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7472835 No.7472835 [Reply] [Original]

Why are animals ears on girls appealing? I never understood this

>> No.7472847


>> No.7472854

For a second I thought you said "disappearing" and I panicked.

I don't know. Personally I find furries attractive to a degree as well so this probably isn't a question I should be answering anyway.

>> No.7472864

>animal ears

Two separate issues. Completely separate. You are a retard.

>> No.7472866

Makes the girl seem more wild or more tamable or manageable depending on the animal.

That is an entirely different can of worms, one that should stay closed.

>> No.7472869

Maybe because most people find little dogs,cats or bunnies cute and therefore associate their ears with positive feelings

>> No.7472871
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Why are breasts on girls appealing? I never understood this.

>> No.7472876

True, but it had been mentioned in the post above so I thought I may as well voice what I was thinking. It's not like that's my preference in any case.

And you are correct.

>> No.7472887
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I'd only go as far as 2, since I hate body hair

>> No.7472893
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oops, wrong one

>> No.7472897

That artist has drawn far too much seemingly adorable vore for me to go near anything there.

>> No.7472900

monstergirls need love too

>> No.7472902

3 for me, 4 is acceptable.

>> No.7472906
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I never understood it either, but at the same time I can't deny the appeal either.

>> No.7472915

So the difference between 4 and 5 is really just the hairstyle? That's a bit dubious.

>> No.7472918

Humanoid joints

>> No.7472923
File: 103 KB, 602x595, 247947_116891931731172_100002310963496_158702_4379524_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just are.

>> No.7472926

Because the girls take on the qualities of the animal in question while still remaining girls. Cats and bunnies are especially sexual in our culture, by ears of cats and bunnies to girls they take on the sexual quality while still appearing pure and virginal. It's as if they're waiting for you to take their virginity and open them up to the strong sexual desires that their animal ears suggest they have.

All that by simply adding ears and a tail? Imagery is a pretty powerful tool.

>> No.7472928

They look the same to me, and the text doesn't say anything about that.

>> No.7472930

Look at da feet.

Also 4 and onwards is danger zone.

3 is only acceptable because paws has been done well in anime before.

>> No.7472939

Eh, still not seeing it. The knee joint just looks like it's covered up in 5 rather than not being there. Regardless, it's hardly anything worth arguing about.

>> No.7472947

Replace breasts with "nipples" and you're golden.

Draw the line at 3.

But a lamia is fine too.

>> No.7472969

I don't know what it feels like to experience affection from a girl (Bags of sand, etc...). But from a cat or bunny, yes. So it serves as a way for me to empathically connect.

>> No.7472994

It's not furry if it has a human face and torso.

>> No.7473047 [DELETED] 

Speaking of that, why is there so little variety on girls with animal ears? It's almost always cat, dog or fox, even rabbits are rare and this is in stark contrast to other monstergirls that are much more diverse despite not being as popular. I've seen furries draw insane spectacles right out of unspeakable tomes of Carcosa like a humanoid orca or giraffe, so why isn't there a shrew-eared girl who constantly needs to eat in order to meet her absurdly high energy requirements (and still has a washboard chest due to her metabolism, much to her chagrin) or a near-blind star-nosed mole girl with two large masses of pink, fleshy tentacles stemming from her hair instead of animal ears? As her sight would be severely impaired, she'd have to slowly feel around your body instead, but her nose would be so sensitive that she'd know where you have been, whom you talked to, what you have eaten and how many times you masturbated for for the past week by your smell before you enter the same room as her, so she'd make a great potential yandere. And the Madagascar sucker-footed bat would be perfect for foot fetishists - those secrete a fluid from their feet to adhere to broad leaves, so she'd be able to instantly lubricate her feet and rub your penis with her own sticky, wet fluids while blushing and berating you for being a lewd pervert who gets off to a little girl's feet.

>> No.7473051

Speaking of that, why is there so little variety on girls with animal ears? It's almost always cat, dog or fox, even rabbits are rare and this is in stark contrast to other monstergirls that are much more diverse despite not being as popular. I've seen furries draw insane spectacles right out of unspeakable tomes of Carcosa like a humanoid orca or giraffe, so why isn't there a shrew-eared girl who constantly needs to eat in order to meet her absurdly high energy requirements (and still has a washboard chest due to her metabolism, much to her chagrin) or a near-blind star-nosed mole girl with two large masses of pink, fleshy tentacles stemming from her hair instead of animal ears? As her sight would be severely impaired, she'd have to slowly feel around your body instead, but her nose would be so sensitive that she'd know where you have been, whom you talked to, what you have eaten and how many times you masturbated for for the past week by your smell before you enter the same room as her, so she'd make a great potential yandere.

And the Madagascar sucker-footed bat would be perfect for foot fetishists - those secrete a fluid from their feet to adhere to broad leaves, so she'd be able to instantly lubricate her feet and rub your penis with her own sticky, wet fluids while blushing and berating you for being a lewd pervert who gets off to a little girl's feet.

>> No.7473070

hello biology-kun.
When will you finally turn such ideas into doujins?
Actually while reading this text 2 doujins came to my mind, one with a coacroach girl and one with a undersea monster girl thing which kind of looked like a coakroach too.

>> No.7473110
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Just is, man

>> No.7473112
File: 177 KB, 1440x810, hidan_no_aria_ep9_099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For a second I thought you said "disappearing" and I panicked.

Animal ears are doing well. The number of catgirls out there is about the same, but catgirl cosplay within anime is on the rise.

>> No.7473123
File: 153 KB, 1366x768, softenni_ep9_133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can think of 4 girls this season alone who wore cat costumes.

>> No.7473130
File: 158 KB, 877x1065, astarotte_no_omocha_ep8_63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7473142
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1&2 are fine. 3 is okay, but Felicia types have never really been my thing. 4 is the uncanny valley, and why furries are bad. 6 is a cute animal that would be in a cartoon. 7 & 8aare just cute pets except that 7 can talk probably. 5 is fine too in a completely different other-side-of-the-uncanny-valley way.

Or at least comics have presented type 5 as incredibly moe.

>> No.7473169
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, [Hiryuu-HiNA] Dog Days 10 [1280x720 H264 AAC] [D1A36484].mkv_snapshot_14.54_[2011.06.13_00.19.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even rabbits are rare
Not anymore.

>> No.7473171
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Cosplay catgirls also "nya" a lot more. True catgirls only sometimes make cute noises.

Ferris nyan very related:


>> No.7473173

>a near-blind star-nosed mole girl with two large masses of pink, fleshy tentacles stemming from her hair instead of animal ears?

I love you to death biology anon but fuck no.

>> No.7473186

>Why are animals ears on girls appealing? I never understood this
Because it means they want to fuck.

>> No.7473198
File: 315 KB, 760x1097, astarotte-no-omocha-5-image-gallery-057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dog Days was expected, but Lotte no Omocha turned into a real animal ear treasure trove. I knew about the cow-girl maid from the promos, but was surprised to see the countless other animal eared girls as side characters.

>> No.7473225

Go back to /a/ you piece of shit.

>> No.7473240

it's not just /a/ though. JRPGs are infested with catgirls still.

Even touhou seemed to get a higher ratio of animal eared girls than the early days.

>> No.7473295

>Why are animals ears on girls appealing?
Because some people would like to put girls on the same level as pet, not person. I'm one of those people.

>> No.7473521
File: 138 KB, 2621x2171, playboy-2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even rabbits are rare
Oh really?

>> No.7473529

Oh my god that dress

Yeah it's all about objectifying women, but that's the great thing about them not being real women in the first place.

Seriously this is why I don't like real porn, I don't like to look at women that way.

>> No.7473617

I'm extremely turned on. Fuck you biology bro.

>> No.7473643

I only like rabbit girls and bird girls. cats and dogs are shit.

>> No.7473654

What's the appeal of a bird girl? They either look like angels without the heavenly beauty or have wings for ears, which is even worse than elf ears.

They can't even make any cute noises.

>> No.7475211
File: 1.62 MB, 1141x1200, harpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that this isn't cute, nor would it be capable of making cute noises?

>> No.7475528
File: 223 KB, 800x560, foxbuddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tomes of Carcosa

Whoa... seriously, sounds amazing. Need to read that.

>humanoid orca or giraffe

On second thought, maybe not.

>> No.7475589
File: 131 KB, 578x850, furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is, but I don't really associate. On other hand I wouldn't mind to put an animal on the same level as girl.

>> No.7475631
File: 231 KB, 450x700, 4756933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the way down to 5 is fine in my opinion but I prefer 2-3 to 4-5 in most cases.

>> No.7475694
File: 2.34 MB, 1600x1200, 9755599de5ef0f9d11f26503ece108a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3's about as far is I'd go. Really depends on the artist and style though.

>> No.7475727

this "kemono" shit makes me sick.

>> No.7475915

But its kemonomimi. For the most part and monstergirls are classified completely different.

>> No.7476613
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>> No.7477589

How dare you?!

>> No.7477594

They aren't, you furfaggot.

>> No.7477598

Because playboy

>> No.7477723
File: 197 KB, 675x1050, yabai_summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477738

5000% better.

>> No.7477903
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