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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 386x387, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7570959 No.7570959 [Reply] [Original]

How autistic is this board. Others have been discussing it and you've all been named the most asspained place on 4chan. Thoughts?

>> No.7570962
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>> No.7570964


>> No.7570965

Nah, there's lots of asspain when other boards come here but it ain't from us.

>> No.7570966

Oh no, whatever will we do.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7570973

Pretty sure that /m/ is the most autistic board on 4chan BY FAR but since autism is a meme on /jp/ and not on /m/, we're the autists. Also we're never mad.

>> No.7570977
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>> No.7570978

lol, you guys really do sage everything. Confirmed. Thanks.

>> No.7570984

Summer, summer, everywhere, and not an ounce of intellect.

>> No.7570986


>> No.7570980

Autistic, yes. Asspained, I don't think so.

>> No.7570981

/jp/'s autismic levels are constantly off the chart.

I won't sage this post, and it'll cause some asspain to a few autists.

>> No.7570988
File: 24 KB, 297x289, 1309798495573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol their's no way in HELL this is the most autistic place on 4chan xD

>> No.7570994
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Pic related.

>> No.7570992
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>> No.7571001

I will never understand how other board denizens seem to have it hardwired in their heads that saging is SOLELY for the purpose of disapproval

>> No.7571000

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand sage.txt

>> No.7571003
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>> No.7571004

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

>> No.7571010

Oh? Do tell.

>> No.7571011

bump, sage does nothing weeaboos

>> No.7571013


It's ok guys. We understand that you're autsitic. Just surprising how hardcore the asspie in you all is that's all.

>> No.7571014

Have you checked /a/ recently?

Actually, here are quite some people around who are mature as fuck. Some good discussions too.

You should just ignore the asspain of a few and enjoy things, this applies to all board.

>> No.7571007

and the maddest nerd of all and crowned king of butthurt finally makes his appearance

>> No.7571009

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

Let's get this shit started.

>> No.7571016
File: 807 KB, 1893x1938, 1309798838865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related?

>> No.7571017

you're right, it does do nothing, it doesn't even bump, great isn't it

>> No.7571019

I love /jp/

>> No.7571018

This'll be the last time I do this, but trust me when I say you should really look at >>7570965

>> No.7571021


No, actually 7 boards at the moment are discussing this and have nominated /jp/ as the most autistic of them all. lol, you should have seen what /a/ said. Funny shit.

>> No.7571024


>> No.7571020
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1309798923764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7571025

lol what's the point of using the useless feature if the threads just going to be bumped anyway

>> No.7571026

When I sage, the message is actually

"I have nothing else to contribute so all you get from your shit is this post from me."

Actually, I use sage to glorify the stupidity of these fucked up threads.

I dont give a fuck what the actual meaning of sage is, only if there is a mature, kind and smart dicussion only gentlemen dare to do.

>> No.7571027
File: 1.22 MB, 2058x1705, .a. cancer list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of /a/'s favorite threads.

Add there troll circlejerks with 300+ posts, spammers, "great" mods and awful normalfag blog threads.

>> No.7571029

Exactly! That's what I've been saying.

>> No.7571028

So /jp/'s very existence pains the asses of the rest of 4chan, no wonder they bother us so much.

>> No.7571034

Man, I just love this. Maybe if enough people hate us and start to avoid us we can go back to being an unholy reunion of pre-split /a/nons, VIPPERs and EXPERT PROGRAMMERS.
Who am I kidding

>> No.7571030

You wouldn't understand, because you're too new and stupid.

>> No.7571031

Dont want to click on this pic, but there are "metathreads" all over the place, and tripfags trollwanking and stuff like that.

>> No.7571032

This image just makes me love /jp/ even more.

>> No.7571036

hey mom, I'm on TV

>> No.7571037


Just click on the pic.

>> No.7571035

These are the boards which have declared you most autistic of 2011:


YES even /x/

>> No.7571038


This is precious. I will admire this image when I am feeling down.

>> No.7571039

I am glad you like it. It makes my casual efforts feel rewarded.

>> No.7571043

Oh fuck VIPPERs!

I remeber Anime Expert, we was the a Mastertroll. And the guy who actually had a loli daughter who got teached to be a slut. Where we went to japan and bought all these loli maid clothes for her.

Shit was glorious back then.

>> No.7571044

How to sum up /jp/ in one simple word: sage

>> No.7571045

We really care. Keep us updated.

>> No.7571041

really what's the point of putting sage in the email field? not only does it do nothing you also have to wait an extra 30 seconds to make another post as opposed to a non-sage post

>> No.7571047
File: 674 KB, 4865x2000, 1309799377539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you /jp/.

>> No.7571046

Sorry, but i am not too fond to get cancer in my young life.

Are you masochistic?

>> No.7571048

I just dont understand. Why would you visit a board you dont like? That's more autistic than anything implied or directly stated in this thread.

>> No.7571050


Apparently you do as your sages have had no effect.

>> No.7571052

stop liking what i dont like

>> No.7571051

4chan X says hello to sage.

>> No.7571054

Do you really need to post that often?

Nah, it's just fun to see you guys get all rumproasted about the simple use of sage.

>> No.7571056

i usually visit sad boards like /soc/, /jp/ and /r9k/ for the lulz

>> No.7571057


We don't use sage to "do" anything. It's just a method of posting.
Again, I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage does.txt

>> No.7571058
File: 128 KB, 849x1199, 1309799586989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is for little girls. There's no autism as we don't allow anyone over 11 to join our tea parties.

>> No.7571061

e.g. boards that /jp/ has ultra ass devastated multiple times

>> No.7571059

I was going to find those threads and add some replies to that image, but I can't find them.

/r9k/ doesn't exist.

>> No.7571060
File: 147 KB, 244x245, 1309799614234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the butthurt flow gentlemen. You can leave the thread at any time and go back to talking about doll socks or whatever it is that /jp/ actually does besides sage.

>> No.7571063

Anal masturbation with nexus vibro.

>> No.7571062



This is basically how March played out entirely, yeah.

>> No.7571067

I am tempted to hijack this thread with ohayous, but then I might just piss the shit out of the off-board autism that meandered in here

>> No.7571065

the best part is how most of that shit is also /jp/ too, but you'd be too stupid to realize that wouldn't you? kog made his biggest debut in /jp/, there is oc, /jp/ radio, metathreads, people asking for source (you're a dumb piece of shit if you've got a problem giving not obvious source), greentext, i hope you don;'t seriously, /sp/, cirno, alice roleplaying, 3dpd, recommendation, other stuff instead of anime clubs, and type-moon&umineko instead of big 3. besides sing alongs, doubles, ffviii, and vlc everything on that list applies to /jp/.

it's actually worse for /jp/ because at least /a/ users aren't stupid enough to use a list that applies to both, but try and use it as an insult against /jp/.

>> No.7571066

then why the fuck do you use sage as opposed to a non blue post anyway? please tell

>> No.7571070

you're the one who goes out of his way to come to /jp/ and get buttdamaged
we'd be here anyway

>> No.7571071

Meanwhile, the first thread on /a/ right now is an anime thread about a show that just started airing, and it's being spammed by 'dubs'

>> No.7571075
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>doll socks

>> No.7571076

To buttmangle you.

>> No.7571080
File: 98 KB, 1180x710, 1309799924610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7571083

>/jp/ actually does
We like to cripple asses of occasional visitors, who actually think that they are trolling us and we mad.

>> No.7571084


I generally just use sage if I feel like the thread is not worth being discussed, or I can add nothing to the discussion.
Either way, the value of my post is 0, so it is as if my post is unnecessary.
Why do I still post?
Maybe I have something important to say, maybe I like to talk.

>> No.7571085

I'm not sure, you're either a butthurt /a/ denizen, or have never actually visited that shithole.

>> No.7571086

From the sky of hatred,
Righteous wrath at our chest,
We hold a sword that slays evil
Thou art the innocent command for not bumping a thread-----Demonsage!

>> No.7571094

Seriously, I can't find any threads about /jp/ on any of those boards, even using archives.

Did you seriously just make that stuff up solely to post on /jp/? I thought it was odd that /fit/ and /sp/ weren't mentioned.

>> No.7571096


For some reason, I hear the trolls speaking in a "wah wah, wah wah wah" charlie-brown-adult voice.

>> No.7571089

/JP/, we shall reverse troll it guize XD whos with me??!

>> No.7571090
File: 167 KB, 416x355, 1309800096473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/jp/ thinks it can troll. LOLcute. BTW how are all those doll socks?

>> No.7571091

it's being spammed by some guy using that delayclose spambot who just happened to pick that as the topic to spam the thread as. /jp/ has resident mongoloid spammers who spam threads they don't like too so i don't see your point. you can say "BUT IT'S ON-TOPIC!", but that doesn't change the issue of them simply spamming a thread they don't like. one dumb ass cunt has used the delayclose on /jp/ like 5 times and once was even on a completely obvious on-topic thread.

>> No.7571097
File: 101 KB, 1208x392, 1309800139850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot is our bitch.
Deal with it.

>> No.7571102

Ah, moot.

I remember when the news post was SOON.
Still nothing, both on that front and on janitors, save for some mod who comes by and deletes only threads about porn, crossdressing, or meta threads, but leaves all the other trash alone.

>> No.7571103

When was that?

>> No.7571104

shut up or i'll sage the shit out of you! ;_;

>> No.7571109
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One is still up on /v/
Pic related

>> No.7571108
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>> No.7571117

I distinctly remember us royally crucifying some /v/ kiddies colon, I didn't screenshot it but it was some massive newfag who made a generic flame and got 10 "reported" posts in a row and actually proceeded to make a baww thread about it on /v/

>> No.7571115

I'm more confused about /vp/ not being mentioned

>> No.7571122
File: 137 KB, 778x581, 1309800513273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it at the first "suigining"

>> No.7571124

holy shit, /v/ archiver is up at the moment

>> No.7571125 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 210x168, 1309800598568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when you realize moot was trolling that person and it's been over half a year since the janitor quit and he hasn't given /jp/ a new one, nor does he plan on it.

>> No.7571132
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I got that in my laptop. Wait a second...

>> No.7571137

I remember about one getting banned for trolling dakimakura threads and proceed to cry about it on /v/ too.

>> No.7571147
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/v/ doesn't argue this. But still believes you are the most autistic.

>> No.7571148
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Can't found it.
Anyway it was just an average thread with the first two replies "Reported" at the same time.

We share one with other board.

>> No.7571149

I remember this one thread on /g/ where a guy was complaining about overbearing mods or something after being banned for a meet-up thread.

Oh, here, I found it:

>> No.7571153

The fact that they bother with all that silly space proves they are just that butthurt over our very existence.

>> No.7571158

That would be Bangcock continuing to be retarded.

>> No.7571156


/jp/ is ultra autistic.

But the matter is that /jp/ doesn't get angry or butthurt.
/jp/ gets frustrated. /jp/'s autism is so through the roof that they don't get angry, they get a calm but itching sensation and have to calmly explain why you are wrong in every way.

They're not mad, they're just THAT autistic.

>> No.7571164


>> LOL brb I'm gonna go post an earthquake thread on /jp/.

And they call us autistic.

>> No.7571168

You can always count on someone from another board shitposting meta here to be doing it out of insecurity.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with the occasional /sp/ threads

>> No.7571171
File: 81 KB, 640x400, 1309801464380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How autistic

>> No.7571173


>the new /jp/ janitor has been maximum autist for a few weeks now so i only visit the board once a few weeks or so

AoC was wrong.
Heavy moderation DOES help.

>> No.7571174

/jp/ pretends to get troll because they're bored.

>> No.7571180

Didn't autism originally refer to the people who get off to making people "angry" on the internet and who believe people get angry on the internet while acting like they are an internet version of the Joker?

>> No.7571186

you can never count on anything staying the same with the amount of sandblasting boards get during summer

>> No.7571192

no, you're wrong. look at the board now compared to when it was heavily moderated. /jp/ was losing 10 pages because 10 were filled with spam to make him work harder every 24 hours. now over the course of 2-3 days 2-3 pages are deleted. hide the thread, or go back to gaia if you want strict moderation, someone holding your dick as you piss, and wiping your ass since you can't reach it.

>> No.7571200

If I were janitor I'd just keep at it, I don't have anything else to do all day and since I go on /jp/ most of it I'd like to see it improve

>> No.7571199
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>> No.7571201

The only reason I come to /jp/ are the off topic threads and shut in threads.

>> No.7571206
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 1309802162490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visitors again? This has been a busy month.

>> No.7571207
File: 82 KB, 640x400, 1309802168393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask the least autistic /jp/'r anything.

>> No.7571208


Hiding threads does shit when there are ten pages of spam. Yes, the shitposters have something wrong with them mentally to enjoy violating board rules and evading bans just because they can, but it still stands that any human would get bored of making threads if each time required them to wait a few seconds to change their IP.

As for more work, he's the janitor. It's his job to delete any offending threads. If he had the ability to ban, it'd be better, but that's moot's domain. If AoC didn't want to spend all day deleting shitty threads, then he shouldn't have been a janitor.

This board probably has the highest concentration of shut-ins, NEETs, and other jobless pieces of shit who are addicted to this site and board. To say that not even one of them would want to have the ability to delete the shitty threads they currently report (to no avail) and hide is beyond idiotic.

And how wanting the shitposts to go away is analogous to wanting someone to wipe your own ass is beyond me. I have the power to wipe my own ass. No one here has the power to delete threads.

>> No.7571209


I come to /jp/ for the powerlevel threads.

And for god's sake, Shiki cannot kill Servants unless he's mostly/all vampire like in Ciel's route.

>> No.7571211

it's funny because spammers get off thinking they make people angry, then as soon as we talk about heavy moderation or filters to hide their shit their butt literally explodes in flames

>> No.7571213
File: 76 KB, 358x500, Japan17_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.7571215

>the shitty threads they currently report (to no avail)

I did it three posts in when I first saw it, and I doubt anyone else here hasn't.

>> No.7571216

that's why you aren't the janitor, though. you're failing to realize pruning every 2-3 days 2-3 pages and handing out bans is more intelligent than sitting around f5'ing think you're gonna win a war against 20 people spamming /jp/.

you plan to sit around all day trying to delete spam from half of the regulars who are pissed about the topics you're deleting? i don't think. even if you can manage it for a while you'll simply realize, "oh, wait... i actually don't have to do this since i'm ruining the board, there isn't proper discussion of anything, and i'm not even making money. what a retard i was doing this."

/jp/ was progressively getting worse as he continued. it started with 1-2 pages, following with 4-5 pages, and at the end it was 8-12 pages deleted every 12 hours nearly.

>> No.7571222

I hope this picks up again.

>> No.7571224

>Shiki cannot kill Servants unless
yes he can

>> No.7571229


The death of a spirit would overtax his brain immediately!
Especially a spirit decked out in prana armor and hefting ancient divine weaponry from the hoary mists of yore themselves.

>> No.7571230

if you want /jp/ to be better stop shitposting. its not that hard is it

>> No.7571240
File: 27 KB, 354x500, Korea_849642748X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it to happen, then do it. Learn the site rules, write up a short summary for commonly broken rules, and get yourself an on-topic image to post with.

>> No.7571247

The amount of shit only barely influences the amount of quality posts. Instead of being offended by spam, you should discuss something that interests you. The fact that there's so much shit just proves that most of /jp/ visitors are interested in spam and off-topic threads, rather than supposedly on-topic ones. This thread (the most active at the moment) is another proof.

>This board probably has the highest concentration of shut-ins, NEETs, and other jobless pieces of shit who are addicted to this site and board. To say that not even one of them would want to have the ability to delete the shitty threads they currently report (to no avail) and hide is beyond idiotic.
Problem lies in finding one that is not a self-centered faggot, not autistic and won't abuse their power.

>> No.7571251
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1303511583727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported. All of you.

>> No.7571255
File: 93 KB, 317x317, 1294432470161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I always try to be as nice as possible to newcomers. The problem is that they always ignore my one helpful post and continue to stir up trouble with the other residents.

>> No.7571260

Or maybe you're just not helpful at all.

>> No.7571270
File: 262 KB, 586x336, 1293354708741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is reported.

>> No.7571275

Autism report at 2:23pm

I just brought Fallout: New Vegas.
I got buyers remorse after taking a shower.

>> No.7571276
File: 23 KB, 374x306, 1285372734406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I always properly direct them to the board in which their question is much more likely to be answered.

>> No.7571278
File: 26 KB, 169x146, 1288643740438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like I've earned another badge I can proudly pin to my chest.

>> No.7571279

sounds like you're a pathetic piece of shit normal who's too stupid this isn't your personal webpage. this site belongs to moot and he decides general direction of the board, followed after that the content is up to the users, and if the users aren't within the contest set by moot then it's against the rules and janitors/moderation clean it up.

this isn't a place where a piece of shit like you decides what is quality of content since it doesn't suit the needs of a piece of shit normal like yourself. /jp/ does have the highest population of NEET and other people, since you've got a problem with them _you_ need to go, not them you dumb piece of trash. there is thousands of other places to get the content on /jp/ if you've got a problem with the users and content here. feel free to go fuck yourself. NEET culture is a /jp/ topic and that theme has the strongesy presence here.

100% touhou:

visual novels:

everything else:

>> No.7571285

Keep up the good work.

>> No.7571286

>Others have been discussing it and you've all been named the most asspained place on 4chan.
Dunno, if I tell you this: "/b/ is back with #fortune". Thoughts? You don't give a fuck because they are retards? Yeah, that's pretty much it.

>> No.7571289

>Problem lies in finding one that is not a self-centered faggot, not autistic and won't abuse their power.
Fortunately, there's a large pool to choose from.

>> No.7571301

Second Nichijou op is about achieving satori

>> No.7571302
File: 61 KB, 648x484, 1309804494980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism overload

>> No.7571312

After AoC quit, I stopped visiting /jp/ for about a month, and when I came back there was a thread about someone got promoted to janitor. Can someone tell me details of what happened?

>> No.7571330

unfortunately, that "pool" doesn't exist in reality, only in your imagination. you just described nearly all of the rarest traits you can find in people and said there is a large pool, and i think you implied they're found at /jp/ where people are autistic, can't handle responsibility, can barely see far ahead enough to see the nose on their face, are on permanent ego-trips, signs of power abusers are seething from nearly every post, and neutral, unbiased posts which accurately weigh all merits are non-existent.

that never happened. that's what happened.

>> No.7571330,1 [INTERNAL] 

