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File: 338 KB, 849x1200, 1307710968815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7475612 No.7475612 [Reply] [Original]

They better not screw up Shizuka's h scene this time, every single scene with her in past games has been terrible except maybe in Kichikuou were she gets raped, but not by Rance.

>> No.7475642

Kenshin's in this game? Well fuck me, that's great!

>> No.7475656
File: 329 KB, 647x906, 9485001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh cool, Noir's gonna be in this

>> No.7475681
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>> No.7475702

Where's Sill?

>> No.7475712
File: 745 KB, 1027x1255, aca86703cc812c6f4e72ccedb9697230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even say it, man

>> No.7475763


>> No.7475764
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1265252094106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7475786

she's just chilling.
I mean that she's in JAPAN and won't be leaving anytime soon

>> No.7475990

It's not going to be the same without Sill, guys.

>> No.7476035
File: 158 KB, 800x600, ランス02_20110613_224328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Noir was a surprise, but having just played the Rance2 remake, Tomato's involvement was an even bigger surprise to me.

>> No.7476063

So glad Noir is going to be in it. Didn't think she would even be considered. Only person I will miss from Sengoku is Senihime.

And you mean people are actually sad Sil isn't going to be in this? It's a nice breath of fresh air if they leave her out for a few games. She's O.K I guess but I think Rance would be funnier without her.

>> No.7476297

Anyone here completed Rance 2? How the hell do i get past the succubus? Just keeps lowering my health and stamina.

>> No.7476313

So, who can't wait until Hornet meets the business end of Kayblis' razor tentacle dicks?

>> No.7476336

Go back to the guy who had his stamina sucked out in the other house, he'll tell you what to do next.

>> No.7476384


Thanks, bro.

>> No.7476475
File: 69 KB, 800x599, erere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise

Having problems installing Rance 2. I get this screen after the OP and can't click anything.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled like half a dozen times now.
I've tried putting the patch files directly into ランス02
I've tried putting them in while still in the folder they come in

I'm out of ideas

Anyone know where I dun goofed?

>> No.7476484


Let the patch run a while, the command window closes by itself when it's done, you're not closing it by yourself are you?

>> No.7476538


Some other anon's game. Delete all the saves to start a new game.

>> No.7476692

Somehow I feel really attached to these 2 and their quarrels. But then they are probably just there to be Kenshin's supports.

>> No.7476766

What am I supposed to do with the stakes in Shizuka's mansion?

>> No.7476776

The RQ cover looks more like Nippon Ichi's than FE's.

>> No.7476780


Go talk to maria again about shizuka, she will tell you to look at that bookcase again, once you do that go to the table in the middle and you will find a third stake. The thing you find in the bookcase should show you where to place the stakes

>> No.7476810

>not Omachi to finally fuck her in canon
Really, Alicesoft?

>> No.7476812

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7476817

as good as Omachi is, I'd pick Noir every time
that said, Rance games rarely make you choose between heroines

>> No.7477070

What is the 10k sm item used for?

>> No.7477119

Hey man,

I may not the smartest when it comes to all that technology stuffs, but I'm not completely retarded ¬_¬

That worked perfectly

thanks loads!

>> No.7477128

just for cg completion, use it on sill at camp. you need the rope before the whip to trigger the option though.

>> No.7477174
File: 123 KB, 805x624, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I unlock these two last cg?

>> No.7477191

They're not CGs, just placeholders. Un-unlocked CG slots have the logo over them.

>> No.7477199

Oh ok then. The last thing left to do is somehow get that one missing character sprite.

How the hell am I going to do this?

>> No.7477265


Don't rape that injured girl in chapter 1, instead just help her and meet her in the bar.

>> No.7477273


I was just suggesting that since i did that mistake myself since it didn't make any progress for a while.

>> No.7477289

Speak to the Hanny bartender several times in chapter 1 while looking for the Evaporation fruit, a completely random character called takoyaki introduces himself, then never shows up again.

>> No.7477298

Rance is more of an asshole without Sill.

His actions with her gone in Kichikouh were pretty fucked up. Like what he did to Leila, for example.

Luckily, Shield-Tan, Kou and Kanami should keep his shit under control.... for now.

>> No.7477302

I got this one already.

Can you give me a cap of the guy? I only started keeping my saves at chapter two and I sort of don't want to play it again.

>> No.7477309

>Like what he did to Leila, for example.
That wasn't him. That was Lia.
Sill wasn't with Rance for most of 02, and he wasn't that much of an asshole. Sill couldn't really stop Rance during Rance IV.

>> No.7477340

Does anyone have a patch link? http://www.hgtp.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49 isn't loading

>> No.7477342
File: 170 KB, 800x600, ランス02_20110614_043953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

Also try talking to the Office Ladies in Ran's Workplace during chapter 6.

>> No.7477357

I like tomato. There is a certain charm to her that makes her the best girl in Rance 2 for me.

>> No.7477367

I'm missing that fucking thing. Man, they most likely added these in just to make you wonder what you were missing when you finished the game.

I'm not going to bother but at least I know what it is, thanks.

>> No.7477421
File: 232 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Yuzumi

>> No.7477665



If it was supposed to stay open for a while then maybe something was corrupt in my patch installer. Mine only took like ~5 seconds before closing itself.

I should have thought of that before

>> No.7477971

Mah bro! This makes me very sad...

>> No.7478143

Why is Kanami is this game? Isn't her level cap pretty terrible?

>> No.7478166

Rance can fuck her and it'll rise up, right?

>> No.7478175

that would require her being above lv.35 first

>> No.7478180

She was already around lv50 in the VI.

>> No.7478181


Her level cap is atleast 40.

>> No.7478187


her level cap is 40

but it didn't start that way

>> No.7478195

She is still a horrible ninja, though

but that's part of her charm

>> No.7478211
File: 15 KB, 152x148, 0756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl with shark teeth? new character?

>> No.7478212

you have to realize that in the world of Rance, the game devs(gods) made it so that your average human caps at lv.10

lv.20 cap is considered very good
lv.30 cap is 1 in 10,000
over lv.40 cap is 1 in 100,000

>> No.7478219


>> No.7478217

I noticed that Pastel isn't on the cover

Aegis = true Pastel Kalar confirmed?

>> No.7478229


>> No.7478971

How can i unlock machiko CG ?

>> No.7480127

Talk to her, check her computer, keep messing with it repeatedly.

>> No.7481569

Is this the actual thing of how it goes?

>> No.7485452
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>> No.7486502
File: 391 KB, 850x1200, r8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone read the far upper-left corner? The name on Magic's left.

>> No.7486514

There's are at least three pictures of Pastel, sir. How about you take a look at the official site?

>> No.7486533

Wait, Cola ditched Arios to meet up with Rance?

>> No.7486537


I did not notice until you pointed it out.

>> No.7486544

I'm bad with names.... Nukimi?
kanji for "pull" and "beauty". Take that as you will, I claim no guarantee of accuracy here.

>> No.7486625

kanami = iranaiko

that made me giggle

>> No.7486649

>kanami = iranaiko
Kanami is love. I mad.

>> No.7486725

Oh, it's Yuzumi! God damn.

>kanji for "pull" and "beauty".
That was enough hint. Thanks for the help.

>> No.7486740
File: 376 KB, 750x1000, superior-ninjah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that Suzume > Kanami

>> No.7486758

Yeah, I super mad and super sad.

>> No.7486817

>still wanting Rance to impregnate her
>chases him all the way to the mainland
It's this, right?

>> No.7486855

rance's daughter is so adorable
