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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 200x200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7269281 No.7269281 [Reply] [Original]

Sluttiest kana.

Don't even try to deny it ふfags.

>> No.7269297

kind of looks like someone squeezing out a shit

>> No.7269295

fu looks kinda like a face can't unsee it

>> No.7269309

Heisig says it's a fool because it tried to count it's puppy dog tails and came up with 2 (つ) but forgot the one on it's head.

>> No.7269319

Sluttiest Kanji - 売春婦

>> No.7269337

My handwriting with ふ is utter shit. Not like I care though, as long as I can read it.

>> No.7269352

I always thought 翁 looked like a face, an old man with a feathery beard.

>> No.7269361

I always saw ろ as a 3.

>> No.7269385

ふ looks like a Hydralisk.

>> No.7269393

I can't write Japanese worth shit. I can read it fine, but my mind goes blank whenever I try to put the letters on paper.

>> No.7269400

む kind of looks like a cow's face.

And it's "mu", so it sounds like "moo". Coincidence?

>> No.7269414

That looks nothing like a cows face.
It looks more like the Eiffel Tower than it does a cow's face.

>> No.7269422

What? I don't see the cow face. It just looks like a backwards su with a mark in the upper right to me.

>> No.7269430
File: 50 KB, 342x342, aahhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It does!

>> No.7269433

>Heisig says

I really hope you don't mean to suggest you bought one of Heisig's placebo books just for learning kana.

>> No.7269441

It looks like a severely distorted 小 to me.

>> No.7269460

That is a headless dude

>> No.7269469

no way that looks like a sprinkler

>> No.7269488

I downloaded them, then ignored them and used flashcards instead.

>> No.7269497

Fuck this test reminded me I have a kanji test tomorrow

30 new ones.

Oh boy, I guess I should start looking at them soon.

>> No.7269504

You say that as if it's a bad thing. If it makes you FEEL like you're learning better, does it really matter? It really will stick in your head if you feel confident in your ability to retain it from his books.

Though his kana books are pretty worthless though.

Not like it does any harm feeling comfortable around kanji. Regardless of how you get comfortable around them, the point is you can write them, identify them (even if the word is off, just giving it a name makes it easier to tackle; eventually you won't even use the code words anymore because you'll replace them with Japanese words), and generally not give up when you see a lot of them.

>> No.7269511

笑 and 麗 look like faces to me.

>> No.7269516

I think that ☺ looks like a face.

>> No.7269523

Doubtful, considering the kanji themselves as we know it are standards of older versions that were more difficult and in some cases ....

>> No.7269533

☃ I love the kanji for yuki because it's a fucking snowman.

>> No.7269537
File: 35 KB, 600x600, ancient heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....Are just fucking creepy

>> No.7269539

Your face when 患者 (kanji) means 'complicated' [as HELL]?

>> No.7269541
File: 15 KB, 200x228, 1302661161968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first kanji looks like ransmirk.jpg

>> No.7269549

whos the anime character in the pic

>> No.7269555
File: 28 KB, 600x618, SNOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because children and weeaboos are surrounding us ,doesn't mean I'm going to let the stupid shit you say fly motherfucker

>> No.7269553
File: 51 KB, 1002x690, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat! Too bad you have to zoom in so much to see it properly.

>> No.7269562

Good news, you just described 60% of the most frequently used kanji!

>> No.7269563

 testing the yuki snowman

>> No.7269565

Just type in yuki and hit space.

>> No.7269575

雪 did I do it right?

>> No.7269576


That backfired like the fire in HELL

>> No.7269585

i prefer shift_JIS over kanji

.   +   /■\  /■\  /■\  +
      ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))  +     /■\
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ヽノ  ) ) )          (´・ω・`)   ショボーン
       (_)し' し(_) (_)_)           (∩ ∩)

>> No.7269587


You forgot to trip.

>> No.7269600

It's too complicated as HELL to put/type on my iPod touch... I have it as a copy pasta in a notepad every time in my laptop

>> No.7269601

I like the triforce kanji.
▲ ▲

>> No.7269602

區 Fucking boxes.

>> No.7269604

worst thread on /jp/

>> No.7269613

That's nice, but this is a kana thread.

>> No.7269619

I guess <1% of /jp/ actually knows Japanese

>> No.7269623


.          ,__,、
.        /`7`7: : : `ーヘ、
.     ,ィ': / : /|: : :.ト: : :.ミr‐、
.    /:/:./:.ィ^ IV: ハ^ト : Y: :.〉
.    V: /: ィ圷 ∨ r圷、:.:|: :{
.     {从V{ ヒソ  ヒソ从|:.:.|    < That'll be the day
.     j:ハ: ト、'' 、_, '''イ: |lヘ:ゝ
..        V<ミ≧冖彡jノ
 r、     r、/ヾ ̄下ヘ
 ヽヾ 三 |:l1、_ヽ/__ .ィヽ
  \>ヽ/ |` }    n_n| |
   ヘ lノ `'ソ     l ゚ω゚| |
    /´  /      ̄|. |
    \. ィ   ___ |  |
        | ノ     l |  |
      | |      i:|

>> No.7269635

I base this on facts and statistics that I have collected.
Not from a random estimation that I got from one thread.

>> No.7269642

Do you see "/jp/ - Japanese Culture" at the top?

No? Well that is because we aren't fucking weeaboos like you who care about japan.

>>>/a/ , fucking weeaboo scum.

>> No.7269650


>> No.7269653


    ( ´・ω・`)     ∧_∧
    /     \   (´Д` ) What the fuck is
.__| |    .| |_ /      ヽ this guy talking about
||\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   / .|   | |
||\..∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ ./
||.  (    )     ~\_____ノ|   ∧_∧
  /   ヽ  Shut up man.  \|   ( ´_ゝ`) Drunken bastard
  |     ヽ           \/     ヽ.
  |    |ヽ、二⌒)        / .|   | |
  .|    ヽ \∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ /

>> No.7269658

Calm down

>> No.7269662


>> No.7269669

誰のママが知らない? 所で、私は君のワイフをファっクしている。

>> No.7269686


>> No.7269690


Knowing Japanese has nothing to do with liking Japan.

I speak english, and yet, I do not like England or America.

Languages are just a means to an end.

>> No.7269709


>> No.7269845
File: 20 KB, 255x150, Hydralisk_SC1_Art3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. All other associations are retarded.
