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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 701x497, 1259981148998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7360296 No.7360296 [Reply] [Original]

>Sex in the west can be spontaneous, but sex in Japan isn’t, or at least, not in the same way. In Japan, you can’t get in the front door and immediately start stripping each other’s clothes off in the hallway. Well, you can, and your Japanese partner will probably acquiesce because they are Japanese, but deep down they will be hideously uncomfortable and thinking, “Sex? But I’m not mentally prepared! I haven’t done my kokoro no junbi! And she hasn’t had a shower! And I haven’t had a shower! This is kind of gross!”
Shower is important. You should shower directly before and after you have sex. Before is more important than after. This makes me sound like I only ever dated people with OCD, but it’s the norm.

I'm going to have to call bullshit here, I've never seen even the slightest mention of this in any anime/manga/hentai/doujin I've ever watched/read/played. I know the link itself will come off as trolling, but I gotta know your opinions on this, I'm half-way between laughing and raging right now.

>> No.7360301

Reported. Post this tumblr shit of this mental retard on /b/ and leave.

>> No.7360304

Oh, that "some Japanese people do it like this so all Japanese people must do it" thing is pretty common, both in Japanese people writing about Japan for westerners, as well as westerners writing about Japanese.
But nevertheless, this isn't something made up, as you should be aware already - pay attention to pretty much any scenes where characters go to a love hotel, 90% of them start with one/both of them taking a shower.

>> No.7360308

I have seen this sometimes in manga and wondered why women shower before, rather than after sex. I remember that this happened in Love Hina.

Guess it is a mental/ritual thing for some, but I think it is more to calm nerves of first-timers than what they always do.

>> No.7360315

You sure that's the only benefit? No... hygienic benefits? You are dealing with dank, bacteria ready orifices.

Not to mention some partners just purely stink so bad.

>> No.7360316
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So apparently if you have sex with a Japanese person before they get a chance to shower they will be heavily disgusted and mentally scared?

Damn Japs mate like Rhinos, no wonder they're endangered.

>> No.7360318
File: 45 KB, 540x409, W_doubleYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoL You guys a realy true virgins
western People shower before sex often too.

Its not about mental bullshit.

Did you ever lick a women pussy who didn't take shower?Without shower you can forget about oral sex

>> No.7360319

If anyone so much as touches me, I'd be heavily disgusted and mentally scared as well.

>> No.7360324

Maybe if you're talking about those horrible unshaven Japanese pigs, but cute shaven western girls don't have that problem.

>> No.7360328

It's like I'm really reading a sankaku article.

>> No.7360329

>Before I launch into anything, I should say that while I lived in Japan for five years, I have had sex with only a select few people, and that was within long term relationships

>several long-term relationships in the space of five years
it's times like these that I feel how my standards are warped and I'll never fit in their spacetime continuum

>> No.7360330
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>Damn Japs mate like Rhinos, no wonder they're endangered.

It all makes sense...

>> No.7360331

97 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7360332

>Maybe if you're talking about those horrible unshaven real pigs, but cute pure 2D girls don't have that problem.

>> No.7360336
File: 36 KB, 225x349, 848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has nothing to do with shaved or not shaved pussy.
If you want to have oral sex people take shower, the chance you get a disease is low but the chance you want to puke because of the taste is very high.

>> No.7360338

3 months is long-term bro. After 6 months you should have a ring on that finger.

Get with the times.

>> No.7360337

There's plenty of real girls who look cute down there. It's your loss, Anonymous, not mine.

>> No.7360340

Shit thread

>> No.7360342

Cry more at /whine9k/.

>> No.7360343

May it forever be green. Amen.

>> No.7360346

I give oral sex all the time and I honestly don't know what you're talking about. The vagina is self-cleaning.

You're probably trolling because that's a troll trip, but in case you're not, I'd like to know where you got that idea. Maybe from women who shower once a week? I honestly never had any problem going down on my girlfriend whenever I felt like it, but she's always well groomed and clean.

>> No.7360348

>/jp/ - blog culture - whinny kid 9k culture.

>> No.7360350

/jp/ - Japan / General

>> No.7360353
File: 30 KB, 511x384, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current gf , takes shower everyday 2x, times that's normal for japanese.
But you have to understand not all girls are same , same for man.Everyone has a different taste down.
mY ex girlfriend had a awful taste.

>> No.7360365
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1267647664997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like girls to be all natural. That means no shaving and not make up. I also like to smell their natural scent. That gets me off so much.

>> No.7360366

>not there it's dirty

>> No.7360367


did it taste like a...tuna?

>> No.7360373

What the hell happened to my /jp/ why is it riddled with normalfags discussing which orifice to wash first before they stick their faces in eachother's genitals (protip water does not kill bacteria in the slightest). Saged and reported for offtopic normalfaggotry.

>> No.7360375

That's what you get for dating Asian girls!

>> No.7360380


>> No.7360382
File: 109 KB, 244x212, 1305467520282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offtopic normalfaggotry

OP opens the thread by saying he doesn't believe some faggot on tumblr because of his knowledge of...

>> No.7360387

/r9k/ / summerusers influx

>> No.7360390

But it was always like this actually.

>> No.7360392

THIS. Well, except scent because I like these things in H works.

>> No.7360393

Yeah, all the 2 weeks you've been here.

>> No.7360400

Guess who's back.

Back again.

Report this thread;

Tell a friend.

>> No.7360402

This is the only person I believe in this thread mainly because I have always thought this as well.

>> No.7360404

I've been a /jp/er since >>1, I just enjoy countering the increasingly retarded "3DPD NEET legion" that's increasingly annoying and autistic every once in a while.

>> No.7360412

>Before I launch into anything, I should say that while I lived in Japan for five years, I have had sex with only a select few people, and that was within long term relationships, so it’s not as if I have personally taken a wide sample. But I had a network of Japanese friends (mostly female) and every time I encountered a cultural difference I immediately pumped them all for information, asking my millions of questions. I make generalized statements only when something that I personally experienced was confirmed as The Norm.

And if you keep reading it, you'll see that whenever she encountered something weird, she ask a bunch of her friends about it before calling it CONFIRMED WEIRD JAPANESE THING.

>> No.7360414

So you enjoy doing shit unrelated to /jp/ instead of being loyal to something you've followed since the start?

Yeah makes a lot of fucking sense.

>> No.7360411 [DELETED] 

there are people who blanch at it being socially acceptable to wash your waste-ejecting organs before sex? being obsessive about it isn't so good, possibly, but it seems like a good rule. then again, i suppose shower sex is kind of a fetish to me.

either way, obviously they're not obsessive about it as a fantasy. maybe this is why you come across so many scenes which have a focus on people not being washed in manga.

>> No.7360417

So do I. It's like shooting fish in a barrel and provides endless entertainment.

>> No.7360420

So, you are a weakling in real life, and you have to pretend you're strong online. Yeah mate, come back when you've grown up.

>> No.7360430

>The vagina is self-cleaning.
you have a pretty weird definition of clean. the vagina is full of bacteria including fecal coliform in a lot of women. there's also urea and vinegar compounds. you might as well lick a toilet bowl.

>> No.7360435

That sounds an awful lot like /jp/'s "I HATE 3D" users.

>> No.7360436
File: 7 KB, 259x194, dfsdfsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but in hes last manga the 7 year old loli who had 10 sexual partners said its self cleaning.

Dont tell me mangas are not like real life?

>> No.7360441

/jp/ is "All Otaku Things Welcome" still. All decent attempts of self-regulation have failed (partly due to moot being a shithead, partly due to random/psychotic/clueless moderation, partly due to /jp/'s userbase being comprised of whiny hypocritical autistic manbabies who shout "GB2/?/", "GET OUT * DEVS" and "REPORTED" at every thread they don't like). Ever since AoC quit and the new mods were instated, I've been refusing to accept any kind of rules other than the ones posted on 4chan's rule page.

There is nothing wrong with this thread (other than posts discussing the board itself, like this one), it's perfectly related to /jp/. It's actually interesting as fuck to read about a subject like this, but sadly it cannot be discussed seriously due to the retarded knee-jerk reaction some people have here.

Nothing about /jp/'s culture says you have to hate women. So maybe you're /r9k/er who should go back to sucking athens's cock if you believe so.

>> No.7360449

Can't you let us have one board? Even if you're been here just as long, why can't you just move to /soc/ or, not even needing to go so far, any other board? Because every other board is completely fine with this kind of talk. Where is our place? Do you have to come to wherever we are and throw your love for hairy, greasy, bitchy real women in our faces? Can't you at least pretend you have the same mentality while you're here?

>> No.7360452

I don't think /jp/'s "I HATE 3D" users, as you present it so abundant in strawmannery, pretend to be strong in real life in the slightest. If they were strong, they would be knee-deep in reeking axe wounds before they knew whether they liked it or not, and they would be forever tainted and unable to ascend to Gensokyo.

Unless you mean they pretend to be strong in will, so that while they claim they refrain from 3D, they actually have girlfriends and exs and wives and fuckbuddies.

>> No.7360457

>Nothing about /jp/'s culture says you have to hate women.
I never said that, so if you were trying to teach me a lesson, you don't have to.

What I was referring to on "doing shit unrelated to /jp/" was: "I just enjoy countering the increasingly retarded "3DPD NEET legion"".

Since you're replying I'm assuming the hat fits you.

>> No.7360459

/jp/ is full of normals now, homie. you need to migrate to the underground boards.

>> No.7360465

I like how every thread can be derailed by saying it doesn't belong on /jp/ and then throwing arguments about how /jp/ is a pure sanctuary for their favorite topic.

>> No.7360468

>all otaku things welcome
>3d sex

yeah. no

>> No.7360472

One has nothing to do with other.

>> No.7360496
File: 195 KB, 700x900, computer tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please /jp/ don't feed these trolls. We are clearly being spammed by shitposters like "King of /jp/". Just chill out and go play a VN for an hour or so and by then they should be gone.

>> No.7360501
File: 16 KB, 275x400, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you hate quality threads and posts

>> No.7360507

HA! Even if I play a VN (actually, I am right now) I still have to tab out every couple minutes to refresh the front page.

>> No.7360527

>I've never seen even the slightest mention of this in any anime/manga/hentai/doujin I've ever watched/read/played.
Then you haven't watched/read/played very many because it comes up all the time.
