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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7581415 No.7581415 [Reply] [Original]

samefag etc

>> No.7581422

ZUN!bar if you want to make a thread about yourself just do it, you don't need to samefag. It's just silly if you do.

>> No.7581427

He is just an /a/b/v/ shitposter, i don't get why people get all wet whenever he shows up.

>> No.7581432
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>> No.7581433


>> No.7581436

Mugenjohncel = interesting poster who contributes to the board with original content and beautiful drawings.

People hate him.

ZUNbar = Lonely virgin who shits up the board constantly.

People love him.

>> No.7581440

>beautiful drawings
You can't be serious.

>> No.7581438


both are terrible

>> No.7581442

Is just fakesion, squid and their leader currybutt(saying that he doesn't visit /jp/ anymore).

>> No.7581457

>>Lonely virgin who shits up the board constantly.

What is it with you and being wrong all the time, Anon? You only got 1 thing correct in this sentence.

>> No.7581454
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1309989008485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sure is filled with Hong.

>> No.7581455

Have you ever been to his wordpress or to his pixiv?

He is legitimaly funny, go play one of his works, for example "The Fucking Question".

>> No.7581460

>fakesion, squid and their leader currybutt

>> No.7581462

save your viral marketing shit for /a/, Mugen-sama.

>> No.7581463

There'd be 5 posts of him jerking himself off anonymously if that was the case.

>> No.7581472

Hong-sama is the only good tripfriend.

Because he gives me sauce xDDD rOFLmao

>> No.7581484

your not lonely because you have youre dads dick and youre not a virgin because he raped your ass, LULZ XDD whata fuck

>> No.7581482
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>> No.7581481

It's a shame Jones doesn't post anymore. The Jone conspiracy brigade back then was hilarious.

>> No.7581487

>He thinks Jones doesn't post anymore

>> No.7581485

He posts all the time anonymously.

>> No.7581490

Good times.

>> No.7581498

I'm aware of that, but you know what I meant.

>> No.7581502

Hi Jones

>> No.7581501

Epic win Anon. But yeah I'm not lonely because I'm probably really naive or something.

Jonesy still posts EVERY DAY, but he doesn't use his trip anymore. Instead Jonesy uses reaction images with gay filenames that make fun of me (or Sion) because he's a big fat e-bully.

>> No.7581514

I don't even hate you that much, i hate the people that accompany you and your fanbase.

>> No.7581525

I liked ZUN!bar before he got mainstream.

>> No.7581524
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Those were simpler times.

>> No.7581529
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>> No.7581540
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>insinuating I have a fanbase

>> No.7581562

I've been a ZUN!bar fan since 89, fuck off pretenders!

>> No.7581579

This is what i am talking about.

Look at this piece of shit, he likes K-ON and uses greentext incorrectly.

I have no idea why people like him.

And don't even give me bullshit like "DUURR in the past he was a cool guy".
I don't care about the past

>> No.7581581

If enjoying K-on was wrong, I don't want to be right.

>> No.7581584
File: 48 KB, 277x352, 1309991498501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't like K-ON?

>> No.7581589

You're never right anyway.

>> No.7581590

People with good taste.

>> No.7581594

he slips a couple of "oh no I'm so shy I can't talk to internet strangers" posts between his >>double greentext and disney-calling, bitches love those

>> No.7581596

Pwnt. Hard.

>> No.7581598

IT's SoL, how much can you really expect out of that?
IT's never going to go down as history's greatest animation, but it's 25 minutes of girls with cute voices doing silly things. How can that be bad?

>> No.7581601
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>> No.7581618
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>> No.7581650
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You do. My day is now complete. See you tomorrow or something.

>> No.7581661

>>he thinks I'm lying
>>I'm exactly the same offline and online

Also I use two arrows because I like how it matches up with quoting the post (it has two as well). But of course Anon has to overthink everything.

>> No.7581663

If someone rapes ZUN will he no longer be able to become a wizard?

>> No.7581670

So you're just autistic? All the time?

>> No.7581672

who's the op bitch from?

>> No.7581683
File: 323 KB, 768x1024, 1309993255467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been living under a rock or what?
Sky girls ~Witches of 1939~

>> No.7581681
File: 33 KB, 189x211, get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boku no get out

>> No.7581691 [DELETED] 

pics and vids related, enjoy /b/rothers

www.wupload com/file/11645759/bulgarian_twins_onionforum.rar
www.wupload com/file/12421689/colombianas_LS_videos.rar
www.wupload com/file/18810777/HUGE_SET_from_DEEPWEB_set.rar

www.filesonic com/file/1373251011/set_of_4_ONION_MOVIES.rar
www.filesonic com/file/1153736611/mother_daughter14_son15.rar
www.filesonic com/file/1160210431/romanian_TOR_short_movies.rar

www.uploaded to/file/640u6eu6/Hanna12_and_Mark18.rar
www.uploaded to/file/cmqcrujz/daughter_and_father_russian.rar
www.uploaded to/file/qtc9gmm6/new_pics_from_EAST_EUROPE.rar

www.uploadstation com/file/SkFJ94U/teen_TWINS_photos.rar
www.uploadstation com/file/M96Z9NV/julia_jamie_FIRST_TIME.rar
www.uploadstation com/file/G5YaEUr/pics_from_FREENET.rar

www.fileserve com/file/nQJpVx9/onion_niece_huge_set.rar
www.fileserve com/file/kvvk2Sb/random_onionforum_pics.rar
www.fileserve com/file/2YRbJ2F/random_tor_pics.rar

>> No.7581701

Multiple doctors have said I'm both mentally and physically healthy, so I'm probably one of the least atutismistic people here.

Amazing, huh. Or maybe all those doctors could be wrong?

>> No.7581716

Being a retarded, attention-craving jerkoff isn't a medical condition, so you won't get declared handicapped for being yourself, ZUN!spam.

>> No.7581737

I'm not retarded (I have this in writing) and I don't make these threads so yeah, wrong again White REN.

>> No.7581748

I want to see what would happen if someone gave BOOF the same attention

>> No.7581745

>I'm not retarded (I have this in writing)

That's just precious.

>> No.7581750

Technically if you've ever taken an IQ test and received a decent (written) score you've got in writing.

>> No.7581752

The precious part is that he feels it's necessary to say it like it's somehow important to mention.

There are also plenty of people with high I.Q.s that are functionally and socially retarded. I.Q. tests don't, after all, measure any sort of practical competency.

>> No.7581758

Don't you think it's a little pathetic of you to try and leech off ZUN!bar's popularity by calling him out?

>> No.7581761


>> No.7581770

Your idiocy is super-massive. It warps spacetime.

>> No.7581770,1 [INTERNAL] 

>he thinks ZUN never contributed anything compared to mugen

Semen ramen.

>> No.7581770,2 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are so weird. Sometimes.
