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7670497 No.7670497 [Reply] [Original]

I was going to sleep but said fuck it, I'll gonna get this off my chest. I've been reading what you people have to say about Daiteikoku and I don't like it one bit. I am all for opinions but I got to ask you: What the fuck is wrong with you guys? You should be grateful that an innovative game like this is popular in the hentai game scene that is populated by "generic harem comedy number 567". I mean what the fuck is your problem /jp/? Is almost as if I entered the twilight zone and this game who should be applauded for it's enmormous amount of content and awesomeness in general is being bashed.. BECAUSE? This is another thing that bothers me. Is almost as if as hard I tried I was only getting small hints at why you didn't like this game. First, half the bashing is stupid fanboyesque-level comments like "this game sucks and that's about it", "x game is better than this game", "this game is bad gameplay", etc. Then when I actually get to read something relevant like an actual complain with an actual specific game content it's... I'll do this justice, let's go for one of the few actual reasons: One, that loli who doesn't get an actual route. I mean please have you seen her scenes and the rest of her route? It's a lot of content and IT'S A STORY. It doesn't necessarily means that SHE WILL BE ALL OVER YOUR FACE. Please don't be stupid I personally enjoyed it, please don't always expect the typical stuff.

>> No.7670504

Just put a tl;dr. Seriously.

>> No.7670503

Now second, the gameplay. First let me ask you this, have you ever played a complex strategy game? No? Then you could probably consider shuting your mouth. Even then, have you ever played a complex tactical RPG? No? Then you could probably consider shuting your NOOB mouth. EVEN THEN, have you ever played a complex ACTUALLY COMPLEX EROGE? NO? THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH NOOB. And there's a very good reason for 1 action per turn. It helps develop the story and battles at a steady pace. Didn't read? Skipped a lot? Then look the other way or learn to play a damn game before you think you have it figured out.

>> No.7670505

Stop posting

>> No.7670508

Third, then is the rape. Bitch please, do you call that rape? That's consensual bitch, conFUCKINGsensual. Then the NTRing over some guy that I am sure in your eyes is a douche for HAVING SEX with your woman all while thinking is a bad move. But please it adds realism. This isn't Sengoku Rance stop the stupid bitching, girls are gonna fuck not only with you. Besides don't you get to fuck women too, geez give storytelling a bit of space and let it be more varied you twats. Too there is a pig with a hat I believe? Didn't you have that youkai in Sengoku Rance? I already explained this it adds different content and it's not bad if you weren't such an stuck up nerd expecting the same scenes with the same main character over and over. It is too different I'll give you that but don't judge a game for offering something different like you know, REIKA BITCH TRAINING, they have pigs in that game, not with hats, but anyway. So I am really disappointed /jp/, but I am dissapointed in YOU THE REAL /jp/, the trolls will always be there. I have seen them in the threads, not adding anything but how the game "is bad", "bad gameplay", "bad text organization(what the fuck, I have actually read this kind of complain)", "bad progression and i skipped text and battles(I have actually read this too)". My point is you aren't all trolls /jp/. But you aren't stupid either. So please open your eyes and get reasonable with a game that has much to offer like Daiteikoku.

>> No.7670509

How the fuck is
>it has bad gameplay
a stupid fanboy-esque comment? It's a fact, it promotes stupid savescumming and it's overall horrible.

>> No.7670510

If you don't like the game, why are you defending it?

>> No.7670512


>> No.7670517

Possibly if you explained WHY insted of saying OMG IT HAS BAD GAMEPLAY

>> No.7670518

it's "sequel" to games and should have better gameplay system than it's prequels. except it doesn't it was a fucking step backwards

>> No.7670515 [DELETED] 

Huh, that doesn't seem to be a pasta.
You get A for effort.
Still, reported for trolling.

>> No.7670524

I said it, no gameplay that basically consists of savescumming is good.

>> No.7670519

Just a step? That's being generous.

>> No.7670522

Yeah, reporting an ontopic thread, fucking troll.

>> No.7670529

Still riding the same backwarded trolling. Tell WHY it has bad gameplay and you could have some valid argument.

>> No.7670536

Fuck you you fucking faggot. This is the problem with you trolls, "it doesn't have gameplay and that's about it" that's just fucking faggotry.

>> No.7670534

There is no strategy involved, it's basically just a puzzle game that force you to savescum every turns.

>> No.7670544

I know you are a troll and all, but you could at least bother toread, I didn't say it didn't have gaemplay, I nsaud the gameplay is fucking awful because of the savescumming, not even later patches fixed it properly.

>> No.7670551

See, the first actual OPINION sees the first light in this thread. "It's a puzzle game", the question is, is it good? Why or why not? I'll leave it to you to answer that question, share the aspects mister.

>> No.7670546

You should make an argument as to why it has good gameplay instead. There have been multiple complex strategy eroge translated already, two in the exact same series as DTK, and all have significantly more depth, variety, replayability, and character than DTK does.

>> No.7670553

Reported for violating global rule #3:
>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames

>> No.7670556

Man, Alicesoft fans are retarded.

>> No.7670559

Great concept, terrible execution.
I'd expect this sort of thing from Softhouse Chara, but not AliceSoft.

>> No.7670563

The attacks of the enemies are too pitiful to count.
The defense of the planets never change.
That's why it's bad, it's not a strategy game.
It's just a "Let's save, look at the defense of the planet, reload and use the appropriate units" game.

>> No.7670564

It's an ontopic opinion. Don't confound.

>> No.7670565

>You should be grateful that an innovative game like this is popular in the hentai game scene that is populated by "generic harem comedy number 567".

Fuck you faggot, I like the generic harem comedy games. At least they're more interesting than Daiteikoku anyway.

>> No.7670572

Fuck you faggot, people like you is why games like this are bashed stupidly and retardedly. Fucking tons of generic harem comedies and you bitch about a different formula.

>> No.7670573

I wouldn't consider a puzzle that doesn't let you see the drawing on the pieces good.

>> No.7670578

But they're not Reeeeeel Deeeeeeel enought!

>> No.7670579

The problem is that it was BAD, different=/=good.

>> No.7670583

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no. Not even close.

>> No.7670584

What the fuck is wrong with you, I wouldn't mind seeing a troll, but my problem with your kind is that you fucked up too many good threads of this game. And that was just not nice.

>> No.7670582

It was the same with Akuji and Bancho, not seeing the problem there.

And OP is so mad. Daiteikoku = Best eroge of 2011. Another great hit under Alicesoft's belt.

>> No.7670591
File: 12 KB, 200x225, 1311794265248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody likes Daiteikoku, dial wit it.

>> No.7670592

>It was the same with Akuji and Bancho, not seeing the problem there.

Nope, it wasn't the same at all.
Lying or deluding yourself won't help you.

And it's probably the only eroge you did this year if you consider it the best of the year

>> No.7670593

It's the only one I've actually DROPPED this year without reading a route.
I managed even to finish one in Kamidori properly before burning out.
So no.

>> No.7670594

>butthurt samefag thinks his opinion is a fact

>> No.7670600

It's like you've never played BBA or Rance VII. Let me guess, you're one of those /v/ kids that call everyone a "casual" and in the same breath ask for cheat trainers because "omg the demon army is owning me :(((("

>> No.7670596


>> No.7670601


>> No.7670602

>this game is good because it's not a generic highschool moege or a nukige
Sorry, it's just ridiculous. You might be fapping over the WW2 IN SPAAAACE concept, but actually playing the game is a chore. Sounds like you tried hard to like it and get mad at everyone who doesn't put the same amount of effort at liking it that you did.

>> No.7670613

I played all the Dai games including Kichikuou Rance even.
None of them were also streamlined, none of them forced you to savescum, none of them forced you to think like you were playing a puzzle game.

Stop being so deluded please

>> No.7670602,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is my /jp/ so easy to troll these days ;_;

>> No.7670611

Okay, it's cool. But when you have actual reasons and not just "i didn't like it" it's still going to be plain trolling.

>> No.7670614

Here's your reasons.
Shitty gameplay requiring save scumming with had no depth nor replayability further complicated by making Second Games trivially easy
Shitty undeveloped protagonists
Little to no development for almost any other character either (CORE and Letia were the only ones that had any decent focus at all)
Poor pacing
Poor editing
Poor humor
Overwhelming forced focus on events you had no control or interaction with

>> No.7670624

Fine, after all the searching I did on the countless threads that were of this game I finally see the light of SOME ACTUAL REASONS...BUT DON'T THINK ITS OVER YET. I am just tired and as I said did this before sleeping because I was surprised at the /jp/'s reaction. Maybe tomorrow when I can actually give proper rebutals to your reasons I will answer them, as I did with three of the ones I read while searching about this game on easymodo. Goodnight fellow Daiteikoku fans.

>> No.7670632

I'm laughing myself silly.

>> No.7670631

I'm sure. Go slink off with your tail between your legs and come back when you think that there'll be people less intelligent on so you can bump your thread to a new audience and claim you've won the argument in our absence.

>> No.7670637

Don't bother, OP. /jp/ is seriously fucking hipster, and irrationally despises anything that they perceive as being remotely popular or mainstream.

Remember the threads where people were bitching about Vocaloid having sold out because some marketers put Miku in a commercial?

Or consider, for instance, how every VN suddenly becomes babby's first and shit tier when it gets translated. The worst part, though, is that they're not even consistent about their hatred. They proclaim Steins;gate as the best VN ever solely on the basis of EGS scores while denouncing FSN, conveniently ignoring that FSN actually has a better score for the number of votes it has.

Anyway, the short of it is that /jp/ has a shit, seriously deluded userbase. They actually believe they're one of the best boards on 4chan, when the reality is that several people in positions that allow them to survey and compare the quality of different boards, such as moot and Eksopl, have said that even /a/ is better.

>> No.7670649

Since the popular opinion of Daiteikoku is that it's shit, especially in Japan, liking it would make you a hipster.

>> No.7670648

That, or maybe Daiteikoku just plays like shit.

>> No.7670650

/a/ is the only board that thinks steins;gate is good.

>> No.7670653

You should also get a trip!

>> No.7670658

And they just think that the anime is good because it has a lot of words in it. What a shitty fucking adaptation it is.

>> No.7670670

>They proclaim Steins;gate as the best VN ever solely on the basis of EGS scores
Never saw anyone here who claimed this

But comparing quality with the number of votes is pretty retarded.

>> No.7670676

Hey, I liked Steins;Gate.

It's certainly overrated, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game.

>> No.7670682

doesn't sound that much different to /a/ and /v/ to be honest
I liked Daiteikoku, it was fun playing it
but at the same time I see all the lost potential:
>no different country routes
>no sandbox choose your country mode (a la rance vii)
>no variety in enemy behaviour and enemy fleets
>no just fight and dont do shit mode (a la bba)
>shit hardCORE mode focusing on raping everything

if you like DAI games its worth atleast one playthrough, I like the h-scenes more than rance vii and bba, tho I dont feel that much good characters in this game, atleast we got a Trap and Mugen

it's an average eroge with gameplay, it's not the 2nd coming of jesus but it's also not the trainwreck /jp/ is ought to make it look like

also with all that modern warfare crap ruining ego shooters atm I was delighted to see a game take on WWII again (even if it was a parody in space)

>> No.7670684

I've only heard good things about S;G on /jp/ before the anime was announced.

>> No.7670697

Yeah, most people agree it's good.
But I certainly remember that the common opinion here was "good but not the best ever" or "a bit overrated but still good"

>> No.7670715

It seems actually more probable that the more you liked the previous Dai games which were unmistakeably gameplay oriented and complex, the less likely you'll like Daiteikoku, which is neither.

>> No.7670727

well I cant stand VNs without gameplay, just cant so I'm a bit desperate for every vn with gameplay that get's released
for me it wasnt shit, bba and rance vii were far more awesome, but I played them times and times again was time for something new and Daiteikoku filled in pretty fine and will save me until Rance VIII comes around
but I learned to not discuss it on /jp/ because it's either shitbags like OP or trolls pissing in an ocean of piss

>> No.7670739

Admitting that you're desperate and will play anything doesn't help your argument.

>> No.7670761


Is English your second language by any chance?

Protip: the antonym of "streamlined" is convoluted. A work of fiction being streamlined is a good thing.

>none of them forced you to savescum

Calling bullshit on this. Post your high score in Rance VII please, and have your desktop clock showing in the bottom right-hand corner. The only kind of people who play a 5 star point runs without reloading on a bad result are either cheaters or retards.

>none of them forced you to think like you were playing a puzzle game.

That's because you could just throw Omachi, Uruza/Natori/Kenshin/Dousan or Rouga/Kunagi at any remotely difficult fight you encountered in Rance VII + BBA and win without any effort. Try playing them without abusing the above and we'll talk.

>> No.7670767

I am not arguing for the sake of daiteikoku as you can see in my first post I made a little time before
I did admit it's nothing special , but it's still a game worth a playthrough if you like Dai games

>> No.7670771

>Comparing 5 star runs to regular game
>Ignoring usage/stamina limits


>> No.7670791

Why "Stop disliking what I like" threads are so shitty, /jp/?

>> No.7670813

Even if we're not talking about playing the game at the highest levels, you're stupid to think that no one save scums on their first playthrough of SR and BBA. Or were you one of those people that used a turn-by-turn walkthrough because you can't think for yourself?

>stamina limits
You're missing the point. You're claiming that Daiteikoku is a puzzle game, while I'm pointing out that it's only a puzzle game if you're incompetent or can't read moon, which taken together describes most of /jp/. Did you forget all of the threads where you had dozens of /jp/ers who had to ask even how to move their fleets to attack?

Also, I'm still waiting on that picture. Post your high score, self-proclaimed Alicesoft SRPG expert.

>> No.7670807
File: 96 KB, 353x499, 1311797403825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempted to buy.

>> No.7670811

>Protip: the antonym of "streamlined" is convoluted. A work of fiction being streamlined is a good thing.
A game like Daiteikoku shouldn't be streamlined.
It should have some degree of freedom, more variety, more shits to do.

>> No.7670824

Does it have any interesting ship designs in it?

Besides the pandas.

>> No.7670830

If you want to play a sandbox game, then go play Grand Theft Auto or one of its clones. Bitching that a turn based strategy game with VN elements is streamlined is like complaining that there aren't guns in Fire Emblem or that every Gundam series features an angsty and possibly autistic teenager piloting an overpowered mobile suit; it's obviously not for you.

>> No.7670838

There is a difference between reloading once in a while and being forced to do it EVERY TURNS.

>> No.7670839
File: 145 KB, 800x407, 1311798054511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the webcomic is shit, but the point stands.

>> No.7670840

And then we get train wrecks like Sengoku Rance or Big Bang Age. Sorry, but you're retarded. Might want to see someone about that.

>> No.7670841

You're going to be waiting for a long time because it wouldn't prove anything, is easy to spoof, and I don't have 5 year old games installed on my nice new laptop.

>Save scumming
You should have never had to reload in BBA if you were playing intelligently, and only in Rance7 because of the BS autokills. Neither are regular events that happened every single battle though, and therein lies the difference. Savescumming was not a regular part of either of those where it was literally required in Daiteikoku.

As for a puzzle game, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Being able to read Japanese doesn't make it any less of a puzzle, just makes things more obvious, but that's only AFTER the most recent patch that added scouting. All the 'gameplay' is, is looking at the enemy and then sending whatever is needed to counter them. Unlike actual strategy games, there is no sense of attrition or compromise. You either win with zero or minimal damage, or get an instant game over. That is not strategy, that is simply putting shapes through holes.

>> No.7670846

The only time you have to reload every turn in Daiteikoku is if you suck at it.

>> No.7670847

Oh, and the strategy in Koihime Musou was any better? You make me sick, hypocrite.

>> No.7670851

>His rebuttal is to post a picture of Penny Arcade

Credibility lost.

>> No.7670849


Are you even trying?

>> No.7670853

I really like the Aeris ship designs and some of soviet ships
rest is ok but nothing special, except for gamerican ships, they are like shit on a stick

I didn't savescum on my first rance vii playthrough, tho it was a shit playthrough with nothing major accomplished but I learned very much about the game and I kept playing it without guides or savescums, tho I did no 5star runs or similiar challenges, just unlocking shit and completing characters

I did keep a few saves in Daiteikoku because of my limited unterstandings of moon and not wanting to screw up things and I did reload a few times, tho I am pretty sure if the whole game was in english I'd avoided many of those savescums
also /jp/ doesnt know there's a new patch so you can Scout what shit you are going to fight, so you're not forced to attack, take note, reload

>> No.7670861

> so you're not forced to attack, take note, reload

It's a strange world you live in where you consider this to not be savescumming.

>> No.7670862

You go in the battles BLIND
It's not a question of being good or not.

>> No.7670865

>Did you forget all of the threads where you had dozens of /jp/ers who had to ask even how to move their fleets to attack?

What? Atlas brigade members were clearly from the /b/a/v/ boards.

>> No.7670866

It's not. It's how the game is intended to be played. Savescumming is when you do it to cheat.

>> No.7670868

>cop out excuse about why you can't post your score

Why am I not surprised? Okay, tell everyone what your high is then.

>All the 'gameplay' is, is looking at the enemy and then sending whatever is needed to counter them
>Unlike actual strategy games, there is no sense of attrition or compromise
>You either win with zero or minimal damage, or get an instant game over

You're kidding yourself if you don't think all of these apply to Rance and BBA as well.

>> No.7670869

you guys are shit tier trolls
I said that the new patch FIXES THAT DAMN THING
so you dont have to savescum anymore, except if you're pants on head retarded and cant into rock-paper-scissor strategy
I think /v/ invaded this place

>> No.7670870

>Protip: the antonym of "streamlined" is convoluted. A work of fiction being streamlined is a good thing.

In theory you're right, but "streamlined" turned into a pejorative around the time the second Deus Ex game got released and it turned out the developers had removed every bit of tactical depth in the name of streamlining. In modern usage, especially in relation to vidya, it's often understood to be corporate-speak for "dumbed down".

>> No.7670871

Even that wouldn't have been THAT bad if you could retreat or there was a loss condition besides game over.
It would have still been retarded as fuck, but at least not FORCE savescumming.

>> No.7670875

/v/ did invade this place. Look at the post right below yours.

>> No.7670876

Oh bullshit. Most /a/-goers can't even be bothered to read new translated VNs (excepting very hyped titles like MLA) let-alone try to slog through something just released in Japan with ATLAS. And to the implication that your average /b/-tard even knows what a VN is I simply say what the fuck.

>> No.7670879

if you lose a fight theres 4 options
>retry fight
>go back to the start of the turn
>reload game
>go to main menu

if you lose a fight in say Final Fantasy you have the option to load at the last savegame
so this is too savescumming ?

>> No.7670880

>You're kidding yourself if you don't think all of these apply to Rance and BBA as well.
You don't actually have any idea what attrition or strategic compromising are, do you?

>> No.7670882

Thanks for proving my point about /jp/ers that can't read moon.

>> No.7670887

>also /jp/ doesnt know there's a new patch so you can Scout what shit you are going to fight, so you're not forced to attack, take note, reload

What the fuck?
Are you talking about that one which adds the ability to make custom generals too? v1.02 or something. We know about this shit and it is old as fuck.

>> No.7670890

You obviously don't if you think attrition or strategic compromise applies to either of those games.

>> No.7670884

>It's how the game is intended to be played.
>straight up says that the intended way to play Daiteikoku is to reload every fight and use the information you got from the first try, making it a shit tier game

I'll take that as a concession. Glad you manned up.

>> No.7670885

Or they just stopped playing before the patch was released

>> No.7670894


The difference is that the fights in Final Fantasy can be won, and are intended to be won, without any prior knowledge of them.

>> No.7670895

If you expect to lose every battle in Final Fantasy at least once, then you have far bigger problems than other people's opinions of Daiteikoku.

>> No.7670893

I wasn't even the one arguing with you, but once someone chucks out the "it's not for you" excuse a shitty picture is all that the argument is worth.

>> No.7670898

Daiteikoku was hyped as shit. They even had threads about it on /v/ upon release.

>> No.7670899

>I know you are, but what am I.

Okay, we're done here. Go back to your search for your bike, Peewee.

>> No.7670900


and you guys seriously need to inform yourself
a patch is out 1.02
with a SCOUT function
you know what you're up against before you go into the fight
you cant lose if you use your brain
which obiously half of /jp/ is not doing, it's like people on /v/ shouting gamescores

>> No.7670902

I'll never get why people hate this particular game so virulently. Toushin Toshi 3 was a letdown as well, but you never saw anyone going out of their way to scream about how it's the worst thing ever or troll it.

>> No.7670908

Difference in expectations.

>> No.7670909

Toushin Toshi didn't have people who kept being obnoxious about how it's the best game ever despite the disappointment, either.

>> No.7670905

Probably because there weren't a legion of /a/ fanboys angrily crying about how nobody understood how amazing the game really is.

>> No.7670907

Because nobody cared about it.

>> No.7670912


Well done, team.
Daiteikoku should be proud anyway. Its EGS score is finally above Shaman Sanctuary by a whole 2 points!

>> No.7670917

caring about scores, especially considering egs widespread hate-account trolling, makes you a fag

>> No.7670919

You realize that was the anti-Alicesoft kid, right? It's the same faggot that tries to shit up every Rance thread he sees.

>> No.7670925

The face of paranoia.

>> No.7670929

Tell that to >>7670865.

>> No.7670937

Source on this picture? Danbooru turns up nothing.

>> No.7670983


Because people were expecting LotGH + Sengoku Rance, and just got a shittier Rance. Toushin was obviously a generic dungeon crawler.

>> No.7670998

You smell like a fastboarder, anon.

>> No.7671013

Wait, this is actually making someone lose sleep? They just had to let the internet know they don't approve of other people not approving of a game before they took a nap? I hope this is just some innovative trolling and people really don't take eroge this seriously.

>> No.7671020


>> No.7671328
File: 185 KB, 374x1300, 1311807532056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose one battle = GAME OVER. Forces you to be a perfectionist. In the initial release you couldn't even see what you were attacking. So like many others, I cruised through China and then tried attacking Hawaii. I got raped and there was no way to avoid it, outside of savescumming.

No turn limit, can spend as long as you want grabbing resources.

Characters are boring as shit outside of Germany. Daibanchou had Heita getting his ass beat trying to save the class rep, Yuuki shooting the chalk, etc. In Daiteikoku it's just, "here's your crew. Now let's go." I honestly can't even remember a single one of their names outside of Togo.

As much as I wanted to like it, I couldn't. Still, I want to finish the game at least once so I can make my own custom Saten admiral and play Core mode, where they actually limit the number of ships you have.

>> No.7671387

There's too much game. And not enough eros to compensate for the shitty gameplay. It feels like you're playing an FF game, with a little more hentai content. But not enough to compensate for shitty gameplay.

>> No.7671392

I came inside his underwear, covering his balls and pubic area with my cum. After I was done I left his cock sticking out of his briefs and pulled the covers back up. The next morning i went to his room early and he was still sleeping, I pulled back the covers and sure enough his cock was still sticking out through the hole in his briefs. I was naked and my cock was rock hard as I started fondling his soft cock. He quickly got hard and i continued to jerk him off. He didn"t take long before spurts of cum shot out of his cock, it covered my hand and landed on his stomach and on his briefs. I rubbed the head of my cock on his stomach covering it with his cum. I let go of his cock and started licking his cum off my fingers. I moved up beside his face and rubbed my cock against his lips, his cum rubbed off as I moved my cock back and forth across his lips and his mouth opened and his tongue came out licking his lips as he slept it was a unconscious reaction. I quickly moved my cock onto his tongue and managed to put my head inside his mouth. I jerked my dick as i felt his tongue explore my shaft. I held my cock in his mouth as i started cumming, I didn"t want to gag him so I pulled it out and still shooting I shot my load on his face. I did shoot some into his mouth which I saw him swallow.

>> No.7671398

The main reason gto hate Luca is thet the fucker acually makes you pay for her last cosmosphere outfit and quite a lot at that.

>> No.7671887

You barely interact with heita and yuuki after the school chapter. Infact in big bang age you barely interact with any of the characters unless you trigger something related to their star, which requires you to read a guide because there is no ingame way to find out.

>> No.7671917

And yet they still end up with 1400% more character than 99% of Daiteikoku's cast.

>> No.7671922

So OP just has an axe to grind on Alicesoft games?

Never really a fan of the Dai games. Just played Rance series more for the story.

>> No.7671929

DTK has one of the weakest cast in AS eroge. Everybody already knows this.

>> No.7672017

Except for all the /a/ friends arguing about how great Daiteikoku is.

>> No.7672177

My major beef is with the lore. They demonize all the weak points of the Allied nations, and ignore the less-than-humane actions of Axis nations. And don't say "lol it's just a parody of ww2," they specifically chose to base their world on WW2, and should be conscious of whose real legacies they exalt or mock. Rather than spit on history with a "And here's how Japan should have won" fantasy - playing off invading China as "no harm was done" while treating the US nuclear attacks as blind global rape - they should have struck closer to reality. I feel an open-ended presentation where you can play any nation would have improved much: displaying both the good and the bad of each superpower's acts, presenting the whole war as a 'what if' scenario where there's more outcomes than "Japan wins," and not going out of their way to insult particular commanders or sugarcoat others. As is, both the mechanics and writing show a bitter resentment towards Japan's defeat in WW2, as though the game was conceived as an ultra-nationalist propaganda piece.

>Forces you to be a perfectionist
More to the point, they didn't take the time to put in fail states. They force you to give up if Japan can't win absolutely; there's no diplomatic or subterfuge conditions.

>> No.7672262

OP, your opinion intrigues me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter

>> No.7672265

The prediction was true!

>> No.7672317

That doesn't make it right.

It however proves that TADA and the rest of the alicesoft team are racists though

>> No.7672329

Daiteikoku > *

>> No.7672338

Is it cool to like Daiteikoku now?

>> No.7672349

It was always cool

>> No.7672364

You're adorable.

>> No.7672825
File: 106 KB, 240x180, 1311833615965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad to see this thread is still alive. I got to thank all of you who decided to give a second look at Daiteikoku. I have things to do but I will try and come back to answer some complaints about this game. See you then.

>> No.7672841

Yeah Daiteikoku is one of the few non-school harem eroge ever made.

>> No.7672909

And I thought umineko fans were horrible.. daiteikoku is a horrible game, by the way.

>> No.7672955

If by few, you mean one of several hundred, then sure.

>> No.7673018
File: 256 KB, 576x448, 1311836554255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also forgot to mention Daiteikoku has shit HCGs.

AliceSoft just trolled their customers too far with the girls in this game.

There was just too much rageshit in this game: beastility, rape, gangbang, torture, and murder.

AliceSoft also put way too much effort into the Bad End CGS, rather than Good End CGS.

Best girls barely get any H-scenes, if they get any at all, that is.

All my hard work put into this game only to be rewarded with incredibly bland H-scenes, whereas, when I fuck up, I'm forced to endure rage scenes?

Fuck you, AliceSoft, fuck you.

Daiteikoku lacked waifus.

Heroines were certainly not at the level of Helen of Troy; My white knight senses mostly lay dormant throughout the game; Pixiv also agrees with me, since there's barely any Daiteikoku fanart; an unexpected occurrence as Pixiv is known for its resident AliceSoft fags.

Not only that, but Daiteikoku's male protagonist is shit; an imbalanced moralfag who is very hard to relate too.

I find it hard to believe he is supposed to be a father figure, with his type of personality.

As an eroge game, Daiteikoku really fails to deliver satisfying "ero" to its customers.

AliceSoft truly deserves to bankrupt with this troll of a game they should never have hyped to their masochistic fanbase.

>> No.7673036

inb4 some blind alicesoft fanboy comes in and accuses you for not buying the game and therefore not having a right to complain

>> No.7673184

>rape, gangbang, torture

I don't see how those are even a bad thing and aren't fap worthy. It boggles my mind how people can find those actually something to rage over. Just so... unbecoming of you, /jp/.

>> No.7673245

Stand back, we have one HARDCORE to the max guy here.
Go back to playing Seitenshi Yumiel Shadow Crusade.

>> No.7673256

That's the best retort you can come up with?
