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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7597924 No.7597924 [Reply] [Original]

I recently had an idea...

As I assume, most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?

Either way, here's the idea:
In every place in the world, there are women more and less desired by men. I'm sure you've all witnessed these women who're "low class" and basically never get married. Accordingly there are a lot of women in Japan left outside alone and just as their western counterparts, they should be more likely/desperate to get a husband, right?

So wouldn't it be a good idea to seek in Japan for those said "low class" women, instead of trying the impossible and get with one of the very few picky Japanese women in our own vicinity?

tl;dr: Seeking for wives in Japan. Good idea? Bad idea? Experiences? Stories?

>> No.7597931

I'd rather die than get married.

>> No.7597930

>most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?
No, everyone on /jp/ hates everything about japan. Especially the women.

>> No.7597933

You assumed wrong

>> No.7597932
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>Experiences? Stories?
>implying any of these permalone neckbeards ever leaves their basement

>> No.7597940


>> No.7597941

Going 3D is lunatic mode all day every day kind of choice.

>> No.7597938
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>> No.7597948

>As I assume, most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?

You mean a real girl? Ewwww gross.

>> No.7597949

You didn't even look at this board before making this shitty thread.

>> No.7597945

>most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?

No, you just have yellow fever.

>So wouldn't it be a good idea to seek in Japan for those said "low class" women, instead of trying the impossible and get with one of the very few picky Japanese women in our own vicinity?

Enjoy ugly fat japanese whores with buckteeth

>> No.7597946

But I don't care about these things.

>> No.7597942

>As I assume, most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?
How many times will this have been refuted before I can even type this?

I remember attending a Japanese class full of middle-aged people who always travelled to Japan and had Japanese wives/boyfriends/husbands/girlfriends. They told me to get some nice Japanese woman.

>> No.7597954


>> No.7597973


>> No.7597983
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OP here

Wow, never mind guys... never fucking mind...

Not to sound asshole-ish, but your arguments are even more insecure and childish than mine, and THAT'S saying something.

You don't even believe this 3D pig disgusting shit yourselves, do you?
I think once you've grown out of that phase, you'll eventually realize growing old alone is really fucked up and shitty.

But hey, sorry to interupt your flood of visual novel threads.
Go on...

>> No.7597990

>You don't even believe this 3D pig disgusting shit yourselves, do you?
First time here?

>> No.7597989


Delete your thread.

>> No.7597997

Yes, I speak Japanese and have a Japanese girlfriend... this is a board full whiny 18 year olds who are too scared to leave their home let alone ever go to another country though.

>> No.7597992

As long as you're sorry.

>> No.7597993

Never change, trolls. Never change.

So sad so few people have the will to be their own man.

>> No.7598000

Force me.

>> No.7598001


No, it's me, Todd.

>> No.7598012

>he thinks 21 isn't babby tier!

>> No.7598010

Fuck you, I'm 21.

>> No.7598018

To anyone saying stuff like >>7597990, you are the newfag who has only been here since after the name change. This is Japan General, not fucking Touhou+VNs.

>> No.7598016

Oh shit, Todd! It's me, Marion!

>> No.7598024


OMG Marion! How long has it been?
I thought you didn't make it out of there.
How have you been all those years?

>> No.7598020

>you'll eventually realize growing old alone is really fucked up and shitty.
I think growing old with dependents is the fucked up and shitty thing. Growing old alone is growing old free.

Besides, your spouse is going to die at some point anyway (if they don't become part of the 50% divorce rate statistic first), or you are.

>> No.7598021

Why do you think this board was made in the first place?

>> No.7598022

Old weeaboos are the creepiest weeaboos.

>> No.7598034

If you're looking for Japanese women in desperation, look for the 25+ year-olds. There is a much greater impetus to be married before that age in Japan than in any Western country. Older unmarried women are called "Christmas cake"--unwanted after the 25th. They'll be the more desperate among Japanese women.

Also, gtfo Tokyo. They see too many Westerners there to consider you exotic like the rest of the country will (for 2 weeks).

>> No.7598029

But I've been to 3 different countries...

>> No.7598030

No, it's really Touhou+VNs/any kind of excess non-anime non-manga material that would otherwise be on /a/. Pretty much why moot made the board, regardless of the name.

>> No.7598036

After my father passed away, I got into this strange delinquent phase where I took my frustration out on anyone and anything I could find. I got myself jailed for a month, and during my time there, I thought about many things. These days I feel better than ever!

>> No.7598038

>Japan General
Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.7598040

But most Christmas cakes are married to their careers, other women are expected to give up their careers in the early twenties to suitably get married.

>> No.7598060

OP you know you just described every married gaijin in Japan, right? That's how it works: balding Americans take the Japanese women that Japanese men don't want. An attractive and marriage-eligible Japanese woman wouldn't go anywhere near an Amerifag.

In any case

>Japanese girl

Reported so hard my hand morphed into an alienmech hybrid the future will know as a Rebort, a maniacal robot whose lifeblood is reporting faggots like OP

>> No.7598062

But you should remember the fact that they want husbands with jobs... it's easier just to find a girl your own age.

That 50% statistic is for America, not normal countries.

>> No.7598067


>> No.7598074

>If you're looking for Japanese women in desperation, look for the 25+ year-olds

I'm actually conversating with a 25 year old Japanese girl at the moment.
We share common interestst and her English is not that horrible either. Good to know she's considered a "christmas cake". Hope this will increase my chances. :)

>> No.7598075

Right, in normal (read: less liberal) countries they just tough it out despite despising each other.

>> No.7598077

>An attractive and marriage-eligible Japanese woman wouldn't go anywhere near an Amerifag.

That's not true at all. As long as you have a good career and are fluent in Japanese you have no barriers.

>> No.7598082

You could not be more reported.

>> No.7598090

This is a terrible thread.

>> No.7598099

This is a terrible thread.

>> No.7598100

OP here.

Good. Let the butthurt flow through you!

Besides I'm neither Amerifag nor balding.
I'm just close to finishing college and I'm pretty determined in my future life. I may be somewhat of a weaboo fag, since it has always been my dream to marry a Japanese girl, but at least I'm not some 40 year old basement dwelling neckbeard who jerks of to VNs and figurines n' shit, while butthurt reporting anything that doesn't convert to your delusional world.

>> No.7598106

>OP here.
Attention much?

>> No.7598103

>good career
Fuck that noise. I can't see tying myself down to any particular tast for more than a couple of years.

>> No.7598120


>> No.7598125


>> No.7598137

>call someone butthurt and sperg out in the same post
Stay classy, OP.

>> No.7598135

>some 40 year old basement dwelling neckbeard who jerks of to VNs and figurines n' shit

You know, these people always use the same "argument." What, is there some Retard Normalfag Bible that I don't know of? Where does one purchase a copy?

>> No.7598154

I agree. This post has changed my plans for life.

OP is change we can all believe in.

>> No.7598152

I'm not judging you for this shit.
I jerk off to a lot worse shit than that.

Just saying stop bitchin if some people still have some ambition left to pursue shit in life. If things don't work out, you can always go back to jerking to your favourite shit.

Anyway, I'm out of here.
Have fun endulging in your complex induced dreamworld.

>> No.7598163

OP confirmed for underage

>> No.7598169

Attention normalfags:

This board is NEET only. Your kind, which is to say collegefags/wage slaves with jobs, girlfriends, and social lives, are neither welcomed nor tolerated around here, so get the fuck out and stay out.

>> No.7598168

No. I'm not going to go for a "low class" Japanese waifu. Mine's going to be super hot, as I will be a rich Japanese-fluent doctor- not a pathetic NEET

>> No.7598173

Look at all the newfags who think saging is the /jp/ thing to do.

>> No.7598183


>> No.7598185
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Get yourself some cake and soda my boy.

>> No.7598192


>> No.7598200

Why are you posting here if you aren't a hikki? Seriously, go back to /v/.

>> No.7598216

I don't know why you guys think it's so cool to be unemployed and have social anxiety. Seriously why do you act like this?

It's like glamorising being homeless, or having athelete's foot.

>> No.7598222

I never glamorize being homeless. However, I have noted that it isn't all that bad.

>> No.7598236

I don't know why you normals think it's so cool to be a wage slave and a party to all of the soulless, unethical bullshit you glorify under the collective label of "work". Seriously why do you act like this?

>> No.7598256

>ITT: Samefags and normalfags trollan

>> No.7598269

I don't know why you think it's so cool to be a gigantic faggot. Seriously why do you act like this?

>> No.7598276
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>How to save /jp/

To start with, all of the idol shit, MMO shit, Japanese cartoons, and mainstream video games are banned. They already have boards.

Trips are eliminated in favor of forced anonymous. Attempting to circumvent this by identifying yourself in your post is grounds for a ban.

People that admit to having jobs, a facebook account, more education than a GED, being under 25, or being female are banned, because they're invariably shitposters of the worst kind.

In the remaining threads, particularly those related to Touhou, the janitors and moderation need to do a better job of pruning. Textless image dumps, attempts to force memes, powerlevel threads, roleplaying, which X would you Y, CYOA bullshit, and all of the other threads that make the board barely tolerable no longer get a free pass just because the OP's pic features a girl with a ridiculous hat.

Furthermore, any attempts to post nukes/earthquakes/tsunamis, to use the word weeaboo, to ask for a translation of something, or to start a topic about VNs that were translated years ago filters to a ban.

>> No.7598298

reported for trying to samefag a copypasta into existence.

>> No.7598301

Nice ideas Adolf.
You came up with this yourself, or did mommy help you?

>> No.7598305


Ice burn.

>> No.7598320


>s I assume, most of /jp/s secret dream was/is to marry a Japanese girl, right?


>> No.7598334
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lol u so mad

>> No.7598328

Instead of saying what you don't want on /jp/, tell me what you actually what on /jp/.

>> No.7598337
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So... you are over 25, have no education and no facebook account?

I pity you.

>> No.7598359

>Implying suicide is not always an option.

>> No.7598362
File: 300 KB, 1600x900, 1310263674606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So...you are under 25, are thousands of dollars in debt and still waste time on a fagbook account?

I pity you.

>> No.7598355


>> No.7598365 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 265x289, 1310263744798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a neet

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7598375

I think we should ban people who sage and who pretend to be 4chan staff.

>> No.7598371

What kind of moron would have a facebook account

>> No.7598376

facebook is old worn out shit. everyone post your mail and ill send you a G+ invite.

>> No.7598419
File: 235 KB, 1200x797, 1310264326752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooooooow.... guuuuuuuuuyyyys...

OP here.
I left, fapped, ate some pizza, came back and see this thread is still going with the rage train.
Can't we just settle this and live in peace?

If you're okay being NEET or whatever fine.
Just sayin... being employed and married can be quite cool too.
You know, it's kind of awesome to have girl with you when you fall asleep. She's soft, warm and her hair smells nice n' stuff.
Just a consideration.

Peace out.

>> No.7598427

>kind of awesome...
I don't believe we ever argued against every single aspect of 3D. We merely don't find the benefits to outweigh the costs.

>> No.7598503

It was already fucking dead, shithead. You revived it.

I'm not saying that everyone should start hating mankind, that everyone should be unemployed, or anything of the likes, but the opposite is true as well. Just look at the way you post, you condescending scumbag. I don't give a fuck what your dream is, and it really makes no difference to me what kind of preferences you hold in life. But don't expect others to hold the same views. Get the hell out. You're an eyesore.

>> No.7598535

Being a NEET is pretty fucking pathetic, especially if you are living off your parents money.

>> No.7598544

Good for you.

>> No.7598545

Oh yeah? Well I ate onions and cabbage, fatty.

>> No.7598549

>You know, it's kind of awesome to have girl with you when you fall asleep.
Except it isn't. People who sleep together lack quality sleep, that isn't how your body optimally sleeps.

>> No.7598554

Opinions. I enjoyed it in my earlier days, though you are right about not sleeping as well.

>> No.7598564

piss off with your yellow fever you insecure white republican, nobody will stop me from 2D love

>> No.7598572

Hell yea bro keep the good fight 14/88

>> No.7599054

"Lower class women" are desired in Japan as much as the higher class women. Most women stop working after they have babies, so why would it matter what "class" they are from?

It only matters if they are bangable or not.

>> No.7599083
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Funny story, I'm actually the anon who posted the "Chicken Mootle Soup" image right after 4chan came back up after being down for a week in 2007. It even got sticky'd on /b/.

I feel pretty boss for coming up with a widely used meme.
