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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 250x250, ZUN!bar appreciation thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7452285 No.7452285 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7452288

I liked him before he left but he's been kind of a dick since he got back.

>> No.7452293


>> No.7452294

This smells like green concrete.

>> No.7452297

fuck off, Sion

>> No.7452313

I normally just ignore when you do this Sion, but:

>>he's been kind of a dick since he got back.

How so? This hasn't been my intention, so let me know what's up so I can correct it.

Unless it's something really silly of course.

>> No.7452317
File: 61 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 04 [4AE1E4E8].mkv_snapshot_14.49_[2010.04.28_02.34.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452318


>> No.7452319
File: 221 KB, 400x400, Marseille squiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452322

But zun!bar/sion/suigin, why do you need your dick sucked when you can do it yourself?

>> No.7452324


zun!bar's always been a shitposter. You just grew up and left him behind.

>> No.7452328

Why are you friends with all of the formspring shitposters now?

>> No.7452327
File: 112 KB, 378x414, autism20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452333


Birds of a feather.

>> No.7452340

ZUN!bar is the tripfag I want to be like someday.

>> No.7452343

ZUN!bar is cool. Unlike sion, he can be intelligent, even when shitposting.

>> No.7452352


Baby's first internet buzzword. Man up already.

If someone is nice to me, then I'll be nice to them back. Actually, someone said this to me before (Hong) and I thought it was really silly.

If you got a beef with someone, then keep it between yourself and that person. Don't drag it with you everywhere you go.

>> No.7452357

What exactly does ZUN!bar do to make my life better?

>> No.7452397

Its fine to have a tripfag appreciation thread every so often as long as its for all tripfags rather than some shitposter, if you insist on sucking on a single trip's cock, at least make it one that actually did shit.

>> No.7452409

>Baby's first internet buzzword. Man up already.
The last tripfag I heard make this argument was Arcueid Brunestud, shitposter extraordinaire.

But just for you, we can call it "posting shit" if the word so offends your sensibilities.

>> No.7452437

Nothing offends me here; it's just a vague term.

I asked for specifics, and nothing was presented. Which simply leads me to think that Anons are complaining about something insignificant (hence the man up thing).

>> No.7452458

I don't like you because you are part of the overall circlejerk and feed Sion attention, which he needs like he needs a seventh cock in his mouth. You have your moments outside of that.

>> No.7452525

>>I don't like you
>>You have your moments outside of that.

Delicious tsundere.

Also I rarely talk to Sion. He doesn't really come here to get all buddy buddy with people (understandable, as people come here for different reasons).

>> No.7452563

ITT: Coloncrucified hormonal nerds attack the nicest guy on the internet.

Whatever, I appreciate you, ZUN!bar.
