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File: 964 KB, 1200x1600, Curiosities_of_lotus_asia_03_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7225165 No.7225165 [Reply] [Original]

Has ZUN done/let artists he hires do other fanservice like this? Where has it appeared as well?

>> No.7225174

Lotus Land Story

>> No.7225178


>> No.7225192

In SSiB Remilia invited Reimu and Marisa to her pool, in winter, so she can ogle at their bodies clad in bikinis while sipping drinks made by Sakuya and eating BBQ made by Koakuma.
For example.

>> No.7225193
File: 296 KB, 834x1200, SSiB21_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7225195
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>> No.7225202

Is there any official touhou printwork that isn't fanservice?

>> No.7225219

How is that fanservice?They are just cooking

>> No.7225222


>> No.7225238

That's what Touhou fanservice is.

>> No.7225241

"How is that fanservice? They are just wearing <fetish> outfits."

>> No.7225242

What's with /jp/ and worthless saging?

>> No.7225245

For some reason that picture reminds me of Big Mama Marisa.

>> No.7225246

Because that's what sage is for. Worthless posts. Like most of the posts on /jp/.

>> No.7225249


I always thought that story was just a way for ZUN to add himself into the Touhou world by means of Rinosuke and at the same time to turn Gensokyo into yet another anachronic world that japs love so much and i personally hate it because it takes the charm out of it by resorting to a way too common subject

>> No.7225248

Including yours?
I use noko for that, though.

>> No.7225251

In modern world even cooking has "sexual" meaning or is fetish of some sick people. No wonder when sum of intelligence is constant and population is rising.

>> No.7225254

Explain further, please?

>> No.7225256

> resorting to a way too common subject
What do you mean by this?

>> No.7225260

Because having the four same exact threads hog the front page all day is rude to everyone else that wants to make some sort of thread. Everyone posting on-topic material deserves a chance at the front page. So basically, sage is kind and not a way to 'vote' threads.

And it is spelled sageing.

>> No.7225273

I mean an anachronic world where one could have items from several eras and so.
But even that is not so bad, the problem is he took the time to explain what we could all have just implied it. That is, that items from the other world just randomly appear on Gensokyo.

>> No.7225282

Zun already refers to himself as the kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine though. It either means that he is Reimu's father or her husband.

Rinnosuke is just a character made so he can dump some information on Gensokyo while using the thought process of someone normal.

>> No.7225312

It doesn't need to be a father or husband. Brother, uncle, any kind of family would do.
Reimu was stated to be the last of her family, but that was prior to game 6 which is not considered proper canon.

>> No.7225383

Could someone explain me why maid dresses are generally considered fetichist? To me it has always been either a symbol of the greatness of maids - which are loyal to their master, elegant, and can do nearly anything - or just another beautiful frilly outfit.

>> No.7225505

Because at some point people forgot that maid dresses are supposed to be dresses, not miniskirts.

>> No.7225559

I went to check on Wikipedia to confirm that you're wrong and found this in the process:

>English has diverse translation equivalents for Japanese miko. While "shrine maiden" is frequently used, other equivalents are "female shaman" (aka "shamaness" or "shamanka")...

No, really, this is important. Why are we even calling Reimu a shrine maiden when it does nothing but give people the wrong idea? Maiden, seriously? Shamaness would be a much better fit, it perfectly describes her duties and position in Gensokyo's society, not to mention her behavior.

>> No.7225581

>Miko (巫女?, literally "shaman woman") is a Japanese term that anciently meant a "female shaman, spirit medium" who conveyed oracles from kami ("spirits; gods"), and currently means a "shrine maiden; virgin consecrated to a deity" who serves at Shinto shrines.

>Japanese term that anciently meant a "female shaman, spirit medium"

>and currently means a "shrine maiden; virgin consecrated to a deity"
Reimu is NOT a virgin.

>> No.7225592

Would you mind telling me who took her virginity then?

>> No.7225596
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>> No.7225599


>> No.7225601

Uh huh.

>> No.7225621

She did it with her broom she uses to sweep shrine.

>> No.7225633

What chapter is that from anyway?

>> No.7225655
File: 374 KB, 1043x1509, 1298948764462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?


>> No.7225684
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>> No.7225761

ZUN only meant that the history of the PC-98 wasn't important, i.e: will never reference it ever again. That doesn't erase the character facts, which are different from the story, eg: Reimu's hatred for training started in SoEW.

The fact that Reimu is the last member of her family only means that either ZUN became the kannushi after HrTP or that he's her husband.

>> No.7225773


>> No.7225810

OSP, I think chapter 6 or so.

If you don't know where it's from you might be interested to know it's canon.

>> No.7226208
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1600, Curiosities_of_lotus_asia_08_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7226221

Reimu is so wet.

>> No.7226377
File: 527 KB, 1583x2060, Curiosities_of_lotus_asia_15_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Marisa's alternate outfit.

>> No.7228138

>During the feudal Kamakura period (1185–1333) when Japan was controlled by militaristic shoguns, the miko was forced into a state of mendicancy as the shrines and temples that provided her with a livelihood fell into bankruptcy. Disassociated from a religious context, her performance moved further away from a religious milieu and more toward one of a non-ecclesiastical nature. The travelling miko, known as the aruki miko, became associated with prostitution. (Kuly 2003:199)

Traditional shrine maiden.

>> No.7228155

I prefer this shrine maiden.

>The country [Japan] formerly had a man as ruler. For some seventy or eighty years after that there were disturbances and warfare. Thereupon the people agreed upon a woman for their ruler. Her name was Himiko [卑彌呼]. She occupied herself with magic and sorcery, bewitching the people. Though mature in age, she remained unmarried. She had a younger brother who assisted her in ruling the country. After she became the ruler, there were few who saw her. She had one thousand women as attendants, but only one man. He served her food and drink and acted as a medium of communication. She resided in a palace surrounded by towers and stockades, with armed guards in a state of constant vigilance.

So it was practically Iono-sama Fanatics in ancient Japan, with a lesbian queen and her harem of 1,000 young maidens. She was also the priestess of Amatsu Mikaboshi, a shut-in deity who never did anything of note despite putatively being the god of evil.

And yes, that's the same Himiko you can capture as a monk unit in Sengoku Rance.

>> No.7228196
File: 139 KB, 1000x700, nendroid sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn, all this time I thought Sanae was a slut, but it turns out she's just a whore because prostitution is her job.

>> No.7228239
File: 70 KB, 231x371, wutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Sanae enjoys every penises that enter her holes; the money is jut for formalities sake.

>> No.7228272

Sanae is a pure and good girl.

>> No.7228282
File: 62 KB, 512x512, 1300264793874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is pure in the sense that she sucks dick because she likes to
most women do it for the money, but shes a true patriot of the phallus

>> No.7228291

I seem to recall a few bloomer shots in the Inaba series.

>> No.7228307

I prefer that kind of interpretation, to "she does it for faith" or something equally lame.

There's at least two of them. Reisen and Tei respectively.

>> No.7228324
File: 35 KB, 201x416, reimushot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one in the new manga that's a bit lewd.

>> No.7228565

Yes, both Reimu and Sanae are eternal virgins.
They are exactly that which doesn't exist in the real world anymore.
Well, the rest of Zun's waifus are all the same so it's not a very great find.
