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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 323 KB, 764x600, mugen_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7599420 No.7599420 [Reply] [Original]

My Cintiq broke... I'm currently in sulking mode so that means I won't be bothering you guys for a while... have fun without me /jp/...


>> No.7599426

Reported for ban evasion. Fuck off you piece of shit.

>> No.7599427

We'll do our best.

>> No.7599428
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 1310283218422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, delete your thread, onionhead.

>> No.7599436

Please come back soon ;_;

>> No.7599434
File: 32 KB, 640x360, 1310283262372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7599446
File: 107 KB, 833x493, 1310283423478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real man draw with their mouse.

>> No.7599452

Mugen: Putrefying any good thing since he started attention-whoring

>> No.7599461

He always was attention-whoring. Not even /c/ wanted him.

>> No.7599472

>have fun without me /jp/
not possible

>> No.7599480

I can't even see what Mugen would have any business on /c/ in the first place.

>> No.7599493

Can't you use ill-gotten onions to buy a replacement?

>> No.7599498

Do you have any idea how much guro he dumped on /c/? He's done it countless times to the point of almost image limit only to repeat the same process a few hours later.

>> No.7599503

I've never actually seen this during my visits there, I am surprised.

Mostly surprised that he manages to act like more of a retard than he does here.

>> No.7599505

Why isn't the retard IP range banned yet?

>> No.7599508

smart enough to change his IP probably though it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do so.

>> No.7599510

Good night sweet prince,

>> No.7599512

Not so easy here in the Philippines... It costed me a fortune to acquire this second hand refurbished Cintiq and it would be safe to assume it's way out of warranty period... Wacom recommends to ship it to them which will take another 30 to 45 days and additional cost... I already checked the cables and everything... it just won't power up... It would be much cheaper to just purchase refurbished one's from Ebay...

While I do have more than enough funds... I still need to justify to my wife in case I decided to pursue and get a replacement... and that's not easy...

>> No.7599515

Godspeed, onion knight.

>> No.7599516

Range blocks aren't that simple, but its also fairly simple to get a hard proxy, with given funds.

My question is why isn't his trip or name just set on autoban.

>> No.7599517

Haha you're whipped.

>> No.7599519

aren't you rich mugen? you bought like a 300 dylon fan; buying some 1k drawing pad should be no problem.

>> No.7599522

He isn't. He refills used ink cartridges for a living, remember? Guy probably didn't even go to college.

>> No.7599525

You can make a lot of money with that.

>> No.7599526

Really? Wow

I didn't even think Mugen could be that much of an ass but I guess you can't put anything outside of reason.

>> No.7599533

going to college isn't the only way to make money in life. i knew multiple people who had over 6 figures easily and didn't attend college. in comparison a nice college degree can you a job flipping burgers faster currently.

>> No.7599532

Uh... Actually, I import Printer Inks by the bulk and sell them at wholesale level... I also sell large format printing machines and printer accessories...

>> No.7599535

So you smuggle stolen goods into your country? That's rotten.

You should be ashamed of yourself. I bet that Cintiq was stolen too.

>> No.7599540

Oh they're probably not that exp...
Holy fuck those things are expensive, my condolences Mugen, how'd this happen?

>> No.7599546

If you study a useless degree like English or American Studies, yes.

Something that requires effort like Medical school is another matter.

>> No.7599560

I may no be rich but there is no better feeling than being your own boss.(The banks are still your boss though)
I have 4 employers and I barely do something, I really take it easy all day, the only bad thing is that I can sleep late like before.

I make enough money to but a figurine per day If I really wanted. Even though I don't. I'm trying to save enough money to buy my parents house, so they will live with me rather than Me living with them. inb4 only NEET allowed, I'm not working because I want to.

>> No.7599566

How much per liter? Black.

>> No.7599574

>WACOM Cintiq 12WX USB LCD Tablet Sketchbook

holy fuck.

>> No.7599579

not everyone in the world can be doctors, lawyers, engineers, or get a ceo position because of connections + a business degree. people are required to do other stuff for society to function.

>> No.7599585

I could do what mugen does on a 60$ wacom bamboo

Why the fuck does he need a Cinteq?

>> No.7599586

Don't care.

Thread reported. Not your fucking blog.

>> No.7599590

What's the problem? Onion smuggling business drying up?

>> No.7599596

What brand?... I only carry HP and Epson compatible inks... I also sell sublimation inks...

Php 680 to 720 depending on what you need... minimum 50 liters... 5% off if you purchase 200 liters or more...

>> No.7599597

It's not THAT expensive. I can easily buy it with my spare funds for the month.

>> No.7599609
File: 92 KB, 438x473, 1310286506536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you have a cintiq and you still suck at drawing.


>> No.7599630

"It's not the tool, it's how you use it."

>> No.7599633

>He thinks inks are specific to printers.

>> No.7599637

Hey mugen if you draw a picture of Flandre being stabbed in the eye then I'll stop shitting in your threads.

>> No.7599642

I'm sure he was talking about cartridges.

>> No.7599653

>He thinks using ink from another brand will not increase the risk of clogging his printer head...

>> No.7599662

It is better this way, mugen. You had no skill anyway.

>> No.7599679
File: 24 KB, 251x251, 1310287826724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugen how hard is it to set up an onion smuggling operation?

>> No.7599699

Jesus! Enough with the smuggling with onions shit!... I IMPORT INKS! NOT SOME GODDAMN SMELLY ONIONS!

Besides, you could set up one really easily if you really wanted... all you needed is a dummy company... name it with something boring any name that will not attract much attention, someone who you could use as a scapegoat, a few men who are clueless on what you are doing and you need someone who is familiar with the whole process. In order for onions to be profitable, you needed at least 4 20ft containers or more filled with onions while you misdeclare them as something else that is not usually taxed to hell like cheap electronic goods or PSP casings and accessories... rest is luck... if you get caught... BRIBE if it didn't work... you'd best pray your contingency plans and paper trail are hard to trace...

Now leave me alone Onion Stalker!...

>> No.7599718
File: 338 KB, 1130x1315, 1310289115001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oho, look how knowledgeable he is at smuggling. Still, I'm not going to follow your advice. If the police managed to uncover your smelly shenanigans, it means your tactic is not good enough.

Dammit, stop being such a failure, mugen.

>> No.7599720

What the fuck?

>> No.7599733

I truly and honestly hope you die a horrible death.

>> No.7599736

They're not REALLY married, it's just some loli he uses for smuggling onions, shoves them down her dress and claims she's just a very well endowed 12 year old. Or pregnant.

>> No.7599795

Mugen is not Matsuda
