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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 185x185, 185px-Rance_6_-_Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7436473 No.7436473 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/!

Let's fuck!

>> No.7436476


>> No.7436480

Hey /a/!

Reported for spam.

>> No.7436484

As much as I love Rance threads, we shouldn't roleplay like our fellow Touhou brethren.

>> No.7436489

Somebody's showing his newfaggotry. Wasn't here since 2007, eh?

>> No.7436494

you'll be the little girl

>> No.7436495

We don't roleplay here, but since you ask...

>> No.7436498

I'm afraid I have no idea to what you refer.

>> No.7436500
File: 12 KB, 200x150, 200px-Sengoku_Rance_-_Gigai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nin nin!!!

>> No.7436509


>> No.7436513

Stop trying to make yourself look like a lololdfag. This is /b/ shit. Also, I agree with the guy you quoted. Seeing how he started his thread, he's probably an /a/ refugee who got told to talk about his favorite lolalphaasfuckgarrapistMC in /jp/. So go back to your main board along with OP. Reported as well.

>> No.7436516
File: 74 KB, 474x600, suzumekimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your nin nin is insufficient. You must go practice.

>> No.7436517

Reported for trying to role play.

>> No.7436523

What the fuck, man? There's already a Rance thread.

>> No.7436540

shitpost is shit

>> No.7436544
File: 41 KB, 400x414, 1283571916565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll nin nin you if you know what I mean.

>> No.7436546

>/b/ shit
Not seeing you trying to enforce your rules on other lol /b/ shit here on /jp/. You just hate on Rance threads and that's obvious or we'd be seeing you all over the front page saging everything.

This game has been here since the first patch got released during 2007. /jp/ has been a guide for people all throughout 2008 and 2009. We still have threads even now.

So unless you ACTUALLY go around every /b/-like thread that appears on /jp/, you better shut the fuck up and just set things on ignore.

>> No.7436555

Oh wait, not the patch, meant the game. The game was here before the patch even was released.

>> No.7436563

You should've learned your lesson before. You never reply to the troll.

>> No.7436573

This teaches you something too, OP. Next time you make a Rance thread, don't copy the vomit-chans or Cirno thread starters. There are some buttdevastated anons here to get you in any way they can.

>> No.7436585

Dump this shit thread, and get your ass here >>7432122

>> No.7436602

It may shock and astound you to realize that >>7436480 was referring to the fact that the OP was from /a/, and AliceSoft titles.

It may also shock and astound you to realize that in 2007, Rance was being discussed, not in /jp/, but in /a/.

It's always just so hard to figure out whether someone's trolling or not.

>> No.7436609

>and not AliceSoft titles.

>> No.7436613

>There are some buttdevastated anons here to get you in any way they can.


>> No.7436622

Yeah, because every Rance thread is made by people from /a/. Sure. Especially when /jp/ was de facto Rance central for over 2 years and counting. Mind you, that Touhou and other visual novels were also discussed in /a/ way before 2007.

>> No.7436633

Not every Rance thread, you stupid fuck. It has something to do with the two-line, four-word OP. And it's an indisputable fact that absolutely nobody was fucking discussing any Rance in /jp/ in 2007.

I hope I'm being trolled by some ultra-jaded board veteran and not some clueless fuck setting himself up as a board authority.

>> No.7436639

>absolutely nobody
You're not on /jp/ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

>> No.7436643

You're actually fucking retarded. Go back to whichever board you came from, because it sure as fuck isn't this one.

>> No.7436644

You'd be surprised at some individuals.

>> No.7436655

Actually, you're just being autistic.

>> No.7436662
File: 22 KB, 368x311, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not on /jp/ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

>> No.7436671

No, you're actually trying to make proclamations about the way the board is based on stuff you've heard second-hand in a half-assed effort to fit in, getting it obviously fucking wrong, and generally being stupid as fuck.

>> No.7436678

The guy you're talking to is a troll, just save yourself the hassle, report the thread and move along.

>> No.7436772

>implying I haven't been to /jp/ since the split
No, you're just being a complete asshole. Most of /jp/ came from /a/, you moron. Those only truly part of /jp/ aren't oldfags at all. You cannot be an oldfag of /jp/ without having been a longtime part of /a/. Fucking autist.
