only managed to make some chracters before it crashed. Havn't been able to login since without being sent to the hangame page. Trying the set display language to jp to log in from iexplore fix.

>> No.7712453

Does that really work? The display language, I mean.

>> No.7712461
File: 13 KB, 529x30, 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.7712462

For unknown reasons my windows said "no" to installing japanese, but I installed XP on Virtual Machine, YES once you log in with captcha then you can start the game from here: http://tera.hangame.co.jp/gamestart.nhn

Before that page some kind of javascript checks your OS, but here you still can't start the game dunno why

>> No.7712465

Same here. I successfully loggedon using Paketix VPN earlier yesterday before the game launched. Now I'm constantly getting the errors no matter what free VPN or proxy I use.

There has to be some kind of solution to this. I see this problem being even more rampant as the time goes on.

>> No.7712468

So once you fill in the captcha, and go to that page and start game it should work..?

>> No.7712474
File: 43 KB, 469x171, moonrunes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it misposted could someone translate this please

>> No.7712483

At what point should I close the vpn, so far even the character select screen is too soon, or possibly too late.

>> No.7712486

I'm pretty sure it's an error about you not being Japanese. That's what happens when you launch the game from the website. There's a javascript that checks for IE(OS?) version when you click on that button. From what I've read, the the only for us filthy gaijins to run the game is through the .exe itself.

>> No.7712491
File: 13 KB, 264x306, 1283550157884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how do I do that?

>> No.7712495

Go into your Tera folder and launch via Tera_Invoker.exe.

>> No.7712500
File: 70 KB, 540x581, New Text Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, im looking for someone who knows how to buy game time for korean tera with a credit card. Here is a screen shot of the time purchasing window. None of it can be copy pasted so I cant run it though a translator.

>> No.7712506

See the bullet mark? The choice to the rightmost is credit card. I'm guessing the options below will change if you click that bullet.

>> No.7712507

Is anyone playing at the moment?
If yes, how? ;_;

>> No.7712512

Now the launcher started to check for japanese OS too.
If you're logged in, don't log out.

Is there some way to bypass that?

>> No.7712515

Yes, but you have to run Japanese OS, and possibly use IE

>> No.7712517

Are you serious?!

>> No.7712518
File: 54 KB, 485x359, New Text Document2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me which of these is supposed to be mastercard?

>> No.7712520

How do I run my pc as Japanese OS..?

>> No.7712522

By installing Japanese version of Windows...?

>> No.7712523

None of those.

>> No.7712524

What the fuck, what are they then? You cant tell me they dont take Mastercard, everyone takes mastercard.

>> No.7712526

No way I'm going to do that for a MMO. ;_;

>> No.7712527

I am serious, changing locale, etc didn't work... well you can try and let us all know about the results of your own research
By installing japanese OS? ...

>> No.7712530

>>people spamming in English in the ingame chat

Oh we're gonna be mass banned for sure at this rate.

>> No.7712531

They all seem to be banks from Korea. I do see Citi(unless there's a bank that sounds like Citi/City in Korea).

>> No.7712532

Oh well. I guess I could play it in XP mode but I doubt it would run well, and I don't think this game would be worth that much trouble. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.7712535

Corea never take a Mastercard.

>> No.7712536

Are you fucking serious?
They're going to ruin it for everyone.

>> No.7712537

Yes, you very likely will. They banned non Koreans in the Korean open beta. They dont do the same for the korean live though. They are very strick when it comes to the betas though.

>> No.7712544

God damnit seriously?

Fucking dipshits ruining it for everyone.

>> No.7712545

So they are trying to be a big game but they dont take world recognized credit lines. Fucking irritating.

Well thank you very much for your help. Ive been wanting to figure that out for ages.

>> No.7712550

It's not like it will be OBT for a month.

>> No.7712551

I've seen maybe 2 or 3 words in english...

Still no one on シャヤ? sigh... maybe I'll switch to カイ after all...

>> No.7712547

It doesn't seem like the launcher checks for OS.

>> No.7712549

Even if they did it's doubtful they would take foreign credit cards.

>> No.7712555

Can you post a 10minutemail adress or something? I want to PM you some info

>> No.7712556

Bah, I've played for 5 hours this morning and decided to turn the game off and log out completely. Was a mistake, can't find a working proxy now :/

>> No.7712558

sakura.k.jp at gmail.com

>> No.7712568

Well, I cant figure out any way to pay for this thing with out being korean.

>> No.7712567

It's a service for Japanese players only (in theory). They're afraid of CC frauds or something.

>> No.7712571

If you want to play the Korean version, you just need to buy game cards, they're like 20$ a month or something.

>> No.7712572

Alright, so it's me (>>7712393) again, I've managed to get in-game by changing the OS language to Japanese and launching through the website (http://tera.hangame.co.jp/gamestart.nhn).).

>> No.7712574

Do you know of a place where I can buy them and get the code? Newgamesway wants to apply the code for you. Its a pain in the ass to change my password everytime I get a card.

>> No.7712577

got the mail?
how did you change the lang?

>> No.7712582

Sorry, I don't know which of those sites are legit.
Ask on TERA Fans or something.

>> No.7712590
File: 443 KB, 910x918, language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the control panel, it's in the region and language settings, then change system language or something like that. I can't remember since it's all in Japanese now.

See screenshot for hints, you might have to download the Japanese language pack from Windows update, it's under optional updates.

>> No.7712592

You had to install it first somehow

>> No.7712596

If you're on Win7, you need to be running Ultimate or Enterprise for that option to exist.

>> No.7712597

So you can play the game now?

>> No.7712603
File: 376 KB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_154322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in Windows Update.

I thought everyone was, there's no reason not to be.

Yepp, see screenshot.

>> No.7712605


can you pray gaem or not

>> No.7712606

I am, but like I mentioned earlier today, my windows refused to install it. Maybe I downloaded the package damaged or something... that's why I'm asking. I don't feel like downloading iso and installing second OS just to play Tera, but if it comes to that I will.

>> No.7712610

Where'd you get the OBT client?

>> No.7712616

I don't even get sent to the site when I try to log in with the launcher. I get a message telling me to check my firewall and network settings and then a broken white image. I assume this is also a proxy problem? Might need to buy a VPN...

>> No.7712622

I updated my CBT client, but you can get it here...

>> No.7712624

Did 4chan die for a while there for was it just me?

What did it say when you tried to install it? Are you on Ultimate or enterprise like someone mentioned above.

>> No.7712639

Don't remember... something liek "can't install on this computer"
I'm Running Win7 Ultimate. Problems are probable related to me doing everything I can to deny my system attempts connect to any kind of IP whatsoever. I resurrected the update service, but I won't restart now ... I'm busy playing.

>> No.7712680

I'm running Win7 Home Premium and can't change my OS's language. Now I can't log back in. Fuck this shit.

>> No.7712702


I click on that 25GB button, it redirects me to this links, asks for activeX, I click install then nothing happens. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.7712717

You need to download something using ActiveX

>> No.7712722

How do I change the language of my OS if I'm using windows XP? ;_;

>> No.7712727


>> No.7712726

for a while now, I've been getting this error on the launcher. Man, did they blacklist my VPN...

>> No.7712743

why don't you tards turn off your VPN after you log in?

>> No.7712746

Make sure you're NOT using the 64bit IE

>> No.7712755

Who's using a VPN to get in for this? And are you running into any problems? I can't get the game to start so I'm getting fed up with proxies...

>> No.7712774
File: 403 KB, 1360x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_112740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the mobs seem ridiculously easy, most of the time I can lure everything in the area and clear them without dropping below 50%

>> No.7712778
File: 5 KB, 302x117, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on? I can't log back in.

>> No.7712784

Connections outside of Japan are not allowed.

They smell your gaijin ass.

>> No.7712785

they found out you were accessing from outside Japan and cut you off from access

>> No.7712787
File: 150 KB, 862x572, nopee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still getting a patcher looking like this.
I also get some script errors like "hsf.js" and xlauncher.nhn not working properly or something.

>> No.7712789
File: 7 KB, 303x114, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I get this message when I click it.

>> No.7712788

Well I did get disconnected the other night for the same reason, but I've changed my proxy by then.
I'm gonna try another one, thanks though.

>> No.7712792

You have to accept to the terms before downloading. There should be a box that pops up.

>> No.7712802

If you find a good one let me know. I dont wanna buy a VPN.

>> No.7712807

I second this, I need to buy some item?

>> No.7712818

It didn't work, I am the saddest man in the world right now.
brb gensokyo

Just google it.

>> No.7712822

It costs ~5k at the misc. shop

>> No.7712833

Where can I purchase a mount?

>> No.7712839

There's no way I can play a MMO with strictly my left hand.

>> No.7712843

Ok so I finally set up japanese internet explorer and shit so i can launch the game from the website. However, when i try to launch the game from the site it brings up a "Run As..." prompt where I have to select which computer user to run the program under. I select my user and hit OK but then it tells me another program is using the launcher file and fails to launch. What do I do?

>> No.7712907

What do the red question marks over NPCs heads mean?

>> No.7712921

You can advance a "mission" (note sure how to call them, they're just quests for the main storyline) by speaking to this NPC.

Also, does anyone know how to see people's HP bar ? As a priest sometimes I heal random people fighting but I have no idea if they were hurt/about to die in the first place

>> No.7712998

So you can't play without being able to change language settings huh?

I'm going to download Win 7 just to fucking play this.

>> No.7713177

Currently level 17, and this is a fun game to play.

>> No.7713191

The fun part of this game is -

Looking for a damn proxy.
Which I'm still doing.

>> No.7713192

Can my PC handle this?
What are the specifications?

>> No.7713198

Can anyone give me some info on how the proxies work? When can I turn it off?

I'm sharing my VPN with a friend and it only allows one at a time to stay connected.

>> No.7713202

When you click game start you turn the proxy off immediately.

>> No.7713207

Clear temporary files.

>> No.7713208

No puedo creer que la gente está realmente pasando por tantos problemas para un juego tan genérico

¿Por qué no ha sido eliminado este tema?

>> No.7713219

fun game..
too bad the latency is so bad for me, making blocking almost impossible so i had to stick with the disk mage instead.. the dual sword class was fun as fuck though..

i also like how the general population is either female or an animal on two legs.

>> No.7713261

If you have to ask. Jk uhm post your specs and I'll tell you.

>> No.7713274

saw your post on another site with the problem.
Thank you very very much for replying.

Works now.

>> No.7713288

so how many of you guys cant play anymore ?
when pressing game start a window pops up with some moonrunes talking about jp language(people claim that the account is banned but yeah right)
seems that the launcher is checking the system for jp language

>> No.7713294

No problem.

>> No.7713308

Display Language needs to be set as Japanese in the Regional Settings. You'll need Win7 Ultimate.

>> No.7713311

i have it and it does not work..

>> No.7713314

Yes it does.
Is your entire pc language in Japanese?

You can also try this:
Go to hangame website.
Log in.
Go to Tera site with proxy.
Click game start.

>> No.7713330

Go to Tera site with proxy.
Click game start.
this gives me the same message as the launcher(now)
i think that you are indeed right that i might forgot about something

>> No.7713340
File: 785 KB, 1600x1024, TERA_ScreenShot_20110808_024454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a beta-only buff which increases HP and MP regen. That's why stuff may seem too easy for the first few levels.

>> No.7713368

Anyone know how to challenge someone to a duel?

>> No.7713408
File: 8 KB, 252x121, xenophobia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is happening in the launcher now. Does anyone have a solution for this for Windows XP? I've changed my regional settings to Japanese but that doesn't change the operating system language.

>> No.7713423

Your shit is overseas and not in japan, so you cant get in. You need a proxy/vpn

>> No.7713441

This is the error that shows up if your display langauge isn't Japanese.

>> No.7713448
File: 505 KB, 863x578, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded and patched successfully, and still have my account from when i played Dragon Nest. but this is the error I get when trying to login to the patcher, and it pops up an IE wanting me to login with captcha again. I do, and it just takes me to the logged in hangame homepage, and infinite loop from there. any help?

>> No.7713451

I know that. How can I fix it?

It has nothing to do with internet connection, I already have a VPN.

>> No.7713459

Then you're screwed because xp doesn't support multiple display languages. Enjoy your ancient OS.
Actually I do have a solution, but it involves patching a system file and the registry.

>> No.7713460

Internet loops mean you need to try a different proxy or vpn.

>> No.7713463

No idea how it works on XP. I have win7.

I changed the display language. It makes your entire OS japanese, including the right click menu on the desktop

>> No.7713475

My overclocked hardware was stable on all the other games but Tera managed to crash it twice already. Hmm.

>> No.7713491

My system locale and location are both set as Japan and I still get the same error.

>> No.7713504

There has to be some workaround to this to trick Tera into thinking the system language is Japanese. Something like that would seem easy enough to develop. Just temporarily change whatever the launcher does a check for.

Otherwise, I found a torrent for a Windows xp MUI pack. I have low hopes for it to work though.

>> No.7713519

that's lame, the vpn im using has worked fine for all registration and patching and whatnot so far, why wouldnt it work to launch the game? is there any known working one right now?

>> No.7713542

i love you
thats all i have to say

>> No.7713578
File: 12 KB, 438x294, whathtefuckisthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else get this while trying to make an account? I've waited for 15 minutes and still got the same message. Does it just mean someone else is using the same VPN?

>> No.7713584

Never mind, it finally fucking worked. Shit.

>> No.7713600

Are most people still asleep? I'm not seeing enough concern about the system language problem, here or any of the Tera forums.

>> No.7713631

Is playing this game worth switching your computer to Japanese and hunting tirelessly for a proxy?

>> No.7713640

http://www.xroxy.com/ for proxies
http://vpntraffic.com/ for VPN

if you need either.

>> No.7713639

actually i mightve figured it out, ive been running all these steps on my roomate's pc, and just noticed even though the local is set to japanese, he doesnt have the japanese language pack junk installed since he's got win7 home premium, not ultimate. trying installing a workaround for him now, and downloading the tera client on my actual pc that is already set up for that... but only 50% done so far, 93 kb/ps weeee

>> No.7713670

What kind of speeds are you getting with VPN traffic? I'm getting just under 1Mbps on a free VPN.

>> No.7713678

My speeds on VPN traffic are meh. 50-100kb/s downloads on the TERA Patcher. It's fast enough, cause you can just turn off the VPN when playing

>> No.7713683

Lackluster to be honest, but I also have a really terrible apartment connection.

>> No.7713693


Doesn't look like any of the proxies are currently working. Oh well, thanks anyway.

>> No.7713699

I had to rent mine.

>> No.7713702

You can also turn it off before pressing the orange button to start downloading the client. Just so you know.

>> No.7713704

Proxies nor VPN are working since last night when they patched the launcher. We may have been perfectly cockblocked.

>> No.7713707

I have 2 that work, except they're slow as fuck, as in, 30+ minutes to load a page.

>> No.7713713

They work to maneuver the pages but everyone is saying they cant actually get into the game through the launcher.

>> No.7713718


Everyone is getting the consecutive login error around at /v/. However, I can't get past the screen after pressing game start. I'm just redirected to the next page where I assume it's attempting to load the page.

However, nothing loads so I could assume it's a failure of their ActiveX controller or javascript errors.

Haven't been able to launch it with IE 9 or IE 8.

>> No.7713722

I get the "Failed to update reactor. please try again.[90]" whenever i click the download button, but when i click game start it goes to another page ready to launch the game that i can't download

>> No.7713726

I don't get a consecutive log in error. I get a "Your shit is outside of japan, tough luck" error when I try to launch the game after logging in.

>> No.7713738
File: 201 KB, 1471x562, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Change your kernel/locale to japanese.
Then change your display language to japanese and ensure you're using Internet Explorer.

This fixed all my issues with the outside of japan error.

>> No.7713735

Okay, I FINALLY got in the game after spending the whole night in frustration.

The steps I took to get this far:
Since I'm not on Windows 7 Ultimate(I'm on professional), I used Vistalizator to change my OS language to Japanese:
Get a working proxy/VPN. I'm using VPNtraffic
Went straight to:
http://tera.hangame.co.jp/gamestart.nhn instead of launching from Tera_Invoker.exe
and logged in through the site
Clicked on the right button
Tera_Invoker launched, and I was logged in, bypassing the dreaded relog loop
It asked me to log
I am now in.

>> No.7713754
File: 14 KB, 476x195, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what folder location did it download the game to, I have it downloaded from the torrent but when i get to that page you're on and click the right button i get this error probably because it's not in the right spot or something

>> No.7713762

It says to check your firewall.

>> No.7713768

I torrented my game, too. It's just chilling in my download folder and I didn't move it to any special location or anything like that.

>> No.7713772

Switched to VPN, it works fine, patching now.

>> No.7713775

>304 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7713786

this exact sequence is whats working for me now as well on my roomate's PC. didnt use vistalizer though, just downloaded the japanese pack from an external source and changed the key in registry. (backup first!) when i clicked game start instead of giving me that dreaded popup it took me to a (further?) game start page, whereupon clicking it i got a new popup, that i could only click Ok. on, followed by nothing happening. as i was alt tabbed trying to translate some of the other text on the page, the launcher popped up and i was logged into it. clicked to start and gameguard is now patching. as for the proxy / vpn, im still using a pre-made vpn connection that i found back when i was playing dragon nest, if you google around some you may be able to find it, the software it was bundled with is called PacketiX VPN Client Manager. excuse me while i go cream all over the login screen =D

>> No.7713802

Someone please find a workaround for Windows XP.

>> No.7713806

There is none. You need at least Windows 7 Basic to use Vistalizor.

>> No.7713808

Do you have W7SP1? I've read that vistalizator doesn't work under it :<

>> No.7713816

I'm sure someone with computer knowledge could come up with something.

>> No.7713818

Ah, you just have to use W7 compatibility mode on the .exe

>> No.7713846
File: 767 KB, 1608x1027, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am playing on xp. See >>7713816

>> No.7713850

Please help us out, my friend.

>> No.7713855

You could try what >>7713786 did and change the language in the registry. I don't know which registry to edit, however.

>> No.7713889

You need to add 'ja' to user agent string. You can add an empty REG_SZ value named "ja" to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform

Also you'll need to patch 3 bytes in windows/system32/ieframe.dll with a hexeditor like this

E2DA6: 0F -> B0
E2DA7: B7 -> 11
E2DA8: C0 -> 90

The file is probably locked, so you can't edit/replace it just like that. I dualbooted to win7(yeah) and replaced it there. You could also try force closing all handles to the file with Unlocker or something.
Naturally, reboot after doing all that.

>> No.7713908



>> No.7714129

I don't have 0F, B7, and C0. They show up as F4, 50, and E8 instead. Should I change them anyway?

>> No.7714229

I went ahead and replaced what I had. explorer.exe was what was locking the file for me. Going to try it out now.

>> No.7714262
File: 1.39 MB, 1680x1050, TERA_ScreenShot_20110809_012548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they are 'censoring' Elin but..what about stone hard nipples?

>> No.7714264

Didn't work. Those three things I edited weren't the right ones, I guess. I'll change them back, but I don't know what to do now.

E2DA6: 0F
E2DA7: B7
E2DA8: C0

I don't have those for ieframe.dll

>> No.7714287

So if you make your race a certain class, are you stuck wearing their preset armors forever? I tried taking off armors like leg wears but their appearance doesn't change.

>> No.7714293

Are you wearing something over it?

>> No.7714300

I don't think so. Unless you mean armors for other parts of the body.

>> No.7714319

Ah, I was thinking of something like wizard robes over pants kind of deal.

>> No.7714322

Well, my character is a Elin Warrior. When I try to take off the leg armor... her leg appearance doesn't change at all Same with other armors.

>> No.7714353

It seems like Kaia is full. Where is everyone else playing?

>> No.7714474

Ok, now I tried replacing my ieframe.dll with one I found from a Japanese website. Those three values are different than before, but still not the same ones you have. Is there a way I can find the equivalent of your values in my version of the file?

I probably shouldn't expect a reply since you are playing the game and this thread is on page 6 now.

>> No.7714482

I'm on Balder while waiting for a spot to open.

>> No.7714485


Better yet. Can you upload your ieframe.dll? I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.7714525
File: 237 KB, 1030x648, 8915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was able to play yesterday, but for some reason I can't get in today.

>> No.7714553

They made it check for Japanese system language in a patch.

>> No.7714674

Even Balder is closed. The only two open servers now are Kirian and Juras. I'm in Juras.

By the way, how are the PVP servers?

>> No.7714777


Getting the same error as this guy but with [-200] instead of [-402]. Allowed the program through my firewall and turned it off as well but still got the error.

>> No.7714843

Should we make a new thread?

>> No.7714851

right here

>> No.7715560

I'm on ジュラス
username Shiken playing Lancer

>> No.7715888

This worked for me, thanks a ton!

>> No.7716522

so, can anyone playing on シャラ list there nicknames? mine is ひかり
