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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7381929 No.7381929 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, why does every board hate you like they hate /b/?

>> No.7381932


Jealous of your sage and gigantic animu sex pillow?

>> No.7381930


>> No.7381934

Because we're untrollable.

>> No.7381933

We like it that way.
Also, the feelings are mutual.
Now get the fuck out.

>> No.7381936



>> No.7381938

Because we're pedophiles.


>> No.7381940

because /jp/ is shit

>> No.7381941


>> No.7381943

You just won the "most unintentionally ironic statement of 2011" award. And it's still May.

>> No.7381944

easy, that's because Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.7381942 [DELETED] 

Yet another idiot who doesn't know we use sage.

>> No.7381949

Yet another idiot who doesn't know how we use sage.

>> No.7381950

You already got buttrilled with just 1 post by /jp/ regular.

Sorry, you are nothing but pebble under our mighty stride.

>> No.7381948


Summer arrives three months early on 4chan.

didn't you know?

>> No.7381945

What's up with all these fags coming to /jp/ lately?
It ain't even summer yet.

>> No.7381951


>> No.7381952


>> No.7381953

Are you frustrated?

>> No.7381956
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 32152161266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Frustrated about what? im getting the replies I need while bumping the thread

>> No.7381958

Because we're girls, and we don't make them sandwiches.

>> No.7381959
File: 25 KB, 219x232, W_(Double_You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats going on in my kingdom, I will punish you /v/ peasants

>> No.7381960


>im getting the replies I need

What for? Taking screenshots and showing them to your friends so you can gigglesquee together about how pathetic /jp/ is?

Just leave.

>> No.7381962
File: 16 KB, 240x320, 1303565325799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care.

>> No.7381966


>implying I show my friends anything on 4chan
>implying they would give a fuck

>> No.7381965
File: 3 KB, 245x184, yeah_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why the HELL do they hate /b/?
i started out at /b/ a long time ago lol, eh it's alright =/

>> No.7381971


>> No.7381973

Its amazing that none of these faggots do this shit with /a/. Even though there is a furry thread on /a/s front page right now.
You faggots would rather make fun of a tripfag celebrating a birthday. /v/ and /a/ are the same fucking shit.

>> No.7381974

Excuse us OP, those who reply to these kind of threads are people who probably just arrived or just don't know /jp/'s ideology.

Please note that sage isn't considered an insult in this board, as it is slower than any other board by far.


>> No.7381979

What made you come to /jp/? The environment is completely different.

>> No.7381981
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>> No.7381987

ITT OP replies to himself pretending to feed the troll.

>> No.7381990
File: 6 KB, 252x260, 1302144243200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>several posts in the same minute combined with sage

>> No.7381991
File: 101 KB, 500x850, haters_ganna_hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

board hopping, then the split happened from /a/,came here one in a while, started spamming HELL a few years later, decided to settle here after i got a trip

>> No.7381997

>settling after getting a trip
enjoying your internet popularity?
maximum autism

>> No.7382001
File: 31 KB, 512x381, judge_meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like trolling, i like it when everyone gets mad as HELL
the internet popularity is a naizz bonus tho

>> No.7382007

>gets mad as HELL
wrong board bro, we take it easy around here

>> No.7382012


>we take it easy here

Why don't you scroll up a bit.

>> No.7382021

>Scroll up
>See /v/irgins getting analranged

>> No.7382026


>/jp/ calling others virgins

oh u

>> No.7382032

That's the point.

>> No.7382034

Being a lil' insecure about your virginity I see.

>> No.7382035

>He can't read!


>> No.7382044

The one thing I will always love /jp/ for is their ability to tell people from other boards to gtfo.

>> No.7382054

it was better when sions autism pictures had their prime
but this works, too
