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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7519834 No.7519834 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7519836
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>> No.7519838

Milking the cow once again, Nasu?

>> No.7519840

I don't see any loli on this scan. Not even a girl.

>> No.7519841

Link to scan ?

>> No.7520059

There are rumors that this is the Fate online game, although it's not confirmed by anything yet.

>> No.7520076

The scan is from CM4, where it talks about it being an abandoned project.

>> No.7522577
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All of this is from the new Character Material.
Also Joan of Arc

>> No.7522604
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>Also Joan of Arc
>Joan of Arc


>> No.7522623




>> No.7522634

Remember when we all thought Saber from Fate/stay Night was Joan of Arc?

Good times.

>> No.7522649

Gilles de Rais wasn't good enough, huh?

>> No.7522683

Guess Nasu forgot he created Tsukihime. F/SN is like his most reliable whore, from the look of things.

>> No.7522684
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Today Type Moon fans worldwide were hysterical after finding a tweet from Japan, with a picture illustrating this note. The news was the official launch of the game, but was quickly removed from the network along with all traces that accompanied these new characters (and we bring exclusive). Type Moon apparently be devoted entirely to planning this new phase of the franchise Fate, which no other details about the media.

The latest news about the projects of Type Moon are the manga adaptation of Fate / Zero, the extra material and new illustrations of the novels, the imminent release of the delayed visual novel "Mahotsukai no Yoru" and anime Carnival Phantasm and Fate / Zero (which can be seen in August). But besides that it seems that Type Moon can afford to bet on an online project. Announce new products when they come to light.

>> No.7522702
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>> No.7522715

He also forgot he was making mahoutsukai no yoru
Winter 2010 my ass

>> No.7522727

Enough with the Fate shit. Just give me my motherfucking Sensei prequel and my motherfucking Sacchin route and then you can go off and do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7522737

It sucks that it's a dead project. Hopefully we'll get Fate/Extra 2 (which also gets an English release) or something that uses some of the character designs.

>> No.7522751

I know I may very well have been the odd one out. Byt I never thought she were Joan of Arc. i always pictured Joan of Arc to have brown hair and everything, I also, found the colors to be all wrong.
The whole, "I have a magical sword" invisible or not. Or even, "I have a magical weapon", also didn't strike me as her as I have no idea of what that weapon would be in that case.

This might sound perfectly clever, but I actually suspected her to be King Arthur's daughter or something, lost sister, or a mysterious "I was the female at the round table!" kind of girl.
That, or someone I have never heard of, or complete OC.

>> No.7522764

Don't forget the Tsukihime remake. 10th anniversary my ass.

>> No.7522798

Where's Girl's Work and Witch on the Holy Night?

What's this Fate shit? I'm tired of Fate/Shit Nasu.

>> No.7522810
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Meanwhile, at T-M.

>> No.7522821

That but with industrial machines instead of hands.

>> No.7522853

>The whole, "I have a magical sword" invisible or not. Or even, "I have a magical weapon", also didn't strike me as her as I have no idea of what that weapon would be in that case.

Joan got into the war business after she saw a dream where God gave her a sword from the heavens or some shit like that.

Invisible sword = dream sword = makes sense.

>> No.7522865

Finally, my historical waifu

>> No.7522881
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New VITA game?

Or maybe a new novel that we'll never get a translation for or one that will sit at ~50% for 2 years. Great stuff.

>> No.7522882

You know your waifu is a crazy ass bitch who would kill anything that her mental god tell her to. And you love her. That is true love.

>> No.7522889

He's Ryukishi.

>> No.7522929

Not jumping on the bandwagon of T-M bashing but this is just going a bit too far with the Fate stuff. With all the creative freedom that man must have he's been rather boring.

>> No.7522992

Only the original F/SN and F/HA have been his ideas.
I don't even think the adaptations were his ideas.

Then there are cases like Fate/Extra though, where the idea wasn't his, but where he made himself part of the project later on.
And he have suprevised all of the works, in varied extents, somehow.

I guess you could see it this way. F/SN is primarily dominating TM's works due to having the most/best sponsorships.
Otherwise Nasu have tried to lots of other stuff, like DDD, Canaan etc. But yeah, you might perhaps still have a point.

>> No.7523037

Jeanne d'Arc was a glorified mascot. She never did any actual fighting but was a standard bearer. Charles VII used her simply because there was a prophesy circulating at the time that Orleans would only fall to an army led by a virgin. And after she outlived her usefulness and became an inconvenience he allowed her to be burned at the stake.

>> No.7523061

Fate series was dead for me when Fate/Zero was released

anything after that is necrophilia

>> No.7523064

For the 3rd time, it's a dead project. You can stop bitching out it now.

>> No.7523073


What's so wrong with Zero? other than the ancient babylonian UFO?

>> No.7523103

Nasu didn't wrote it.

>> No.7523107

I just don't understand how a writer could have so little ambition when the tools are right at his disposal. But you do make a point with DDD and so on, I suppose it might be narrow-minded to only look at the VNs.

>> No.7523111

That's why it's good.

>> No.7523122

Never even heard of the game before, how could it have died, and when?

What was that third-party work with the loli/trap-Enkidu though?

>> No.7523135

Wait a new vn?

for real?


about the fate universe?



>> No.7523138

fate/strange fake

nothing in it is considered canon. Nasu said so.

>> No.7523167

Showing leg. How unmaidenly!

All of my money.

>> No.7523228

While on the subject, is there a place containing complete materials II and III with translations?

>> No.7523318

> Books
Google, /rs/, whatever...
> Translations
Search for Beast's Lair and surf the posts, you should achieve something. But complete translation, not for now.

>> No.7523345


guaranteed to be competing for shirou's penis like it owes her money.

meanwhile saiba acts tsundere because of the extra competition thus making her even more cute.

and Rin plots a 4-way with all of them.

>> No.7523391


speaking of which, F/HA just jumped up from 54.1% to 54.5% in less than 4 days. if it picks up more TL's we might get a 3.0 patch by the end of the month

>> No.7523430

Just scroll down

>> No.7524889


>> No.7524950
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alright speculation time
who's gonna be the next lancer

>> No.7524965

Al I can say from that scan is that aesthetics suck. It looks more like a .hack game than a Fate one. Takeuchi might have shitty anatomy and perspective but at least I like his designs, they're simple and not over-designed bullshit like those two guys. Jewels, pauldrons, glowing shit everywhere, face tattoos shit, jesus christ just go away

>> No.7525005

Are we out of Celts yet?

>> No.7525030

There would be one or two others from Diarmud's time, but I don't really know the details.

I would say that, Sigurd should make it into these stuff one day.

>> No.7525033

Though perhaps not as Lancer. Though that would be an interesting spin on it.

>> No.7525110

that project was cancelled

>> No.7525111

Looks somewhat like a fujoshi bait. One of the things I would put past Nasu.
I love Joan's design, hope there will be more alternative servants and related characters like this ilustrated in that CM.

>Next, anagry
no captcha, here on /jp/, it's rectterminated or nothing.

>> No.7525125

What kind of project was it though?
And why was it cancelled? Also, when was it announced that they cancelled it?

Also, why did that korean blog post about it just recently?
Even if it is cancelled these questions are somewhat interesting.

>> No.7525128

I've actually thought that she would be Lancer. Just imagine her stabbing people with the pointed french flag enchanted by Gilles, I heard it's historically noted that she did actually do that.
Gilles might have also given her some basic knowledge in Christian magecraft, I can imagine her doing that since it's christian stuff, I wouldn't be mad if she threw a few Keys.
Giving her some paladinish holy shield is too far-fetched for me and I fear it might be what Nasu does.
Also Charisma B+

But a dream sword is a cool idea too, yeah.

>> No.7525129

Nasu didn't have anything to do with Canaan, other than writing the 10-minute side story to 428.

And speaking of DDD, he really needs to write another chapter already.

>> No.7525135

>Also, why did that korean blog post about it just recently?
it was featured in the last character material, in a sort of "look here, we saved you from this shit" way

>> No.7525139

>other than writing the 10-minute side story to 428.
My point was basically that he conceived the idea. Meaning, he does some avid thinking, even if it doesn't always bear fruit.

>> No.7525149

>7 years and no new VNs, just the old milking of the cow.

Why is Type-Moon /jp/ related again?

>> No.7525155

It wasn't so much cancelled as much as it just never happened. It died in the initial planning stages.

>Jack the Ripper (Assassin, and as a loli)

>> No.7525167

I get your point. He also did Mirai Fukuin a couple years back, didn't he? It isn't like we haven't seen anything from him in the past six years.

>> No.7525177

And Spartacus with EX Con.

>> No.7525181


>> No.7525182

Oh god, take my mana for that macro, too. It needs to be done.

>> No.7525212
File: 89 KB, 450x800, 110624205601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siegfried (Saber)

Karna (Lancer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karna))

Vlad III (Lancer)

Benkei (Lancer)

David (Archer, and as in David and Goliath)

Atalanta (Archer)

George (Rider and as in the saint)

Astolfo (Rider, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astolfo, and a looks like a trap to me in the art)

Shakespeare (Caster)

Jack the Ripper (Assassin, and as a loli)

Semiramis (Assassin, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiramis))

Frankenstein (Berserker, girl)

Sakata Kintoki (Berserker)

Joan of Arc (Ruler (Saber)?????)

Spartacus (Berserker)

>> No.7525218

do all of those have pictures?

>> No.7525224

Wait, not Lancer?
Vlad's going to get raped. And so might Arthur if she shows up.

>> No.7525230

There you go, it is basically exactly the same as version I made on /tg/ way back. Except I didn't think of E as rock bottom for luck as opposed to D. There was also no plus on the Strength, as I suppose that would require something to buff it, or something like that to garner a plus. And there was a plus on Endurance due to the magical enchantments. Otherwise it is the same.

>> No.7525232

Who is the magical girl? Shakespeare?

>> No.7525236

Would it be correct to call the majority of these "average" servants, whatever that is? Of course, some of them are far from average.

>> No.7525237

That's it,type moon is finished,everyone can go back home

>> No.7525243

>Sakata Kintoki (Berserker)

>> No.7525245

Yeah because Moe is cancer and you like mature anime like yourself.

>> No.7525247

Not a servant, the magical girl version of that side character from Fate alongside the brown girl and gray haired glasses character. Yukika? I suck at given name readings.

>> No.7525251

Vlad is average as we know already, george should by all means be can-hold-his-ground but with a gimmick, David is troll tier, I think he's going to have Black Sling which is the base for Black Barell. I imagine he would be an ass and would get his ass handed to him by the weakest servant in the war.

>> No.7525255

Google is pretty cool, you know.


>> No.7525263

Wow your fanfiction character matched Nasu's!!!! Amazing!!!! It's exactly the same except three stats out of six!!!!

>> No.7525281
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>> Astolfo
Not the Motherfucking Roland/Orlando.

Pic related: It's the only existing fanart of Roland.

>> No.7525317

You know, I didn't think it mattered, so there was no big deal. It just got my attention.
If I were to be nitpicky though, the luck stat matched, due to the general thought of it being rock bottom. And the pluses are weird, but sure.

>> No.7525329

>posting that Yukika Lily image as though it has anything to do with this

And read more closely guys, the project was cancelled.

>> No.7525688
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>> No.7525695

what the fuck is shit there wasn't kos-mos like clothing and skin markings in victorian London jesus christ how shitty

>> No.7525705

10/10 perfect design.

Dem hips.

>> No.7525710

>Jack the Ripper

Stay classy, TM.

>> No.7525737
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>> No.7525738

what the fuck is shit there wasn't plate mail in Arthurian England jesus christ how shitty

what the fuck is shit there wasn't spandex in Celtic Ireland jesus christ how shitty

what the fuck is shit there wasn't white people in Sumeria jesus christ how shitty

>> No.7525744
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>> No.7525755


At least the is a rumor that Jack was a girl.

Her dress looks fucking stupid though

>> No.7525762


>Jack the Ripper

Suddenly I am reminded of an article that said someone wanted to make a project featuring Jack The Ripper in a Holy Grail War. I guess this is it?

Fuck I need to find that article.

>> No.7525765

Oh god, dat Frankenstein

>> No.7525768

those aren't totally out of place though. Arthur has all kinds of armor in fiction, Celts painted their bodies blue and skin-tight cloth is basically close, and Gilgamesh is a different figure all together and actually fits the universe background provided.
Meanwhile, futuristic clothing in the 1800s.

>> No.7525771
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>> No.7525774
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>> No.7525775

She is some mage's homunculus out of contol going around murdering whores. Calling it now.

Siegfried seems stranger to me with his lolplate. Nibelungs are what, 300AD at most?
And Shakespeare is outright retarded, unless he isn't which would be hard to defend.

Btw, anyone knows why Vlad Tepes, who should be a famous DA(the first new form of Tatari) is a servant? Not like he is a counter guardian since he's so obviously evil aligned, he looks outright corrupted.

>> No.7525778
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>> No.7525781


At last we have found him

An even worse Servant than Caster

>> No.7525782

That's not Vlad, though.

I know servants can change design a bit in Extra, but they aren't similliar at all except for the beard.

>> No.7525783
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>> No.7525784
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>> No.7525785



Who the hell are those guys?

>> No.7525787 [DELETED] 

>mfw it actually is a fujoshibait as expected

>> No.7525792
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>> No.7525795

Now we know why they cancelled it.

I wouldn't release this if I were them, though.

>> No.7525798
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>> No.7525802
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>> No.7525807
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>> No.7525816
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>> No.7525824

Siegfried, not much armour, huge shoulder-plates.
How fitting. Then again, I suppose this works for Siegfried, Achilles with gigantic boots though...

>> No.7525828
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>> No.7525829


>> No.7525834

Finally my type of guy!

>> No.7525835

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.7525838
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Finished. There's also some noble phantasms page but I'm lazy

>> No.7525847

...I guess they wanted to reference Atalant being transformed into a lion, but she looks more like a catgirl.

This feels more like EXTRA, aka just go wild with basic Fate concept.

>> No.7525849

Are these canon? Because I am raging pretty hard about some of these.

Particularly Astolfo and Frankenstein.

Joan and David are admittedly fucking awesome though.

>> No.7525853

>Not Frankenstein's Monster

>> No.7525857

Canceled project.
What do you think?

>> No.7525869

Anybody have a link to the scans

>> No.7525873

Well, they still released it, so I am afraid it would mean "fuck the game, it was going to suck, but have these designs, we are going to just leave them here for later use in fanfics and possibly actual works".
I wonder if they know themselves.

What I would want is for half to be left canon and other half to be forgotten. I am saying this as a fa/tg/uy who really liked those FSN WoD sessions we had, though.

>> No.7525886

It isn't complete, but here.

Covers the Apocrypha stuff at least.

>> No.7525889

Well, they are just ideas. If Nasu decides 'Hey, loli frankestein's monster as a berserker is cool, so is Loli Jack' and addes them in the setting somehow, then they matter.
Otherwise, not much to do with them

>> No.7525898

I'd let her strangle me to death, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7525931

Siegfried - well, okay, but even less plate, please. Arthur and Gawain could have gotten it in Rome, but you...
Karna - yes
Vlad III - you are supposed to be way more what you were in Extra and way less SEPHIROTH DUM DUMMA DUMMA DUM
Benkei - fuck yes
David - okay
Atalanta - well, okay
George - fuck yes
Astolfo - NO
Shakespeare - only as comic relief, otherwise nope.
Jack the Ripper - I could take it if you were the only bad idea and looked different, but as you are now, nope.
Semiramis - yes
Frankenstein - nope
Sakata Kintoki - idea good, look bad
Joan of Arc - FUCK YES
Spartacus - okay

>> No.7525970

FUck you

>> No.7525979


which servant is which

>> No.7525983

>but you...
Knew master dwarf/troll smiths/craftsmen capable of things otherwise only described in myth (Myth from his era of course, Norse/Celtic lore.)

>> No.7526000

Well, okay, forgot about that. Actually, what I am mad about is propably that he looks too much like Siegfried from Soulcalibur.


>> No.7526002
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I can't read the text, but I bet Jack is a homonculi, created by the Mage Association or something like that, for the very purpose of what it did.
Then again, I suppose I could prefer it as Jack the ripper still being alive in that case, in someone's possession like a "doll" on standby or something. Iliya didn't live long, but that was due to her very specific design. Haven't the Einzbern's head lived a really, long time in comparison?

>> No.7526012

>looks too much like Siegfried from Soulcalibur.
Could give you that though. Can't but find his shoulder plates to be amusing though, considering his weakness.

>> No.7526045
File: 767 KB, 1364x1886, img150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skimmed over the text, she's not a homunculus
the first page just talks about her personality, nothing about her story

>> No.7526078
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is this weapon as dumb as it appears to be
because it appears to be really damn dumb

>> No.7526107
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>> No.7526109
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Why are Lancers always the coolest guys?

>> No.7526113

oh god, I am not the only one
Nasu is now officially a WH40K fan.

>> No.7526120

When a weapon looks too ridiculous to be practical it usually is.

>> No.7526125

....it's a cross between an axe and sheep shears. With a pistol grip. That's pretty fucking retarded, right there.

>> No.7526126

Assassin? Not a part of the hashshashin? Guess that proves that you don't need to be a hashshashin to be an Assassin class.

>> No.7526127
File: 192 KB, 700x700, kharn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's motherfucking Gorechild.

>> No.7526136

Apparently Semiramis was also a Queen of assassins or something.

>> No.7526157

This is not canon, so people can just make up whatever they like, like Joan of Arc being of the Ruler class. Same shit as Extra and its Saver class and multiple servants, playing around with the Holy Grail concept doesn't mean it's canon with the FSN original universe.

>> No.7526160
File: 82 KB, 292x437, strange_fake_ablh534981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't part of the normal Heaven's Feels.
In fact, the premise is astonishly similair Fate/Strange Fake, even to the point of having Jack the Ripper as Assassin.

I bet this project is from back when Stange Fake was revealed to them, which makes sense since Urobuchi Gen was writing Zero at the time, and they were cooporating with Meteor etc. Given how they all have had something to do with this project. But they all abondoned it.

No matter the case, in Fate/Strange Fake, Assassin didn't have that restriction due to the system being completely different.

>> No.7526187

>Approved by Nasu is not Canon
>Obtains Cirno Award

>> No.7526199

None have said it is approved by Nasu.
All this implies is that Nasu thought it was fun enough to include in the extra-material book. It doesn't have to be any more canon than Shirou being female, and Saber being male and the Saver class.

>> No.7526209

FUCK MMOS. Imagine all the Servants conceived in the Nasuverse together in a game like Unlimited Codes without the endless combostrings and working netplay. I would never need another game again.

>> No.7526223

Make a working servant/master system a la D&D rules. Working point-based system, allowing you to buy things, positive/negative trait balance, random starting rolls to determine additional balancers to prevent twinking.

The point of the game would be DRAMATIC EFFECT.

>> No.7526225

Fate/Extra was written by Nasu himself, mostly, and it's still not canon by his own admission. Carnival Phantasm has the Type Moon logo on it and yet the characters should even appear together considering their games happen in different years, so not canon.
Go shitpost Touhou memes somewhere here, retard.

>> No.7526226

>>7526209 this would be the roster:


Arturia Pendragon (Fate/stay night), Arturia Pendragon "Alter" (Fate/stay night), Nero Claudius, Caesar Augustus Germanicus, (Fate/extra), Gawain (Fate/extra), Siegfried (Fate/apocrypha)


EMIYA (Fate/stay night), Gilgamesh (Fate/stay night), Robin Hood (Fate/extra), David (Fate/apocrypha), Atalanta (Fate/apocrypha)


Cu Chulainn (Fate/stay night), Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Fate/zero), Enkidu (Fate/strange fake), Vlad Tepes (Fate/extra), Vlad Tepes - another (Fate/apocrypha), Karna (Fate/apocrypha), Saito Musashibo Benkei (Fate/apocrypha)


Medusa (Fate/stay night), Alexander the Great (Fate/zero), The Black Death (Fate/strange fake), Sir Francis Drake (Fate/extra), Saint George (Fate/apocrypha), Astolfo (Fate/apocrypha)


Heracles (Fate/stay night), Sir Lancelot du Lac (Fate/zero), Jack the ripper (Fate/strange fake), Lu Bu (Fate/extra), Arcueid=Brunestud (Fate/extra), Frankenstein (Fate/apocrypha), Spartacus (Fate/apocrypha), Sakata Kintoki (Fate/apocrypha)


Medea (Fate/stay night), Gilles de Rais (Fate/zero), Alexandre Dumas (Fate/strange fake), Tamamo no Mae (Fate/extra), Nursery Rhyme (Fate/extra), Willian Shakespeare (Fate/apocrypha)


Sasaki Kojiro (Fate/stay night), Hassan-i-Sabbah (Fate/stay night), The Hundred-Faced Hassan (Fate/zero), The unspoken Hassan (Fate/strange fake), Li Shuwen (Fate/extra), Jack the ripper (Fate/apocrypha), Semiramis (Fate/apocrypha)


Angra Mainyu (Fate/hollow ataraxia)


Vairocana (Fate/extra)


Jeanne d'Arc (Fate/apocrypha)

>> No.7526234 [DELETED] 

>Caesar Augustus Germanicus,
where did this appear

>> No.7526236

>Sir Lancelot du Lac (Fate/zero), Jack the ripper (Fate/strange fake), Lu Bu (Fate/extra), Arcueid=Brunestud (Fate/extra)
Why would you ever pick someone except for these fine ladies and gentlemen?

>> No.7526241

What about Arthur Pendragon - Saver?

>> No.7526255

>not canon
Isn't it canon until the year 1980?

>> No.7526336
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>> No.7526358

It's canon, just that it's a different universe from regular Fate.

Shit that happens in Extra will not be seen/known of in SN, etc. The Grail system is entirely differently. And because the Grail system is entirely different, so are the Servants. In other words, Lu Bu in SN universe may not be the same as Extra's.

>> No.7526467

So, why does it say Ruler (Saber) as her class?

>> No.7526495

Because she was supposed to be the leader of one of the factions in the MMORPG. Just think of her as a strong Saber.

>> No.7526517

All servants have the other classes they could be eligible to between brackets. For example Jack the Ripper could also be a Berserker instead of Assassin.

>> No.7526525

An administrator of the holy grail war meant to maintain peace and prevent shit from happening.

Meaning if she was in the 5th, she would be Kotomine's servant and would force him to do good or else, which would be funny as hell I think.

>> No.7526537

>Jeanne d'Arc

No. No, no, no.

She's a fucking Rider. There's no way in hell it'd be otherwise. I invoke all knowing.

>> No.7526545

Some of these were really crappy, can see why it's a failed project.

>> No.7526561

Saber in FSN just means you have overall very good stats, she fits the bill.
On the other hand she doesn't have legends about particular mounts or anything she could ride.
The thing she's known for is leading people, and that's what the Ruler class is for, probably.

>> No.7526600

Rider class doesn't specify a Noble Phantasm mount, as far as I know. It's just the throwaway class for commanders and the type. Jeanne d'Arc was a commander type, not a fighter type. She also always rode into battle as figurehead with her pennant. For her to have such high stats for no fucking reason... doesn't make sense. Her Charisma should be just below Gilgamesh's, but... those stats are fucking bogus.

>> No.7526679

They all have a link with either mythical beasts or transportation means (in case of Francis Drake), the point of the class is relying on these external powerhouses. (Not that sure on Astolfo since the text on the horn doesn't really explain what is its function)
The "class for commanders" didn't really exist, which is why they made Ruler up, I guess.

>> No.7526711

Given Jeanne's incredible charisma and destiny, you could argue her own army was her external powerhouse. A skill revolving around granting any mount a certain ranking (sort of like Lancelot's regarding weapons) is easily grant able. Kill her mount, and she just pulls herself up on another, which is equally as inspired as the last.

Jeanne d'Arc had no power of her own, except her rather meager holy sword, and did nothing but serve as a figurehead for her army, empowering them. Giving her these outrageous stats and calling her a Saber-class type is simply dumb. They'd probably have her moving as fast as Arturia, too, and wiping out armies with her sword. Terrible.

>> No.7526724

>A skill revolving around granting any mount a certain ranking (sort of like Lancelot's regarding weapons) is easily grant able.

It's called Riding, dumbass. See Saber's magical supersonic motorcycle in F/Z. It also fucking flies, but that's Kiritsugu's dickery.

>> No.7526739

No, that was a misapplication of Riding. It shouldn't increase the abilities of what's ridden, just define what rank of vehicle/beast you can ride. Remember who wrote Zero. Gen don't give two shits about accuracy. He just likes explosions, tits, and stuff.

>> No.7526752

Actually, that wasn't even Riding, was it? I thought that was an application of Prana Burst, the skill that Saber has that lets her do all sorts of wickedly fast and powerful shit, applied to the motorcycle.

>> No.7526759

>He just likes explosions, tits, and DARKNESS.

Thought I'd help you be a bit more accurate.

>> No.7526763

I haven't read F/0 for a while but I think it was a combination of both.

Riding to ride something that she hadn't actually learned how to ride, prana burst to ride it in a way that should have been impossible.

>> No.7526770

Yeah, I meant Riding doesn't make it go faster, Prana Burst does. Riding lets her ride anything less than Divine Beasts, at her rank, which means motorcycles.


>> No.7526778

Saber: Paladin, divine/holy powered.
Archer: The rogue, a vast and varied skillset.
Lancer: The agile long ranged-melee fighter.
Rider: The mounted knight. To have used/been able to ride.
Caster: The magician/sorceror, the arcane and the mystical.

Berserker: The enraged. Anyone who have thrown a fit of rage, and chosen to be enhanced by the mad enhancement for the summon.
Assassin: Hassan, or if not constrained to this limitation, the "unknown"/identity-less, killer.

>> No.7526780

>Given Jeanne's incredible charisma and destiny, you could argue her own army was her external powerhouse
The one case where we've seen that happening it was justified by a lot of different races and countries brought together by one man's dream, not because he just led an army and was charismatic. She doesn't have any really legendary feat besides her holiness/calling, and it's funny because those are all about herself as a person, not external creatures/artefacts.
About your comment about the sword, yeah, her noble phantasm is a fire sword, and she dies when she invokes it.
And well, yeah, it may dumb to turn her into a fighter, but they can take liberties, can they not?

>> No.7526823

I think personally that nasuverse has rules to ulitilize stuff like that.
In fact, I think that her EX magical resistence is plenty broken itself, fits the character and I can actually see her using this gimmick to win the war. Then give her either a flagspear or her dreamsword as a D-C class NP or just a fucking conceptual weapon she was delivered from Vatican and you have a very powerful servant with shitty stats that can also be lancer or Rider.

>> No.7526827

I suppose. Arthur was so powerful just because some watery tart threw a sword at her.

>> No.7526833

Nasu wrote that sheet, so if there are any rules they were either respected or broken by their maker himself.
And her absurd defense is justified by the fact that her only noble phantasm (the dreamsword) is a suicide attack.

>> No.7526850

If she had shitty stats and Ex magical resistance, it would be fun to see how she tanks Excaliburs and Caster Rays, everyone gives up and nobody realizes that the real way to defeat her is to walk to her and cut her because she cannot really into fencing.

>> No.7526853

I could see Joan as Saber, but in that case it should be far more in line of a "D&D Cleric" rather than a Paladin or any kind of actual Fighter.

But of course, Rider works great as one doesn't have to be any kind of strong personally, and as she led an army on a horse as a charismatic standard carrier.
But the key point here is how she, Saber/Rider or not, she should be one who should find other ways to fight than through personal fighting prowess.

>> No.7526857

No, Jeanne was a Counter Guardian. She was pulled into it all, quite literally, because she had a destiny to fulfill. Her destiny became her, took advantage of her, and made her a martyr. If anything, she's even more likely to regard her army as an externalizing force than even Iskander could say, since Iskander brought them together himself, for his own purposes. Jeanne was just a maid on a mission from god, with purposes and reasons similar to Arturia's, whose extreme charisma turned struggling armies into successful fanatics for her. Her legendary feat was what she shaped everything into, not what she carried with her. An action, not an item.

She had no personal expertise with fighting, having been a commoner, and the sword in question was the chapel sword, the one she obtained from Fierbois. It wasn't a fucking fire sword, that's for damn sure. This is just all kinds of wrong.

>> No.7526883

> she's even more likely to regard her army as an externalizing force than even Iskander could say, since Iskander brought them together himself, for his own purposes.
What I wanted to say is, Iskander doesn't summon the army, he summons the shared ideal. Having an army, whatever the means they used it or got to have it, is not enough to be a Noble Phantasm.
>Her destiny became her, took advantage of her, and made her a martyr
This is what the fire sword is, it says it's a modified Reality Marble, where everything about her mission and calling is compressed into the flames of the sword, an offering to god.
>It wasn't a fucking fire sword, that's for damn sure. This is just all kinds of wrong.
See above, it's a mixing of her martyrdom and the divine sword given to her as symbol of her mission.
You're basically complaining she's not 100% faithful to historical records. While I can see your point, it's not required they do that.

>> No.7526922

I'm saying it's gone so far beyond the scope of the source material that it can't even be considered relevant. They might as well just make up some other myth, instead of co-opting one and mangling it so badly. This isn't even "Arthur was a woman" mangling. This is on "making the black plague a servant" level of mangling.

>This is what the fire sword is, it says it's a modified Reality Marble, where everything about her mission and calling is compressed into the flames of the sword, an offering to god.

Yeah, okay. That's just dumb.

>he summons the shared ideal

In her case, you could regard it as more of a curse of destiny: the army binds itself to her, she is bound to it, and nobody can escape. Her kind of curse is the kind that, if you brought her back, she'd bind anyone with ideals anywhere near similar to her, so much so that they could think of nothing else.

Hell, I floated the idea once that her Noble Phantasm would just the memory of everyone that followed her, still fighting for her ideal, sort of an endless battle that none of them can escape. They can't allow everything they did to come undone, like it historically did. So, they're trapped in a memory of the battlefield where they fought for her and God, and so is everyone that fought against her. It's Emiya Shirou's worst nightmare: an endless battle where nobody escapes their regret at the idea that it might've been for nothing. It's not a world unto itself, just a distortion of the world as it is.

But you can have your mystical fire sword that eats everything for no fucking reason, because god knows that's what happened when Jeanne lost. Her magic resistance being high is the only thing that slightly makes sense.

>> No.7526952 [DELETED] 

I mistook Stephen king for Steven King, stop arguing with me.

>> No.7526958

Oh, did I do that? Sometimes I misspell words for no reason, just like every other human, especially when it's a trashy throwaway thread about the Langoliers, one of his worst works.

>> No.7526974

>This is on "making the black plague a servant" level of mangling.
No, it's really not. I mean, it's obvious how you're emotionally attached to the figure so I can see how every liberty could irritate you, but from external eyes it's not that horrible.
You keep describing her curse and mission and all, but at the end of the day all it changes is that they made this into sword instead of an army. And considering that Jeanne doesn't have legends about the strong bonds she had with the army, but only how her personal, individual faith made her take up arms, this is pretty fitting.
They just pulled the personal faith of god angle, so strong that magic works shit against her, it's not really raping the character like you keep on saying.

And while I think your Noble Phantasm sounds really cool, that's basically Iskander's. An army bound by their leader across time overcoming his/her death, just with regret in place of bortherhood.

>> No.7527026

The issue is that Iskander controls his troops, while Jeanne's just act according to their fervor. She wasn't strategically strong, just really good at inspiring them. She was like an idol to a bunch of hoodlums, an idol that lead them to fight, and eventually win the Hundred Years' War. And bonds don't have to be spoken of well. They can be tragic, too. You get swept up in the issues of others so much that you're bound to them, even if you've never met them. If you're the Maid of Orleans, you get burnt at the stake for aiding them, after losing a battle you had intended to win.

And I'm not emotionally attached to her at all. I couldn't give two shits about France or its history. I'm arguing for the sake of arguing, against a concept that is pretty terrible.

A sword that's basically Ragnarok in a can. That shit be whack. Also, turning Jeanne d'Arc into some sort of uber warrior. Sad.

>> No.7527100

>She wasn't strategically strong, just really good at inspiring them.
Because of her faith, and since concepts turn into power in Nasuverse, she has power. If you expect character to not have any sort of fighting power in a story about people fighting, yeah, you can keep being disappointed forever.
She's not a uber warrior, she's basically untouchable because of her faith in God, and when she pulls out her only attack, conceptually linked with a religious fervor so strong it led to her death, she dies.
I didn't really get what you meant with Ragnarok. The sword is Jeanne, it's her personal world. You know about reality marbles so I shouldn't have to explain this.

>> No.7527125

Ragnarok in a can. I should've said "Armageddon in a can." The effect is the same.

It's wrong, that's all I can say. Her ability should be linked to her capacity to inspire and lead, not some religious belief that can somehow beat all conventional and unconventional
hell, any thaumaturgy.

Then a sword which ends all things? That has no explanation for use in the actual history of Jeanne d'Arc? At least everything for the other heroes has some source, no matter how farfetched their actual capacity for use. Excalibur was the greatest magical sword. Sure. Gae Bulg was fatal. Etc.

She's no better than Ryukishi's explanation for Battler's magical invulnerability from the shitty Umineko source.

>> No.7527126

By the way, here's who wrote what character:
Siegfried: a generic Type-Moon
Karna: Nasu
Vlad: Urobuchi
Benkei: Myougaya, liarsoft (did Cannonball with Meteo)
David: Meteo
Atalanta: Myougaya
Georgius: Miwa Kiyomune (did a bunch of RPG stuff)
Astolfo: Meteo together with the artist
Shakespeare: Gatou Shouji (Fullmetalpanic writer)
Jack: Higashide Yuuichirou (Ayakashibito, other propeller stuff)
Semiramis: TM again
Frankenstein: Meteo
Spartacus: Urobuchi
Kintarou: Haganeya (Demonbane)
Jeanne: Nasu
Didn't look up the artists because I don't know any names and they're recognizable by style anyways.

>> No.7527150

>a sword which ends all things?
this isn't written anywhere, btw, so I don't know where you got that from. It just says the sword is the crystallisation of Jeanne's inner landscape, "Jeanne itself". And considering the episode about God granting her a sword and her being burned at the stake (remember how Arturia actually was influenced about her death in her personality as a servant), it has plenty of basis. Just because you don't like it it doesn't mean it's farfetched.

>> No.7527177

In no way does that translate into a fire sword that destroys anything at the cost of one's life. No relationship.

Besides, legend says that Jeanne's sword broke, as well. She didn't have it with her when she was captured.

>> No.7527209

>destroys anything
again, where are you pulling this from?
> at the cost of one's life
she was burned at the stake for her beliefs, the link is there.
>Besides, legend says that Jeanne's sword broke
weren't we talking about the dream version?
She has Charisma and "Holy Woman" as abilities to account for everything you've been saying. The Noble Phantasm itself is not about that but more about the divine stake burning episode, that's simple. Unless you want to discuss actual reasons for it not having basis, which it has, feel free to keep up your "it's wrong because it's not the interpretation I did of the character", I can't really change your tastes so you're going to keep saying that no matter what.

>> No.7527235

So it's just a method of suicide? I misread something along the way. That's even stranger.

I'm not following the practicality of this.

>> No.7527253

She fights with it, but it doesn't say anywhere it destroys everything or is Ragnarok or Armageddon in a can.
She deploys a Reality Marble, only instead of being a field with swords or soldiers it takes the shape of a flaming sword. After the fight where she invoked the sword, Jeanne disappears.

>> No.7527260

Ah, that makes even less sense. As I already said, she's not a fighter. Her vow that was made was to never kill someone, which she claimed to have kept. Ostensibly, the only fighting she would do to the death would be as a servant in a war, against spirits that are already dead.

Kinda sucks to have a servant that has a vow so strict that she can't even kill the other masters.

>> No.7527283

I am okay with this.

Does this make Karna and Jeanne canon, Siegfried and Semiramis pretty possible to be included, Vlad and Spartacus accepted as a cool story bro and might use them if we run out of everything except we have Vlad already so that leaves Spartacus for discussion... and everyone else goes eat shit, amirite.

That's sad, because George is fucking awesome.

>> No.7527285

>As I already said, she's not a fighter.
So? neither Medusa or other servants were tecnically fighters. Again, complaining about people fighting in a fighting story.
Besides, who says she has to kill people with it? Her shtick is that she's a wall, and her noble phantasm is just her last resort, which she may or may not even use considering the price.

>> No.7527304

Medusa was a Gorgon. A monster. Plenty of natural fight.

>> No.7527322

And Joan had a scuffle or two with various people, and carried an actual sword even though she rarely used it. But sometimes she did, even not for killing. So?
Nothing says she weilds it with any proficiency or for raining Ragnarok upon shit, just that it's her spiritual landscape given form.

>> No.7527325


What the fuck is that and where did it come from.

>> No.7527338

It's the wizard that did it and loli Arc riding on a surfboard powered by INFINITE PARALLEL DIMENSIONS.

Otherwise known as the most awesome thing I've seen all year.

>> No.7527339
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oookay bro
and she has those stats why?
Saber's body was enhanced in various ways during life and moreso after death. What about Jeanne?

Really, the stats bother me the most about her. Jeanne should imo be a servant that appears weak and proves to be useful, not this...

captcha:bricks izedisi
No captcha, if you want bricks itt, read George's stat sheet and NP descriptions.

>> No.7527341

ah, it took too long for this to fall in the POWERLEVELS discussion

>> No.7527353


There must be more of this.

Zelretchwhatever being a bro catching lolis from carious dimensions and shit.

>> No.7527360

>and she has those stats why?
In this setting Christian faith = conceptual power. Her legend skyrocketed after death too, same as Arturia, like you say.

>> No.7527370

The popularity boost is very limited. Capable of fighting on the same level, stat-wise, as Cu Chulain?

No sir, I think I would like to cash out my tab.

>> No.7527398

Nice job ignoring the faith part. She might also have extra boosts because of her position as Ruler.

>> No.7527404

>The popularity boost is very limited.
Not really no.
Especially when coupled with a Terrain Summoning bonus.

>> No.7527424

It's funny because the text says she doesn't like to fight and loves all servants equally, her charisma skill says she it's as if she becomes one with the army and can make people believe what she understands from her other perception skill, she has a noble phantasm related to her martyrdom by burning, but because it takes the form of a sword in a fighting game the legend is mangled worse than making King Arthur a woman.
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7527430

>Jeanne should imo be a servant that appears weak and proves to be useful, not this...
I very much agree, but to answer your question.
Just like she gets Magic Resistance EX from the divine grace of god, her stats, might be from something like that as well.
I say, that's kind of pushing it as a concept considering how EX magic resistance is already all kinds of great. But that's my assumption.

>> No.7527431

Yes, it is. Heracles already would class A strength, yet it definitely didn't pump him up three entire ranks, despite him being one of the most well-known mythological heroes you can find in the Western world, which accounts for a lot.

Popularity bonus doesn't turn a commoner-turned-religious-figurehead into someone that can fight against the most powerful heroes in history. Rin already notes how little the popularity boost does for a hero.

And the entire conversation is the inadequacy of just inventing a "Ruler" class and saying it gives god-tier stat boosts for no reason. Jeanne d'Arc wasn't a ruler. Her entire philosophy was to help establish the Dauphin as King by leading armies to victory, driving out the invaders. She wasn't going to rule jack or shit.

I appreciate the discourse going on. My personal disappointment is that Nasu doesn't understand shit, this time, about what he's trying to draw from. Opinions, opinions, but still stupid.

>> No.7527441

>Jeanne d'Arc wasn't a ruler
But in this now cancelled mmo game she was a faction leader. That is, a ruler.

>> No.7527453

The mangling is that it doesn't appear there is an army, and that somehow she's fighting. With god-tier stats. And a Reality Marble, for no apparent reason. Oh, she was burned alive. Okay. I guess she developed that while she was burning. The "loving everyone equally" part is also amusing, considering how much of a firebrand Jeanne d'Arc was. She certainly didn't love the Burgundians or English, at least in so far as she wanted them all to go very far away or die. Christian love, she might have had, but it was the hardcore, "love thy neighbor, unless he's spiteful in God's eye, and then send his ass back across the channel with a spear up his ass" kind of love.

If you appear as a servant in a war as an arbiter, how the hell are you going to arbitrate when you should literally be weaker than the majority of official heroes available to draw from? Using what tools?

>> No.7527455

You missed the fact that faith doesn't equal popularity. Just like magic is real in that universe, so is religion, and her being a Saint/martyr would be the same as someone having a lot of fucking magical energy in herself. Oh, look! Like Arturia!
>And the entire conversation is the inadequacy of just inventing a "Ruler" class and saying it gives god-tier stat boosts for no reason.
She's the judge supposed to control the Holy Grail, that's what the class is. The Holy Grail can modify stats.
>My personal disappointment is that Nasu doesn't understand shit, this time, about what he's trying to draw from
And again, I'm telling you that your concept of Jeanne is integrated with the other skills, and you're just throwing a fit because she can summon a sword.

>> No.7527458

>She's the judge supposed to control the Holy Grail War,
sorry, forgot a word

>> No.7527486

>And the entire conversation is the inadequacy of just inventing a "Ruler" class and saying it gives god-tier stat boosts for no reason. Jeanne d'Arc wasn't a ruler.
I hope this isn't implying I made up the Ruler class. That's what is written on the page.

>> No.7527493

Jeanne d'Arc

The heroine of France who liberated Orleans in the Hundred Year War. A Catholic saint. As a heroic spirit who was summoned by the Holy Grail War itself, she holds the duty of administrating the Grail War. For this reason, unlike other Servants, she retains memories of the repeating game (Grail War). When acting as a Servant, she is taciturn and cool. On the other hand, the natural Jeanne is a plain and quiet 16-year-old girl. She puts order first, and will wield a sword for the sake of the rules, but fundamentally believes "all people/Heroic Spirits participating in the Holy Grail War are important".

Class: Ruler (Saber)
Source: History
Place of Origin: Domremy, France
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Female
Height: 159cm
Weight: 44kg
Arms: Flag

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: A++

>> No.7527501

No, you fool, I'm talking about Nasu doing it. Not everything the man does is gold, which is obvious, considering his many other failings.

I disagree with your positions, and I've already outlined why. If you disagree, I also disagree, and am willing to simply let it stand as it is. Nothing seems to change your opinion, and that's just okay.

I think it's dumb, you seem to think it's perfect, so three cheers for the internet.

>> No.7527502

Magic Resistance (EX)
In addition to the Saber class's Magic Resistance, she demonstrates strong anti-magic due to her firm piety. However, since she can only divert/evade magic, in the case of a wide range magic attack only Jeanne herself can be saved. Doesn't apply to the church's sacraments.

The innate ability to lead an army. The appearance of Jeanne hoisting the flag and participating in the assaults raised the soldiers' morale to the limit, and united the troops. Thanks to her charisma, she is able to make others believe her "Revelations" without basis.

A skill equivalent to "Instinct". Instinct is a sixth sense in battle, but "Revelations" apply to all events relating to the achievement of the goal (for example, choosing the best route when travelling). Since they have no basis (she thinks), she cannot explain them well to others.

Signifies being known as a saint. When summoned as a Servant, a Saint's ability is chosen as one out of: "raise the effectiveness of sacraments", "automatic HP recovery", "Charisma rank up by 1", or "can produce a holy shroud".

Noble Phantasm
La Pucelle (Crimson Saint)
A holy sword that releases flames, using the words spoken at her death, "Lord, I entrust this body to you--", as an incantation. A conceptual crystal armament that releases the fires that burned her on the stake offensively. It is another sort of Reality Marble, and her inner landscape crystallized as a sword. This sword is the Heroic Spirit Jeanne d'Arc herself, and if she materializes the Noble Phantasm, Jeanne will disappear after the battle.

>> No.7527510

>I think it's dumb, you seem to think it's perfect
No, I think it's not farfetched and is a passable interpretation, it's quite different.

>> No.7527615


Who is the artist who did the Astolfo character?

>> No.7527655

I see servants
I see stats
I see loli jack the ripper and Frankenstein's monstergirl
But I'm still confused on what exactly this is.

Is it a visual novel or a game or a book or what?

>> No.7527664

It was a MMORPG, dropped so it's not produced anymore. They took the frame and asked a few writer/artists to just fanfiction their servants.

>> No.7527704

Legendary Serial Killer

ASSASSIN // Jack the Ripper
STR: Rank C
STA: Rank C
AGL: Rank A
Mana: Rank C
Luck: Rank E
NP: Rank C

Birthplace: England
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sex: Female
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Weapons: Knife, Black Scalpel

The perpetrator of a series of gory murders in 19th Century England; a young girl who embodies contradiction itself, combining the dual natures of "day" and "night." Her personality is both pure and cruel, and though her manner of speech is childish, she is quick of thought. Rationality dominates her behavior, but there are many inherent weaknesses to her psyche; she is inclined to repay cruelty with cruelty, and benevolence with benevolence. Due to her manner of dress, she rarely leaves her abode in daytime, preferring the cover of night to conceal her exposure. Motivated by a strong desire to have a mother, if her Master is female, she refers to them as "Okaa-san."'

>> No.7527707


Misty Night Murderer - Rank A: First strike bonus versus all opponents. Requires successful luck roll for use during daytime. A skill associated with nature as a serial killer rather than as an Assassin.
Mental Pollution - Rank C: Interferes with mind-related magecraft, increasing in strength with the Servant's engagement of crazed brutality. However, as the Servant's psyche has weaknesses, there are openings in this defense.
Presence Elimination - Rank A+: Near-complete elimination of presence, as a Servant or otherwise, which fails only upon the execution of an attack. The weakness of this skill is covered with use of Misty Night Murderer, allowing for perfect ambush.
Information Erasure - Rank B: Following the conclusion of an engagement, information regarding the Servant's True Name, abilities, and appearance are removed from the memories of all witnesses. This effect is enforced even upon digital recordings by a closed-circuit camera in broad daylight. However, physical evidence of the engagement is not removed, and logical deduction can reveal the Servant's identity.
Surgical Operation - Rank E: Self-repair capability with use of a scalpel. Though the techniques are inferior to modern surgery due to their age (120 years), the effects are boosted somewhat with mana.
Mad Enhancement - Rank C: A skill obtained if summoned within the Berserker Class. In exchange for a Rank Down in Luck and Mana, all other attributes are reinforced; Misty Night Murderer remains active at all times.

>> No.7527710

Noble Phantasms

Maria the Ripper // The Holy Mother of Dismemberment - Rank D
Four knives that are normally considered Rank D Noble Phantasms. However, empowered by "the tragedy and will of the 80 thousand children abandoned in London by prostitute mothers," the Noble Phantasm can guarantee instant death if certain conditions are fulfilled; if a) "it is night-time," b) "the target is a female wearing clothes that proportionally expose large amounts of skin," c) "it is misty," the knives manifest within the target's body, instantly vivisecting their flesh. Though the Noble Phantasm can be activated when conditions are not completely fulfilled, in the event of fulfillment, the damage rendered receives a large boost in Rank. This attack may be used at range. Physical defense is not possible, but resistance to curses may permit evasion.

The Mist // Darkened Misty Metropolis - Rank C?
A bounded field filled with mist, which inflicts death upon all normal humans who enter within a few turns. Mages who enter do not die immediately, but receive continuous damage. Heroic Spirits who enter do not receive damage, but Rank Down in Agility. As all sense of direction is lost within the field perimeter, a Rank B or higher in instinct is the only means of escape. The Servant who uses this Noble Phantasm can select who within the bounded field is affected.

>> No.7527714

The Lord Impaler

STR: Rank C
STA: Rank C
AGL: Rank B
Mana: Rank A
Luck: Rank D
NP: Rank B

Birthplace: Europe
Alignment: True Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 195~ cm
Weight: 80~ kg
Weapons: Pike

Lord of the Principality of Wallachia. Motivated by a love of his nation and a duty to maintain its sovereignty and power, he purged all who would oppose its interests. Though there is an aura danger about him, he in fact possesses a sensitive personality; but his opinions and manner of expression lend easily to the impression that he is a sociopath who has disengaged himself from the standard mores of society. He tries to ignore the reputation of the vampire modeled after him in a mature manner.


Demonic Defender - Rank EX: Capacity of a Servant to mark a region as his personal domain, within which his combat capabilities receive a bonus. Kazikli Bey is a Noble Phantasm that may be deployed only within the marked domain.

>> No.7527719

Noble Phantasms

Kazikli Bey // The Lord of Execution - Rank B?
A noble phantasm deployable only within the Servant's marked domain. Within a range of 1 kilometer, a maximum of 20 thousand pikes can gradually manifest over time, bursting from the ground to impale opponents. Manifested pikes remain as a physical barrier that eliminates free ground, and evasion thus becomes less likely with passage of time. The sight of the pikes impose a curse-like psychological effect, destabilizing an opponent's mental condition with building anxiety or fear.

Legend of Dracula // The Succession of Blood - Rank B?
An ability gained through the distortion of the Servant's heroic legend. The Servant can alter his aspect to become the vampire modeled after him. In exchange for the sealing of his normal skills and Noble Phantasms, all attributes are boosted, and he obtains the capacity to shapeshift into mist and assorted animals. Being in nature similar to a Dead Apostle, he possesses the Curse of Restoration and the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, as well as weaknesses against daylight and holy symbols.

>> No.7527724

One of Shakespeare's NP lets him redo things a certain number of times. Er like. Like the continues in a video game I guess.
Also, in the interview section, idea behind Jack the Ripper is that she's looking for her mom and killing prostitutes because she's looking for her mom.

>> No.7527726

The Monster of Frankenstein

Berserker // Franken Stein
STR: Rank C
STA: Rank B
AGL: Rank D
Mana: Rank D
Luck: Rank B
NP: Rank C

Birthplace: Central Europe
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sex: Female
Height: 170~ cm
Weight: 40~ kg
Weapons: Mace

An artificial lifeform created by the researcher Frankenstein; she was rejected by her creator when she professed a love for him. Fearful of her interests, her creator dismembered her and escaped to his birthplace in an Alpine village outside Geneva. Reassembling herself and pursuing him on instinct, she began to recognize over time that though she was kind in nature, she was also an existence of cursed monstrosity. The understanding of the reasons behind her creator's rejection drove her to anger and despair, and she took the lives his family members, pursuing him across Europe. Her creator eventually suffered a breakdown, and at the loss of the subject of her love, hopes, and hatred, she drowned herself in the icy waters of the Arctic.

Normally slow to respond in interpersonal interaction, she exhibits surprising agility and toughness in combat; in Berserk Mode, she executes commands with extreme faithfulness. Due to a lack of skill in expression, and fearful of her own monstrous nature, she maintains a shy silence that conceals her high intelligence and empathetic capabilities. Extremely mindful of energy conservation; if her Master leaves the lights on in the bathroom after use, she will turn it off for him.

>> No.7527730


Scream of the False Lifeform // Scream of Terror - Rank EX
While Berserk Mode is active, the Servant is capable of emitting an immense scream, temporarily robbing enemies and allies alike of their ability to think and respond; those who do not expect it or are incapable of the mental resilience to withstand it may temporarily lose their ability to breathe. Incidentally, in Berserk Mode, the Servant expresses approval with the phrase "Yaaa," and disapproval with the phrase "Uiii." When Berserk Mode is inactive, it is impossible to detect the Servant's madness.

Galvinism - Rank EX
Free conversion of prana and electricity, with allowance for storage. Thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence -- wind manipulation, energy bullets, beam attacks -- are converted to electricity and rendered without effect. Absorb electricity may be used to implement rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement. Galvinism is a technique that falls within the domain of Alchemy.

>> No.7527734

Noble Phantasms

Bridal Chest // Maiden's Chastity - Attack Rank: Medium
A large mace used by the Servant as a weapon. In reality, the Servant's reactor core / heart is contained within the large spherical bulb, and the fin on the opposite end remotely transfers energy to the Servant's main body. The implement constantly gathers energy wasted the Servant or present in her surroundings, and is constantly manifested outside of combat to power her. If exposed to a high-prana environment -- for example, in the midst of combat against a magic-wielding Servant -- the function of Galvinism and Bridal Chest combine to qualify the Noble Phantasm as a "Type II Perpetual Motion Engine."

>> No.7527738

Blasting Tree // Thunderous Tree of Execution - Attack Rank: High
Use of the Bridal Chest in a suicide move -- the fin of the mace is planted into the ground, and the reactor's limiters are completely released, dumping all gathered electricity into the surrounding environment as an area of effect attack. Energy release may be guided by homing sensors; may be implemented from the Servant's own body rather than the Bridal Chest if the enemy force is a single opponent within short range. Use of this technique results in permanent deactivation, but there is a low probability that a second Frankenstein's Monster will be materialized in the wake of the attack.

>> No.7527744

>if her Master leaves the lights on in the bathroom after use, she will turn it off for him.
that's cute as fuck.

>> No.7527745

>Extremely mindful of energy conservation; if her Master leaves the lights on in the bathroom after use, she will turn it off for him.

She must have a man's brain. I've never met a girl ever who thinks to turn off the damn lights.

>> No.7527747

>a strong desire to have a mother
>if her Master is female, she refers to them as "Okaa-san."'
Wow. She went up a rank here.

>> No.7527749

The doctor used the high intellectuals of that period for teh brain, you wouldn't use a female.

>> No.7527770

I don't think Abby Normal was an intellectual.

But nasuverse egor might have had more sense and was probably a little girl.

>> No.7527802

St George is broken. Has a NP that can can turn anyone into a dragon and has NPs that can kill any dragon.
Plus his horse effectively grants him one life.

>> No.7527805

Wait so if Jean manifests as a sword, does that mean Shirou can Trace her?

>> No.7527824

Step 1. "Fuck you, you're a dragon!"
Step 2. Stab
Step 3. Win war

>> No.7527826

>Abby Normal

What knockers!

>> No.7527839

I don't mean he can one hit kill dragons. Just a huge damage bonus to dragons

>> No.7527844

Thanks to the Anon translating these. Thanks a lot. If you manage to translate them all, I will hug you.

>> No.7527879

He probably can do that though, he even has an anti-dragon beam. But I think he's better off turning his allies to dragons because dragons in Nasuverse are absurdly powerful to the point they literally shit raw magic. So basically if the Master has any trusted contacts or mind-controlling magic, he can get an army of dragons in no time and conquer the entire world because a single dragon is more than a match for Servants let alone modern magi, and this fucker produces them by the dozen.

>> No.7527912

Have a master with a dozen mice familiars.
Well, how about a dozen of Dragon(mice) familiarss?

>> No.7527917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7527922

The best part is that they become dragons not because of any shaping effect or magic but his sheer conviction. So he pretty much stares at his opponents and believes them to be dragons really hard until they explode into dragons.

>> No.7527930

A special servant that has the ability to make people wish he was here.

>> No.7527941

Could it be considered a risk to have a servant with E in luck? Or would that still be actual luck, only not that great?

>> No.7527942

Though, controlling the dragons might be a tad difficult.

>> No.7527944

That's still far better than a normal person's ability to defy fate.

>> No.7527948

E rank is still quite a bit higher than the average human, so yeah.

It's getting kinda Discworld in here. inb4 Death of Rats.

>> No.7527954

She murders prostitues because she was abandoned by her mother. Thats kinda moe

>> No.7527956


>> No.7527977
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Maybe in the twilight zone.

I'll stick to good old fashioned psychotic saucy Jackie.

>> No.7527978

Not just prostitutes but any woman with revealing clothing.

Woah. Jack the Ripper is the Goddess of /jp/....

>> No.7527981

>Kirisaki Jack
I am annoyed.

>> No.7528008

That annoys you, not the genderbending or strange matriarchal complex?

>> No.7528012

>but any woman with revealing clothing.
But what about her own?

>> No.7528015 [DELETED] 


>> No.7528026

She is a loli, and all lolis are pure. Thus, though she wears revealing clothing, it is out of the pure innocence of her heart.

>> No.7528028

I've been in the game far too long to be bothered by things like that.

Translating (or rather, NOT translating) a title and treating it as a name, that gets to me.

>> No.7528586

Thread needs more Shakespeare

>> No.7528617
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>> No.7528633


Why are there 3 berserkers, 2 assassins, etc.?


What? Seriously? Is Nasu running out of ideas?

>> No.7528640

>Why are there 3 berserkers, 2 assassins, etc.?
Because presumably more than 7 people would have been playing this game.

>> No.7528844

So is anyone gonna translate the rest?

>> No.7528868

He looks like he could take on Drosselmeyer with one hand.

>> No.7529815

this shit was cancelled, dont waste your time

>> No.7529863

Nah, don't underestimate Drosselmeyer.

There's a stop-crazy-authors-from-fucking-with-reality agency specialized for stopping people like him and not even them could prevent him from having his way. Fucker can write with no hands.

>> No.7530095


Caster // Shakespeare
STR: Rank E
STA: Rank E
AGL: Rank D
Mana: Rank C++
Luck: Rank B
NP: Rank C+

Birthplace: England
Alignment: True Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Weapons: Tome

A legendary playwright of England -- gentlemanly and soft-spoken. Placing the importance of the Story above all else, he will lie and cheat and by any means conduct himself that he might witness the unfolding of a grand tale, beautiful beyond compare. Consequently, he tends to distance himself from mentality of the "participant," taking instead the perspective of an abstract, "Authorial" third person. His regard for others differs by individual, dependent on their qualification as a special existence, or "protagonist" -- he interacts with "normal humans" only in a shallow, dismissive manner; and expresses an extreme interest in "protagonists." In slight narcissism, he frequently drops such self-authored quotes as, "Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill." He's taken a liking to certain terminology from modern fiction, such as "Death-Flagging." Incidentally, there was an undocumented period of seven years in Shakespeare's lifetime ...


Enchant - Rank ?: The appendage of improved attributes and functionality to others besides the Servant. Typically used to reinforce the battle capabilities of the Servant's Master, such that the Servant may act as an impartial observer and carefully document the Master's psychological state.
Self-Preservation - Rank ?: Though he possesses no combat capabilities, so long as he preserves his Master's safety to the lowest possible degree, he maintains the skill to escape from nearly all harm -- meaning that he never engages any opponents himself. The Servant favors a "high risk, high return" tactic, where "returns" is related to the fruits of his observation.

>> No.7530096

Noble Phantasms

The Globe // The Seat of the King - Effect Rank: Weak
A Noble Phantasm that allows the Servant to accurately assume the aspect of an individual well-known to a given target. Used for purposes of social engineering.

First Folio // When the Curtain Rises, the Applause Shall Be As Ten Thousand Thunders - Effect Rank: Strong
A tome that may -- for a limited number of instances -- alter the outcome of a phenomenon occurring within sight. Though this Noble Phantasm is functionally useless in the face of an enemy that outclasses the Servant in every attribute, with skillful deployment, it has a chance of inflicting death upon otherwise defeatable opponents. Activated with the incantation "NON SANZ DROICT" ("Not Without Right" -- the motto on Shakespeare's coat of arms).

(The "chance of inflicting death" is a judgment of the usefulness of the First Folio as a thaumaturgical weapon; that is, the alteration of phenomenal outcome has a chance of inflicting death upon opponents too weak or unskilled to deal with such a parlor trick. It doesn't imply that he can simply instakill opponents.)

>> No.7530102

12th Paladin of Charlemagne

Rider // Astolfo
STR: Rank D
STA: Rank D
AGL: Rank B
Mana: Rank C
Luck: Rank A+
NP: Rank C

Birthplace: England
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Male
Height: 160~ cm
Weight: 50~ kg
Weapons: Sword, Chainmail, Horn

The son of an English king, and one of Charlemagne's twelve faithful Paladins. Beautiful beyond all compare, he is also a frightfully unparalleled blabbermouth, prone to speaking on and on until those involved lose all rationality. As his hobby is adventuring, he pops up everywhere, getting himself mixed up in assorted mischief. His conversations -- through no ill intent on his part -- have a way of meandering toward maximum social awkwardness. According to him, his hair ornaments -- which seem like something a princess would wear -- are an "irresistible proof of friendship" that he uses to restore peace to his depressively mad boon ally, Orlando.

>> No.7530104

Noble Phantasm

Lunatic Moon (?) // The Horn That Calls Fear - Rank C?
A horn that strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear its sound, prompting instinctive escape. Does not effect Heroic Spirits with magical resistance, but normal mages are not immune to its influence. Normally a small horn that hangs from the Servant's belt, it increases in size when activated. Given to the Servant by a good witch of Avalon as a means to remove a large flock of harpies.

>> No.7530105

First off, the NP turns "target" into a dragon and I imagine this means he turns himself into one. Given it's antiarmy and has one target, you know...
Might be both.

Btw, if David hits the opponent may fight unconscious and David gets his weapon. Sure sounds trollish right here. Also 'Ark' is a touch attack that drains anyone of mana completely, no saves.

>> No.7530133

*his is of course George's
*if David hits the enemy, he may fall unconscious
wow, sure was no-context post right there

>> No.7530160
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>> No.7530772


Wow Shakey...I was just kidding but you really ARE a worse servant than the FS/N. It sounds like the bastard can't even defend himself against another Servant. Also, his NP is stat based with those shitty attributes? I lol'd

Love to see this guy get summoned by someone like Shirou.

>> No.7530778


>I was just kidding but you really ARE a worse servant than the Caster in FS/N

>> No.7530822

If he can reinforce his Master at least half as well as Fate Caster, I'd say he's pretty well off. It's impossible to even fight him unless you kill the Master. He obviously won't fare well against monsters like Gilgamesh, but it's not likely he would even fight against someone he thinks he has no chance against in the first place. He'd probably go around manipulating events in his favor more than he'd openly fight.

>> No.7530926

I like how it never says he's a magus.

Because if he isn't, he is really useful only to people like Bazett who can solo the whole Holy Grail War anyway.

>> No.7530952

Also he doesn't even seem to care about winning, he just wants his protagonist (i.e. master) to have an interesting story. And considering how his plays tend to end...

>> No.7530957

Good lord stop already, come up with something original and where more than 20% of the protag cast is male for a change.

>> No.7530972

Knight of Dragon Blood



Short Biography
The hero depicted as the protagonist of the German ballad Nibelungenlied. He was the prince of the Netherlands. Wielding his favoured sword taken from the Nibelungen Clan – Balmung, he achieved great military deeds through the many conquests and adventures. Among his deeds, a famous one is the extermination of the evil dragon Fafnir. While slaying the dragon, his body was bathed in dragon blood. As a result, he acquired an immortal body. He is a knight of noble characters. Because he cannot talk at all, no one knows what he is thinking about.

Class: Sabre (Rider)
Source: Nibelungenlied
Region: Germany
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Male
Height: 190cm
Weight: 70kg
Armament: Sword

Noble Phantasm: A

Siegfried participated in many conquests since childhood. He acquired treasures when battling the Nibelungen Clan, and gained an immortal body after slaying Fafnir. However, while bathing in dragon blood, a Linden leaf stuck to his back, causing the place to become a weakness. As Siegfried grew, he joined the Burgundian army. He achieved many great deeds in battle. Siegfried married the sister of the Burgundian King, Kriemhild, and succeeded the Throne of the Netherlands. However, the trickery employed to facilitate the marriage of the Icelandic queen Brynhild and the King of Burgundy had stirred up trouble, resulting in Siegfried being assassinated by the King of Burgundy's vassals through exploiting his weakness. The second half of the tale told the story of Kriemhild avenging the death of her assassinated husband.

Image: (Label pointing at the hilt of the sword) Balmung

(Translator's Note) Note the Linden-leaf-shaped mark on Siegfried's back in the images on the subsequent pages.

>> No.7531203

I actually rather like Shakespeare, he's quite different from the other servants.

>> No.7531746

Child of the Sun God


Short Biography
The immortal hero of the Indian epic Maharabata. His personality is cold and unforgiving. Although conversing with him may give the impression that he is indecisive and somewhat boring, in reality he is always deep in thought and has a loyal heart. He gives an impression of being cold and cruel because he believes that most things and events are “normal”, and therefore he does not interfere. Due to this characteristic, he does not really have negative emotions such as hatred and jealousy. Because his behaviours target people’s “true nature that should not be put to words”, he is disliked by many. (Translator's Note: I think the last sentence means Karna "call it as it is".")

Class: Lancer (Archer, Rider)
Source: The Maharabata
Region: India
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (more correctly Chaotic Good)
Sex: Male
Height: 178cm
Weight: 65kg
Armament: Spear

Karna was born between a human mother Kunti and the Sun God Surya. As proof of being the son of Surya, he was given a golden armour that granted immortality. However, Kunti abandoned Karna and became the queen of King Kuru. Not knowing who his mother was, Karna grew up with a low social status. However, he soon made his existence known to the world by becoming the honoured guest of the Royal House Kauravas, who were hostile to King Kuru. Karna participated in the wars around the borders and fought on an equal footing with Arjuna, son of Kunti and Thunder God Indra. Karna eventually fell in battle after being robbed of his golden armour by Indra, suffering many curses, and losing all of his allies. He died in the hands of his half-brother Arjuna. However, he did not hate anyone and accepted his death.

Noble Phantasm: EX

>> No.7531748

Personal Skills

Insight of the Poor: A
The ability to see through the personalities and alignments of his opponents. Karna will not be fooled by excuses and lies. As a person who was truly alone in this world, Karna had the fortune of learning the lives and values of those who were disadvantaged. This skill demonstrates Karna’s power at determining the true nature of his opponents.

Unparalleled Martial Arts: -
The ability to wield weapons that is for whatever reason not acknowledged by others. From the opponent’s perspective, Karna’s rank in sword, spear, bow, Riding, and Divinity all appear one rank lower than reality. The effect disappears if Karna’s true identity is revealed.

Magic Resistance: C
Neutralises sorceries under two bars. It is not possible to defend against grand sorceries, rituals and other large-scale sorceries. However, if the Noble Phantasm golden armour is in effect, Magic Resistance will not be limited to rank C.

Parana Burst (Fire): A
The ability to charge weapons with magical energy. In Karna’s case, it is turning burning flames into magical energy and infusing it into the weapon he is wielding. This ability is always active; all of Karna’s weapons will gain this effect.

Riding: A
The ability to freely control all beasts and vehicles except Phantasmal and Divine Beasts. The Maharabata has described Karna riding his war chariot swiftly across the battlefield. The rank in Riding is sufficiently high to qualify for the Rider Class.

Divinity: A
Karna is the son of Sun God Surya, and he united as one with Surya after death. As a result, Karna possesses the highest level of Divinity. Against Heroic Spirits who are Sun Gods with Divinity below rank B, Karna’s Divinity skill will provide him with very high defence.

>> No.7531751

Noble Phantasms

Kavacha & Kundala
Karna’s mother Kundi was terrified of becoming a mother who is not married, so in order to protect his son, she beseeched Surya and received the golden armour and earring. It is a strong defensive Noble Phantasm that releases the radiance of the sun. Since Kavacha & Kundala are formed by light, they are difficult to destroy even for Gods. They are one with the body of Karna.

An anti-army, anti-nation Noble Phantasm bestowed upon Karna by Parashurama. If Karna is Archer class, it takes the form of a bow, in any other classes it materialises as an missile. Invoking the name of God Brahman, Brahmastra will pursue the enemy and always hit. However, due to the result of curses, it cannot be used against foes stronger than Karna.

Brahmastra Kundala
Karna’s hidden Noble Phantasm, his trump card. Karna bestows his characteristic fiery power onto the missile Brahmasta and then opens fire. This further enlarges the already expansive effect of Brahmastra, and significantly improves its power. It’s performance can be likened to nuclear weapons.

Vasavi Shakti
A single-shot spear of light that is sufficient to fell Gods. A spear of absolute destruction formed from lightning. While robbing Karna of his golden armour, Indra was moved by his noble attitudes, and thought he must reward Karna, thus bestow upon him Vasavi Shakti. It is materialised in exchange for Karna’s golden armour. In terms of armament, it is a powerful anti-god spear acquired by trading off massive defensive power.

>> No.7531777

Come on, guys... good alignment, people's guy, nuclear missiles and a deiciding spear. Fun.

>> No.7531793

Gilgamesh is Chaotic good too.

The more you know.

>> No.7531872


My my

Why can't I hold all these Noble Phantasms and skills?

>> No.7531873


The REAL D'Arc was pretty ridiculous.

She took a cannon-ball to the face one time, and just didn't give a fuck.

>> No.7532095


Siegfried's not ultra-awesome like I thought he would be (Gram is stated in F/SN to be the "ultimate demonic sword that equals the ultimate holy sword [Excalibur]"), but he's mute? For some reason, I find that to be very... cute.

>> No.7532459

Sainted Dragon-Slayer

Rider // Georgius
STR: Rank D
STA: Rank A+
AGL: Rank C++
Mana: Rank D
Luck: Rank A+
NP: Rank C

Birthplace: Christian Lands
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Male
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 95 kg
Weapons: Sword, Armor

A saint of the Catholic Church -- an upright man who tasks himself to protect the meager, indiscriminate in his kindness. It is his firm belief that anyone is capable of error, and that anyone is capable of learning from their mistakes and returning to path of virtue; those who would oppress others and permit violence to rule their hearts and actions have merely fallen prey to their own weakness. On his watch, however, none shall be permitted to injure others; and if necessary, his sword shall be drawn intervene. A lover of travel, he has recently grown interested in the cameras of the modern era.

>> No.7532462


Magic Resistance - Rank A: Countless magic-wielders in the Servant's era of origin attempted to bring him low with their thaumaturgy, but he emerged unscathed. For his skill in this ability, it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer."
Riding - Rank B: Though classed as a Rider, and noted in his heroic legend to defeated a dragon on horseback, the Servant is not exceptionally skilled in mounted maneuverability. He receives a class bonus in this ability as a Servant, but in life, his apparent expertise in riding would be rightfully attributed to the skill of his trusted steed, Bayard.
Battle Continuation - Rank A: Beloved by the World, the unyielding force of life within the Servant permits the continuation of combat even in the event of fatal injury. He is further driven by a conscientiousness of the faith and expectations of those he desires to protect.
Instinct - Rank C: Upon engagement, the Servant is capable of optimizing his position by identifying and exploiting favorable developments. However, the skill cannot be activated except for defensive purposes. The Servant typically uses this ability to vaguely divine the intent of an opponent so as to determine whether engagement is an appropriate course of action.
Knight Defender - Rank A+: The Servant receives a temporary attribute bonus if acting in the defense of others. A protector of numerous nations and expansive regions in life, the Servant is capable of deriving effectively unlimited defensive capabilities from those who place their faith and expectations in him.
Spirit of Ministry - Rank B+: Nullification of mental interference through firmness of faith. In life, the Servant endured persecution and torture at the hands those who would see him denounce his faith, but never once did he falter in his ministry of Christ.

>> No.7532469

Divinity - Rank C: As the Servant was revered as a saint in the medieval era, the strength of his nature as a divine spirit is equivalent in rank to the deities of minor cults and the forgotten gods of yore. Incidentally, the name "Georgius" was originally related in sense to the tilling of the earth in ancient farming communities.

Noble Phantasms

Ascalon // The Blessed Sword By Which Force is Slain
An invincible weapon that delivers its holder from those who would intend harm. The "invincibility" of the weapon comes not from capacity to defeat foes, but capacity to defend from all harm. The function of the Noble Phantasm harnesses defensive power and reverses it, translating it into an armor-piercing attack.

Abyssus Draconis // Thou Shalt a Serpent Become
An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that transfigures a given target into a draconian being. Though said function appears to be associated with the Servant's cross-emblazoned surcoat, strictly speaking, the phenomenon is implemented through the Servant's unshakeable faith; the surcoat is merely a focus, and cannot independently activate as a Noble Phantasm.

>> No.7532472

Interfectum Dracones // Dragonslayer
A gestalt Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm generated through the interaction of the Servant's nature as a slayer of dragons and the capabilities of Ascalon, dealing massive damage to beings of draconian origin. The blade form deployed in melee combat can be used as a medium to release lance-like projectiles of light, piercing targets at long range.

Bayard // Phantasmal War-Horse
A magical white horse, gifted to the Servant by a witch who fell in love with him despite initial intentions to bewitch and tempt. He who rides upon Bayard is impervious to harm, and -- for a single instance -- capable of completely nullifying a lethal attack.

>> No.7532496

>Fuck you, I'm nigh invincible and will turn you into a dragon and rape you.

>> No.7532539

Christ i'd hate to see that guy in Saber class. As Rider hes pretty fucked up.

>> No.7532568

Them christian servants man.

Its like they picked the winning god.

>> No.7532757

servants gain more power the more famous they are and seeing as Christianity is one of the biggest religions on earth yea it makes prefect sense they would be broken.

>> No.7532798

I'd say vlad the impaler is more famous than st.george outside of the catholic community.

I think this servant is just broken as fuck but who cares they're just a bunch of artist's fanfiction servants.

>> No.7532835
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>and a looks like a trap to me in the art)

It says clearly in the picture that his gender is male.

>> No.7532841

Holy crap, just realised I had the checking captcha wrong, but it still posted. Freaky.

>> No.7532851

it allows for like 2 mistakes depending on the captcha
I never type the correct captcha

>> No.7532978

But it's the part that has to right, not the other one.

as in the Gender part could have been asdasdasd

>> No.7534128

I'm actually intrigued at how unbeatable a Galahad would be.

>> No.7534266

Galahad did grow to be known as "the perfect knight".
And he actually got his hands on the holy grail during his travels.
Then again, most stories end with him trancending into some sort of higher plane of being. In the TM verse I suppose one could liken this to the Throne of Heroes or something, or, he didn't die and is not a possible servant.

>> No.7534314

Galahad would be so hax.

>> No.7534440

>Thou Shalt a Serpent Become

No matter how fancy they try to make it sound like, it still translates literally to "you're a dragon". So yes, George shouts "Fuck you, you're a dragon!" to his opponents, believes them to be dragons with such force that they really become dragons and steamrolls them with his anti-dragon lasers.

>> No.7534498

David - King of Israel

Ancient king of Israel from the Old Testament. Keeping God at the foremost, he was always cool and never cornered. Always calmly analyzing the situation, he was a realist that gave realistic judgements. When treating other people he was always respectful, thinking that "everyone has a role given by God". His weakness was, very hero-like, against women with nice bodies. [Something about double dealing?] While a genius with the harp he had no ability at dancing, though he liked both.

Class: Archer
Source: Old Testament
Region: Judea - Christianism cultural sphere
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gender: Male
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Weapon: Sling

A shepherd in his childhood, he was prophetized by Samuel that God had given a special role to him; later he exorcised the evil spirits in the Israel king Saul performing with the harp, and then he gets fame with the episode in which he beat the Philistine giant soldier Goliath. Saul, who should have given him his favor for his distinguished service, instead got jealous and tries to get his life. However Saul was killed in action in the war with the Philistines, and David became his successor, and seized Jerusalem. The only stain of David was that, ignoring the Law, he desired the married Bathsheba. To get his hands on her he murdered her vassal, and suffers God's punishment in his last years.

>> No.7534504


Protection of God

Predicted to be king, with excelent body and figure, and with strength and witness capable of beating to death lions and bears [here's a kanji I can't make out]. He doesn't think that he has revived or that he is someone with King David's soul, but as in his previous life it doesn't change that he is God's emissary, and thinks that as long he feels God's grace it's fine


A weak divine aptitude as Christ ancestor. About the same rank as Joseph of Nazareth. David himself isn't more than a shepherd. However against NP with Christ's influence (not God's influence), for example the "Holy Shroud", the "Holy Nail", the "Holy Spear" or possibly the "Holy Grail", he exhibits this resistance.

Harp Performance

The harp (kinyura [?]) that exhorcised the evil spirits of Saul, King of Israel, it has anti demon efficacy, it preserves the pace of mind of the people who listen. While David is playing, accuracy is reduced, no matter if friend or foe. This harp's exorcism episode is understood in the present as musical medical treatment.


A natural ability to lead armies. As the second king of Israel David subdued all the tribes, and leading over 320.000 soldiers conquered Jerusalem. His life went from war to war, and because he become too drenched in blood God didn't allow him to build his temple (that role was given to his son Solomon).

>Ramayana atishir
No captcha, Karna is up there.

>> No.7534508

Noble Phantasms

Five Stones (Hamesh Avanim) - Power: Small

Sling that derribed the giant Goliath. There being five stones show David's generosity, the first four shots are a warning and purposely miss, but the fifth one hits a vital spot. Then, the oponent's main weapon becomes David's (or is otherwise disabled). Since what he fires are simple stones, he has unlimited provision of them.

Blaze of the Burning Festival (Sacrifice) - Power: Medium

"Blaze extremely hot that burned brigthly on God's order" from the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament. When used a violet smoke comes from an illusory incense burner adn envelops the enemy. Immediately thunder clouds like those from Mount Sinai rise up, and a hell fire dispatched from heaven burns up without leaving even a drop of blood those who don't follow God's will. The flame itself takes the form of an altar.

The Ark of the Covenant (Ark) - Power: Extremly great

Wooden box that has the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments inscribed received from Moses. After repealing the Philistines and taking Jerusalem, he established there as the capital and transported this Ark there. Its range as a NP is small but it's also absolute; it drains the prana of anyone touched, no questions asked, and kills him.

>> No.7534512

Atalanta is a Servant of the Archer class designed by Myogaya Jinroku, she is a huntress in Greek mythology. Born in the natural paradise Arcadia, she speaks in an old fashion. She was abandoned in the mountains immediately after birth, and survived by being nurtured by a female bear, sacred beast of the goddess Artemis. She has the same egotism and view on life and death as a wild animal, so it is natural to her to steal food to live. However, she will help any child left behind as much as she can, as gratitude for the care she received herself. Her wish to the Holy Grail is for a world where every child can be raised with love.

>> No.7534513

Noble Phantasms

The Disputed Spoils of War (諍いの戦利品 Isakai no Senrihin?) is the mane of the boar hunted in Calydon. When pouring prana onto it, the user can run at high speed over a long distance in a straight line. Anyone running along the same line will start shooting at each other in the confusion. This boar is the one Artemis unleashed over the land of Calydon when she was angry that the king forgot her offering in a harvest festival. The hero Meleager, in love with Atalanta, finished the boar off, but surrendered the merit to Atalanta; friction then stirred in the country for the merit.

The Message on the Arrow (訴状の矢文 Sojou no Yabumi?) is a letter on an arrow sent with the "celestial bow" that was given by the guardian deity Artemis, and on the next turn, a rain of arrows falls down for a major attack. The letter will reach Artemis or Apollo at random. If it reaches Artemis, the arrows will target all women in the area, and if it reaches Apollo, they will target all the men. This Noble Phantasm is related to the episode where the goddess of fecundity Niobe laughed at Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, by saying she didn't have enough children; in return, the two of them shot and killed all of Niobe's children.

The Beast of Divine Retribution (神罰の野獣 Shinbatsu no Yajuu?) clads the user with the Disputed Spoils of War, granting the power of the Calydonian boar. Strength, endurance, speed are increased, and allows recovery of energy by as much as the damage dealt to enemies. It combines the large build and the ferocity of the beast unleashed by Artemis as a divine retribution, which destroyed the harvest of the city-state Calydon. The power gained by this Noble Phantasm is the same as that of the boar that wouldn't stop without killing Greek heroes who came from all over the country.

>> No.7534518

The Seven Arrows of Ursa Major (北斗の七矢 Hokuto no Nanaya?) are arrows that rain like shooting stars falling from the seven stars of Ursa Major. It can shoot seven times in a row. The first shot determines the target, and the following shots will converge and attack that target. Normally, the target cannot be changed, but if the target dies midway, the remaining shots can be divided at random between other targets in the surroundings. Ursa Major is Callisto, one of Artemis' nymphs who broke her oath of chastity and was transformed as divine retribution, then elevated as a constellation. Artemis is a goddess with a deep connection to bears.

>> No.7534521

I belive we might be autosaging.
